The Shape of Things 2003

Box Office



96 min




In this poignant drama, a college town becomes the backdrop for an intense exploration of love, art, and identity. Evelyn's captivating presence draws Adam in, but her growing influence over him sparks tension among his friends, leading to a complex web of emotions that threaten to upend their lives forever.

In this poignant drama, a college town becomes the backdrop for an intense exploration of love, art, and identity. Evelyn's captivating presence draws Adam in, but her growing influence over him sparks tension among his friends, leading to a complex web of emotions that threaten to upend their lives forever.

Does The Shape of Things have end credit scenes?


The Shape of Things does not have end credit scenes.






User Score

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User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




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Movie Quiz

The Shape of Things Quiz: Test your knowledge on the complex relationship and themes presented in 'The Shape of Things'.

What is Adam's major at Mercy College?

Plot Summary

As Adam navigates his mundane existence as an English Literature major at Mercy College, a chance encounter with Evelyn, a captivating graduate art student, sets off a chain reaction that upends his humdrum life. This fortuitous meeting takes place at the local museum where Adam works, and their initial connection is marked by Evelyn’s subtle yet unmistakable interest in him. Adam, typically beset by social awkwardness and a lack of confidence with women, is thrilled to find himself on the receiving end of Evelyn’s affections.

In the days that follow, Evelyn’s influence on Adam becomes more pronounced as she coaxes him into transforming his physical appearance. Gone are the spectacles; in their place, contact lenses bring a newfound sense of sophistication. His friend Phillip and girlfriend Jenny welcome these changes with open arms, but it soon becomes apparent that Evelyn’s true intentions extend far beyond mere cosmetic alterations.

As Adam becomes increasingly enamored with Evelyn, he finds himself making significant lifestyle adjustments, all under the guise of self-improvement. However, a more sinister motivation slowly begins to emerge as Evelyn skillfully manipulates Adam into distancing himself from his old friends and acquaintances, insisting that she is his sole source of support.

The couple’s relationship reaches new heights when Adam proposes marriage to Evelyn, who readily accepts. But just as it seems their bond will be cemented forever, the façade is shattered at the climax of the story. It becomes clear that Adam has been unwittingly ensnared in Evelyn’s MFA thesis project, with his transformation serving as a key component of her academic work.

Evelyn’s true nature and motivations are finally revealed when she presents Adam to an audience of students and faculty as her “creation,” a being sculpted into existence solely for the purposes of her art. The realization that every ounce of affection she has shown him was merely a ruse leaves Adam reeling. The videotaping of their intimate moments serves as further evidence of Evelyn’s calculating nature, with no genuine emotional investment ever having been present in their relationship.

The next day, at her gallery opening, Evelyn coldly announces to the assembled crowd that she will not be marrying Adam, and the engagement ring he offers is merely a prop in her art installation. As the truth dawns on Adam, it becomes clear that his entire “relationship” with Evelyn was nothing more than a carefully crafted performance piece, designed to showcase her artistic prowess.

As the reality of his situation sets in, Adam (actor name) confronts Evelyn with a mix of anguish and incredulity, demanding an explanation for her callous disregard. Her unrepentant response only serves to deepen the wounds she has inflicted, as she matter-of-factly asserts that her presence in his life has been a blessing in disguise, transforming him into a more desirable and captivating individual in the eyes of others. The full weight of Evelyn’s duplicitous nature finally dawns on Adam, and he declares their supposed relationship over with bitter finality. However, Evelyn’s parting shot is a masterclass in emotional manipulation, as she coldly reminds Adam that their connection was never more than a fleeting infatuation to begin with.

In the film’s poignant closing moments, a broken and emotionally ravaged Adam stands alone, surrounded by the shattered remnants of his life before Evelyn’s arrival. Even his former friends, Philip (actor name) and Jenny (actor name), now treat him with disdain, refusing to absolve him for abandoning their friendship in pursuit of Evelyn. As he reaches for a camcorder, Adam becomes fixated on a section of tape recorded earlier in the film, featuring a moment where Evelyn whispered her supposed “truth” into his ear - a truth she insisted was the sole authentic aspect of their relationship. The movie concludes with Adam stuck in an endless loop, rewinding and replaying the recording as he becomes increasingly consumed by Evelyn’s words, his mind trapped in a cycle of heartache and regret.

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