
Does The Running Man have end credit scenes?


The Running Man has end credit scenes.

The Running Man

The Running Man


In this thrilling ride, a rugged athlete takes on the ultimate challenge - a grueling 1000-mile ultramarathon that pushes human limits to the brink.

Runtime: 101 min

Box Office: $38M







User Score


6.7 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The Running Man!

In the dystopian wasteland of 2017, the global economy lies in tatters, with scarcity reigning supreme over the once-ubiquitous resources of food, oil, and other essential commodities. The United States government, crippled by its inability to cater to the masses, has crumbled beneath the weight of an oppressive police state, fragmented into militarized enclaves that brook no dissent.

A climate of fear and repression pervades every aspect of life, as the state's stranglehold on media outlets ensures a relentless barrage of propaganda and censorship. Yet, despite the suffocating grip of this totalitarian regime, a resilient undercurrent of resistance persists, fueled by the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to submit to tyranny.

Against this backdrop of chaos and despotism, a decorated police captain and pilot, Ben Richards (Arnold Schwarzenegger), takes to the skies in a helicopter above Bakersfield, California. As he descends into the darkness, his mission is to quell a burgeoning food riot, comprised of some 1,500 unarmed civilians - many of them women and children - who have been driven to desperation by the scarcity of sustenance.

However, when police command orders Richards to unleash unmitigated violence on the crowd, he is confronted with an impossible choice. Horrified by the brutality of his comrades and appalled by the cold calculation of their superiors, Richards chooses to defy the order, announcing a mission abort that sends shockwaves throughout the helicopter.

As chaos erupts within the aircraft, Richards finds himself locked in a fierce struggle with his own colleagues, who seek to detain him and carry out the brutal orders that have been issued. With his wits and physical prowess, he manages to fend off his assailants, only to be dragged back into the chopper by his comrades, who proceed to bludgeon him with rifle butts.

The ensuing attack on the crowd is launched under Richards' name, casting him as the "Butcher of Bakersfield" - a moniker that will haunt him for eternity.

In the bleak confines of Wilshire's notorious detention zone, a grueling 18-month stretch has taken its toll on the prisoners. The harsh reality of their situation becomes even more oppressive as each inmate is fitted with a collar containing a deadly explosive device. This gruesome deterrent ensures that any attempts to escape or tamper with the collar will result in an instantaneous and fatal detonation, leaving the victim's head to explode in a grotesque display of force.

Among the prisoners is Ben Richards, falsely accused of perpetrating the Bakersfield massacre and now forced to endure the cruel whims of the authorities. As the work crew prepares to breach the sonic perimeter, a tense standoff between the inmates and their captors becomes palpable. A clever prisoner named Weiss (Marvin J. McIntyre) takes note of the access code entered by the perimeter guard, allowing him to memorize it for future use.

As the moment of truth approaches, Weiss and his cohorts concoct a daring plan. With Laughlin (Yaphet Kotto) as their willing accomplice, they orchestrate a diversionary fistfight, cleverly using the ensuing chaos to mask their true intentions. The prisoners launch into a full-blown riot, overpowering the guards and securing control of the sonic perimeter's deactivation device.

Weiss seizes the opportunity to enter the memorized code, but his efforts are thwarted by the sudden intervention of alerted perimeter guards, who frantically try to override the system using an alternate control device. The sound of gunfire erupts as the two sides engage in a desperate struggle for dominance. Weiss perseveres, managing to successfully input the code just as the sonic deadline looms, but his joy is short-lived.

One inmate, driven by desperation or madness, makes a final, ill-fated attempt to break free, only to be met with a horrifically fatal consequence when his collar detonates. The perimeter guard manning the control device that had been blocking Weiss's code is also cut down in the crossfire, allowing the sonic perimeter to finally fall silent.

In the aftermath of the chaos, the prisoners are left to revel in their hard-won freedom as they spill out of the detention zone, embracing the liberating expanse beyond the once-formidable barrier.

As Richards, Weiss, and Laughlin navigate the gritty streets of Los Angeles's outer districts, a massive television screen dominates the landscape, broadcasting a monotone reporter droning on about zone pass regulations and midnight curfews. But it's not long before the broadcast switches to "The Running Man," a brutal game show that has captured the nation's attention. In this twisted spectacle, criminals are forced to navigate a 400-square-block area of post-apocalyptic ruins, pursued by ruthless stalkers wielding deadly high-tech weaponry. The program, co-produced by the Department of Justice and broadcast on state-run ICS television, runs for three hours each week, its sadistic appeal captivating audiences.

As they make their way through the barrio, the trio encounters Stevie (Dweezil Zappa), a member of the underground resistance movement, who is joined by Mic (Mick Fleetwood). This clandestine group possesses the technology to disable explosive collars and disposal units, allowing them to rid themselves of the constant threat of detonation. As they work, the group cannot help but be disgusted by the state-sanctioned propaganda aimed at brainwashing young children into embracing the government's ideals.

The resistance is driven by a singular goal: seizing control of the satellite network used to disseminate this propaganda and broadcasting the truth about the regime. Mic recognizes Richards, his unease stemming from the notorious reputation earned by Richards as "The Butcher of Bakersfield" following a high-profile food-riot massacre. Weiss argues that the state's portrayal is nothing more than a fabrication, while Laughlin counters that Richards' involvement in the resistance movement remains uncertain.

Richards silences the debate, however, by asserting that all he has witnessed thus far are empty words and hollow dreams – insufficient to bring about meaningful change. He advises his companions to either take action or remain silent, striking a chord with Mic, who ultimately consents to removing Richards' explosive collar. With this bold move, Richards earns the respect of his newfound allies, and the stage is set for their collaborative quest to upend the oppressive regime.

The morning after his tumultuous night, Richards finds himself on a truck ride ferrying barrio workers into the city's bustling heart, seeking refuge in anonymity with the help of his brother. As they navigate the wealthier enclaves of Los Angeles, a sleek limousine pulls up to the ICS television headquarters, disgorging Damon Killian (Richard Dawson) and his personal assistant, Brenda (Karen Leigh Hopkins). The charismatic host of The Running Man, known for his folksy charm, quickly reveals his true nature - a crass, self-righteous individual who delights in belittling those around him. This becomes apparent as he clumsily navigates the office, carelessly knocking over a janitor's mop and offering condescending praise, before moving on to more pressing matters with his "talent agent," Tony (Kurt Fuller), in search of fresh contestants for his deadly game show.

Meanwhile, Richards makes his way through the city's working-class neighborhoods, arriving at his brother Edward's apartment. After entering without incident, he's struck by an eerie sense of disarray - the furniture is rearranged, and women's clothing is scattered about. His unease is short-lived, as the owner of these garments, Amber Mendez (Maria Conchita Alonso), bursts into the room, busily preparing for a workout while watching Captain Freedom (Jesse Ventura), ten-time national champion and retired Running Man stalker. As she performs sit-ups on her exercise bench, the program is interrupted by a breaking news report announcing a door-to-door manhunt for Richards, notorious as the Butcher of Bakersfield, who massacred innocent civilians eighteen months prior. Mendez, unfazed, resumes her exercises only to be startled by the unexpected appearance of Richards himself standing over her.

As Richards' intense gaze bore into Mendez, demanding answers about her identity and motives for being in his brother's apartment, she reluctantly revealed the truth: she had moved in just a month prior, following a previous tenant who had met a grim fate at the hands of the state. The revelation sparked a mix of emotions on Richards' face, as he pieced together the sinister circumstances surrounding his brother's disappearance. In the brief distraction that followed, Mendez attempted to make a hasty exit, but her escape was thwarted.

Meanwhile, Killian and Tony were poring over Justice Department profiles of convicted criminals and enemies of the state, searching for suitable contestants for their next show. However, Killian remained dissatisfied with the prospects presented, deeming them too physically unimpressive to provide an entertaining experience for the audience. That was when he stumbled upon a video feed of Richards' daring prison break from the Wilshire detention zone, and his eyes lit up with excitement at the ratings potential. Brenda reminded him that military prisoners were excluded due to the department's contract, but Killian remained undeterred, leveraging his connections to persuade the president's agent.

As Richards began to explore Mendez's world, he discovered a treasure trove of creative endeavors: she wrote music and composed theme songs for the ICS media network. Her amusement turned to incredulity as he pored over her closet, revealing a box filled with censored goods and clothing available only on the black market – a secret indulgence shared by everyone in their underground world. Mendez watched with disdain as Richards accessed her travel pass to book a trip to Hawaii, planning to utilize her as both hostage and traveling companion with clearance to make the journey. However, Mendez refused to comply, until Richards seized the exercise bench, using only one arm to tear it loose from its moorings, hoisting the foot of the bench four feet into the air while she remained tied to it. His unsettling smile was accompanied by an unnerving request: "please."

As Richards navigates the bustling airport, he employs an artful combination of misdirection and idle chatter to surreptitiously bypass the security checkpoint alongside Mendez, despite their shared possession of only one travel pass. His firm grip around the back of her neck serves as a potent reminder that he can inflict serious harm if needed. However, their escape is short-lived, as Mendez's gaze falls upon a sentry perched atop a balcony above them, prompting her to make a bold move - she unleashes a forceful punch to Richards' groin and screams for help, loudly proclaiming his name to the surrounding travelers. The sudden commotion sends Richards scrambling, as he makes a break for the airstrip while airport security springs into high gear.

The ensuing chaos culminates in a high-speed chase, with police cruisers and motorcycles in hot pursuit, eventually subduing Richards with a device that deploys a heavy, weighted net. As he's hauled away, Richards finds himself face to face with Killian and his imposing bodyguard, Sven (Sven-Ole Thorsen), in a cramped holding cell.

Killian wastes no time launching into a persuasive pitch, detailing the origins of The Running Man and his contractual obligations with the government. He explains that felons are regularly sent to participate in the deadly game show, and he's managed to secure Richards' participation by pulling strings after reviewing footage of their daring prison break. Killian presents Richards with an unappealing choice: either volunteer for the show or face the possibility of Laughlin and Weiss - his former cellmates - being substituted as contestants if he refuses.

Killian emphasizes that these replacements would be relegated to "B-list" status, struggling to survive even a short distance into the treacherous zones. Richards' reluctance is met with Killian's cold calculation, as he reveals his willingness to use any means necessary to secure Richards' participation. With this ominous warning, Richards is subjected to a series of excruciating chemical injections designed to render him visible to show agents and stalkers throughout the perilous zones.

Following this ordeal, Richards is tossed into a holding cell that's rapidly filled with knockout gas, plunging him into a state of unconsciousness.

The morning after, Mendez's tranquility is shattered by the gruesome TV broadcast of Richards' capture. The report reveals the brutal violence inflicted on the ticket agent and security guard they had previously encountered, with both men lying in a hospital bed in critical condition. As the news anchor solemnly declares that Richards executed them at point-blank range as he entered the airport, Mendez's unease deepens, knowing that this horrific act couldn't have been committed by the man she knows. Her mind is now consumed by the sinister implications of who else could have orchestrated such a heinous crime.

As the evening unfolds, the city readies itself for another installment of "The Running Man." Enthusiastic crowds gather at the ICS game show stage, bars, and social hotspots, eager to experience the thrill of the show. A bevy of beautiful, costumed women dance as the pre-show begins, accompanied by energetic music. Meanwhile, outside, a raucous crowd cheers wildly as 'Buzzsaw' Eddie Vatowski, one of the favored stalkers, arrives in style, flaunting his strength by effortlessly pressing a specially designed motorcycle above his head.

At ICS headquarters, Mendez is on duty when Richards is escorted past her, accompanied by his court-appointed theatrical agent. As they pass, Mendez's gaze locks onto Richards', and she appears visibly shaken. She excuses herself, citing the need to complete some paperwork, as her coworker looks on with concern.

As the show commences, Killian takes center stage, effortlessly milking the audience for applause and cheers. Meanwhile, Mendez slips away, flashing her employee pass to a guard before entering a nearby room. As the main show announcer, Phil Hilton, introduces tonight's guest runner, Mendez is seen reappearing, her expression somber.

The monitor screens a carefully edited video recording from Richards' helicopter during the Bakersfield massacre, presenting a fabricated narrative that claims dispatch ordered a mission abort, which Richards then disregarded. The doctored footage depicts him overpowered guards and unleashing violence upon innocent civilians, including women and children. The audience around the city falls silent as the gruesome visuals unfold, with Killian delivering a poignant closing that aims to stir the crowd into a frenzy of hatred for Richards.

As the show reaches its climax, Mendez's unease is palpable as she watches Richards being led onto the stage, his fate now all but sealed. The anticipation among the audience is palpable, and it seems only a matter of time before they succumb to their primal desires and demand Richards' brutal execution.

As Mendez (Mendez) navigates the labyrinthine corridors of the control room, she slips unnoticed into an adjacent information retrieval chamber where Killian is continuing his scripted monologue. Unbeknownst to him, Richards' (Richards) recent appearance on the show has granted him certain privileges should he emerge victorious. The echoes of past triumphs linger in the air as we are treated to a glimpse of three former contestants - Whitman, Price, and Haddad - basking in the sun-kissed beauty of Hawaii with their respective entourages. Theirs is a tale of redemption, having won full pardons for their previous exploits.

Meanwhile, Mendez takes meticulous care to ensure that the blinds are firmly closed, plunging the room into an eerie silence. With calculated precision, she delves into the media folders within a cabinet, her eyes scanning the contents with an intensity that belies her calm demeanor.

As Richards is ushered onto the stage and secured into a sleek, high-tech launch vehicle designed to transport him from the main game show arena to the inaugural game zone, Killian drops a bombshell: Laughlin (Laughlin) and Weiss (Weiss), Richards' erstwhile cohorts in crime, will join him as contestants. The heavy chains that bind Richards to his sled-like vehicle seem almost trivial compared to the outrage he feels at this sudden twist.

As the show's host continues to regale the audience with rules and regulations - runners have three hours to navigate the four quadrants of the game zone while stalkers pursue them relentlessly - Mendez remains focused on her task, poring over various media folders. The atmosphere is electric, the crowd whipped into a frenzy as Killian expertly works his magic.

In the midst of this chaos, Richards' launch vehicle and those of Laughlin and Weiss are sent hurtling through tubes into the first game zone quadrant. Back in the private media information room, Mendez's curiosity gets the better of her as she stumbles upon two folders dedicated to the notorious Bakersfield massacre. One is an edited version tailored for television consumption, while the other contains raw, unfiltered footage. With calculated deliberation, she secretes the raw footage card into her clothing and replaces it with the edited version, before closing the cabinet door once more. Her actions are interrupted by a sudden, unexpected grasp on her shoulder, spinning her around to face an unseen presence.

As the curtains draw open on the inaugural quadrant, Richards, Laughlin, and Weiss find themselves halted by an unyielding barrier, their sleds held captive by the meticulous ground crew. Meanwhile, Killian orchestrates a tantalizing spectacle, plucking a random spectator to decide which contestant will be the first to face off against the trio. As the chosen individual is afforded a mere ten seconds to deliberate, a lively barker team in the nearby ruins of a once-thriving barrio whips up a frenzy, accepting wagers on the forthcoming showdown. The selected participant, 'Professor' Subzero (Toru Tanaka), emerges as the winner - a hulking figure clad in high-tech hockey gear, complete with a helmet, ice skates, and a formidable metal hockey stick capable of cleaving solid steel.

As the ground crew herds the contestants through the initial stages of the game zone, various members of the show's support staff are seen frantically coordinating efforts backstage. Captain Freedom, a frequent guest commentator, looks on with keen interest, ready to provide expert analysis as the action unfolds.

The trio is then funneled into the first section of the first quadrant - a massive indoor arena where the chilly air hangs heavy. A gate drops precipitously, bathing the space in a warm glow as cameras spring to life. Subzero seizes the initiative, his skates granting him unparalleled agility on the chamber floor as he sets about dispatching the runners with calculated precision. Weiss is subsequently propelled across the room like a human hockey puck, only to be engulfed by a 'hockey goal' that snaps shut like a Venus flytrap, leaving the audience and viewers around the city in raptures. The fortunate individual who selected Subzero as their killing stalker is showered with prizes, including the coveted 'Running Man' home board game.

Richards and Laughlin mount a daring rescue mission to free Weiss from the clutches of Subzero, only to find themselves face-to-face with their formidable foe. As they navigate the narrow corridor, Richards cleverly deploys a makeshift weapon - a coiled length of razor-sharp wire attached to a piece of pipe - which proves to be the decisive factor in their victory. With Subzero charging forward, Richards expertly lures him into the trap, ensnaring the stalker's neck with the wire as he yanks on the pipe with all his might. The stunned audience watches in horror as Subzero falls, and Richards and Laughlin revel in their triumph by mocking Killian's hapless attempts to maintain control.

As the dust settles, Killian appears nonplussed by the sudden turn of events, dismissing Subzero's demise as an inevitable consequence of the show's violent nature. However, when he's on the phone with a Justice Department agent, his tone takes on a more calculated edge, acknowledging that Subzero's fall was a necessary evil to keep the show's ratings soaring.

Meanwhile, back at the arena, Killian is busy hyping up the crowd and introducing a new pair of stalkers vying for their spot in the spotlight. The audience is left agog as he announces his latest twist - sending Buzzsaw and Dynamo into the fray together as a tag-team. The former champion wields an oversized Durasteel chainsaw capable of slicing through even the toughest materials, while the latter dons a metallic suit adorned with multicolored lights and electrical generators that allow him to unleash electric surges.

As the show's ratings continue to soar, Killian takes a moment to savor his backstage victory, where Brenda shares the news that ICS security has caught Richards' airport hostage in possession of classified Bakersfield video files.

As Killian orchestrates another surprise twist, he brings Mendez back onto the stage, only this time as a reluctant participant in the running man game. Dubbed "a school cheater, lifetime lawbreaker, and secret lover of Richards" by Phil Hilton's over-the-top propaganda machine, Mendez is less than thrilled about being dragged into the fray. Despite her disgust at Killian's lies, she has little time to protest before being fastened into another sled and catapulted through the tube, hurtling towards the start of the first zone.

Meanwhile, Richards, Laughlin, and Weiss are navigating their way through the next quadrant when Weiss notices a peculiar camera relay system that catches his attention. This unusual setup, with cameras pointing inward instead of skyward, hints at the presence of an uplink center hidden in plain sight. Recognizing the significance of this discovery, Weiss becomes determined to find the uplink center and crack its code, knowing it could be the key to broadcasting their own transmissions and jamming the state TV network.

As Buzzsaw and Dynamo track the runners' positions via relay, Richards, Laughlin, and Weiss attempt to conceal themselves from a sweeping light emanating from beneath one of the cameras. Mendez, meanwhile, has been racing towards them, only to arrive just as Buzzsaw and Dynamo converge on the scene. The four contestants scramble for cover, with Richards brandishing a large timber as a makeshift weapon against the relentless Buzzsaw. Weiss and Mendez manage to break away from the chaos, stumbling upon the uplink center in the process.

As Weiss insists that this discovery is crucial to the resistance movement's efforts, he hastens towards the satellite relay system, convinced that it could be the key to their survival. With Dynamo hot on their heels, Mendez and Weiss must navigate this treacherous terrain while keeping their wits about them and their eyes fixed on the prize: uncovering the secrets of the uplink center and potentially turning the tide in their favor.

As Laughlin and Richards navigate the desolate landscape, a sudden burst of light relays illuminates their path. Meanwhile, Buzzsaw emerges from an alleyway on his motorcycle, wielding his deadly chainsaw with ease. Without hesitation, Laughlin pushes Richards out of harm's way just as the chainsaw slices across Laughlin's upper chest, leaving a gruesome trail of flesh and bone in its wake. Richards ducks and rolls to safety as Buzzsaw makes a second pass, this time targeting Laughlin once more. As the hero tends to his wounded comrade, Buzzsaw disarms his chainsaw and replaces it with a weighted bola attached to a long metal cable. With calculated precision, he ensnares Richards and drags him behind the motorcycle, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. The crowd cheers wildly as Killian rewards the audience member who selected the stalkers with a selection of take-home prizes, including a 'home edition' Running Man board game.

As Buzzsaw's motorcycle continues its relentless pace, Richards sees his chance and seizes it, wrapping the cable around a metal protrusion in a ruined section of wall. The sudden halt sends Buzzsaw flying, rolling across the ground as he struggles to regain control of his vehicle.

Meanwhile, Weiss leads Mendez through the uplink center, their mission clear: access the interface and transmit crucial information to Mic and the resistance. However, their task is hindered by an unexpected obstacle - the interface itself is encrypted with a formidable hexagonal decode system. Weiss works tirelessly to crack the code, his frustration growing as the seconds tick away. Mendez paces anxiously, urging Weiss to ensure that the code reaches its destination if he doesn't succeed. The urgency of their situation is compounded by the knowledge that Dynamo is hot on their heels, making every moment count in their desperate bid for freedom.

As Richards inches closer to Buzzsaw, the menacing stalker's eyes spring to life, and he seizes the ex-cop by the throat. The chainsaw roars to life in Buzzsaw's grasp, its buzzing blade mere inches from Richards' flesh. The two engage in a brutal struggle, with Richards desperately fighting to keep the deadly instrument at bay. When Buzzsaw taunts him, Richards taps into an inner reservoir of strength and uses it to force Buzzsaw's arms downward, manipulating the chainsaw to slice between his own legs. As Buzzsaw realizes too late what's happening, Richards yanks his arms upward, and the blade tears into the stalker's groin. The gruesome scene unfolds as Buzzsaw's falsetto screams pierce the air, his agony echoing across the desolate landscape. The city's fans are left reeling in shock and despair.

Meanwhile, at the uplink center, Weiss finally deciphers the code, prompting Mendez to utter the sequence aloud and commit it to memory. However, their moment of triumph is short-lived, as Dynamo's electric senses detect their presence. With a raised hand, he unleashes a torrent of electricity, striking Mendez and killing Weiss by virtue of his connection to the metallic interface.

Richards' ears ring with Mendez's scream, prompting him to rush to her side. He finds her being dragged out of the complex by Dynamo, who intends to indulge in a gruesome game before finishing her off. Richards charges toward them, shouting to distract the stalker. Dynamo responds by sending a mild electric shock coursing through Mendez's body, rendering her immobile. As he prepares to deliver the final blow to Richards, the ex-cop dodges just in time, and Dynamo retreats to his high-tech vehicle.

The fans' collective gasp is palpable as Dynamo, lost in the thrill of the hunt, recklessly attempts to drive his vehicle up a mound of debris that Richards has begun climbing. The vehicle overturns, sending Dynamo tumbling back down the mound. As the stunned crowd struggles to process this turn of events, they behold the stalker's helpless form, sans power to his surge generators, as Richards approaches him with a heavy metal pipe at the ready.

As Richards' moral fibre is tested, he makes a pivotal decision to defy the ruthless Dynamo's demands for bloodshed, refusing to yield to the barbaric atmosphere. The crowd's visceral reaction to this unexpected turn of events is nothing short of astonishing, their jeers and boos serving as a stark reminder of the dark underbelly that lurks beneath the surface.

With his conscience now clearer than ever, Richards exits with Mendez, who breaks the news about Weiss' tragic demise. The weight of Laughlin's words lingers, his dying breath imbuing Richards with an unshakeable resolve to honour their sacrifices and complete their mission. It is then that he sets out to unite with Laughlin, finding him on the brink of expiration. In a poignant moment, Laughlin implores Richards not to let their deaths be in vain, urging him to carry on their quest and deliver the uplink codes to Mic, who has established a broadcast centre in the fourth quadrant of the game zone.

Meanwhile, back at the locker room, an enigmatic woman's voice echoes through the speakers, summoning 'Fireball' to wardrobe. A towering figure, none other than Jim Brown, slowly rises from his seat as Killian, still on stage, calls for the halftime show. The tension is palpable as a monitor near Richards and Mendez flickers to life, transmitting a video message from Killian's office, where he is surrounded by Sven, Brenda, Tony, and camera personnel.

As Richards listens in disbelief, Killian revels in his performance's phenomenal ratings, offering him a three-year contract deal to become a stalker on The Running Man. This tantalizing prospect comes with an array of luxuries normally reserved for the elite, but Richards' countenance darkens as he vows to survive and emerge victorious, vowing to return and exact brutal retribution upon Killian.

Just as Richards hurls the camera to the ground in a fit of rage, the phone rings in Killian's office. Brenda breaks the news that the attorney general is on the line. The very same moment, Fireball bursts onto the stage, clad in his flame-retardant suit and goggles, with a rocket pack strapped to his back and a high-powered flamethrower at the ready. As the crowd erupts into cheers and applause, Captain Freedom slips away into the backstage lockers, lost in nostalgic reveries sparked by memories of his glory days as a champion stalker.

As Fireball ventures into the heart of the action zone, Killian orchestrates a surprise twist by inviting an unsuspecting audience member to predict the next victim: Fireball himself or Dynamo, who still clings to life. The elderly woman's response is unexpected, yet unwavering - she firmly believes that Ben Richards will be the one to claim the next kill. The crowd and fans around the city are left stunned by her bold assertion, but the old woman remains steadfast in her conviction.

As word of her prediction spreads like wildfire through the barrios, a sudden surge of enthusiasts emerge, eager to place bets on Richards' supposed fate. The betting men, initially skeptical, quickly adapt to the growing demand, scribbling Richards' name onto the odds boards and accepting wagers from the enthusiastic crowd.

Meanwhile, Fireball's pursuit of Richards and Mendez reaches its climax in an underground labyrinth, where he confronts the duo at the third quadrant. Fireball charges forth, flamethrower blazing, forcing Richards and Mendez to seek shelter as he unleashes a barrage of flames. Undeterred, Richards seizes the initiative, hurling large barrels at Fireball with calculated precision.

Fireball, protected by his suit, deftly deflects each barrel aside before kicking one over, causing it to spill oil that promptly ignites from Fireball's flamethrower. Unfazed, he strides through the inferno, homing in on Richards and Mendez as they desperately seek refuge. Richards, anticipating danger, snatches a flare and hastens to reunite with Mendez, who has stumbled upon the ruins of a locker room, shielded from the prying eyes of the ICS network cameras.

As she regains her composure, Mendez discovers three decaying corpses in the locker room, each bearing an identifying dog tag around their neck. Her gaze falls upon two familiar names - Whitman and Price - before shifting to the third tag, which bears Haddad's name. Fireball materializes beside her, his flamethrower trained menacingly on Mendez, ready to claim his next victim.

Without warning, Richards seizes Fireball by the gas line, yanking it out of his rocket pack and sending him crashing into the lockers with a force that could shatter steel. As Fireball struggles to regain his composure, Richards swiftly swoops in and snatches Mendez, igniting a flare and hurling it at Fireball's feet like a beacon of doom. The resulting explosion is a cataclysmic blast of fire and smoke, capturing the ICS cameras' attention as Fireball's charred corpse is revealed in all its gruesome glory. The crowd reels in shock once more, aware that Richards has dispatched another formidable stalker. Meanwhile, the barrio bookies are jubilant, having cashed in on their bets with a tidy profit.

In the ICS backstage lockers, Captain Freedom receives an urgent summons from wardrobe, his arrival preceded by Killian and Brenda's grave expressions as they scrutinize monitor relays. The legendary stalker bursts in, clad in a futuristic suit adorned with an arsenal of weaponry emblazoned across its chestpiece. Freedom is apoplectic at the getup he's been forced to don, refusing to participate in this modern game of stalking while encumbered by the cumbersome suit. He longs for the halcyon days when he stalked without constraints, his bare hands ending the lives of runners with a brutal efficiency that adhered to an unwavering code of honor. Killian is equally incensed at Freedom's insistence on upholding this bygone era, pointing out that people are betting on Richards' victory, which would precipitate widespread unrest among those craving greater personal freedoms. As tensions escalate, Killian loses his temper, bellowing for Sven to escort Freedom out, even taking a jab at the bodyguard by inquiring if steroids have rendered him deaf. Sven shrugs, and Freedom storms off, his pride wounded but his determination unbroken.

Richards and Mendez finally arrive at the fourth quadrant, their quest for Mic's clandestine broadcast center taking them further into the heart of the resistance. It is Mic himself who detects their presence, having expertly laid a trap that ensnares them without fail. Having taken no chances with the location of his hideout and broadcast center being compromised, Mic is forced to operate in secret, unable to dispatch aid to Richards. Now, safely shielded from prying ICS eyes, Mic arrives on the scene, spirits Mendez and Richards to safety within his broadcast center, and assumes control over their fates.

As the tantalizing prospect of a thrilling conclusion unfolds before them, Richards masterfully orchestrates Tony's digital wizardry to conjure up a spectacular showdown between himself and Captain Freedom. In this meticulously crafted simulation, snippets from various media logs are skillfully woven together to create a staged battle that will captivate the audience and bring hope back to the masses.

Meanwhile, in the secret resistance broadcast center, anticipation reaches fever pitch as Mendez announces her triumph - she's managed to crack the code for the satellite uplink. This breakthrough serves as a poignant reminder that Weiss and Laughlin's sacrifices have not been in vain. Just then, TV sets throughout the center spring to life, broadcasting the revitalized action from the game show. Killian takes center stage, proclaiming to the enthralled crowd that the runners have entered the final stretch, with Captain Freedom making a surprise return to finish them off.

As the synthesized battle scene unfolds, Richards and Mendez are treated to a simulated showdown of their own - a gruesome display of hand-to-hand combat between themselves and Captain Freedom. The latter proves too powerful, effortlessly dispatching Mendez in a brutal display of strength, and then brutally killing her by tossing her into a deadly coil of razor ribbon. Richards engages Captain Freedom in a fierce struggle before being sent tumbling backward into a heavily spiked gate, leaving the fans in a state of pandemonium.

The synthesized battle may have been staged, but it provides Richards and Mendez with a convenient smokescreen - they can now pretend to be dead, buying them precious time to aid Mic in his plans for an uprising. Once Mic steals the network signal, ICS will attempt to redirect the next transmission into orbit. He needs Stevie to lead a team to the ICS building and put a stop to their nefarious plans. Richards, however, is keenly aware of the untrained nature of these young rebels and offers his guidance, driven by his vow to Killian that he would return seeking revenge.

Mic informs them that the uplink code will be transmitted in mere minutes - just ten seconds later, he'll take to the airwaves. Mendez has a different plan in mind, though; she's decided to send a powerful message of her own. With an automatic machine pistol at the ready, she smirks mischievously as she prepares to storm the ICS building alongside Richards and Stevie.

As the Running Man dancers wrap up their energetic post-game routine, the raid team bursts into the basement, unaware that they're about to be blindsided by Mic's cunning plan. With his usual charisma, Killian takes the stage to handle the post-game festivities, but his composure is short-lived as Mic hijacks the network signals with the uplink code, broadcasting unedited footage of the previous season's winners - Whitman, Price, and Haddad - revealing their true fates. The real bombshell drops when the massacre in Bakersfield is revealed, exposing the state's brutal handling of the situation and leaving Richards as a scapegoat. The audience watches in stunned silence as the unvarnished truth unfolds before them.

Meanwhile, Brenda and Tony in the control room are left reeling as they realize the signal is emanating from the network satellite, but Stevie and his team arrive on the scene, brandishing weapons to prevent any attempts to override the broadcast. On stage, Killian's efforts to placate the crowd are foiled by Richards' sudden appearance with his resistance team. As chaos erupts in bars and social centers around the city, viewers are left stunned as ICS/army soldiers unleash a hail of gunfire on Richards and his team, cutting down innocent civilians trying to flee for their lives.

In a tense backstage corridor, Mendez finds herself face-to-face with Dynamo, who seizes her opportunity to exact revenge. With Mendez reaching for her gun, the two engage in a fierce struggle for control, culminating in the accidental activation of the overhead sprinklers, which short-circuit the electrical controls in Dynamo's light suit, rendering him electrocuted and powerless.

As Richards and his team successfully take out the police soldiers, Killian seems impervious to the chaos unfolding around him. Sven appears on the scene, but instead of intervening, he delivers a biting retort to Killian about his steroid use before offering Richards a calculating nod and a half-smile, leaving Killian at the mercy of an enraged Richards.

As the cameras continue to capture every moment, Killian attempts to reason with Richards, presenting a persuasive argument about how American consumers have been conditioned for decades to absorb TV violence and media manipulation. He notes that for 50 years, experts in marketing and media have exploited this phenomenon by using commercial advertisements to dictate everything from dietary habits to fashion choices, effectively shaping the very fabric of people's lives. However, Richards remains unimpressed, his focus solely on activating the sled controls at the launch tube.

With a sudden burst of strength, Richards seizes Killian, pinning him down onto the sled's chair as the manacles snap shut, securing the struggling figure in place. The entertainment mogul then launches the sled through the tubes, sending Killian hurtling through the labyrinthine system before emerging into the opening stages of the first game zone.

As the ground crew and barriers disappear from view, the sled continues its high-speed trajectory until it crashes into a massive advertisement poster for Cadre cola, exploding in a spectacular display that claims the life of the once-mighty Richards. The stunned crowd in the city and barrio, now privy to the truth about ICS and Killian's involvement, erupts into joyful cheers and applause.

Meanwhile, Mendez makes her way onto the stage, flashing a radiant smile as she greets Richards' approach with a passionate kiss. In a dramatic flourish, a massive monitor on the outskirts of the city darkens and displays a simple message: 'Please stand by.' As the credits begin to roll, the screen fades to black, bringing an end to this cinematic odyssey.