
Does Unfriended have end credit scenes?


Unfriended does not have end credit scenes.




As teenagers gather online for a night of carefree chatting, an unexpected presence disrupts the digital hangout - "Billie227." Initially dismissed as a glitch, the newcomer's eerie messages soon reveal a sinister connection to Laura Barns, a classmate who died under mysterious circumstances. As Blaire digs deeper, secrets and lies surface, forcing her friends to confront the darkness within themselves.

Runtime: 83 min

Box Office: $63M









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Check out what happened in Unfriended!

The digital realm suddenly takes a dark turn as the group's Skype session is interrupted by an enigmatic stranger, leaving them scrambling to figure out who this mysterious individual is and how they managed to crash their online gathering. Ken attempts to lighten the mood by joking about the Boners & Farts website, but his attempt at humor falls flat as the others grow increasingly uneasy. The group's confusion turns to frustration as they try to disconnect from the unwanted participant, only to discover that there's no option to do so on their video feed.

Meanwhile, Blaire reaches out to Mitch privately on Skype, seeking answers about the identity of this mysterious person. Mitch is equally perplexed, but his attention is diverted by a bizarre message from Laura Barns, prompting him to send a link to a chilling online forum where individuals share stories about being contacted by the deceased and the devastating consequences that follow.

As Blaire becomes increasingly agitated, Mitch's calm demeanor only adds to her frustration. He advises her to unfriend Laura, but when she attempts to do so on Facebook, the options are mysteriously unclickable. It's as if some unseen force is determined to keep them connected to this eerie digital presence. Blaire's panic reaches a boiling point as she realizes that even Mitch's words of wisdom may not be enough to shake off the unsettling feeling that they're being manipulated by forces beyond their control.

In a desperate bid to regain control, Blaire refreshes her Facebook page and, to her surprise, is finally able to unfriend Laura. But her relief is short-lived as she receives a haunting message: "Nice try." The digital connection remains, and Laura's ghostly presence continues to haunt the group, leaving them wondering if they'll ever be able to escape the clutches of this malevolent force.

As Mitch and Blaire re-enter the Skype realm, their anxiety levels skyrocket. The group's initial suggestion to invite Val into the conversation is met with collective disdain, with Ken taking it upon himself to unleash a verbal tirade, labeling her a "slut" and mercilessly taunting her. Meanwhile, Blaire continues to exchange messages with Mitch, struggling to come to terms with her inability to unfriend someone. His suggestion that perhaps her brother is behind the mysterious activity sparks skepticism in her, prompting her to seek answers elsewhere.

Her digital detective work leads her down a rabbit hole of online tutorials on memorializing Facebook accounts. It's here that she stumbles upon a shocking discovery: a RIP Laura Barns Facebook community page boasting an astonishing number of likes. This revelation sends Blaire reeling, as she realizes that the deceased Laura has achieved a level of posthumous popularity and adoration that surpasses her own life. With trepidation, Blaire fills out the memorialization form, carefully typing in Laura's name, date of passing, and providing proof of her death through a Google article about her suicide.

As she lists herself as a friend and opts for the account to be transformed into a Memorial Site, Blaire clicks Send, only to be met with an eerie realization: something is amiss. The answers to her questions suddenly change, replaced by an incessant repetition of "WEGOTHER WEGOTHER WEGOTHER WEGOTHER" – a message that prevents the form from sending. It's at this juncture that Blaire begins to grasp the true nature of the entity she's dealing with.

In a jarring turn of events, Laura Barns herself initiates contact with Blaire, inquiring about her current activity. With a mixture of trepidation and morbid curiosity, Blaire clicks over to the paused YouTube video featuring Laura – a clip that had been playing at the beginning of the film, frozen on the moment when Laura succumbed to her fate. As she swiftly clears her browser history, Blaire's gaze lingers momentarily on one of the tabs: a link to MTV's "Teen Wolf," a show starring none other than the actress who plays her – a poignant reminder that, in this digital realm, nothing is as it seems.

As Blaire and Mitch engage in private conversations, a subtle undercurrent of tension simmers beneath the surface. Mitch confesses his disdain for Val, labeling her a "floozy," which prompts a cryptic remark from "Billie" - a mysterious Skype user - that sets off a chain reaction of events. When they re-enter the chat, "Billie" brands Val as a floozy, incensing her and prompting an investigation into the identity behind the moniker. Blaire is relieved to learn that Mitch isn't the culprit, but her relief is short-lived.

A notification on Blaire's Facebook alerts her to a photo album posted by Jess, featuring Val in compromising positions - drunk, smoking a bong, and surrounded by a cast of laughing friends. The image spreads like wildfire, with everyone simultaneously scrolling through the pics and mocking Val's antics. Her mom, one of her Facebook friends, unwittingly bears witness to her daughter's humiliation.

Val erupts in anger, berating Jess for the post, only to discover that it wasn't her who uploaded the photos. As tensions escalate, Ken proposes a face-off at Wendy's, but Jess remains steadfast in her assertion that she didn't share the images. Just as Val's ire subsides, another notification arrives - this time from Adam, re-posting the same compromising pics.

Blaire interrupts the chaos to share a chilling revelation: Laura Barns, a classmate who died under mysterious circumstances exactly one year prior, has been reaching out to her. The group is stunned, but their unease is short-circuited by Ken's cruel remark that Laura was a "slut" who deserved her fate. As the conversation devolves into a toxic free-for-all, the enigmatic "Billie" re-emerges, claiming responsibility for the posts and taunting the group with threats of violence.

The lights in their rooms suddenly go dark - a literal manifestation of the psychological unease that has taken hold. Panicked, Adam grabs his father's gun, warning that he'll take matters into his own hands if necessary. "Billie" continues to toy with them, her digital presence eerily omniscient. Val, now visibly shaken, promises to confront "Billie" in person, only to receive a chilling message: "You wouldn't like it where I am."

As the group's anxiety reaches a fever pitch, Val receives a threatening email and promptly reports the incident to the authorities, pleading for police intervention. With her digital safety compromised, she signs off, leaving the group to wonder if they're truly alone in the dark or merely pawns in "Billie's" twisted game.

As "Billie" takes over the group's digital landscape, the eerie YouTube video of Laura Barns begins to play on every screen, refusing to cease its haunting loop. The friends' attempts to shut it down are futile, and they're forced to confront the tragic end of the video, where a helpless Laura lies in her own filth, surrounded by cruel memes and anonymous insults. Blaire's remorseful apology to Laura via Facebook only serves as a poignant reminder of the group's collective guilt. The revelation that "Billie" is actually Laura's profile, coupled with the chilling countdown threat, sends the group into a frenzy.

In a desperate bid to regain control, Ken suggests installing a Trojan virus remover to purge the troll from their midst. As they frantically work together to download and execute the software, Blaire's QuickTime Player becomes stuck, refusing to empty its contents due to an errant SNL episode. With seconds to spare, she closes down the player, clears her trash, and successfully deletes "Billie" from their digital realm.

Relieved and a bit shaken, the group shares a nervous laugh, teasing Adam for his overcautious decision to grab his father's gun. However, Blaire's tranquility is short-lived, as she receives an email from "Billie" containing a link to a disturbing Instagram photo. As her friends urge her to forward the message to Ken, who can track down the user via their IP address, they're stymied by the lack of a forwarding option. Adam sarcastically remarks, "Girls with computers," as Blaire resorts to sending a screenshot to Ken instead.

As they manually type in the Instagram link, the friends are met with a haunting image: a screen shot of Laura's desperate attempt at friendship, which was brutally rebuffed by Val's cruel response a year prior. The comments that follow are nothing short of vitriolic, with students condemning Val as the true culprit behind Laura's tragic demise. In this digital graveyard, Laura's memory has become a shrine to the devastating consequences of cyberbullying.

As the group accepts Val's request for an online chat, they're met with an eerie scene: Val stands motionless in her laundry room, adjacent to a bottle of bleach that seems as much a part of the tableau as she is. The video feed appears frozen, yet it's clear that Val is not budging – despite the telltale signs of chaos in the background. A broken mirror hangs precariously on its frame, hinting at a struggle that may have unfolded mere moments before. As the group continues to observe Val's statuesque pose, the sound of her dog barking in the distance serves as a jarring reminder that something is amiss.

The phone rings, and Blaire answers, her mind whirling with concern for Val's apparent stillness. But it's not until she notices her own phone screen wiggling – a sign that the video feed is indeed active, if frozen in time – that she realizes Val may be more than just a little unresponsive. Suddenly, chaos erupts: Val's computer crashes to the floor, and the sound of police officers entering the house fills the air.

As the officers begin barking out coded instructions, Blaire's fingers fly across her keyboard as she frantically searches for answers on Google. Her eyes scan the results, her brow furrowed in concentration, before landing on a crucial detail: the first code is a time check, while the second, misheard by Blaire, appears to be a call for medical assistance. With Val's history of seizures flashing through her mind, Blaire becomes convinced that her friend is simply experiencing an episode – but Ken's keen ear picks up on the repeated phrase "10-56," and everything changes.

Blaire's eyes widen as she realizes with horror that the code actually signals a more sinister outcome: suicide. The group is plunged into panic as Blaire struggles to reconcile Val's apparent medical crisis with this devastating revelation, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. As the truth begins to sink in, Blaire's initial efforts to reassure herself that Val is simply having a seizure are replaced by a growing sense of unease and uncertainty.

The sinister presence of "Billie" returns to haunt the group, her malevolent intentions crystal clear: she possesses intimate knowledge of their deepest secrets and threatens to expose them all unless they succumb to her demands. With an air of menace, she dispatches a cryptic file entitled NOTBOYFRIEND.JPG, urging its recipients not to dare download it - but Blaire's curiosity gets the better of her. As she scrolls through the digital images, her eyes widen in shock and betrayal upon beholding a series of compromising photos depicting her own romantic entanglements with Adam (not her boyfriend, Mitch). The second picture appears with alarming speed, further illuminating the deceit that has been unfolding beneath their noses.

Meanwhile, the enigmatic "Billie" reappears in their chat, but this time, instead of an icon, she brings a disturbing video that sends shivers down their spines. The group's collective gasp is palpable as they exclaim, "We can see you!" But what they're gazing upon is far from clear: it appears to be a grainy, fragmented image emanating from within a crate. Ken, ever the skeptic, refuses to remain passive, and his companions urge him to return to the computer and stand up - only to realize that the video is filming from within the confines of his own home.

As the tension builds, both "Billie's" and Ken's videos begin to unfold, revealing a macabre dance of self-destruction. In shattered flashes, we see Ken moving towards the crate, his face etched with an unsettling mixture of curiosity and horror. Then, in a jarring, jerky sequence of images, he inserts his hand into his blender, followed by a grotesque, slow-motion sequence of him placing his face within its deadly blades. The resulting carnage is obscured by fleeting glimpses, but the unmistakable presence of blood and the eerie silence convey a haunting sense of despair and desperation - Ken's ultimate demise.

As the group of friends huddled together, "Billie" introduced a sinister twist to their game of "Never Have I Ever". With a mischievous glint in her eye, she warned that the loser would not simply drink - they would die. The tension was palpable as "Billie" presented her first statement: NEVER HAVE I EVER SPREAD A RUMOR ABOUT BLAIRE HAVING AN EATING DISORDER. As Jess hesitantly admitted to being the culprit behind Blaire's perceived eating disorder, a palpable sense of unease settled over the group.

But just as it seemed like things couldn't get any darker, "Billie" revealed her next statement: NEVER HAVE I EVER TURNED A FRIEND INTO THE COPS FOR POT. Mitch's admission that he had indeed betrayed Adam's trust sent the atmosphere spiraling into chaos. Blaire's warnings to be cautious with Adam fell on deaf ears as the group descended into a cacophony of accusations and recriminations.

As "Billie" continued to weave her web of deceit, she presented another statement: NEVER HAVE I EVER OFFERED JESS'S LIFE FOR MY OWN. The air was heavy with foreboding as Adam finally confessed to making a pact with "Billie"/Laura Barns. The group's dynamics shifted irrevocably as alliances crumbled and friendships were tested.

In the midst of this maelstrom, Mitch lashed out with his own accusations: NEVER HAVE I EVER DRUGGED ASHLEY. NEVER HAVE I EVER FORCED ASHLEY TO HAVE AN ABORTION. Adam's response was calculated and cruel - NEVER HAVE I EVER HAD SEX. The revelation sent Blaire reeling as she struggled to defend herself against the onslaught of revelations.

As "Billie" continued to manipulate the group, she presented another statement: NEVER HAVE I EVER CHEATED WITH MY BOYFRIEND'S BEST FRIEND. Mitch's fury knew no bounds as he confronted Blaire about her alleged infidelity. The soundtrack shifted to a haunting melody, "How You Lie, Lie, Lie", which seemed to mirror the group's descent into darkness.

As tensions reached a boiling point, Adam received a mysterious message from his printer, followed by Blaire's own revelation. The two friends exchanged uncomfortable glances as they realized that their secrets were no longer private. Mitch's paranoia reached new heights as he demanded to know the contents of the note - only to be met with silence.

In a stunning turn of events, "Billie" revealed her final move: a YouTube video featuring Adam and Blaire in an intimate moment. The group was left reeling as Mitch threatened to expose their secrets, only to be confronted by the ominous message on Blaire's piece of paper: IF YOU SHOW THIS TO THE OTHERS, I KILL BLAIRE.

In the end, it was too late - Adam had already taken his own life, his final message revealing that "Billie" would kill Blaire if she revealed their secrets to the others. As the group fell silent, the true extent of "Billie"'s manipulation and the devastating consequences of their own actions became clear.

As "Billie" ominously implies that Jess is the next target on their sinister hit list, she's instructed to retreat into the safety of her bathroom - a sanctuary that quickly becomes a prison. Meanwhile, Mitch and Blaire are consumed by an existential crisis, wringing their hands in frustration as they debate what course of action to take. But amidst the chaos, a peculiar phenomenon occurs: a pop-up video materializes, hawking webcam software that promises users the thrill of recording intimate moments with strangers. The irony is lost on Mitch and Blaire, who remain oblivious to the eerie parallel between their predicament and the virtual world unfolding before them.

Blaire's desperation leads her down the rabbit hole of online chat forums, seeking help from anonymous strangers in a digital void. Her journey begins on Chatroulette, where she's met with apathy and indifference - except for one sympathetic soul, a kindly girl in the United States who empathizes with Blaire's plight. The two form an unlikely bond as Blaire implores her new friend to call the authorities in Fresno, California and dispatch them to Jess's location. With a sense of relief, Blaire types out the address and presses "Send" - only to be met with silence.

Undeterred, Blaire's online companion calls 911 and conveys the urgent situation to the dispatcher, who assures her that police assistance is mere minutes away. But as they wait for help to arrive, Blaire returns to Skype, only to discover a gruesome tableau unfolding on Jess's webcam: her friend's lifeless body, brutally silenced by a scorching hot hair straightener placed in her mouth. The cruel twist is accompanied by a notification - and with it, the revelation that Jess has been "tagged" in a new photo, her lifeless form memorialized in a meme that's gone viral.

As the Skype conversation between Blaire and Mitch reaches a tranquil calm, an unexpected buzz pierces the air - not a sinister plot unfolding, but rather a gentle reminder from Blaire's calendar: "GO TO SLEEP - TEST TOMORROW." The tension dissipates as they share a laugh together. But their brief respite is short-lived, as "Billie" reappears with a menacing ultimatum: reveal the true culprit behind the incriminating video, or suffer the consequences of death. Blaire and Mitch vehemently deny any involvement, but their protestations fall on deaf ears.

As the clock ticks away, Laura's Facebook messages start pouring in, her words laced with deceitful intentions. She feigns innocence, pleading with Blaire to confess the truth, only to retract her statements and reveal a darker reality: "He did it." In a moment of calculated brutality, Mitch seizes the opportunity to exact revenge on himself by plunging a butcher knife into his own face - an act that will forever be etched in the minds of those who witnessed this gruesome display.

As the scene descends further into chaos, Laura's messages continue to taunt Blaire, goading her with cruel words and twisted logic. The once-innocent friend has now become a vessel for Blaire's deepest fears and darkest desires. In a shocking twist, Blaire's digital footprint reveals her own complicity in Laura's tragic demise.

The aftermath of this revelation is met with a torrent of hate-filled comments from online bystanders, each one a stinging reminder of the devastating consequences of Blaire's actions. As the world around her crumbles, the camera lingers on Blaire's shattered visage, reflecting the same malevolent energy that fueled Laura's downfall.

And then, as if summoned by some dark force, an otherworldly presence materializes before the lens - a demon-faced teenager with eyes that burn with an unholy intensity. The darkness closes in around her, extinguishing the last vestiges of light and hope, leaving only an abyss of despair in its wake.

As the anniversary of Laura Barns' tragic passing approaches, a somber tone settles over a group of friends as they gather on Skype for their regular chat session. Little do they know, an unwelcome guest has infiltrated their virtual gathering, claiming to be the very spirit they thought was long gone - Laura Barns herself (played by none other than Emma Bell). With a mischievous grin, she reveals her presence not just in their digital realm but also in their own computer screens, playing a series of unsettling pranks that leave each friend vulnerable to her malevolent influence. One by one, they succumb to her dark manipulation, ultimately meeting a gruesome demise at their own hands.

As the last remaining survivors, Blaire and her boyfriend are forced to confront the harsh truth about their own culpability in Laura's downfall. Their secrets, once hidden behind a veil of anonymity, are cruelly exposed by Laura herself, who mercilessly reveals each friend's betrayal - be it a whispered rumor or a snide comment left on that fateful YouTube video. The air thickens as Blaire is confronted with the dark truth: her own boyfriend was responsible for the vicious takedown of Laura's online reputation.

In a shocking twist, Laura exacts her final revenge by posting the full, unedited video, revealing Blaire's own complicity in the cruel spectacle that ultimately drove Laura to despair. The demon version of Laura then materializes in Blaire's very home, delivering a devastating blow that silences her once and for all.