Under Her Control 2022

In this gripping drama, a driven young professional makes a calculated bet on her career by entangling herself with a captivating mentor. As she becomes increasingly ensnared, she must confront the dark consequences of her own ambition and wonder if she's sold her soul for success.

In this gripping drama, a driven young professional makes a calculated bet on her career by entangling herself with a captivating mentor. As she becomes increasingly ensnared, she must confront the dark consequences of her own ambition and wonder if she's sold her soul for success.

Does Under Her Control have end credit scenes?


Under Her Control does not have end credit scenes.



4.8 /10

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Movie Quiz

Under Her Control Quiz: Test your knowledge about the psychological thriller 'Under Her Control' and its complex characters and plot twists.

What is Beatriz's profession?

Plot Summary

As fate would have it, two women from different walks of life intersected in Madrid. Beatriz (Aitana Sánchez-Gijon), a career-driven powerhouse with an impressive resume, was looking for a like-minded individual to join her team. Sofia (Cumelen Sanz), a bright-eyed and ambitious young professional, was eager to make a name for herself in the world of finance. Despite their differing levels of accomplishment, both women shared a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed.

The two women’s paths crossed when Sofia arrived at Beatriz’s office for an interview. As the conversation flowed effortlessly, Beatriz was impressed by Sofia’s poise under pressure and offered her a job on the spot. Sofia, in turn, was starstruck by her new boss’s accomplishments and felt honored to be working alongside someone she idolized.

As their professional relationship blossomed, personal dynamics began to emerge. Nacho (Alex Pastrana), Sofia’s boyfriend, was eager to take their relationship to the next level, while Sofia had other plans. Little did anyone know that Sofia was hiding a secret: she was pregnant and unsure about her future as a mother.

Meanwhile, Beatriz seemed to have it all - success, wealth, and a fulfilling career. However, beneath the surface, she felt an unspoken void in her life, a sense of emptiness that only a family could fill. As fate would have it, Sofia’s pregnancy was about to change everything. When Sofia fell ill at work, Beatriz was taken aback, realizing for the first time that her new assistant was with child.

Initially annoyed by Sofia’s secrecy, Beatriz soon saw an opportunity to leverage this situation to her advantage. She approached Sofia with a proposal: become her surrogate mother, and in return, receive a substantial compensation package and a chance to work closely with Beatriz. The terms of the agreement were clear: everything would be kept under wraps, and Beatriz’s family lawyer would handle all the necessary legalities.

As the two women navigated this uncharted territory, they found themselves at the crossroads of their personal and professional lives. Would Sofia choose to carry out her original plan or take a chance on this unexpected opportunity?

As the arrangement unfolded, it became apparent that this unconventional setup would not fly under the watchful eye of the law. Beatriz, with her generous offer and promises of financial support, convinced Sofia to join her in the sprawling suburban estate on the outskirts of the city. But behind the façade of hospitality, a more sinister reality emerged. Beatriz’s controlling nature was evident in the omnipresent cameras that monitored every move within the confines of her home.

Sofia, initially unsuspecting, began to feel trapped as she discovered the extent of Beatriz’s surveillance. Her demands for the removal of certain cameras were met with resistance, fueling her growing unease. Meanwhile, the arrival of Sofia’s mobile phone, which had mysteriously gone missing, added a layer of anxiety to an already precarious situation.

As the pregnancy progressed, Sofia found herself under Beatriz’s strict guidance, adhering to a regimen that would put a marathon runner to shame. The locked nursery upstairs, reserved for the yet-to-be-born Carlos, served as a stark reminder of Beatriz’s possessive nature. Her intolerance towards any perceived disobedience was exemplified by her ruthless dismissal of Tati, the long-time housemaid, after Sofia gained access to the previously off-limits area.

The absence of Sofia’s mobile phone and her subsequent inability to communicate with Nacho raised suspicions that only added to the palpable tension between them. Beatriz’s motivations were clear: she sought total control over the situation, determined to ensure that no external factors would disrupt her plans for motherhood. Her conversations with family doctor Christina (Vanessa Rasero) revealed a cold calculation, hinting at the dark possibilities that lurked beneath her seemingly benevolent surface.

As Beatriz perceived Sofia’s lavish lifestyle, she remained skeptical, convinced that the young woman’s sudden prosperity was merely a cleverly orchestrated ruse. Her doubts only intensified when she purchased Sofia a sleek new smartphone, a gesture meant to demonstrate her supposed benevolence. Meanwhile, Sofia found herself pouring out her heart to Nacho on the phone, much to Beatriz’s discomfort. The older woman watched with an unnerving intensity as Sofia spoke, her presence suffocating and unwelcome.

Beatriz’s true intentions soon became apparent when Sofia discovered a network jamming device in her midst. Though she couldn’t prevent Sofia from using her phone, she could manipulate the airwaves to keep her isolated and dependent. It was a clever ploy, one that further solidified Beatriz’s grip on Sofia’s life.

As it turned out, Sofia had been less than forthcoming about her academic credentials, having fabricated an impressive portfolio in order to secure lucrative opportunities. Her lack of scruples extended to her relationship with Nacho, whom she was willing to deceive for the sake of financial gain. Though guilt occasionally pricked at her conscience, it was a fleeting sensation, easily trumped by the allure of wealth.

However, Sofia’s world began to unravel when she realized that Beatriz was not merely a benevolent benefactor, but rather a calculating manipulator who had no intention of allowing her to leave. The older woman would repeatedly assert Sofia’s freedom, only to underscore its illusion with subtle yet effective restraints. When tensions flared and the two engaged in heated arguments, Beatriz would remind Sofia that she was free to depart, all the while secretly ensuring that escape remained a distant fantasy.

As Sofia struggled to cope with her confinement, Beatriz’s machinations reached new heights of subtlety and menace. She even resorted to drugging Sofia, a move designed to maintain control and forestall any potential deviations from the carefully crafted plan. In this twisted game of cat and mouse, Beatriz held all the cards, leaving Sofia trapped in a living nightmare of her own making.

Beatriz’s fixation on having a baby boy bordered on obsession. She became increasingly paranoid about ensuring her desires were met, even resorting to manipulating circumstances to guarantee the outcome she craved. As Sofia’s due date drew near, Beatriz grew more anxious and demanded that Christina, their family doctor, perform an elective C-section before the expected arrival time. Despite the risks involved, Beatriz was willing to take them, driven by her desire for control.

Beatriz’s controlling nature was starkly evident in her brutal treatment of Nacho, who had inadvertently stumbled upon Sofia’s true location. When Nacho arrived at Beatriz’s office, demanding to know her address and intending to confront Sofia, Beatriz took matters into her own hands. She was already on her way to the office when Nacho showed up at Sofia’s doorstep, attempting to alert the authorities through the intercom. Beatriz returned just in time to strike down Nacho with her car.

Sofia was keenly aware of Beatriz’s culpability in Nacho’s demise. As Beatriz’s grip on Sofia tightened, she became increasingly desperate to break free from her captor’s grasp. But Beatriz refused to relinquish control, driven by an insatiable desire to secure the baby and crush any potential opposition.

In a chilling revelation, Sofia realized that Beatriz would likely eliminate her once the child was born. This grim understanding fueled Sofia’s determination to escape and take drastic measures to ensure her own survival. As tensions escalated, Sofia finally managed to overpower Beatriz, claiming her freedom and finding the contract and monetary compensation that had been used to manipulate her.

With Beatriz defeated and still reeling from their confrontation, Sofia issued a stark warning: if Beatriz pursued her, she would expose the entire arrangement and destroy her. However, Beatriz refused to back down, launching a desperate counterattack that ultimately led to her own downfall. In a shocking turn of events, Sofia ended up stabbing Beatriz through the stomach.

As Sofia fled the desolate facility, her water broke, casting doubt on whether she would be able to reach medical assistance in time. Meanwhile, Nacho’s tragic fate served as a haunting reminder of the devastating consequences of Beatriz’s actions, and Sofia was left to navigate the treacherous landscape alone, with no clear hope of finding aid or rescue.

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