
Does The Lair of the White Worm have end credit scenes?


The Lair of the White Worm does not have end credit scenes.

The Lair of the White Worm

The Lair of the White Worm


In a sleepy countryside, archaeologist Angus Flint's discovery of a gargantuan skull sparks a sinister awakening. As he unravels the mystery of the D'Ampton Worm, a mythical creature thought to be long extinct, Lady Sylvia Marsh emerges with a deadly allure, casting a shadow over Eve Trent and her sister Mary.

Runtime: 93 min

Box Office: $1.2M








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Check out what happened in The Lair of the White Worm!

As Angus Flint (Scottish archaeology student) meticulously excavates the ancient convent at Mercy Farm, a Derbyshire bed and breakfast run by the enigmatic Trent sisters, Mary and Eve, his discovery of an unusual skull sends shivers down his spine. The relic appears to be that of a massive serpent, eerily reminiscent of the d'Ampton "worm", a mythical creature said to have been vanquished by John d'Ampton, ancestor of the current Lord of the Manor, James d'Ampton. This ancient legend has been passed down through generations, whispering tales of a snake-like beast that once roamed these very lands.

The discovery of a vintage pocket watch in Stonerich Cavern sparks a chain reaction of events as James becomes convinced that the d'Ampton worm's existence is more than just a fanciful tale. The watch belongs to the Trent sisters' father, who mysteriously vanished near Temple House, the opulent estate of the enigmatic Lady Sylvia Marsh. A being of unearthly beauty and mystical power, Lady Sylvia harbors secrets tied to the ancient snake god Dionin. As she insidiously infiltrates Mercy Farm, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity, she pilfers the serpent's skull before baring her fangs and spewing venom onto a crucifix.

The Trent sisters' daughter, Eve, later touches the crucifix, unwittingly absorbing some of the venom. As a result, she is plagued by a disturbing vision: a crucified Jesus beset by a colossal serpent as Roman soldiers commit heinous atrocities on nuns. Meanwhile, Lady Sylvia captures a young male hitchhiker and transports him to Temple House, where she employs her siren-like charms before delivering a fatal dose of snake venom.

When James d'Ampton visits Temple House under the guise of a concerned friend, Lady Sylvia feigns terror at the mention of snakes, her words dripping with an air of innocence. That night, James is beset by a surreal nightmare in which he boards a plane alongside Eve and Lady Sylvia, masquerading as flight attendants. The unsettling journey takes him to dark places, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy become increasingly blurred.

As the morning sun casts its golden light upon the rustic landscape, James embarks on an expedition into the labyrinthine depths of Stonerich Cavern, accompanied by Angus, Eve, and Mary. However, their leisurely stroll takes a dark turn when Eve decides to return to Mercy Farm, only to vanish into thin air in the woods, kidnapped by the enigmatic Lady Sylvia with sinister intentions. It becomes clear that a gargantuan serpent lurks within the cave system connecting Temple House to Stonerich Cavern, its presence eerily sensed by James.

Meanwhile, Angus and Mary infiltrate Temple House, where they stumble upon Eve's mother, Dorothy, lost in a trance-like state. Her sudden transformation into a feral creature, complete with razor-sharp fangs, sends Mary into a hallucinatory frenzy, but Angus swiftly extracts the venom from her neck. As James confronts the crisis unfolding before him, he dispatches his butler, Peters, with a sword, severing Dorothy in two.

At dawn's break, police officer Ernie arrives at Mercy Farm, summoned by James's urgent phone call. Under the guise of a routine investigation, Mary accompanies Ernie to Temple House, only to discover that the unsuspecting officer has been bitten and enthralled by the serpent's spell. Angus uses his bagpipes to lure Ernie away, ultimately ending the officer's life with a fatal blow as Mary flees into the subterranean tunnels beneath Temple House. As Angus gives chase, he falls prey to Lady Sylvia's serpentine transformation, binding him helplessly.

In this moment of chaos, Mary finds herself captive in Lady Sylvia's lair, awaiting sacrifice to Dionin at the bottom of a pit. However, Angus thwarts the ritual by shoving Lady Sylvia into the abyss, where she meets her demise at the jaws of the ancient serpent deity. As James leads an expedition above ground to investigate the Stonerich Caverns, the drama unfolds beneath his feet, with the fate of Eve hanging precariously in the balance.

As Angus (Angus) takes desperate measures to counteract Lady Sylvia's venomous bite, he resorts to an antivenom serum procured from the local hospital earlier in the day. Following the hospitalization of Eve and Mary, Angus seeks out James, but their encounter is abruptly disrupted by a phone call from a harried nurse at the medical facility. The news she delivers is nothing short of catastrophic: the antivenom serum he had obtained was, in reality, an arthritis medication, leaving Angus stunned and disbelieving. His initial shock gives way to a sense of creeping dread as he gazes upon his reflection in a mirror, his expression a mask of growing unease.

Despite this devastating revelation, Angus accepts James' invitation to a celebratory lunch, his countenance a picture of false joviality. The façade is shattered, however, when the group arrives at their destination and Angus's sinister smile betrays his true state. A fleeting glance down at his leg reveals the telltale signs of Lady Sylvia's bite, now an open wound that seems to pulsate with malevolent life.