The Night Eats the World 2018

In a desolate Paris overrun by the undead, Sam finds solace in a solitary existence within his besieged apartment. But as the night wears on, he discovers he's not alone - and the silence is shattered by the arrival of an unlikely companion, forcing him to confront the reality of his new world and the will to survive.

In a desolate Paris overrun by the undead, Sam finds solace in a solitary existence within his besieged apartment. But as the night wears on, he discovers he's not alone - and the silence is shattered by the arrival of an unlikely companion, forcing him to confront the reality of his new world and the will to survive.

Does The Night Eats the World have end credit scenes?


The Night Eats the World does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

The Night Eats the World Quiz: Test your knowledge of the harrowing survival story in 'The Night Eats the World'.

What triggers Sam's initial predicament in Fanny's apartment?

Plot Summary

As Sam (no actor provided) enters the Parisian apartment of his ex-girlfriend Fanny, he’s met with a nightmarish scenario. Initially rebuffed by Fanny herself, Sam musters the courage to retrieve the music tapes left in her possession, only to be accidentally bumped by a partygoer and subsequently knocked unconscious. When he awakens the next morning, the apartment is in shambles, with bloodstained walls and an eerie silence that hangs heavy in the air.

The discovery of Fanny’s zombified form, along with others, sends Sam fleeing to the safety of his own apartment, where he witnesses a family attempting to escape from across the street. Tragically, they’re met with a swarm of fast-moving, silent zombies, and their screams are brutally silenced as they’re devoured in broad daylight. The only refuge Sam can find is the secure haven of his apartment, several stories up, which seems to be the last bastion of humanity.

As the days pass, Sam becomes trapped within the confines of the building, forced to clean up the aftermath of the chaos that has unfolded. The sound of a shotgun blast shattering through the floor below serves as a grim reminder of the horrors that lurk beneath his feet. With the help of a pipe, Sam uncovers the tragic tale of the resident who took his own life, having previously killed his infected wife and bound her to a chair.

Armed with the shotgun and a sense of determination, Sam ventures outside, only to find that the zombies have vanished from the stairway. Sealing himself inside the building by closing the doors, he begins to explore the apartments one by one, finding most of them eerily empty. However, his journey is punctuated by close calls with hordes of undead, including a terrifying encounter with a group waiting in ambush.

As Sam navigates the labyrinthine corridors, he stumbles upon an unlikely companion: Alfred, a zombified elderly man who has become trapped in the building’s lift. With a mix of morbid fascination and pity, Sam binds the lift gate and engages in one-sided conversations with his newfound “friend,” finding solace in the stark absurdity of their situation.

As Sam’s grip on reality begins to slip, his initial triumph in securing a cache of supplies from the abandoned building is tempered by the crushing loneliness that sets in. In an attempt to stave off the encroaching darkness, he discovers a trove of musical instruments and indulges in a melancholic performance, his notes echoing off the desolate walls. But as the days blend together, Sam’s desperation for human connection grows, and he finds himself fixated on a stray cat that wanders into his midst. In a moment of reckless abandon, he attempts to capture the feline, only to be nearly consumed by the undead hordes that converge in response. The close call leaves him shaken, and he spends the remainder of the day reeling from the near-death experience.

As winter’s chill sets in, Sam is forced to confront the harsh realities of his new world. With the water supply cut off and the apartment building shrouded in darkness, he must rely on his ingenuity to survive. He constructs a makeshift fireplace and collects rainwater, but his mental state continues to deteriorate. The streets, once teeming with life, are now eerily vacant, leaving Sam feeling isolated and forsaken.

In an effort to test the boundaries of his new reality, Sam dons a pair of drumsticks and unleashes a primal scream into the night air. The undead, drawn by the cacophony, converge on the apartment building, their moans rising like a macabre chorus as they pile atop one another in a desperate bid to reach the balcony. Undeterred, Sam continues to pound away at the drums, his rage and frustration fueling his defiant performance.

That night, as he lies awake, listening to the silence outside his bedroom door, Sam’s grip on reality falters once more. He fires his shotgun through the door, only to be met by the anguished cries of another human being. With a jolt of horror, he realizes that his bullet has claimed yet another life.

As the morning light creeps into the apartment, Sam finds himself face to face with Sarah, her eyes sunken but her spirit unbroken. She shares her tale of survival, a testament to her indomitable will. Together, they methodically clear the lower apartments of their undead occupants, and Sarah implores Sam to abandon his post, warning him that his isolation will ultimately drive him mad or claim his life.

Sam’s initial resistance gives way to reluctance, but as he gazes upon Sarah’s lifeless form – her face frozen in a perpetual scream, her eyes closed forever – he is consumed by grief. He mourns her loss, eulogizes her memory, and covers her body with the tender care of one who has finally grasped the value of human connection.

Amongst her belongings, Sam discovers a camera, its lens bearing witness to the indelible marks left by Sarah’s loved ones – a family whose faces seem to stare back at him from the rooftops. The poignant reminder of what he once had serves only to heighten his sense of loss and isolation, as he stands alone on the rooftop, the city spread out before him like a desolate, undead sea.

As the apartment becomes too suffocating, Sam makes his escape, abandoning the incriminating tapes to their fiery fate. The released Alfred drifts aimlessly towards his nearby abode, where Sam ensconces him in a secure holding cell. The inferno sparked by the burning tapes ignites a fire alarm, drawing an unwelcome horde of undead to the building’s doorstep. With chaos erupting below, Sam seizes the opportunity to make a break for it, navigating the thick smoke and dispatching several of the shambling corpses as he makes his way to the rooftop. From this vantage point, he surveys the seemingly endless Parisian skyline, his gaze stretching across the City of Light like an explorer charting new territory.

As he stands there, the silence is momentarily broken by a faint sound that hints at the possibility of other survivors lurking in the shadows.

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