
Does The Ruins have end credit scenes?


The Ruins does not have end credit scenes.

The Ruins

The Ruins


A woman is cursed by circumstance and her tragic past.

Runtime: 90 min

Box Office: $23M









User Score


5.9 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The Ruins!

As the sun beats down on the Cancún resort's poolside gathering of four friends - Amy (Jena Malone) and Stacey (Laura Ramsey), inseparable besties on a well-deserved break with their significant others Jeff (Jonathan Tucker) and Eric (Shawn Ashmore) - the serene atmosphere is shattered by an unexpected turn of events. The catalyst for chaos arrives in the form of Mathias (Joe Anderson), a benevolent stranger who returns Amy's misplaced earring, prompting her gratitude-fueled invitation to join him and his friend Dimitri (Dimitri Baveas) on a thrilling excursion to an ancient ruin, excavated by his brother and wife.

The next morning, however, finds the group struggling to secure transportation to reach the ruins. Undeterred, they turn to a local truck driver (Patricio Almeida Rodríguez) for assistance, only to be left stranded at the edge of the jungle when their appointed ride fails to materialize. As Mathias's confusion deepens, the friends decide to take matters into their own hands and venture forth to find the ruins themselves.

Their journey takes them through the dense underbrush, until finally, they stumble upon a clearing, where a majestic ancient structure stands tall. As they stand in awe, the sound of horse hooves and distant shouts pierces the air, sending a shiver down their collective spine. The friends spin around to confront the sudden threat, only to be met with an eerie silence.

Suddenly, archers emerge from the jungle foliage, accompanied by an older gentleman (Sergio Calderón), brandishing a silver revolver. Amy, camera at the ready, instinctively captures the scene unfolding before her, oblivious to the peril that looms. The men's aggression intensifies as Dimitri attempts to surrender the camera in a gesture of apology, but it falls short - he takes an arrow to the chest and another to the face, sending the group into disarray.

As they retreat up the ruins, the friends are met with an unsettling realization: their pursuers do not follow them, yet remain steadfastly rooted in the clearing, their intentions shrouded in mystery.

At the summit's zenith, Matheas frantically searches for his cousins amidst the tents they had discovered, but they remain nowhere to be found. His companions meanwhile futilely attempt to connect their phones, only to find themselves bereft of signal. As Matheas explores the area, he stumbles upon the tents unpacked, yet devoid of any signs of life. Suddenly, a faint ringing echoes from the depths of a deep shaft in the summit's heart, drawing his attention. With an air of desperation, Matheas cleverly loops a rope around himself and allows the others to lower him down the shaft by means of an overhead crank. The descent proves arduous, but just as they think progress is being made, the rope suddenly snaps, sending Matheas plummeting to the bottom.

While the group scrambles to repair the damaged rope, Stacey volunteers to descend into the abyss in search of Matheas and the elusive phone. With great care, they slowly lower her down the line, only to discover that it's insufficiently long to reach the floor. Undeterred, Stacey unhooks herself from the rope and takes a daring leap onto the dirt floor, but her landing is marred by an unfortunate encounter with a lantern, resulting in a nasty gash on her knee. As she winces in pain, Stacey limps towards Matheas' location, where he reveals his fears of being paralyzed from the waist down. It's clear to all that his back has been severely injured.

With Matheas' condition stabilized using an improvised backboard, it's now Amy's turn to brave the treacherous descent. At the bottom, she and Stacey struggle valiantly to hoist Matheas onto the makeshift stretcher. As they finally manage to lift him to safety, the group surveys the extent of their misfortune. Amidst the chaos, Jeff, a pre-med student, takes charge of assessing Matheas' wounds.

As tensions rise, Amy reaches her breaking point and storms down the steps of the ancient ruins, demanding aid from their captors. However, they respond with incomprehensible shouts, leaving her frustrated and angry. In a moment of desperation, she seizes a nearby vine and hurls it at the menacing men, inadvertently striking a small boy who is quickly forgotten as the captors turn their attention to the young child. The boy protests his treatment, but ultimately falls victim to a hail of arrows, while his mother stands helplessly by.

As the sun rises over the desolate landscape, Jeff and Amy return from their harrowing discovery, only to be met with a collective befuddlement among their group. Deciding to wait for rescue, they retire to their tent, hoping against hope that someone will come to their aid. But when Stacey awakens screaming in the morning, all doubts are shattered. Her leg is now host to an unholy vine, its tendrils eerily entwined around her knee, a grim testament to the sinister forces at work. Chris springs into action, hastily removing the offending plant matter as Jeff and Amy rush to Matheas's side, where they find him pale and clammy, his legs ravaged by a similar infestation of vines. The horror dawns on them: they are trapped, quarantined from some ancient evil lurking in the ruins.

As if to underscore their predicament, the cell phone rings once more, its insistent tone drawing Stacey and Amy down into the shaft like moths to a flame. Armed with makeshift torches, they venture deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels, now thickly veiled in ominous vines. The air is heavy with foreboding as they hear the phone's high-pitched ringtone echoing through the corridors. A lifeless figure comes into view, and as they touch her, she crumples to the ground, sending their screams echoing off the walls.

Composing themselves for the search ahead, Amy becomes entranced by a red flower blooming amidst the vines. As she draws closer, its stamens begin to vibrate in rhythmic harmony with the cell phone's ringtone, a macabre mimicry that sends shivers down her spine. Mesmerized, she reaches out to touch the flower, only for the very earth itself to seem to rise up against them as the vines writhe and twist in protest. In a desperate bid to escape, Stacey and Amy are hauled back up into the bright sunlight, their ordeal far from over.

As Jeff (actor name) tenders Matheas' ravaged limbs, he pronounces a grim verdict: without immediate amputation, survival is all but impossible. Faced with the bleak prospect of no timely assistance, Jeff urges swift action, only to be met with Eric's protests and the group's inability to reach a consensus. In a faint, desperate whisper, Matheas implores them to proceed, and it is Eric who must hold him down as Jeff employs a hunting knife to sever both legs. The pan-warmed cast iron serves as a makeshift cauterizing tool, as Stacey and Amy cover their ears in an attempt to block out the anguished cries.

The trio emerges from their ordeal, only to behold the carnivorous vines reaping what remains of Matheas' flesh. As night descends, Stacey and Amy retreat to one of the tents, leaving Eric to keep watch outside. Amy's inability to sleep prompts her to join Eric on a log, where they engage in somber conversation about Stacey's prospects for recovery. When Amy's tears begin to flow, she nestles into the comfort of Eric's shoulder. Meanwhile, within their tent, Stacey awakens to sounds that she misconstrues as intimate whispers between Eric and Amy. Her ire ignited, she storms out to confront them, accusing her friends of betrayal.

Amy and Eric vehemently deny any wrongdoing, but Jeff's arrival only fuels Stacey's indignation. She lashes out at Amy, recalling a past infidelity, while the four friends' argument leaves Matheas unattended. It is in this moment of distraction that the vines from the ruins converge to claim Matheas' life, their tendrils constricting around his body as Jeff rushes to his rescue too late. The vines ultimately consume what remains of their friend's mortal form.

As the morning sun rises over the desolate landscape, Amy and Jeff sit in somber contemplation at the top of the steps, their gaze fixed on the horizon. The tranquility is shattered when Eric emerges from his tent, his expression grave with concern. He beckons Jeff to follow him, and together they enter Stacey's makeshift dwelling, where an unsettling discovery awaits.

Eric urges Stacey to reveal her back, and she hesitantly lifts her shirt to expose a dark green patch, like a diseased growth, spreading beneath her skin. A sinuous vine slithers beneath the surface, its serpentine movements eerily reminiscent of a snake's slither. The trio's collective unease is palpable as they realize the gravity of Stacey's affliction.

With a sense of urgency, they decide that drastic measures are necessary to excise the invasive vine. Amy clutches Stacey's hand tightly as she screams in agony, her body wracked by the excruciating pain. Jeff carefully makes an incision near Stacey's knee and grasps the vine, attempting to extract it from her leg. As they work, Stacey implores them to continue, her voice torn between pleading and desperation.

Once the vine is removed, they hastily apply a makeshift bandage to stem the bleeding. The group's somber mood lingers, punctuated only by the sound of crickets and the dying embers of their campfire.

Later that evening, as the stars twinkle above, the friends sit in silence around the fire, each lost in thought. Their meager rations, a paltry four grapes, are shared among them, a poignant reminder of their dire circumstances. Stacey's anxiety is palpable, her words laced with an otherworldly conviction as she claims to feel another presence lurking beneath her skin.

Eric attempts to reassure her that it's merely a product of her fevered imagination, but Stacey persists, her voice growing increasingly hysterical. Amy offers her a swig from the abandoned tequila bottle, and Stacey's eyes glaze over as the liquor takes effect. A fleeting image of the wiggling vine superimposes itself on her brow, like a macabre tattoo.

The trio's collective gaze falls away, avoiding Stacey's prying eyes as they struggle to maintain their composure. The silence that follows is oppressive, heavy with unspoken terrors. It is then that Stacey utters the words that seal her fate: "Cut again." Jeff's protests fall on deaf ears, his voice a mere whisper against the howling wind of her desperation.

Here is the rephrased section:

As the stillness of the morning air envelops the campsite, Stacey (her name) awakens from her slumber and shambles out of the tent, driven by a sense of urgency. Her unsteady gait belies the determination in her eyes as she searches for the hunting knife they had used to clear the underbrush just days before. Eric's sudden awakening is met with Stacey's frantic searching, their confusion replaced by horror as they emerge from the tent to find Stacey standing amidst a pool of her own blood. Her hands, now slick with gore, grasp the knife as she attempts to expel the invasive weeds that have claimed her body. The pleas for reason fall on deaf ears as Stacey's actions become increasingly erratic, culminating in a brutal assault on Jeff and Eric. As the latter falls to the ground, his life slipping away, Stacey's anguish is palpable, her cries of despair mingling with the eerie whisper of vines as they begin their macabre dance around her body. Amidst this chaos, Amy remains frozen, her gaze locked on Jeff as he implores her to end Stacey's suffering. With a heavy heart, Jeff mercifully puts Stacey out of her misery before turning his attention to Amy. As the reality of their situation sets in, Jeff smears their shared blood on Amy's face and arms, preparing her for the desperate flight that lies ahead.

As the sun beats down on Cancun's beaches, a group of six friends - including Jeff (a Type A personality poised to start medical school with his girlfriend Amy), Stacy (an irresponsible free spirit nicknamed "Spacy"), Eric (her high school teacher boyfriend), Pablo (a carefree Greek party animal), and Mathias (an intense German tourist) - embark on an archaeological excursion near Coba. The group's dynamics are put to the test as they venture into the jungle, where they're drawn into a mystery surrounding Mathias' missing brother, Henrich, who vanished after meeting a beautiful Dutch archaeologist.

As they set out in search of Henrich, the friends find themselves woefully unprepared for the unforgiving environment. Pablo's hastily drawn map leads them to a Mayan village, where the locals greet them with hostility and resistance. Undeterred, the group follows an obscure trail that winds its way through the underbrush, eventually leading them to ancient ruins.

However, their discovery is short-lived, as they're confronted by gun-toting villagers who refuse to let them leave. A series of grueling challenges ensues, culminating in a harrowing ascent up a vine-covered hill where they stumble upon Henrich's gruesome corpse. The revelation sets off a chain reaction of discoveries - multiple corpses entwined with the same deadly vine, which secretes an acidic sap that leaves them all reeling.

As tensions rise, Pablo becomes fixated on a ringing mobile phone at the bottom of a mine shaft, only to have his rope snap as he attempts to retrieve it. Eric suffers minor injuries in his futile attempt to rescue his friend. As the group's situation grows increasingly dire, they begin to realize that the vine is not just a deadly obstacle - it's a sentient, carnivorous force that will stop at nothing to claim them one by one. The eerie silence is shattered by disembodied voices mimicking their own, beckoning them towards their doom in a desperate bid for survival.

As Jeff and Mathias undertake a gruesome procedure, they are compelled to amputate Pablo's legs after the insidious plant had ravaged the tender flesh. Meanwhile, Amy meets her untimely demise at the hands of the plant, whose tendrils strangle her as Jeff, consumed by anger towards her for being inebriated, remains oblivious to her cries for help, mistaking them for mere sickness.

In the aftermath, Eric's wound becomes an entry point for the plant's invasive tendrils, which he insists are still embedded deep within his flesh. His desperate attempts to expunge the unwanted guests result in self-mutilation, as he repeatedly cuts himself in a futile effort to eject the plant from his body.

As the group's leader, Jeff strives to keep them together, proposing innovative solutions to their increasingly dire predicament. However, his ultimate demise comes at the hands of the villagers' arrows, which strike him down as he attempts to sneak past their encampment. The loss of their stalwart leader sends the remaining survivors into a state of panic and disarray.

In this chaotic environment, airheaded Stacy's distressing behavior proves almost catastrophic, as she carelessly abandons Pablo in his time of need, allowing the plant to claim yet another victim. Eric, driven by desperation and self-loathing, continues his futile struggle against the plant's encroachment, ultimately killing Mathias with a reckless knife attack.

As the last two survivors, Eric and Stacy, face an uncertain future, Eric implores Stacy to end his suffering and spare him from the agony of his deteriorating condition. She reluctantly acquiesces, bringing about his demise. In a final act of defiance, Stacy slashes her wrists on the hill's base, intending to serve as a grim warning to potential victims. However, the plant's malevolent influence proves too powerful, and it sweeps away her morbid message, just as it had done with previous warning signs left by earlier casualties.

The Mayans' departure marks the end of an era, leaving behind only the haunting specter of their own mortality. Three days later, Pablo's two Greek companions, accompanied by a few Brazilian travelers, ascend to the hill in search of their missing friend, unwittingly sealing their own fates as they unknowingly tread upon the same cursed terrain that had consumed so many others before them.