
Does The Haunting of Julia have end credit scenes?


The Haunting of Julia does not have end credit scenes.

The Haunting of Julia

The Haunting of Julia


In this chilling drama, Julia Lofting's world shatters when a fateful mistake takes the life of her young daughter Kate. As she descends into grief and guilt, Julia's marriage to Magnus begins to unravel. Now, alone in a London mansion, Julia is tormented by the ghostly presence of a little girl, blurring the lines between reality and madness.

Runtime: 98 min








User Score


6.2 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in The Haunting of Julia!

Julia Lofting (Mia Farrow) and her family are faced with a devastating tragedy when their young daughter Kate (Sophie Ward) accidentally chokes on an apple slice during breakfast. Despite Julia's desperate attempts to save her, the piece of fruit refuses to dislodge, leading to a heart-wrenching loss that shatters their world. Consumed by grief, Julia leaves her husband Magnus (Keir Dullea) and relocates to a mysterious old row house in London's underbelly, hoping to escape the painful memories.

As she settles into her new home, Julia is drawn to an upstairs room filled with remnants of childhood innocence. Amidst the nostalgia, she discovers a mechanical clown toy with razor-sharp cymbals that inadvertently lacerate her finger. The incident marks the beginning of a series of bizarre and unexplained events that will forever alter Julia's perception of reality.

In the nearby park, Julia is convinced she spots Kate, only to have the girl vanish into thin air. As the strange occurrences escalate, Julia becomes increasingly paranoid, attributing the eerie noises in her home to Magnus' supposed surveillance. When she attempts to capture evidence by taking photos of the child's possessions, she is perplexed to find that nothing appears in the developed frame. Moreover, the items seem impervious to photographic documentation.

The atmosphere of uncertainty reaches a boiling point when Julia stumbles upon a mutilated turtle and a knife in the park, eerily mirroring the circumstances surrounding Kate's passing. As tensions build, Magnus' sister Lily invites Julia to host a seance at her home, led by the enigmatic medium Mrs. Fludd. The ritual takes an ominous turn as Mrs. Fludd becomes terrified, urging Julia to flee the premises immediately.

In the aftermath of the seance, one of Lily's friends, Miss Pinner, suffers a gruesome fall down the stairs. Meanwhile, Magnus breaks into Julia's house in search of her, only to stumble upon something that compels him to follow it to the basement. Unfortunately, his pursuit ends in tragedy as he falls from the staircase, his throat brutally cut on a shattered bottle.

As Julia delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding her home, a neighbor reveals to her that the once-abandoned property was once owned by Heather Rudge, whose daughter Olivia met a tragic demise eerily reminiscent of Kate's own untimely passing. Seeking guidance from Mrs. Fludd, who has fallen ill since conducting a séance, Julia is convinced that Kate's malevolent spirit now haunts the very halls she calls home. However, Mrs. Fludd's visions are more ominous than that, as she beholds a boy in the park, his life slipping away amidst a pool of blood.

Julia becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth behind Geoffrey Braden's brutal murder in the same park, which leads her to Greta Braden, the bereaved mother. Mrs. Braden shares a chilling tale of how her son was brutally slaughtered by the very children who had once been under Olivia's sway. Julia is tasked with tracking down the remaining two individuals involved: Captain Paul Winter and David Swift. Winter, however, dismisses Julia's claims after she reveals that she has encountered Mrs. Braden herself.

Meanwhile, Miss Pinner, a seemingly innocent neighbor, denies having witnessed anything unsettling within Julia's home. As Julia continues her investigation, she visits Swift, an embattled soul struggling with the demons of his past. He candidly confesses to being under Olivia's thrall, forced to participate in a twisted ritual where they were each required to slaughter an animal, only to be compelled by Olivia to witness Geoffrey's merciless murder. Only Mrs. Rudge was privy to this dark secret.

That night, Julia is jolted awake by the gentle touch of a child's hand on her face and the soft grasp of their fingers intertwined with hers. The phone rings, but before she can answer it, a mischievous hand pushes hers away, causing her glass to shatter on the floor. Later that evening, Swift meets his untimely demise after slipping on a broken bottle in his apartment building's stairwell.

Julia confides in her friend Mark about her discoveries, but he is skeptical of her claims. As the night wears on, Julia finds herself trapped in a cycle of terror when her heater refuses to turn off, forcing her to make a desperate attempt to unplug it and inadvertently electrocuting herself. Days later, Mark meets a similar fate when a lamp falls into his bathtub, electrocution claiming him as well.

In the midst of this chaos, Julia seeks out Mrs. Rudge in a psychiatric institution, where she finally gains insight into the events that unfolded. Mrs. Rudge reveals that she had killed Olivia after discovering the truth about her daughter's depraved acts. As Julia flees in fear, she casts a glance over her shoulder, only to find Mrs. Rudge staring back at her with eyes that seem to belong to none other than the long-departed Olivia. It is then that Mrs. Rudge succumbs to a fatal heart attack, the weight of her secrets finally exacting its toll.

As the veil between worlds begins to lift, Julia's domestic sanctuary becomes a battleground for the restless spirit of Olivia, whose ethereal presence seeps into every crevice of the familiar space. In the bathroom mirror, a fleeting glance captures the essence of Olivia's otherworldly form, as if the very fabric of reality had momentarily parted to reveal her spectral visage. The living room soon becomes a makeshift playground for this mischievous entity, who frolics on the floor with an oversized clown toy, her ghostly energy infusing the air with an aura of playful mischief.

Julia's compassionate heart compels her to intervene, gently claiming the toy from Olivia and extending an open-armed invitation for the phantom to linger. In a poignant display of empathy, Julia's embrace serves as a conduit for the lost soul's longing for human connection, momentarily stalling the inexorable march of fate that awaits them both.

In the final, haunting tableau, Julia's mortal form is laid low by an unseen hand, her life force ebbing away as the crimson fluid flows from a throat brutally rent asunder by the jagged edges of the cymbals, a grim reminder that even in death, some secrets remain forever silenced.