
Does The Butterfly Effect have end credit scenes?


The Butterfly Effect does not have end credit scenes.

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect


As Evan Treborn's life dissolves into a chronicle of forgotten trauma, he embarks on a perilous quest to rewrite the past, occupying his childhood self and reliving pivotal moments in an attempt to spare loved ones from devastating experiences. Can he alter the course of events and transform the present, or will the consequences of meddling with time unravel the fabric of reality?

Runtime: 113 min







User Score


7.6 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in The Butterfly Effect!

In 1998, Evan Treborn's life is a tapestry of traumatic events, woven together by the threads of childhood abuse, parental loss, and the crippling effect of memory lapses. As he navigates his teenage years, Evan's psyche is repeatedly scarred, with episodes of blacking out occurring at moments of heightened stress. His mother, desperate to understand her son's plight, seeks professional guidance, but medical examinations yield no answers. A doctor's suggestion that Evan keep a journal becomes a lifeline, providing a means for him to process his experiences and potentially unravel the mysteries surrounding his blackout episodes.

Evan's journaling habit reveals a peculiar pattern - he consistently backs away from impending catastrophes, including a botched prank involving an explosive device, which leaves one of his friends seriously injured. His mother attempts to employ hypnosis as a means of unlocking repressed memories, but Evan's response is a physical manifestation: nosebleeds. The blackouts persist, shrouding crucial moments in darkness.

The arrival of Tommy, Kayleigh's brother, brings a new level of chaos into Evan's life. A violent confrontation between the two leads to Evan's dog being brutally killed, an event that - like many others - is erased from his memory. His mother, exhausted by her son's struggles, decides to relocate the family.

In college, Evan discovers a peculiar connection between his journal entries and his past. When he reads from his adolescent diaries, he is suddenly transported back in time, allowing him to alter the course of events that had previously left him reeling. This newfound ability sparks a desperate quest to undo the traumatic experiences of his childhood, including the molestation of Kayleigh by her father (Eric Stoltz) and the relentless torment inflicted by Tommy.

However, Evan's efforts to rewrite history come with unforeseen consequences, generating alternate futures that are as dire as they are unpredictable. As he navigates this labyrinthine journey, Evan is forced to confront the darkest aspects of his past, driven by a deep-seated desire to salvage what remains of his childhood innocence and protect those he loves from further harm.

As Evan's quest for redemption unfolds, he makes a bold attempt to alter the course of events by traveling back in time to confront his tormentor, Kayleigh's father. In this earlier iteration, Evan orchestrates a subtle yet powerful intervention, prompting the man to recognize the gravity of his actions and seek repentance. Upon awakening in an alternate reality, Evan finds himself married to Kayleigh, but the newfound memories of this parallel past come flooding back as a searing headache sets in. This altered timeline reveals that Kayleigh was spared from abuse, but her father redirected his twisted desires towards Evan instead. Liberated from juvenile detention, Tommy now stalks Evan with malicious intent, driven by a desire to scare him away from Kayleigh.

As the two men clash, Evan's defense ultimately proves fatal for Tommy, resulting in a stint behind bars. However, this incarceration only serves as a catalyst for Evan's next move. He employs the journal to revisit the fateful moment when Tommy's cruelty claimed his beloved dog as its victim. This time, Evan enlists Matt's help, persuading him to intervene and free the trapped animal by using a makeshift tool crafted from a metal shard. Evan brokers a deal with Tommy, convincing him to spare the dog in exchange for Evan's promise to take his punishment and leave Kayleigh alone with her father. Tommy relents, releasing the dog, only for Matt to exact revenge with the very same metal fragment that had previously been used to liberate the canine.

As Evan awakens once more in an alternate reality, he finds himself back in his dorm room, but this time, Tommy is deceased and Matt has been institutionalized. In this somber new world, Evan encounters a grief-stricken Matt in a hospital setting, where the latter blames Evan for manipulating him into committing the act that took Tommy's life. Kayleigh, scarred by her own experience, has become entangled in a life of prostitution due to the physical and emotional toll inflicted upon her by her family dynamics.

As Evan's temporal odyssey continues, he finds himself hurtling back to the fateful moment when the dynamite exploded, with the intention of warning off Kayleigh (Emily Browning) and her infant child from their mailbox. With his quick thinking, he manages to intervene, saving their lives in the process. However, upon awakening from this brief excursion into the past, Evan is met with a harsh reality: he has lost his arms, and his once-loving relationship with Kayleigh has devolved into a sordid affair between her and Matt (played by). The anguish of losing Kayleigh's affection to another is compounded by the fact that she had previously revealed her deep-seated resentment towards her father, opting to remain with Evan rather than rejoin her mother following their divorce. This revelation serves as a poignant reminder that Evan's initial decision to push Kayleigh away was, in fact, the only viable means of "fixing" the timeline.

As Evan navigates the altered realities spawned by his subsequent blackouts and interventions, he begins to realize that his well-intentioned actions have far-reaching and unforeseen consequences. The cumulative effect of these temporal tweaks is a gradual erosion of his mental faculties, manifesting in episodes of brain damage and debilitating nosebleeds. Confronted with the devastating impact of his meddling on those he cares about most, Evan is forced to confront the harsh truth: that his attempts to alter the past have ultimately led to a multitude of sufferings across multiple timelines, all of which can be attributed to one primary cause – himself.

In a poignant coda, Evan elects to make one final foray into the past, traveling back to the day he first met Kayleigh. With a heavy heart, he deliberately scares her away, ensuring that their lives never intersect. This selfless act serves as a testament to his growth and newfound understanding of the consequences of temporal manipulation. The film concludes eight years hence, with Evan departing an office building in Manhattan and serendipitously crossing paths with Kayleigh on a bustling sidewalk. As they momentarily lock eyes before parting ways once more, Evan elects not to rekindle their connection, instead opting to destroy his journals and memories, thereby severing the ties that bind him to the past and its attendant heartaches.