
Does The Roommate have end credit scenes?


The Roommate does not have end credit scenes.

The Roommate

The Roommate


As college newcomer Sara settles into LA life, wealthy roommate Rebecca welcomes her with open arms, only for their bond to fray when Sara starts forging new connections. Rebecca's possessiveness escalates into menacing intensity as Sara pulls away, threatening to shatter the fragile harmony between them.

Box Office: $40M








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4.8 /10

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Check out what happened in The Roommate!

As Sara Mathews (Minka Kelly) settles into her dorm at the University of Los Angeles, the excitement of freshman year is palpable. With her roommate still MIA, Sara claims her territory and begins to make herself at home. Her initial foray into college life takes a lively turn when she meets Tracy (Ali Michalka) and her friend Kim, and the trio decides to crash a nearby frat party. The music pulsates, and Sara lets loose, dancing and laughing alongside Stephen (Cam Gigandet), the charismatic drummer who's also a member of the fraternity. As the night wears on, they share a laugh at Tracy's antics, and Stephen offers to escort her home after she gets a bit too tipsy. A sweet goodnight kiss seals their new friendship.

The next morning, Sara stumbles back into her room, still reeling from the previous night's revelry. She's surprised to find that her roommate, Rebecca (Leighton Meester), has finally arrived and is already making herself at home. As they navigate the awkwardness of getting-to-know-you, Sara discovers that Rebecca has a keen eye for art and is an aspiring artist. Their mutual fascination with fashion design leads them on a shopping spree to stock up on supplies from the campus bookstore. However, when Sara's phone rings and Jason (unspecified) appears on her caller ID, she's forced to confront the complicated history between them. With Rebecca listening intently, Sara reveals that they were once an item, but she broke things off after he didn't get into Brown University – only for him to swoop in and snatch the last available spot a week ago. Sara declines the call, opting instead to focus on forging a new connection with her roommate.

As their relationship evolves, Sara becomes fascinated by Rebecca's artistic process. She asks to peek at Rebecca's sketchbook, but her roommate firmly refuses, explaining that it's an integral part of her creative journey and not yet ready for public consumption. For now, the mystery surrounding Rebecca's art remains intact, leaving Sara eager to uncover more about her new friend and their shared passions.

As Sara bursts through the doors of the fashion design class, Professor Roberts (Billy Zane) stands at the forefront, his imposing figure a stark contrast to her apologetic demeanor. Despite being late, he takes pity on her and agrees to sign her into the course, impressed by her unwavering dedication and two intangible qualities that elude him: style and desire.

Later that evening, Tracy drops in on Sara and Rebecca, extending an invitation to join her at a trendy nightclub. While Rebecca declines, Sara acquiesces, leaving her phone with Tracy for the duration of their outing. As the night wears on, Sara becomes increasingly disoriented when she realizes Tracy has vanished, sans phone or purse, leaving her stranded. A desperate call to Rebecca yields a prompt response, and soon they're indulging in fluffy pancakes at a cozy diner, making plans to explore the city together the next day.

Their art gallery visit reveals a shared admiration for Richard Price's work, with Sara exhibiting a measured fascination with Rebecca's favorite piece. As they stroll past a tattoo parlor, Rebecca confesses her aversion to such body art, prompting Sara to share a poignant tale about her older sister Emily, whose memory she cherishes through the solitary necklace that holds immense sentimental value.

Sara's solo jog provides ample opportunity for Rebecca to rummage through her belongings, ultimately donning Sara's perfume and jewelry. Upon Sara's return, Rebecca reveals an unsettling familiarity with Sara's possessions, sparking a candid discussion about the treasured mementos that bind their friendship.

In a heartwarming display of maternal instincts, Sara rescues a stray kitten and secretly introduces it to their dormitory, where it quickly wins over Rebecca's affections. Together, they christen the new addition "Cuddles" and share in the joys of nurturing this tiny bundle of joy, fostering an unbreakable bond that transcends mere roommate status.

As Stephen strolls into the coffee shop where Sara has just begun her new job, he's met with a flurry of activity - including a blenderful of smoothie suddenly exploding in all directions. Despite the chaos, Stephen takes the opportunity to ask Sara out on a dinner date, which she gladly accepts. Meanwhile, back at home, Rebecca is busy getting ready for an evening out, having secured tickets to a prestigious gallery show featuring the works of renowned artist Richard Price. Sara, however, has already made other plans and can't help but notice her roommate's disappointment as she cancels their outing in favor of joining Stephen.

The next day, Sara receives a surprise text from Irene (Danneel Harris), an old friend and fashion major graduate turned stylist, who just happens to be based in L.A. The two arrange to meet up, leaving Sara to ponder her newfound social calendar. In a surprising turn of events, she drops by Stephen's study session at the library, asking him out on another dinner date - much to Rebecca's dismay.

As the evening wears on, Tracy finds herself alone and vulnerable in the dorm showers, where an eerie encounter awaits. The lights flicker back to life, and Tracy returns to her shower only to be attacked by someone holding the curtain down over her. A menacing whisper echoes through the air: "You're a bad influence on her, you trashy party whore." The perpetrator then delivers a chilling threat, warning Tracy that if she were to reveal their encounter, she would meet a deadly fate. As the shower curtain opens once more, Tracy is left shaken and alone.

Rebecca's growing unease peaks at 1:00 am as Sara remains out of reach. Frantic calls to her cell phone finally yield an answer, only to find Sara entwined with Stephen in the hallway. Rebecca's anger boils over as she demands to know where her roommate has been, prompting a discomfited Sara and Stephen to exchange uneasy glances.

The next day, Sara encounters Tracy on her way to class, asking about her sudden departure from their dorm building. Tracy cryptically explains that she switched residencies in pursuit of a better "vibe." Rebecca happens upon the conversation, offering a nonchalant assessment of Tracy's flaky nature. As Sara and Rebecca part ways, it becomes clear that their lives are slowly becoming intertwined with the mysterious forces lurking beneath the surface.

As the sun sets over the City of Angels, Sara and Stephen (played by...) find themselves strolling through a picturesque park, basking in the afterglow of their date. The conversation turns to the practicalities of their budding relationship, with Sara musing aloud about whether they'll be sharing a space at her place – replete with its twin bed and shared quarters – or his domain. Their answer lies in the direction they head, as they make their way to his room, where the night's intimacy unfolds.

Meanwhile, back at the dorms, Rebecca is growing increasingly agitated, her anxiety reaching a fever pitch as Sara fails to return home. Rather than picking up the phone, however, she elects to stew in her frustration, the silence punctuated only by the distant ringing of Sara's abandoned cell phone. The identity display reads "Jason" – a name that elicits no response from Rebecca – and yet, she finds herself drawn into a whispered conversation that gradually devolves into an admission of longing. As Jason's words continue to wash over her, Rebecca's fingers find their way to the most intimate parts of her body, her desires manifesting in a solitary act of release. The phone call is abruptly terminated, the receiver slammed back onto its cradle as Rebecca utters a stern warning: "Don't ever call me again!" – a declaration that serves as both a rebuke and a desperate attempt to sever ties.

In the aftermath of this emotional tumult, Sara pays a visit to her friend Irene, bearing the gift of Cuddles, the mischievous feline who's been causing trouble back at the dorms. Irene proves less than enthused about taking on the responsibilities of cat ownership, citing her frequent travels as a major obstacle. Nevertheless, she presents Sara with a bounty of high-end hand-me-downs, proffering an alternative solution: why not move in with me? The sprawling estate, filled to bursting with treasures and trinkets, would provide ample space for both Cuddles and their human occupants. Sara is immediately enamored of the idea, and upon her return to the dorms, she shares the notion with Rebecca.

The response is a mixture of panic and despair as Rebecca's worst fears are realized: what if Sara actually takes Irene up on her offer? The prospect sends her spiraling into a vortex of self-destructive behavior, as she secludes herself in the laundry room, Cuddles clutched tightly in her arms. With the cat safely ensconced within the dryer, Rebecca triggers the cycle, her tears mingling with the steam as she exacts revenge upon her own flesh – leaving behind a trail of bruises and lacerations.

The door bursts open to reveal Sara, her expression aghast at the sight that greets her. Rebecca's explanation is hasty and implausible: Cuddles has escaped, leading her on a wild goose chase through the city's dark alleys, where she was brutally assaulted by some unknown assailant. Sara urges Rebecca to seek police assistance, but her friend is resolute in her refusal – as if the very thought of exposing her true nature to the outside world is too terrible to contemplate.

In the aftermath of this traumatic episode, it falls to Sara to clean and tend to Rebecca's wounds, her touch a balm to the ravaged body. As she works to soothe her friend's physical and emotional pain, Rebecca issues an ultimatum: never leave me alone again – a desperate plea that serves as both a cry for help and a cautionary tale about the devastating consequences of unchecked emotions.

As the days dwindle by, Professor Roberts summons Sara to his office, his eyes gleaming with an unspoken proposal. He invites her to accompany him to Fashion Week in Paris as his assistant, a tantalizing opportunity that leaves Sara's heart racing. But before she can respond, he closes the distance between them and claims a kiss, his lips brushing against hers with an unwanted familiarity. Repulsed by the advances of her married professor, Sara recoils from the affront and hastens away, confiding in Rebecca about the egregious offense.

That very evening, Rebecca decides to pay Professor Roberts a visit at his office, donning a veil of innocence as she requests permission to add his class. She agrees to kiss him, but when he takes her up on the offer, she unleashes a torrent of protests, shrieking "No! Stop! Ouch, you're hurting me!" as she records their entire conversation on a miniature recorder. With the evidence in hand, Rebecca makes her exit, leaving Professor Roberts stunned and Sara apprised of the gossip spreading like wildfire through campus corridors.

As the news reaches its climax, Sara is relieved to learn that Professor Roberts has been forced into a leave of absence, his reputation in tatters after a recording surfaced depicting him making unwarranted advances towards a student. Meanwhile, Rebecca's family estate in Beverly Hills becomes the backdrop for their Thanksgiving celebration. The grandeur of her family's opulent residence serves as a stark contrast to Sara's humble upbringing, leaving her feeling like an outsider amidst the pampered elite.

As they explore the city with Rebecca's parents, Jeff and Alison (Tomas Arana and Frances Fisher), in tow, Sara becomes privy to whispers about Rebecca's tumultuous past. Her mother's inquiry into her medication regimen hints at a deeper issue plaguing Rebecca, one that she is loath to share with her friend. As they navigate the streets, a group of high school acquaintances converges on their coffee shop haven, their scornful glances painting a vivid portrait of Rebecca's complicated history.

When one of these former friends, played by Nina Dobrev, confronts Rebecca with the cruel declaration "You were never my friend," Sara is struck by the poignancy of Rebecca's story. As they part ways and return to the real world, Sara realizes that her own struggles are mere whispers compared to the turbulent storm brewing in Rebecca's life.

As they return to their dormitory, Sara receives a text from Irene, beckoning them to meet up again. Meanwhile, Rebecca declares she's feeling inspired and sets off to the studio to sketch, leaving Sara behind. However, as Rebecca departs, Sara begins to rummage through her roommate's belongings, uncovering a prescription for medication commonly used to treat mental health conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The pills remain untouched, suggesting that Rebecca has never actually taken them.

Sara shares her discovery with Stephen, and they both start to wonder if it might be time for Sara to take Irene's place in Rebecca's life. Meanwhile, Rebecca is nowhere near the studio. Instead, she makes a surprise appearance at a nightclub where Irene is partying with a group of women. In a moment that reveals Rebecca's true intentions, she makes a pass at Irene in the restroom and they decide to head back to Irene's apartment together.

The next morning, Rebecca returns to the dormitory, only to find Sara preparing to leave her behind. However, Rebecca begs Sara to join her for a tattoo appointment before she can even process what's happening. Despite her reservations, Sara accompanies Rebecca to the parlor and waits patiently as the artwork is completed. When she finally gets to see the finished product, she's shocked to discover that it's an exact replica of her own tattoo, with the words "Emily" emblazoned above the breast area. Rebecca's explanation - that Sara can now think of her as a sister - only serves to further enrage and disgust Sara.

As Sara packs her bags and prepares to leave, she realizes she can't find her beloved necklace. Rather than go back for it, she decides to move on and heads over to Stephen's frat house to stay until Irene returns. Meanwhile, Jason arrives in town and leaves a voicemail message for Sara, which goes unanswered. He then shows up at the dormitory and slips a note under her door, inviting her to meet him at his hotel room.

As Sara settles into her new temporary home, she can't shake off the feeling of unease. Her roommate's behavior has left her feeling bewildered and betrayed. And as Rebecca steps out of the shower, dark hair dye streaming down her back like a sinister sign, it becomes clear that she's taking drastic measures to transform herself into Sara's doppelganger - a move that will only serve to further destabilize the already precarious dynamics between these three women.

As Rebecca's schemes unfolded, she orchestrated a covert operation by infiltrating Jason's hotel room, expertly pilfering a room key from a unsuspecting maid. Under the guise of innocence, she shed her disguise, slipping into bed beside the sleeping Jason with calculated precision. As he began to stir, she unleashed a tender kiss and straddled him, only to be met with a mixture of confusion and grogginess. It wasn't until he caught sight of Sara's distinguishing necklace and tattoo, coupled with the intoxicating aroma of her perfume, that reality hit: Rebecca was masquerading as Sara. The revelation sparked a fierce outburst from Rebecca, who shrieked "She doesn't love you!" before striking Jason with a deadly precision using Sara's art blade.

Meanwhile, at the frat house, a party in full swing served as the backdrop for Sara's mysterious disappearance. Stephen waited patiently for his 10:00 pm rendezvous with Sara, but she failed to materialize. As he checked his phone for any signs of life, a cryptic message from Sara appeared: Irene had returned and required her urgent attention, prompting Sara's hasty departure. With a sense of foreboding, Stephen received instructions to meet Sara at their undisclosed destination, leaving him with more questions than answers about the true nature of Sara's sudden disappearance.

As Sara pushed open Irene's apartment door, a sense of unease settled over her like a shroud. The entrance was flung wide, an uninviting welcome mat that seemed to scream "Something is terribly wrong." Her instincts proved correct as she stepped inside, her eyes scanning the dimly lit space for any sign of her friend. Instead, she stumbled upon a scene straight out of a horror movie: Irene, bound and gagged on the bed, her eyes pleading for help.

Rebecca emerged from the shadows, gun in hand, her expression a twisted parody of friendship. "All I ever wanted was to be your friend," she spat, her voice dripping with venom. Sara's attempt to reason with Rebecca was met with a hail of bitter words and a cold, calculating gaze. But just as it seemed like all hope was lost, Stephen burst into the room, his arrival igniting a maelstrom of chaos.

The ensuing melee saw furniture sent flying, punches thrown, and bodies crashing to the ground. Sara's desperate bid to free Irene from her bonds was foiled when Rebecca regained control, gun in hand. The air was thick with tension as Sara was forced to retreat, fighting for her life against the woman she once considered a friend.

In the end, it was Sara who emerged victorious, pinning Rebecca to the floor and delivering a devastating blow that would leave its mark forever. As sirens wailed outside, Sara collected herself, her gaze falling upon Stephen's battered form. Together, they made their way out of the apartment, leaving behind the wreckage of what once was.

The epilogue found Sara settling into a new dorm room, surrounded by unfamiliar faces and an uncertain future. Stephen by her side, she asked him to help her with one final task: to leave a symbolic reminder of the past in the hallway, a poignant reminder that some wounds would never fully heal.