In this gritty action-drama, ex-con Johnny Sanchez seizes a second chance at redemption through "The Red Canvas," a brutal MMA tournament sponsored by ruthless mogul General Insou Krang. As Johnny fights for his past love's family and his own lost identity, he must confront the true meaning of heroism: that strength comes not from fists, but from the depths of one's heart.

In this gritty action-drama, ex-con Johnny Sanchez seizes a second chance at redemption through "The Red Canvas," a brutal MMA tournament sponsored by ruthless mogul General Insou Krang. As Johnny fights for his past love's family and his own lost identity, he must confront the true meaning of heroism: that strength comes not from fists, but from the depths of one's heart.

Does The Red Canvas have end credit scenes?


The Red Canvas does not have end credit scenes.


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