
Does Turistas have end credit scenes?


Turistas does not have end credit scenes.




In this gripping thriller, a group of friends - including Josh Duhamel, Melissa George, and Olivia Wilde - find themselves trapped in a deadly nightmare after being drugged on a Brazilian beach. As they navigate the treacherous jungle landscape, they uncover a sinister plot that puts their very survival at stake.

Runtime: 93 min

Box Office: $15M







User Score






User Score


5.4 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Turistas!

As the sun begins to set on Brazil, three adventurous young travelers - Alex (Josh Duhamel), his sister Bea (Olivia Wilde) and their friend Amy (Beau Garrett) - find themselves stranded on a deserted beach after a bus crash leaves them without transportation. The trio is joined by two British expats, Finn (Desmond Askew) and Liam (Max Brown), as well as an Australian woman, Pru (Melissa George), who possesses the linguistic skills to navigate the country's Portuguese-speaking locals. Seeking respite from their ordeal, they stumble upon a vibrant beachside party, where they indulge in spiked drinks and succumb to exhaustion.

The next morning, however, brings a sobering reality: the group awakens to find themselves robbed of their belongings, money, and identification on the desolate shore. In search of assistance, they venture into a nearby village, only to be met with hostility from the locals who have seemingly claimed some of their possessions as their own. It is here that they encounter Kiko (Agles Steib), a sympathetic local who can converse in English and offers to lead them to an isolated cabin deep in the woods, where they can await rescue.

As they embark on a treacherous trek through the wilderness, the group's spirits begin to sag under the weight of their circumstances. Their hopes are revived, however, when Kiko reveals the "secret place" - a mystical cave hidden beneath a thundering waterfall. But in his enthusiasm to explore this natural wonder, Kiko takes an ill-fated leap into the water below, striking his head on the rocky bottom and succumbing to unconsciousness. Bleeding profusely from the wound, he is left at the mercy of his companions. With no other choice, they must now navigate the treacherous jungle terrain to reach the cabin, where they will find a meager supply of clothes, sustenance, and prescription medications - all bearing the names of strangers. Amidst this chaos, they are forced to confront the harsh realities of their predicament as night begins to fall on the dense forest.

As the darkness of night is pierced by the whirring rotors of a helicopter, a group of unsuspecting individuals are rudely awakened. Dr. Zamora (Miguel Lunardi), flanked by his entourage of doctors and henchmen, descends upon them with an air of calculated precision. A lone woman, seemingly trying to reason with the group, implores them to flee, but her words fall on deaf ears as they valiantly attempt to resist the invaders. The ensuing chaos is swiftly quelled, however, as Zamora's associates assert their dominance, leaving the group battered and subdued.

As the captive Amy lies sedated on an makeshift operating table, Dr. Zamora commences his gruesome procedure, extracting vital organs for transplantation into the bodies of Brazilians in dire need of medical intervention. His justification for this practice is twofold: it serves as a means to redistribute wealth from the affluent "gringos" to the impoverished masses, and as a way to redress the historical imbalance of "Brazilian resources" being exploited by foreigners. Amy's lifeless form slumps forward, her kidneys and liver removed, marking the end of her torment.

Meanwhile, the remaining members of the group manage to break free from their cages, only to be met with fierce resistance from Zamora's cohorts. Amidst the chaos, Kiko proves instrumental in helping Alex, Liam, and Bea escape, but not before they are forced to confront the brutal reality that has been unfolding. The trio's ill-fated attempt to rescue Finn, who lies helpless on a nearby table due to sedation, ends in tragedy as he succumbs to a fatal head wound.

As the survivors regroup, Alex realizes that their chances of escape are slim, and that they must press onward if they hope to survive. Liam, however, elects to defy the odds, opting to stand his ground against Zamora's henchmen only to be brutally shot down and carried away for "salvaging." In the aftermath of this devastating turn of events, Bea and Pru become separated as they flee into the jungle, leaving Alex and Kiko to forge a perilous path through the treacherous terrain.

The following morning, Alex and Kiko stumble upon Bea, who has taken refuge by the river. The trio sets their sights on the flooded cave, eluding pursuit from one of Zamora's associates armed with a deadly bow and quiver full of arrows. As they navigate the treacherous waters, they finally reunite with Pru, finding solace in each other's company.

However, this fragile sense of security is short-lived as they discover that Zamora has lain in wait for them at the secondary cave entrance. With calculated precision, he unleashes a barrage of gunfire into the water, striking Kiko and gravely injuring Alex.

As the trio of survivors - Alex (actor name), Bea, and Pru - are forced to retreat through the treacherous waters, their progress is marked by brief respites of air, each one a precarious reprieve from the suffocating grip of the watery grave. The group's unity is momentarily shattered as they're dispersed, seeking fleeting moments of respite amidst the crushing pressure. Meanwhile, Bea and their pursuer, the archer, find themselves in the same fragile breathing space, where Bea asserts her dominance, striking a decisive blow that silences the archer with an arrow to the neck.

Having escaped the cave, the trio emerges into the harsh sunlight only to be confronted once more by Zamora's relentless pursuit. Alex launches a fierce attack on Zamora, raining rock after rock upon his adversary's skull until their attention is diverted by one of Zamora's henchmen, armed with a rifle and seemingly hell-bent on destruction. Zamora, however, proves less than enthusiastic about the prospect of his underling carrying out his orders, taking umbrage at being called a coward as Pru implores the gunman to show mercy.

The standoff is momentarily resolved when the henchman turns on Zamora, delivering a fatal shot that sends their leader crashing to the ground. In the aftermath, the survivors are taken in by a group of local villagers, who offer them a measure of safety and respite from the chaos that has consumed their lives.

Later, as Alex, Bea, and Pru wait in line at the airport, the air is thick with tension, punctuated only by the occasional outburst from a pair of arguing tourists behind them. Alex intervenes, offering sage advice to the beleaguered travelers, and as they depart on their own journey, the trio remains, lost in thought as the plane takes to the skies, leaving the trauma of their experiences slowly fading into memory.