
Does Take the Lead have end credit scenes?


Take the Lead does not have end credit scenes.

Take the Lead

Take the Lead


In this uplifting drama, charismatic dancer Pierre Dulaine (Antonio Banderas) brings his unique flair to a New York City public school, bridging cultural divides by merging hip-hop and ballroom styles. Initially met with skepticism, he wins over students with his infectious passion, becoming an unlikely mentor who inspires self-expression and confidence through the power of dance.

Runtime: 118 min

Box Office: $67M









User Score






User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Take the Lead!

As the curtain opens on Pierre Dulaine's (Antonio Banderas) prestigious dance academy, a showcase of students' talents takes center stage. Among them, Caitlin (Lauren Collins) stands out for her evident clumsiness, leaving audiences wondering if she'll ever find her footing. Meanwhile, Pierre reminds the crowd that an upcoming competition is just around the corner, fueling anticipation and tension.

Cut to Rock, who arrives at the school dance with a questionable ticket, courtesy of his dubious math teacher, Mr. Temple (John Ortiz). The suspiciously water-damaged ticket sparks Principal James' (Alfre Woodard) skepticism, leading her to refuse Rock entry into the dance. Undeterred, Rock retreats to join his mischievous friends, who egg him on to take out his frustration on Principal James' car.

In a bizarre juxtaposition, Pierre, resplendent in his full coat and tails, takes a leisurely bike ride home, only to stumble upon the vandalized vehicle. As he surveys the damage, Rock flees the scene, leaving Pierre with an unsettling sense of unease. Their paths are destined to cross once more.

The next morning, as students filter through metal detectors at school, Pierre arrives, dressed to impress in his impeccable attire. He makes a beeline for the office, where Principal James is locked in a heated dispute with Mr. Temple over detention shifts and funding for Pre-Calculus. The math teacher's condescending attitude towards the "worthless" detention students sparks Pierre's indignation.

As he waits patiently for the principal's attention, Pierre demonstrates his chivalrous nature by holding doors open for every female visitor. When he finally gets a word in edgewise, he reveals that he has witnessed a crime committed by one of the school's students – none other than Principal James' car being targeted. Offering to help resolve the situation, Pierre proposes teaching dance to the detention students.

Principal James sees this as a golden opportunity to address her school's disciplinary issues and agrees to let Pierre lead the initiative. Meanwhile, his employee Tina at the dance academy cautions him that the majority of students will require extra coaching for the upcoming competition, not to mention Caitlin's impending cotillion debut. With a reassuring smile, Pierre assures Tina that everything will fall into place.

Here's my rephrased version:

Principal James leads Pierre on a journey through the labyrinthine corridors of the school, ultimately depositing him in the dimly lit basement where the detention students convene. There, he encounters Rock and Eddie, amidst a mix of reluctant learners. The principal, ever the gambler, wagers five dollars with Pierre that the latter will fail to return after today's session. With a hint of mischief, he instructs the students to follow his lead, but things quickly get complicated as attempts are made to form partnerships. Big Girl and Mountain prove to be a compatible pair, bound by familial ties; meanwhile, Egypt finds herself paired with Kurd, whom she avoids due to concerns about his unsavory past. As Pierre navigates this challenging scenario, he inadvertently offends the group further by displaying his own dubious hygiene habits.

The following morning, Pierre returns to claim his winnings from Principal James, but also inquires about Rock and LaRhette's well-being. He reveals that Rock's brother was embroiled in gang activity, leading to a devastating gang war that resulted in the loss of LaRhette's honor student brother. This somber revelation hangs over the group like a shadow.

In a surprising turn of events, Rock appears at the next afternoon's detention session with a forged doctor's note claiming he suffers from a heart condition, rendering him unfit for dance. Though initially resistant to his peers' attempts to engage in dance, Pierre eventually finds inspiration and sparks a transformative moment when he cranks up the volume on his music.

Back at the dance school, Caitlin's mother seeks Pierre's assistance in nurturing her daughter's fledgling dancing skills. Pierre takes Caitlin under his wing, coaxing her out of her shell as they dance together. As Caitlin struggles to reconcile her love for dance with the pressures imposed by her parents' investment in the cotillion, Pierre gently encourages her to follow her heart.

The following afternoon, Morgan saunters into detention, radiating an aura of seductive confidence as she launches into a sultry tango performance. The students are mesmerized, clustering around Pierre with newfound enthusiasm - all except for Sasha, who rushes to Morgan's side, extolling the virtues of her unorthodox dance style. This sudden shift in dynamics proves a turning point, and the detention group finally begins to gel as they respond to Pierre's infectious energy.

As Caitlin's request to attend detention class is granted, she finds an unexpected ally in Monster, whose frustration with Egypt's unwillingness to work together on a project provides a timely distraction. Meanwhile, the usually reticent Rock remains a spectator, drawing Pierre's curiosity as he continues to attend classes despite his reluctance to participate. The reason for Rock's persistence becomes clear when he reveals that failure to attend detention would result in suspension and jeopardize his academic future.

Rock's job at the recycling facility proves short-lived, as he arrives late one day and is subsequently fired by a disapproving supervisor. The absence of food in his household, coupled with his father's apparent mismanagement of funds, leaves Rock feeling stranded and forced to seek alternative accommodations within the school walls. As fate would have it, this predicament leads him to collaborate with Easy on various illicit activities, taking on a role as a lookout for their operations.

LaRhette, meanwhile, struggles to care for her younger siblings while navigating the harsh realities of her mother's profession. A traumatic encounter with one of her mother's clients prompts LaRhette to take solace in the comfort of dance, arriving at detention class in the dead of night and letting her emotions flow through movement. Rock, drawn to the music, stumbles upon this emotional release and is subsequently caught by the authorities for being on school premises after hours.

Pierre intervenes, leveraging his fatherly influence to secure a temporary reprieve for LaRhette and Rock. In an effort to foster trust and bonding among the group, Pierre initiates a waltz lesson, blindfolding them as they learn to rely on each other's movements. As their mutual understanding deepens, so too do their connections, laying the groundwork for future growth.

When the detention basement becomes inoperable due to flooding, Pierre relocates the group to the dance studio, where they bask in the joy of movement until an evening class arrives and shatters their idyllic atmosphere. The revelation that the upcoming contest carries a hefty $200 entry fee serves as a harsh reminder of the time and effort required to succeed, casting a pall over the group's initial enthusiasm.

As Pierre sits down with Tina to review the financials, their eyes widen in unison as they realize that the school has more than enough funds to cover the entrance fees for all the students. With this weight lifted, Pierre cautions the kids to buckle down and put in extra effort, acknowledging that they've only just begun to grasp these complex dance styles compared to their seasoned peers who've been perfecting them for years. The camera cuts to a montage of the kids practicing tirelessly at home, on buses, and even during class, showcasing their dedication to mastering the art.

Meanwhile, Pierre's bike returns, sporting a sleek new makeover that leaves him beaming with pride. Tina arrives bearing an array of costumes from the school, expertly helping the students into their finery. Caitlin confides in Pierre that she has developed feelings for him, but he remains oblivious to her affections. Monster, on the other hand, has caught a crush on Caitlin and asks if she's attending the upcoming contest. Her mother has arranged for her cousin to be her escort, but Caitlin still extends an invitation to Pierre to practice with her, which he graciously accepts.

As the contest approaches, LaRhette and Rock prepare to take the stage together in perfect waltz harmony, while Ramos and Danjou team up with Sasha under Pierre's guidance. Amidst all the excitement, Mr. Temple summons the parents' association for a meeting, expressing concerns about the program's resource allocation. Pierre takes the opportunity to demonstrate his passion and conviction by performing a brief dance routine with the principal, highlighting the importance of dance in teaching men to respect women and vice versa. The parents are won over, and the program is given the green light.

On the night of the contest, Rock finds himself torn between fulfilling his commitment to Easy and attending the event. Despite reservations, he does show up but quickly becomes disillusioned with the expectation that he'll be expected to take down anyone who gets in their way. When asked if he's prepared to "punk out," Rock hints at a painful past experience when his brother met an untimely demise. His frustration boils over as he vents by shooting out the sprinkler system, earning himself a swift beating from the others as they make their hasty retreat.

At the cotillion, Caitlin makes her grand entrance down the staircase, psyching herself up to avoid any mishaps. Just as she's about to reach the bottom, Monster swoops in, steadying her with his strong arms and presenting her bouquet to her cousin. With a flourish, Monster whisks Caitlin away to the contest, announcing, "We've got to bounce!" As they make their dramatic exit, the stage is set for an unforgettable night of dance and drama.

As the competition unfolds, each participant takes their turn on the dance floor, with select duos invited back to showcase their skills and earn points. The tantalizing prospect of a $5000 prize hangs in the balance, awaiting the dancer with the highest cumulative scores. Meanwhile, the detention group, sans Rock, seems to be having the time of their lives, except for LaRhette, whose heart remains heavy with his absence and her own disappointment at not being able to dance with him. Pierre's attempts to console her fall on deaf ears.

The drama intensifies as Sasha and Danjou are summoned back to perform a sultry tango alongside Morgan and her partner. However, feeling the need to add an extra layer of flair, they improvise a sizzling three-person routine with Ramos. While their daring move is met with oohs and ahhs from the audience, it's unfortunately deemed impossible to judge due to the rules' strict emphasis on couples. As a result, Morgan scores a perfect 10, leaving Sasha and her partner scoreless. In a surprising twist, Morgan suggests calling it a tie and presents Sasha with the trophy, praising her unique style and movement. Sasha's response? A characteristically understated "I'm sure."

The grand finale unfolds as the waltz takes center stage. Just as the music begins, Rock bursts into the room, abandoning his tuxedo for a more relaxed attire. He and LaRhette take to the floor, lost in their own little world as they imagine themselves the only two participants. Principal James watches with beaming pride, while Pierre can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, acknowledging that it was all worth the effort. In a heartwarming gesture, James offers to expand the program to include more students, and for one fleeting moment, everyone is united in dance.

As the credits roll, Mickey takes control of the sound system, unleashing a medley of their favorite tunes, and the entire group comes together to let loose and have fun. The final shot reveals a note that hints at Pierre's tireless efforts leading to a city-wide ballroom dance program for New York schools, bringing joy and discipline to countless students.