
Does The Mummy have end credit scenes?


The Mummy does not have end credit scenes.

The Mummy

The Mummy


In ancient Mesopotamia, treasure hunter Nick Morton stumbles upon a long-lost princess, Ahmanet, who's been entombed for millennia. As her powers surge back to life, Morton must confront his own mortality and stop the vengeful queen from wreaking havoc on London, navigating a deadly game of cat-and-mouse through the city's streets.

Runtime: 110 min

Box Office: $409M








User Score






User Score


5.4 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The Mummy!

In the sweltering heat of 1157 A.D., crusader knights solemnly interred their fallen comrade amidst a glittering gemstone, an unexpected token of remembrance. Fast-forward to present day, where a labyrinthine network of catacombs beneath London yields a treasure trove of secrets. Dr. Henry Jekyll (Russell Crowe), a man consumed by intellectual curiosity, ventures into the ancient tunnels and stumbles upon a mysterious tomb adorned with hieroglyphs that hold the key to a long-forgotten story.

As Jekyll recounts the tale through flashbacks, the enigmatic Princess Ahmanet (Sofia Boutella) emerges as a cunning warrior, determined to ascend to her rightful throne. However, her world is turned upside down when her father, Pharaoh Menehptre (Selva Rasalingam), announces his second wife's pregnancy, ensuring the birth of a male heir to succeed him. Ahmanet, desperate to maintain her claim to the throne, makes a Faustian pact with Set, the god of death, trading her soul for dark powers. Her subsequent descent into madness and brutality culminates in a gruesome triple murder, as she slays Menehptre, his wife, and their infant son.

The Pharaoh's priests ultimately thwart Ahmanet's plans to perform a dark ritual on her lover using a cursed dagger, dooming him to a brutal death. In a shocking turn of events, Ahmanet is mummified alive and her sarcophagus is spirited away from Egypt, hidden deep within the tomb where she can never be found.

Meanwhile, in modern-day Mesopotamia (or Iraq), U.S. Army Sergeant Nick Morton (Tom Cruise) and his trusted comrade Corporal Chris Vail (Jake Johnson) embark on a perilous reconnaissance mission, dodging insurgent gunfire as they approach a village overrun by chaos. Nick's insatiable thirst for adventure is tempered only by Vail's cautionary warnings, but the pair ignores protocol and ventures into the heart of danger. As an airstrike rains down destruction upon the insurgents, a hidden opening in the earth threatens to suck them down into the abyss, revealing the long-lost tomb of Princess Ahmanet.

As Colonel Greenway (Courtney B. Vance) descends upon the excavation site in a helicopter, he unleashes a verbal barrage on Nick and Vail for abandoning their duties and pursuing insurgents. The tension is palpable as they stand before him, their faces etched with defiance. Just moments later, archaeologist Jenny Halsey (Annabelle Wallis) arrives on the scene, her eyes flashing with anger as she confronts Nick for pilfering a map from her following a night of intimacy. The air is thick with unspoken emotions as they stand before each other.

The trio's curiosity gets the better of them, and they venture down into the tomb, their flashlights casting eerie shadows on the walls. Jenny's trained eyes take in the peculiar details: watcher statues facing inward, chains binding the sarcophagus, and a pool of mercury designed to weaken malevolent spirits. Nick's impulsive nature gets the better of him as he shoots a chain, releasing the sarcophagus from its restraints. The sudden freedom seems to awaken something within, as Ahmanet's spectral presence calls out to Nick, her gratitude dripping with an otherworldly intensity.

As they make their way back up to the surface, camel spiders begin their relentless ascent from the walls, their legs writhing like living darkness. Vail's attempts to fend them off prove futile, and he falls victim to a vicious bite on his neck. Nick reassures him that the creatures are harmless, but it's too late – the damage has been done.

Their return flight takes on a sense of foreboding as Vail begins to exhibit strange, unsettling symptoms: his skin turning a sickly grey, his eyes taking on an unnatural hue. His desperation to free the sarcophagus from its restraints grows more frantic, until he finally turns on Colonel Greenway (Courtney B. Vance), striking him down with deadly precision.

Nick is forced to put an end to Vail's rampage, bringing a sense of grim finality to their adventure. As chaos erupts in the cockpit, Nick and Jenny are faced with the horrific sight of crows crashing through the windshield, claiming the lives of the pilots. With time running out, Nick manages to secure a parachute for Jenny, sending her fleeing to safety as the plane hurtles toward its demise.

Nick's consciousness awakens in a morgue in London, his lifeless body entombed in a coffin. Vail's ghostly apparition appears beside him, bearing witness to their shared curse. The revelation is followed by Jenny's stunned discovery of Nick's very much alive presence among the deceased.

As Nick (played by) hastily exits the dimly lit pub, his mind still reeling from another unsettling encounter with Vail's ghost, he unwittingly stumbles into a eerie vision. The decrepit alleyway is suddenly overrun by a seemingly endless horde of rats, their beady eyes fixed on him as Ahmanet (played by) emerges from the shadows, her presence both mesmerizing and terrifying. Just as Nick appears doomed to succumb to this macabre tableau, Jenny intervenes, snapping him back to reality with words of wisdom gleaned from deciphering the ancient hieroglyphs adorning the sarcophagus. Her revelations center around Set's dagger, a powerful artifact that requires the jewel's union to complete the dark ritual.

With newfound purpose, Nick and Jenny embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth about the jewel, which, according to Jenny's research, lies buried alongside the crusaders' tombs in London. Their excavation yields the coveted gemstone, but their triumphant moment is short-lived as Ahmanet and her legion of undead minions converge upon them, trapping them within the tomb. A desperate fight ensues, with Nick and Jenny managing to outwit and escape their foes.

As they flee through the woods, pursued by Ahmanet's relentless forces, their van careens wildly down a hillside after an undead slave crashes through the windshield. The ensuing chaos culminates in Ahmanet's downfall at the hands of a hook-wielding savior, followed by the arrival of a team of rescuers.

Nick and Jenny find themselves whisked away to Prodigium, a clandestine facility nestled beneath the esteemed Natural History Museum of London. As Nick navigates this labyrinthine domain, he encounters an array of artifacts that seem straight out of the realm of nightmares: a skull adorned with fangs, reminiscent of the infamous Dracula; and a scaly forearm, eerily evoking the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Their guide through this surreal world is Jekyll (played by), who begins to illuminate the mysteries surrounding Ahmanet's malevolent forces. Prodigium's mission is twofold: to unravel the secrets of these dark entities and contain their destructive potential. As Nick approaches Ahmanet, now subdued and chained within a specially designed enclosure filled with the antiseptic properties of mercury, she spins a mesmerizing tale of a failed ritual aimed at claiming her lover's life. Her words are laced with an otherworldly allure, promising Nick unparalleled control over mortality and the prospect of ascending to godlike status if he joins forces with her.

As Nick (character name) and Jenny (character name) return to Jekyll's office, they're met with an unsettling spectacle: Jekyll himself is undergoing a transformation, his body contorting in ways that defy human comprehension. His desperate attempts to halt the process using a serum only lead to chaos as Nick seizes control of the situation, demanding answers and refusing to back down. A Prodigium agent intervenes, whisking Jenny away from the unfolding mayhem, leaving Nick trapped amidst the turmoil.

Meanwhile, Ahmanet's malevolent presence continues to exert its influence, orchestrating a sinister symphony of events that culminates in her summoning a camel spider to infiltrate the ear canal of another unsuspecting agent. As the creature begins to wreak havoc, Ahmanet seizes the opportunity to break free from her restraints and claim the dagger and jewel for herself.

As the city teeters on the brink of chaos, Nick and Jenny flee Jekyll's facility, pursued by a raging sandstorm that seems almost as malevolent as Ahmanet herself. Their desperate flight takes them through labyrinthine tunnels, where they encounter more of Ahmanet's undead minions. In a brutal display of strength and determination, Nick dispatches the creatures with ruthless efficiency.

Despite their best efforts, Nick and Jenny find themselves pushed into the water by an undying horror, only to emerge victorious after destroying the abomination. As they surface for air, Ahmanet seizes the opportunity to snatch Jenny from the water's edge, dragging her beneath the waves. Nick fights valiantly to save his companion, but in a heart-wrenching moment, he's forced to watch as she succumbs to the merciless power of the ancient queen.

Consumed by grief and rage, Nick confronts Ahmanet, refusing to yield even as she attempts to persuade him to join her twisted cause. In a final act of defiance, Nick offers her the dagger, only to turn it upon himself, embracing the curse of Set. As he becomes possessed by the ancient deity, Nick's battle-hardened body takes on a life of its own, pitted against Ahmanet in a struggle that ultimately ends with her demise.

In the aftermath, as Ahmanet's lifeless form is interred within a mercury-filled sarcophagus, Jenny finds herself reunited with Jekyll. Together, they ponder the uncertain fate of Nick, now a monster driven by his own dark powers. Jekyll offers words of hope, suggesting that so long as Nick retains even a shred of humanity, there may yet be redemption for him.

The curtain closes on this apocalyptic chapter, but the story is far from over. In a distant desert landscape, Nick has somehow managed to revive Vail (character name), and together they ride off into the sunset, pursued by an ominous sandstorm that seems destined to follow them forever.