The Hedgehog 2011

As Paloma's 12th birthday looms, she's driven to despair by the world's contradictions. Armed with her father's camcorder, she captures the hypocrisy around her, but finds an unlikely ally in gruff concierge Renée Michel, whose secret love for Tolstoy and her cat reveals a kindred spirit beneath the prickly exterior. As their bond grows, Paloma's outlook shifts from despair to hope, and her own coming-of-age becomes a journey of self-discovery.

As Paloma's 12th birthday looms, she's driven to despair by the world's contradictions. Armed with her father's camcorder, she captures the hypocrisy around her, but finds an unlikely ally in gruff concierge Renée Michel, whose secret love for Tolstoy and her cat reveals a kindred spirit beneath the prickly exterior. As their bond grows, Paloma's outlook shifts from despair to hope, and her own coming-of-age becomes a journey of self-discovery.

Does The Hedgehog have end credit scenes?


The Hedgehog does have end credit scenes.


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Plot Summary

In the opulent Parisian abode she shares with her family, 11-year-old Paloma (palpable sadness emanates from her very presence) quietly navigates her existence, her introspective nature allowing her to absorb the despair that seems to permeate those around her. With an uncanny sense of prescience, she discerns the bleakness that adulthood has in store and, with a heavy heart, decides to curtail her life on the cusp of her 12th birthday - a mere 165 days away from the present moment. As she documents poignant moments through her father’s vintage camera lens, Paloma captures the minutiae of those around her: her mother, dependent on antidepressants; her sister, lost in moody reverie; and the pretentious dinner guests who frequent their home.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Michel, the stoic yet endearing concierge, keeps watch over the building where Paloma’s family resides. This enigmatic figure, whose passion for literature is carefully hidden from her stodgy employers, is unexpectedly discovered by Mr. Ozu (a widowed Japanese gentleman), a kindred spirit who recognizes her elegance and erudition. As these three souls with shared sensibilities form an unspoken bond, Paloma’s gaze is gradually opened to the beauty of life she had previously overlooked, prompting her to reevaluate the course she had chosen for herself.

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