
Does The Belko Experiment have end credit scenes?


The Belko Experiment does not have end credit scenes.

The Belko Experiment

The Belko Experiment


In this gruesome game of survival, 80 office workers at Belko Corp. discover they're unwitting pawns in a deadly experiment. As panic sets in, colleagues turn against each other, forging new allegiances and fighting for their lives. When the body count rises, only the strongest will remain standing by the end of the day.

Runtime: 89 min

Box Office: $11M









User Score






User Score


2.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The Belko Experiment!

As Mike Milch (actor name) and Barry Norris, two seemingly ordinary office workers at Belko Industries in Bogotá, Colombia, arrive at their office building, they're met with an unsettling sight: unfamiliar security guards turning away local Colombian staff at the gate. The newcomers are greeted by a sense of unease as they're informed that every Belko employee has been fitted with a tracking device implanted in the base of their skull - a precautionary measure against kidnapping. Little do they know, this is only the beginning of a descent into chaos.

Evan Smith, Belko's head security guard, is oblivious to the identity of these new guards, but it soon becomes clear that something is amiss. A disembodied voice crackles over the intercom, issuing a bizarre directive: kill two colleagues or face severe consequences. The employees are initially skeptical, dismissing this as a sick prank. However, when the set time expires and no one has been killed, four unsuspecting coworkers meet their untimely demise as explosives hidden within their tracking devices detonate, blowing their heads apart.

Panic sets in as Mike attempts to remove his tracker with a box cutter, but he's forced to abandon this endeavor when the voice threatens to detonate his own explosive device unless he desists. The group is presented with a new ultimatum: unless thirty of them are killed within two hours, sixty will be the next to meet their maker.

Tensions simmer as the employees split into two factions. Mike's camp is resolute in its refusal to participate in this gruesome game, while Barry's group is determined to follow the directives to ensure their own survival. Barry and his cohorts, including executive Wendell and employees Terry, Antonio, and Bradley, set out to torch the lock on the armory, seeking access to its arsenal of weapons. Meanwhile, Mike and his group, comprising his girlfriend Leandra Florez, Evan, and other colleagues Keith, Leota, Peggy, Vince, and Roberto, attempt to hang distressing banners from the rooftop in a desperate call for help. However, their efforts are met with hostility as soldiers outside unleash a barrage of gunfire.

Barry, Wendell, and Terry launch a surprise attack on Mike's group in the stairwell, claiming Evan's life and pilfering his keys to the armory. With their newfound firepower, Barry and Wendell select thirty employees, including Mike and Peggy, forcing them to kneel in line. As Barry begins executing his colleagues, Dany, who has been hiding in the basement, seizes the opportunity to shut off the building's lights, preventing Mike and others from meeting a similar fate.

The office descends into pandemonium as Barry and his group open fire, claiming several more lives. In a bizarre twist, employees turn on Bradley and Antonio, mercilessly killing them. Amidst this chaos, Dany finds refuge in the elevator shaft with Roberto. As the carnage continues to unfold, it becomes clear that Belko Industries has become a breeding ground for madness, where the very survival of its employees hangs precariously in the balance.

As Barry (character name not provided) and Wendell (character name not provided) relentlessly pursue the fleeing employees, the omnipresent voice reveals to them that 29 lives have been brutally extinguished. Time is running out, and with only an hour remaining, a gruesome toll of 31 more fatalities ensues, including Terry, Leota, Peggy, and Keith, leaving a mere 16 survivors in their wake. The voice then issues a chilling ultimatum: the employee who has taken the most lives within the next hour will be spared from the impending doom. Amidst this chaos, Barry stumbles upon Dany (character name not provided) and Roberto (character name not provided) trapped in an elevator shaft, with Dany managing to escape while Roberto meets a gruesome demise at the hands of the descending elevator.

Meanwhile, Leandra (character name not provided) discovers Marty (character name not provided) and Chet (character name not provided) scavenging for unexploded trackers from the heads of those who have fallen victim to other deadly methods. Their sinister plan is to use these devices to detonate a catastrophic blast that will breach the walls, but their nefarious scheme is foiled by Wendell's ruthless killing spree. Leandra retaliates against her attackers, ultimately claiming Wendell as her final victim, leaving behind six meager survivors: Vince (character name not provided), Mike (character name not provided), Barry, Dany, Leandra, and Liezle (character name not provided), whose lifeless body soon follows.

In a frenzy of rage, Mike bludgeons Barry to death with a tape dispenser, as the building's seal is finally lifted. The soldiers escort Mike, now the sole remaining survivor, to an adjacent hangar where he encounters the enigmatic owner of the voice. This individual reveals that they are part of an international organization obsessed with studying human behavior. As Mike's colleagues begin to probe his emotional state, he notices a panel of switches corresponding to the 80 employees who have perished. Having secretly planted the trackers collected by Marty on the soldiers and the voice itself, Mike flips every remaining switch except his own. The resulting explosions claim the lives of the soldiers and severely wound the voice before Mike seizes a firearm and mercilessly dispatches any remaining adversaries.

As he stumbles out into the open air, it becomes apparent that Mike is one of many sole survivors from similar experiments, under the watchful gaze of another group through surveillance cameras. A new voice booms forth: "End stage one. Commence stage two."