The Ride 2020

In the aftermath of a devastating confrontation, John McCord finds himself in juvenile detention, but a chance at redemption arrives when he's placed with Eldridge and Marianna Buultjens, an interracial couple who offer a fresh start. As they bond over extreme sports, particularly BMX riding, John's troubled past begins to fade, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and belonging.

In the aftermath of a devastating confrontation, John McCord finds himself in juvenile detention, but a chance at redemption arrives when he's placed with Eldridge and Marianna Buultjens, an interracial couple who offer a fresh start. As they bond over extreme sports, particularly BMX riding, John's troubled past begins to fade, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and belonging.

Does The Ride have end credit scenes?


The Ride does not have end credit scenes.


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