The Illusionist 2010

Box Office



80 min




In this poignant animated tale, an aging illusionist, his artistry waning, embarks on a quest to revive his craft, intersecting with Alice, a spirited teenage girl clinging to childhood's whimsy. As they navigate the complexities of adulthood and identity, their unlikely bond forms, bridging generational gaps and illuminating the transformative power of discovery.

In this poignant animated tale, an aging illusionist, his artistry waning, embarks on a quest to revive his craft, intersecting with Alice, a spirited teenage girl clinging to childhood's whimsy. As they navigate the complexities of adulthood and identity, their unlikely bond forms, bridging generational gaps and illuminating the transformative power of discovery.

Does The Illusionist have end credit scenes?


The Illusionist does not have end credit scenes.






User Score

Rotten Tomatoes





User Score


7.5 /10

IMDb Rating



User Score

Plot Summary

In the cinematic realm, an enigmatic illusionist/magician, Tatischeff (though his name remains a whispered secret), traverses the City of Light in 1959, as the Parisian entertainment scene undergoes a metamorphosis with the rise of rock and roll and the impending onslaught of television. The once-thriving performer finds himself relegated to playing to sparse crowds, a stark contrast to the era’s vibrant cultural landscape. With hopes of reviving his fortunes, Tati sets his sights on London, only to discover that even there, he is forced to share the spotlight with a rock-and-roll band that has the audience entranced. The theater owner, enamored with the new sounds, insists on multiple “encores,” leaving Tati’s own act relegated to an afterthought. As the curtains close on his London debut, the illusionist is left to perform for a mere handful of patrons – two individuals who remain steadfast in their attention.

Undeterred, Tati embarks on a journey to smaller, more intimate settings, seeking to reclaim his artistic relevance. He brings his act to cafes, bars, and even private gatherings, yet finds himself largely ignored by the masses. The exception is a tipsy Scotsman, who invites Tati to perform at his humble pub in Scotland.

The setting sun casts its warm glow over this rustic establishment, where patrons are mesmerized not only by Tati’s illusions but also by the novel contraptions that suddenly illuminate their surroundings – electric lights and a jukebox. Amidst this whirlwind of innovation, a young girl named Alice becomes enchanted with the illusionist’s artistry. As she cleans up the hallway where he resides, a chance encounter leads to her astonishment when Tati transforms a humble bar of soap into a brand new one. This magical display is followed by an equally remarkable feat: seemingly conjuring coins from thin air.

As Tati explores the small Scottish town, he becomes aware of Alice’s admiration for a pair of bright red shoes displayed in a shop window. Noticing that her own boots are beginning to show signs of wear, he uses his remaining funds to purchase the coveted footwear and then – with a flourish – makes it appear before her eyes. Needless to say, Alice is overjoyed by this whimsical gesture, further solidifying her bond with the enigmatic illusionist.

As Tati sets his sights on departing the quaint town, fate has other plans. On the ferry ride back to the mainland, he’s reunited with Alice, who has chosen to join him of her own accord. With an air of quiet acceptance, Tati agrees to let her accompany him and even grants her wish to explore the storied streets of Edinburgh.

Upon arriving in their new urban surroundings, Tati secures a modest apartment shared by a diverse troupe of performers. There’s a trio of acrobatic siblings, a ventriloquist with a knack for conjuring words from thin air, and a clown who brings joy to those around him. As fate would have it, Alice is given the bedroom, while Tati decides to claim the sofa as his own in the main living area.

Tati’s fortunes take a turn for the better when he lands a gig at the local Music Hall, where he performs alongside his new roommates. With time on his hands, he also spends quality moments with Alice, sharing laughter and life experiences. However, their idyllic bubble is burst when Alice meets a charming young man and slips away from Tati’s notice to be with him.

One fateful evening, Tati returns home drunk and disheveled, only to find the apartment empty the next morning. Alice has vanished, leaving behind a note from Tati and a small stash of cash. With his heart heavy, he sets his beloved rabbit free in the mountains before packing his bags and embarking on a new journey.

As fate would have it, Alice returns home to an empty apartment, where she finds the note and some financial security. She packs her own suitcase, extinguishes the lights, and meets her young suitor waiting patiently downstairs.

Meanwhile, Tati finds himself traveling alongside a kind-hearted mother and her young child on a train bound for unknown destinations. The pair strike up a conversation that spans generations and cultures.

As the curtain closes, the city’s lights fade to darkness, except for the televisions in a shop window casting their glow. In another part of town, the ventriloquist’s faithful companion, once a constant by his side, now sits alone on a shelf, its price tag reading “free” – a poignant reminder that even the most skilled performers can’t always control the outcome.

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