
Does Southside with You have end credit scenes?


Southside with You does not have end credit scenes.

Southside with You

Southside with You


As the sun-kissed streets of Chicago come alive, a historic romance unfolds. In the sweltering summer of '89, Barack Obama, a charming young community organizer, takes a chance on Michelle Robinson, a driven lawyer, embarking on a transformative first date that will set in motion the foundation of their extraordinary journey together.

Runtime: 84 min

Box Office: $6.6M








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6.3 /10

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Check out what happened in Southside with You!

In the sweltering summer of 1989, Chicago's vibrant streets provided the backdrop for an unlikely encounter between Barack Obama (himself) and Michelle Robinson. As they geared up for a gathering that was, by Michelle's decree, purely platonic in nature, the air was thick with anticipation. Michelle, a second-year associate at a corporate law firm, had been clear from the outset: this was not a date. Despite Barack's persistent invitations to go out, she remained resolute, convinced that their professional relationship would suffer if they crossed the line.

Michelle's preparations were meticulous, as she worked to present her best self. Living with her family, she faced playful jibes from her parents about dressing up for what was, after all, a non-date. Her quick retort – "You taught me to always look my best" – betrayed a deep-seated respect for her upbringing, even as she reaffirmed that this community meeting was strictly a professional endeavor.

Barack, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the gravity of the situation. As he lounged in his cluttered apartment, phone clutched to his ear, he chatted with his grandmother about the woman he was about to meet. Her words of caution – "You don't want to be late" – fell on deaf ears, as Barack continued to downplay his nerves. Finally, he hung up, shrugged into a dress shirt (no tie necessary), and set off in his trusty Datsun Sentra.

The drive was a restless one, marked by anxious puffs on a cigarette and a flurry of breath spray applications. As Barack pulled up outside Michelle's house, the tension mounted. With two quick puffs to steady his nerves, he put out the cigarette, took a deep breath, and stepped out into the night – ready, or at least trying to appear so, for what lay ahead.

As Barack (played by [actor name]) stumbles upon Michelle outside her residence, their initial encounter is marked by a subtle sense of tardiness. Michelle's remark that he's late is met with his own sheepish admission that he had hoped she wouldn't notice. The unspoken tension is palpable as they acknowledge the significance of this first day at the law firm, with Michelle emphasizing her role as his advisor and the responsibility that comes with it. Despite their differing perspectives on punctuality, they find common ground in their shared goal to attend the community meeting.

However, Barack has other plans, hoping to squeeze in a visit to an art exhibit before their scheduled commitment. Michelle's initial reluctance is tempered by his reassuring words, as he vows to respect her boundaries and only consider their outing a date if she explicitly consents. With this understanding, they set off towards the museum, where Michelle's gaze lingers on the cigarette butts in the ash tray and the hole in the floorboard, a visual reminder of the imperfections that lie beneath the surface.

As they discuss a recent court case, Michelle's frustration with the law firm's partners becomes apparent. She had predicted the motion's failure six months prior, yet her advice was ignored, resulting in a waste of valuable time and resources. Barack probes deeper, asking if it's the partners themselves who are the root of her discontent.

Upon arriving at the museum, Barack's expertise on Ernie Barnes' art is put on full display as he regales Michelle with an in-depth exploration of the artist's history, technique, and cultural significance. His knowledge extends to the iconic TV show Good Times, where Barnes' artwork was prominently featured, and how it serves as a powerful representation of African-American culture. This unexpected display of erudition not only showcases Barack's interests but also underscores the depth of their connection as they navigate the nuances of art, identity, and community.

As Barack ( actor name ) treated Michelle to a casual lunch in a picturesque park, the conversation unfolded like a gentle breeze on a summer day. The pair devoured sandwiches and shared laughter, their easy rapport a testament to their growing connection. However, when Michelle insisted on reciprocating for lunch, citing the importance of maintaining a professional distance, Barack obligingly offered her a slice of pie. His enthusiasm was met with a polite decline, as Michelle confessed a sweet tooth for chocolate ice cream instead.

The discovery that Barack didn't share her affinity for ice cream left him perplexed, but his surprise quickly gave way to an explanation. As it turned out, his formative years were spent working at a Baskin-Robbins, where he indulged in copious amounts of the cold treat. Michelle's eyes widened in amazement as Barack revealed that this was possible in one of the United States - Hawaii, to be precise.

As they strolled towards the community meeting, the conversation turned to Barack's complex heritage. He spoke candidly about his childhood, marked by the separation of his parents and the absence of his father, a man who never completed anything significant in his life, ultimately passing away in Kenya. The weight of his words was palpable, as Barack's emotions betrayed a deep-seated anger towards the man who had left such a profound impact on his life.

Later, as Michelle expressed her frustration with the corporate firm where she worked, Barack offered an incisive observation. He suggested that her ire wasn't directed at the firm itself, but rather her own sense of compromise in choosing to work there instead of pursuing more meaningful endeavors. His words struck a chord, and Michelle's response was laced with indignation. She accused him of being guilty of the same sell-out, pointing out his Harvard education and internship at the very same corporate law firm that had consumed her soul.

Barack's expression turned sheepish as he apologized for the perceived hypocrisy. The tension between them was palpable, but it was clear that their conversation had only just begun to scratch the surface of their true feelings and motivations.

As Barack (Barack) and Michelle (Michelle) arrive at the community gathering, they're enveloped by a warm atmosphere of camaraderie. A woman takes her seat beside Michelle, sharing a poignant tale about her son's lifelong aspiration to become a sailor, a dream that seemed all but extinguished due to their South Side Chicago neighborhood. Yet, she recounts, Barack's unwavering support and mentorship had inspired the young man to pursue his passion, ultimately leading him to join the US Navy and travel the world. The woman proudly displays a photograph of her son in his sailor uniform, beaming with pride as Michelle listens intently.

The discussion turns to the failed bid for city approval and funding for a community center, leaving attendees feeling frustrated and defeated. The young speaker, a friend of Barack's, struggles to keep the group focused on the topic at hand. In a last-ditch effort, he yields the floor to Barack, who proceeds to captivate the audience with his words. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, urging the community to continue working together to find solutions. As he speaks, Barack references city council members who are willing to support their cause, but asks why they don't take action.

Someone in the crowd suggests that perhaps these officials assume the outcome is predetermined and see no value in investing time and resources into a lost cause. Barack seizes upon this insight, pointing out that the community has already secured funding commitments for the center, which surpasses what was initially proposed. He attributes his newfound perspective to a valuable lesson learned from Michelle just that day – a reminder to consider alternative viewpoints.

As they depart the meeting, Michelle teases Barack about knowing in advance that he would be speaking, implying that it was all part of his efforts to present himself favorably in her eyes. Barack acknowledges having had a good idea that he'd be called upon to speak, but downplays any ulterior motives, and Michelle seems willing to let the matter rest.

As the evening wears on, Barack (no last name) and Michelle sit down to a sumptuous dinner, engaging in a candid conversation that delves into their shared experiences. Both self-proclaimed spiritual individuals, they discuss their respective journeys, with Barack recounting his time spent in Indonesia with his mother before returning to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. He opens up about his high school days, admitting to an extensive use of marijuana, and shares the story of his two-year college romance with a white woman, which ultimately ended due to his realization that he didn't belong in her family's world.

Michelle, meanwhile, regales Barack with tales of her grandfather's struggles. Despite his reluctance to take on debt, Michelle's father was unable to complete his education, leading him to a manual labor job. However, through hard work and perseverance, he rose through the ranks to become a supervisor, only to be struck by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which has left his family's financial situation precarious.

As their conversation flows effortlessly, they decide to catch a screening of Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. Over shared popcorn, they both thoroughly enjoy the film, particularly the pivotal scene where Radio Raheem meets his untimely demise. Michelle is visibly shaken and instinctively reaches for Barack's hand, sparking a moment of tenderness between them.

After the movie, Barack takes a brief detour to the restroom while Michelle steps outside to collect her thoughts. There, she runs into a colleague from her law firm, accompanied by his wife. As they discuss the film, Michelle becomes increasingly uneasy, hoping to avoid any awkwardness when Barack emerges. However, he appears just as the partner expresses disapproval of Mookie's actions, prompting Michelle to hastily clarify that their outing was merely a community meeting and not a date.

Barack seamlessly intervenes, offering a thoughtful perspective on Mookie's motivations: had he not redirected the mob's anger towards Sal's pizzeria, they would have likely turned on him instead. The partner is impressed by Barack's insight and praises both Michelle and her companion before imparting a parting piece of advice: ensure that Barack has a positive experience at their firm.

As the evening wears on and Barack's partner and his wife depart, the veneer of politeness drops away to reveal the genuine sentiments beneath. With unvarnished honesty, Barack confesses that Mookie's ire is merely a manifestation of deep-seated frustration. His words spark a fierce rebuke from Michelle, who indicts him for his thoughtless remarks, her voice crackling with anger and disappointment. She warns him that by Monday morning, the entire firm will be abuzz with whispers about their ill-fated outing, threatening to irreparably damage her professional standing. As she calms down, Barack allows her to vent her frustrations before acquiescing to take her home.

The drive is marked by an unsettling silence until Barack suddenly brings the car to a halt. Michelle's curiosity is piqued as she watches him disappear into an ice cream parlor. When he reemerges with a cone in hand, her puzzlement turns to surprise, and eventually, delight. She steps out of the vehicle and sits beside him, savoring the sweet treat in comfortable silence. As the moments tick by, Michelle's reserve slowly gives way, and she concedes that the ice cream is indeed sublime. Her eyes sparkling with mischief, she asks if Barack would like to share a taste. He agrees, and as they lean in, their lips meet in a tender, gentle kiss. With the sweetness of the moment still lingering on their tongues, he takes her home, the evening's tensions slowly melting away in the warm glow of connection.