The Art of Racing in the Rain 2019

Box Office



109 min




As narrated by a wise-cracking canine named Enzo, this poignant tale explores the human experience through the eyes of a Formula One hopeful, Denny Swift. As Enzo's bond with Denny deepens, he learns that the same skills needed to conquer the track can also guide us through life's triumphs and tribulations, offering a heartwarming reflection on love, family, and the true meaning of friendship.

As narrated by a wise-cracking canine named Enzo, this poignant tale explores the human experience through the eyes of a Formula One hopeful, Denny Swift. As Enzo's bond with Denny deepens, he learns that the same skills needed to conquer the track can also guide us through life's triumphs and tribulations, offering a heartwarming reflection on love, family, and the true meaning of friendship.

Does The Art of Racing in the Rain have end credit scenes?


The Art of Racing in the Rain does not have end credit scenes.






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User Score


7.6 /10

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Plot Summary

As the camera pans over the misty Seattle landscape, an elderly golden retriever lies motionless in front of a door, his once-vibrant coat now dulled by the passing of time. But even as his physical form seems to be surrendering to the inevitable, his thoughts remain lucid and poignant. Through a series of inner monologues, we are privy to Enzo’s (voiced by Jason Schwartzman) musings on life, death, and the mysteries that lie between. His reverie is interrupted by the arrival of Denny (played by Owen Wilson), Enzo’s master and closest confidant.

As Denny gently lifts Enzo onto the couch, their bond becomes palpable as Enzo begins to share his life story with us. It starts with a nostalgic glance back at his puppyhood, when he was just one of many in a litter penned outside, yet already exhibiting a sense of individuality that set him apart from his peers. Denny’s arrival on the scene marks the beginning of their extraordinary friendship, forged through Enzo’s unwavering enthusiasm and Denny’s gentle guidance.

As we fast-forward to the present, it becomes clear that Enzo has been more than just a beloved pet – he’s been an integral part of Denny’s life. We see glimpses of their daily routine, with Denny juggling his job as an auto racing instructor (where his boss, Don, holds him in high esteem) and his role as Enzo’s caregiver. The duo shares a special bond, with Enzo serving as Denny’s constant companion, even accompanying him to the track to watch races on TV.

Throughout these vignettes, we’re treated to a nuanced exploration of their relationship, with Enzo revealing his unbridled devotion to Denny and vice versa. Despite their differences – human and canine – they’ve formed an unshakeable bond that transcends species, one that will be tested as the end of Enzo’s life draws near.

As the calendar flips through another year, Denny (character name) and his partner settle into a comfortable rhythm. It’s during this downtime that a chance encounter with Eve at the grocery store sparks a chain reaction of events. Enzo, ever the loyal companion, senses Denny’s growing fascination with Eve and seizes on it as an opportunity to assert his dominance. He attempts to physically drag Denny away from her, but the latter reins him in, instead inviting Eve to his friend’s concert, where he jests about their cover band being Seattle’s third-best SoundGarden tribute act.

As the couple begins dating, they quickly find themselves swept up in a whirlwind romance, with Eve proving an unwavering source of support for Denny. Meanwhile, Enzo struggles to connect with her on the same level, aware that she holds a special place in Denny’s heart. Eventually, the pair ties the knot and navigates the ups and downs of married life, including Denny’s frequent absences due to his racing commitments.

Eve’s parents, affectionately referred to by Enzo as “the twins,” express their disapproval of Denny’s career path, citing concerns about his prolonged absence from home and meager earning potential. While the mother is more open-minded, her husband remains skeptical, his reservations fueled by Denny’s lack of success in making it big. As Eve becomes pregnant, Denny is overjoyed, and Enzo begins to come around, eventually even experiencing a paternal moment when he has Zoe rest on his chin, marveling at the baby’s kicks.

As the due date approaches, Denny receives an invitation to participate in an endurance race in Daytona, leaving him torn between pursuing his passion and supporting Eve. She reassures him that she’s not due until two weeks after, having never been early with her pregnancies. Denny leaves for the event, entrusting Enzo to keep vigil by Eve’s side.

Meanwhile, back at home, Eve gives birth to a beautiful baby girl named Zoe, which sends Enzo into overdrive. He rushes to Eve’s bedside, where she invites him to join them. As he cradles Zoe in his arms, he coos about her being unlike anything he’s ever seen before – though, it must be noted, he’s not particularly fond of the stuffed zebra toy that accompanies her.

As Denny returns home, he’s consumed by regret, acknowledging that his absence was a mistake. Though Eve’s parents seem stoic, the weight of his failure hangs in the air. Eve reassures her son, Enzo, that everything is fine, despite Denny’s less-than-stellar performance on the racing track. Enzo’s ears perk up as Denny recounts his experience, detailing how he did well until replaced by a newer, more promising driver - a harsh reminder that even triumphs can be fleeting.

As the seasons pass, the family’s dynamics are woven into a tapestry of love and vulnerability. One day, Eve and Denny engage in a conversation about racing on wet roads. She asks if it scares him, and he candidly shares his approach to handling fear, emphasizing the importance of maintaining control by anticipating and controlling the skid. His words are laced with wisdom, imparting valuable life lessons to those around him.

Years go by, and Zoe grows up. Eve remains devoted to her teaching profession, while Enzo basks in the warmth of family life. However, beneath the surface, whispers of unease begin to spread. Eve complains of headaches, a symptom that will soon take on a sinister tone. Unbeknownst to her, Enzo has developed an uncanny ability to detect the stench of cancer emanating from her body - a noxious scent akin to rotting wood.

As life goes on, Eve’s condition worsens. Denny is away when she’s struck by a sudden bout of vomiting, forcing her to rush out with Zoe and leave Enzo alone to fend for himself. The once-loyal companion is soon reduced to scavenging for food, drinking from the toilet, and finding comfort in the occasional Cheerio crumb dropped on the floor.

During a tumultuous night marked by lightning and thunder, Enzo’s grip on reality falters. He becomes convinced that Zoe’s stuffed animals are being torn apart by her malevolent zebra alter ego, which also seems to be devouring its own stuffing. This descent into hallucinatory chaos is a harbinger of the turmoil that awaits.

Days pass, and Denny returns home, taking pity on Enzo’s desperate state. He calls Eve, urging her to come back, and soon she arrives, only to discover the aftermath of Enzo’s chaotic rampage: Zoe’s toys, shredded and lifeless. Denny scolds the devastated dog, but Eve intervenes, pleading with him to stop berating their loyal companion.

Later, as Denny searches for Enzo in the backyard, he finds his sorry state and offers a heartfelt apology. The tension is palpable as the family teeters on the brink of collapse.

In a poignant moment, Eve takes Enzo on a walk through the woods, her strength waning, but her love for him unwavering. As she stumbles and falls, Enzo’s frantic barking signals the arrival of help, but it may already be too late.

As Eve’s health begins to falter, she remains hospitalized under close medical supervision. Meanwhile, Denny’s attention is divided between Zoe and Enzo, his loyal companion, whose bond with the family is slowly fraying. Eve’s eventual discharge marks a new chapter in her life, as she moves in with her parents and Denny and Zoe make periodic visits to spend time with her. Despite his best efforts to remain strong for his loved ones, Denny’s own condition continues to deteriorate.

One fateful evening, Enzo pays a visit to Eve, who has lost all fear of the impending end. With an air of serenity, she confides in Enzo that while this life may be drawing to a close, there is more to come – a notion that resonates deeply with her spiritual companion. As the end draws near, Enzo bears witness to Eve’s final moments, describing the peaceful passage of her soul as it departs her mortal body and sets off on its next great journey.

In the days that follow, the family gathers for a funeral service to bid farewell to their beloved Eve. However, the somber mood is soon disrupted by the arrival of Denny’s in-laws, who make a concerted effort to wrest custody of Zoe from him. Threats of legal action hang in the air as they demand a share in the young girl’s life.

As tensions escalate, Eve’s father, Maxwell, finally shares his true sentiments with Denny, prompting the latter to reveal their plans to leave and gather their belongings. A sudden confrontation ensues, resulting in Maxwell’s injury when he tries to intervene. Eve’s mother, Trish, stands oblivious to the unfolding drama, her back turned away from the commotion.

Denny and Zoe make a hasty exit, leaving behind the chaos and heartache. In the aftermath, Denny turns to his lawyer friend, Mark, who assures him that their case is an open-and-shut affair – one that should yield no worries about losing custody of Zoe. However, fate has other plans.

While at work, Denny finds himself arrested for assault, with Maxwell’s allegations painting him as the aggressor. Mark’s words of caution are stark: a conviction could mean the end of his relationship with Zoe, with her being placed in the care of her grandparents for the next 90 days – a period devoid of communication or visitation.

As Denny navigates this dark time, Enzo shares his distress at the prospect of losing his dear friend’s child. Meanwhile, an unexpected opportunity arises: a job offer from Ferrari, beckoning Denny to Italy to test and develop new prototypes. Though initially hesitant, Denny is forced to decline due to the ongoing turmoil in his life.

The days tick by, with Denny struggling to come to terms with his circumstances. When Mark submits a proposed settlement, Denny finds himself torn, weighing his options before committing to fight on behalf of his daughter. As the 90-day mark approaches, Denny seeks solace in his evening runs with Enzo – a ritual reminiscent of their carefree days together.

However, this time around, Enzo’s aged frame proves no match for the demands of keeping pace with Denny. In a heart-wrenching moment, Enzo lags behind, only to find himself struck by an oncoming vehicle as he attempts to cross the street. Denny rushes his beloved companion to a nearby 24-hour animal hospital, praying that time will prove merciful in this hour of need.

As the veterinarian’s somber diagnosis sinks in, Denny (character A) is forced to confront the harsh reality that Enzo’s miraculous survival comes with a warning: his future could be fraught with complications. With a heavy heart, Denny must also face the daunting prospect of footing the bill for Enzo’s medical treatment, his financial resources stretched to the breaking point.

Weeks later, as Enzo begins to stir from his drug-induced haze, he finds himself in the midst of chaos: Denny is on the verge of signing a custody agreement that would leave him at a disadvantage. In a bold move, Enzo seizes the legal document and shreds it to pieces, conveying his unspoken message loud and clear. Denny’s eyes are opened to the reality that he must take a stand and fight for what is rightfully his.

As the court proceedings unfold, a poignant flashback reveals the machinations of Eve’s mother, who seeks to discredit Denny by fabricating evidence on the witness stand. However, her credibility is swiftly discredited, and the truth ultimately prevails: Denny emerges victorious, securing full custody of his daughter.

With his legal battles behind him, Denny receives a call from the Ferrari representative, extending an offer that will take him to Italy and provide Enzo with a new lease on life. His boss is ecstatic about the prospect, while Enzo’s excitement is palpable as he contemplates his next adventure.

As Zoe celebrates her birthday, their party is disrupted by the uninvited arrival of Denny’s in-laws. Despite the intrusion, Denny’s warm hospitality prevails, and he extends a gracious invitation to join the festivities. Amidst the revelry, Enzo, worn down by the ravages of age, retreats to a quiet corner, his eyes heavy with fatigue.

The story begins anew, as we are treated to an extended version of the opening scene. This time, we are privy to the tender moment when Denny shares a poignant bond with his ailing canine companion on the couch. As he watches racing footage, inspiration strikes, and the wheels begin to turn in his mind.

As Denny prepares to embark on this new chapter, he takes Zoe and Enzo to the old racing track where his journey first began. His former boss graciously allows him to take Enzo for a spin, and as they speed around the track, Enzo regales us with tales of his adventures and wisdom gained. With characteristic candor, he confides that he is convinced his next life will be one of human experience, and that he will arrive better equipped than most newborns to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. He laments not being able to witness Italy’s beauty firsthand but remains resolute in his conviction that Denny will succeed.

As Denny pushes the limits, Enzo urges him on, barking enthusiastically for one final lap. The screen fades to white as their bond and determination propel them toward a brighter future.

As the seasons unfold in picturesque Italy, where Denny (actor name) and Zoe have made their home, a serendipitous encounter takes place on a sun-kissed day. Donning his racing attire, Denny meets a bespectacled father-son duo, with the boy’s eyes shining like stars as he gazes up at the legendary driver. The father, attempting to contain his own excitement, politely requests an autograph for his young son, Enzo, whose name has been whispered in reverence by racing enthusiasts worldwide.

Denny’s face lights up with a warm smile as he scribbles his signature on the boy’s cherished memorabilia. As they prepare to part ways, Denny’s eyes linger on Enzo, his mind drifting back to memories of an old friend who shared similar youthful exuberance. The father and son pair express their gratitude for the impromptu meeting, but Denny’s generosity knows no bounds. He hands the father a business card, his expression a mix of sincerity and conviction.

“When your son is ready,” Denny says, his voice low and deliberate, “I’ll be here to train him.” The words hang in the air like a promise, as the father’s eyes well up with emotion. With heartfelt thanks, they bid each other farewell, leaving behind a lingering sense of wonder and possibility.

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