
Does Spiders have end credit scenes?


Spiders does not have end credit scenes.




In the midst of Manhattan chaos, a catastrophic collision between an ancient Soviet spacecraft and a NYC subway tunnel unleashes a terrifying chain reaction: spiders mutate at an alarming rate, growing into gargantuan, deadly creatures that threaten to consume everything in their path.

Runtime: 89 min

Box Office: $257K










User Score


3.4 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Spiders!

The remnants of a calamitous Soviet space station, where scientists had been conducting peculiar experiments on enormous arachnids, came crashing down to Earth, settling deep within the labyrinthine tunnels of New York City's subway system. The narrative seamlessly transitions to the bustling underground hub, where Jason Cole (character), a no-nonsense subway supervisor, was hard at work. As the space debris hurtled towards the tunnel, an alarm pierced the air and authorities scrambled to evacuate the station, fearing the potential for a devastating disease outbreak. Jason's coworker Jimmy ventured into the depths of the tunnel to investigate the source of the disturbance, his words echoing back to Jason - "I think it's just the wreckage from that Russian spacecraft" - before he suddenly felt an unseen force grasp hold of his leg and stumble, ultimately succumbing to a fatal electrocution when he fell onto the third rail.

Meanwhile, at the site of the space station's crash, hazmat-suited investigators combed through the debris for signs of radioactive contamination. Their efforts yielded a fragment of wreckage, which was promptly whisked away to a Russian doctor on-site, who deemed it "nothing to worry about." The authorities subsequently declared the area "clear" and safe for reopening the subway station, despite Rachel Cole's (character) insistence that the "waste disposal issues" be resolved before allowing passengers back into the tunnels. As the clock ticked closer to rush hour, a lone official vowed to have the problems addressed by then.

A hospital pathologist made a startling discovery - a cluster of large, unusual-looking "insect eggs" nestled within Jimmy's lifeless body - and subsequently handed Jason a canister containing a sample of the eerie specimens, instructing him to deliver it to the health department for further examination.

As the narrative returns to the subway station, a pungent stench wafted through the tunnels, prompting authorities to shut down operations once more. Pest control professionals were summoned to eradicate the source of the noxious odor - an abandoned subway cart - only to stumble upon the gruesome sight of multiple deceased homeless individuals, their bodies shrouded in webs filled with eggs. One hapless individual was then beset by a swarm of hundreds of spiders, which wrapped themselves around his lifeless form like macabre puppets.

As the authorities scrambled to contain the mysterious outbreak, they cordoned off the affected area, rerouting subterranean transit lines and disrupting cell phone signals. The public was misled with a vague diagnosis of a "virus outbreak," while hazmat-suited operatives swooped in to capture the spiders, imprisoning them in a massive enclosure. Meanwhile, Dr. Darnoff (character) collaborated with Russian counterparts at the morgue, conducting an autopsy on Jimmy's body and scrutinizing the eggs.

His findings revealed that Jimmy's corpse harbored the queen spider egg, a symbiotic implantation inherent to the first host, which in this case was Jimmy. The doctor explained that 20 years prior, a spacecraft buried beneath the ice had yielded alien genetic material, which was subsequently injected into various species. However, only spiders possessed the structural integrity to carry and survive the extraterrestrial genes.

Darnoff then illuminated the true significance of the queen spider: its ability to spin an infinite supply of lightweight yet bulletproof material, granting the nation that controlled it a decisive military and industrial edge. Colonel Jenkins (character), working in tandem with the Russians, instructed his men to eliminate the quarantine subjects. However, Dr. Darnoff intervened, pointing out that the people had already been exposed to the queen spider egg, rendering their extermination unnecessary.

The doctor's warning fell on deaf ears as Jenkins dismissed him and instead focused on fulfilling his objective. Moreover, Darnoff revealed that if the queen egg was not relocated to the nest being constructed by the spiders to protect her, she would perish within 12 hours.

As investigators pored over Rachel's (character) report detailing the eggs discovered in the deceased, they quarantined her apartment, trapping Emily inside. In a separate development, Jason managed to evade capture and escape. Upon examining the eggs he had brought to Rachel, scientists discovered an anomalous absence of bacteria – an unusual occurrence, given that "every living thing on earth is teeming with bacteria."

In a concurrent sequence, two operatives ostensibly working for Drarnoff successfully commandeered Rachel's purse, containing the canister holding the queen egg, as she exited her underground garage.

Here's my rephrased version:

Rachel hastily reaches out to Jason (her partner in peril), instructing her to abandon her vehicle as they've unwittingly become the targets of a ruthless Russian operation. Meanwhile, beneath the city streets, an eerie phenomenon unfolds: spiders, once confined to subway tunnels, have grown to monstrous proportions and begin emerging into the open air. Jason and Rachel make their way to their apartment, determined to rescue Emily, now trapped in a precarious situation. As they navigate the underground labyrinth, they confront gargantuan, venomous arachnids that relentlessly attack them. However, through sheer willpower and resourcefulness, they manage to fend off these formidable foes and reach the relative safety of their apartment. Only to discover, via text messages, that Emily has escaped and is hiding in a nearby toy store.

As Jason's obsessive pursuit of the queen spider continues, Darnoff (a voice of reason) cautions against capturing her, warning that this would disrupt the delicate ecosystem of the subterranean world. However, Jenkins' zeal for dominance overrides all else, prompting him to disregard Darnoff's advice. Just as he's about to seize the queen, she bursts forth from the earth and devours the doctor (who had been entranced by her beauty), leaving Jenkins stunned and bewildered.

Jason and Rachel finally locate Emily in the toy store, but their initial euphoria is short-lived as they fail to elicit a response when calling out to her. Instead, they're met with her anguished cries for help. They hasten down into the tunnels, only to encounter additional waves of ferocious spiders that threaten to engulf them. Undeterred, they manage to barricade themselves behind a door and eventually find Emily, now desperate to escape the encircling webs.

As they struggle to free themselves from these sticky predicaments, Jason and Rachel are forced to make their way back up to street level via a treacherous ladder, all the while keeping a wary eye out for the queen's relentless pursuit. Meanwhile, Jason deliberately shatters eggs along the tunnel walls, enraging the queen and sending her charging after him. He seeks refuge within a subway train, which he commandeers to lead the queen into a dead-end tunnel, where its massive size renders it unable to fit.

With the queen trapped, Jason seizes control of the train's controls, expertly guiding it backward through the tunnel as the spider vainly attempts to pursue him. The train crashes into the waiting spider, simultaneously rupturing nearby gas pipes and igniting a colossal fireball that decimates the subterranean ecosystem, including the monstrous queen.

As the flames die down, Jason, Rachel, and Emily finally reunite on the surface, where soldiers are busy collecting the charred remains of their arachnid adversaries. In the aftermath, a lone, mutated spider is seen crawling across a shattered traffic signal, foreshadowing an uncertain future as the film fades to black.