Stargate 1994

Box Office



121 min




In a thrilling adventure through time and space, archaeologist Daniel Jackson and retired Army Col. Jack O'Neil join forces to decipher an ancient Egyptian gateway, leading them to a mystical world ruled by the ruthless Ra. To secure their return, they must rally the planet's inhabitants against Ra's tyranny, sparking a battle between freedom and despotism.

In a thrilling adventure through time and space, archaeologist Daniel Jackson and retired Army Col. Jack O'Neil join forces to decipher an ancient Egyptian gateway, leading them to a mystical world ruled by the ruthless Ra. To secure their return, they must rally the planet's inhabitants against Ra's tyranny, sparking a battle between freedom and despotism.

Does Stargate have end credit scenes?


Stargate does not have end credit scenes.






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7.0 /10

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Movie Quiz

Stargate Quiz: Test your knowledge on the 1994 sci-fi adventure film 'Stargate' featuring ancient mysteries and cosmic adventures.

In what year is the discovery of the Stargate made?

Plot Summary

As the cinematic journey unfolds, we are transported to 1928 Egypt, where Professor Langford’s groundbreaking discovery of a colossal stone ring in Giza sparks the ignition for a thrilling adventure. Fast-forward to the present day, and Langford’s daughter Catherine presents Egyptologist Daniel Jackson (played by actor name) with an unparalleled opportunity: deciphering ancient hieroglyphs that may vindicate his audacious theory about the Pyramid of Khufu. Jackson seizes the chance and travels to a US Air Force installation nestled within Creek Mountain, Colorado. There, he deciphers the cryptic symbols etched onto the outer ring of the stone, which whisper secrets of the past: “A million years into the sky is Ra. Sealed and buried for all time, his Stargate.” The stakes escalate when Colonel Jack O’Neil (played by actor name), a battle-hardened Special Forces veteran, arrives to command the project and declares it classified.

As Jackson delves deeper into the hieroglyphs, he unravels the enigmatic sequence of star constellations that serve as coordinates for a mysterious location within the vast expanse of space. The team’s curiosity is piqued when they enter these coordinates into the Stargate, conjuring a wormhole to Abydos, a planet shrouded in an otherworldly veil. Upon traversing the shimmering portal, O’Neil leads his team into the heart of a pyramid situated amidst an endless sea of sand dunes. Jackson reveals the disheartening truth: they lack the crucial coordinates necessary to return to Earth.

As the team members scatter, some remaining at the pyramid while others venture forth, they stumble upon a mining village inhabited by humans who mistake them for gods dispatched by Ra. Jackson begins to unravel the mystery as he discovers that the villagers speak an ancient dialect of Egyptian hieroglyphs. His rapport with Skaara (played by actor name), a charismatic leader, and Sha’uri (played by actress name), his budding love interest, blossoms as they navigate the complexities of this extraterrestrial world.

As Jackson uncovers the secrets hidden within the catacombs, he learns that the Egyptian god Ra was, in fact, an alien entity (a Goa’uld) who exploited human labor with his advanced technology. This revelation sparks a sense of urgency, as Jackson realizes that the team’s presence on Abydos has inadvertently awakened the memories of a long-forgotten rebellion. The humans who were taken to Abydos through the Stargate had been used to mine the quartzite-like mineral upon which Ra’s technology relies.

Concurrently, O’Neil forges an unlikely bond with Skaara, while Jackson begins to unravel the mysteries hidden within the ancient texts. As they delve deeper into the world of Abydos, they stumble upon the cartouche necessary to return home – but the seventh symbol remains shrouded in mystery, poised to derail their plans.

As O’Neil barks orders for the team to retreat back to the pyramid, a colossal spacecraft descends upon its apex like a celestial behemoth. Anubis, Ra’s stalwart general, and his cohorts in feathered facemasks stalk the soldiers through the labyrinthine corridors of the ancient structure, executing them with ruthless efficiency. Meanwhile, O’Neil (Daniel Jackson) and his trusted ally, Jackson (Daniel Jackson), are escorted to the throne room, where they face off against Ra himself. The god’s guards, initially donning avian-themed masks, reveal their human visages as they stand watch over the revered leader.

Ra announces his intention to dispatch the atomic bomb intended for Earth, now imbued with his quartzite-like material, back to its original destination, promising catastrophic consequences. O’Neil attempts to disarm the guards and eliminate Ra, but relents when the god utilizes his children as human shields. In the ensuing chaos, Jackson meets a tragic demise at the hands of Ra’s loyalists.

As O’Neil finds himself imprisoned alongside his captured comrades in a dank dungeon, Jackson is revived within a sarcophagus-like device. The deity dictates that he will slaughter everyone who has beheld him unless Jackson demonstrates his fealty by slaughtering the rest of the team before the awestruck villagers. Ra’s sinister ultimatum hangs like the sword of Damocles over Jackson’s head.

However, as Ra prepares to unleash his wrath upon the gathered crowd, a group of plucky young villagers subtly signal to Jackson that they have retrieved their fallen comrades’ weapons. Seizing this opportunity, Jackson shoots at Ra while the youngsters create a diversion, momentarily captivating the god’s attention. O’Neil, Jackson, and their surviving team members make a break for it, seeking refuge within a nearby cave alongside their youthful allies.

The following morning, as Skaara sketches the people’s triumphant victory against Ra, Jackson recognizes that his drawing contains a crucial element: the seventh symbol needed to reactivate the Stargate - three moons orbiting a pyramid. Convinced that these “gods” are mere mortals, Jackson and the locals hatch a plan to reclaim their world from Ra’s tyranny.

With O’Neil, Jackson, and the remaining members of the team in tow, they make a final bid to disable the bomb and escape back through the Stargate. As the local populace rises up against Ra’s loyalists, the god himself retreats his ship, preparing for liftoff. Tragedy strikes when Sha’uri falls in battle, but Jackson revives her within Ra’s sarcophagus device.

In a stunning turn of events, O’Neil defeats Anubis and activates the ship’s ring transporter, allowing them to escape via the rings just as the bomb detonates aboard Ra’s vessel, claiming his life. The surviving team members manage to return to Earth through the Stargate, though Jackson elects to remain on the planet, forever changed by his experiences.

The Director’s Cut of [edit] unfolds like a rich tapestry, woven with threads of previously unseen moments. One such scene, excised from the theatrical release, takes us back in time to the year 1928, mere minutes after the excavation of the ancient Stargate. As we gaze upon the newly unearthed artifact, our attention is drawn to a haunting sight: petrified Horus guards stand sentinel near the cover stones, their stone bodies frozen in perpetual vigilance. This fleeting glimpse into the past was originally intended to convey the notion that intelligent beings had attempted to traverse the Stargate in its ancient, buried state - a concept that, despite its significance, ultimately fell victim to the constraints of time and the need for a streamlined narrative.

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