
Does V/H/S/85 have end credit scenes?


V/H/S/85 does not have end credit scenes.




A mysterious cassette tape weaves together fragments of obscure VHS tapes, eerie news broadcasts, and unsettling home movies, conjuring a disorienting portrait of 1980s unease – a nostalgic nightmare that blurs the lines between reality and the darkest recesses of the human psyche.

Runtime: 1 h 50 m









User Score


6.9 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in V/H/S/85!

As the camera pans across the serene landscape, a narrator's smooth voice brings us into the world of Stamer University, where a team of scientists are on the cusp of unlocking the secrets of a truly remarkable specimen: Rory. This enigmatic being has been found perched atop a windswept butte, its mysterious nature piquing the curiosity of Dr. Spratling and her team.

Meanwhile, seven friends - Rob (the keen-eyed documentarian), his sister Anna, her boyfriend Jared, Drew, Robin, Kevin, and Kelly - embark on a carefree camping trip to a tranquil lake. Ignoring the ominous warnings scattered throughout the area, they decide to take the plunge, literally, and venture into the water. As they make their way onto a boat, excitement turns to terror as an unseen sniper opens fire from the shore, cutting short the lives of Anna, Jared, and three others.

In the aftermath of this tragedy, Rob, Drew, Robin, and Kelly awaken to find themselves inexplicably alive despite the fatal injuries that should have claimed their lives. As they stumble back onto dry land, they're met with a haunting discovery: the Roman numeral for seven, painted in blood on the side of their abandoned RV, serves as a grim reminder of the devastating toll exacted by their ill-fated excursion.

As the survivors grapple with the reality of their newfound immortality, they're compelled to seek vengeance against those responsible for their loved ones' demise. And so, with this dark and twisted chapter in their lives, our story begins.

The documentary unfolds as a meticulous exploration of Rory's origins, revealing how Dr. Spratling and her team at Stamer University sought to educate the being about human culture through a carefully controlled environment. Contained within a small room, Rory is treated to an endless loop of exercise videos on TV, as the scientists work tirelessly to crack the code of communication with this mystical creature.

As chaos erupts at Ahorita TV, a Mexican news crew finds itself on the wrong side of fate. The morning broadcast is shattered by a catastrophic earthquake, leaving only one survivor - Luis, the cameraman, who's fortunate enough to be extracted from the rubble by a rescue team. However, as they attempt to navigate their way out of the devastated building, the trio is thwarted by a sea of debris. Amidst the wreckage, tragedy strikes when a member of the rescue team, Javier, succumbs to mortal injury in an aftershock; his dying breath compels Karla, one of his colleagues, to expedite his passing. The surviving quartet - Luis, Karla, Miguel, and Eddie - musters its collective strength to navigate through a cramped crawl space, only to stumble upon a gruesome scene: walls constructed from the macabre, adorned with skulls, and a statue of Mictlān, an ancient Aztec deity. It's here that Eddie becomes unwittingly possessed by the malevolent spirit, prompting him to exact a brutal toll on Miguel. Mictlān materializes behind his possessed pawn, Eddie, and puts a gruesome end to him, devouring his heart with a cannibalistic fervor. As Karla succumbs to the god's influence, she turns her wrath on Luis, offering his lifeless form as a ghastly tribute. The room eventually succumbs to its own devastation, but not before the outside world is informed that September 19th will forever be etched in history.

Meanwhile, a separate thread of events begins to unfold as Rory's shape-shifting abilities take a peculiar turn. As the footage intermingles with an exclusive interview featuring Dr. Greyson, a defected scientist from the original team, it becomes clear that caution was warranted when Rory's powers were first discovered.

In the dimly lit theater, performance artist Ada Lovelace (Ada Lovelace) presented her latest show to a captivated audience. With an air of defiance and mystique, she introduced a provocative concept: the world had supplanted the divine with the omnipotent "God of Technology". As a testament to this notion, she unveiled a mesmerizing video showcasing a revolutionary virtual reality device that enabled its user to coexist between the physical and digital realms. Donning a VR headset, gloves, and full-body suit, Ada embodied the fusion of human and machine.

The audience was then treated to a surreal visual representation of her experience through the headset, depicting an otherworldly electronic landscape that blurred the lines between reality and fantasy. With an incantation and a taunting challenge to the "myth" of the "God of Technology", Ada attempted to awaken this supposed deity. However, her efforts were met with unexpected consequences when a mysterious figure materialized on the screen.

Ada's struggle to remove the headset was futile, and she eventually shed one of her gloves to reveal that her hand had disintegrated. The entity, sensing her vulnerability, launched a brutal attack on Ada, with her virtual injuries exacting a toll in the real world. As the crowd watched in stunned silence, believing it to be an integral part of the performance, Ada succumbed to her wounds.

In the aftermath of this jarring spectacle, the cameraman removed the visor from the helmet, revealing that Ada's brain and facial tissue had merged with the helmet itself – a haunting testament to the blurring of boundaries between human and technology. As if to underscore this theme, Rory was shown to have sprouted a tentacle with menacing spikes at its tip, later dubbed the "feeler" in a chilling reminder of the unpredictable consequences that lay ahead.

The Wrigley family's seemingly ordinary gathering is actually a sinister celebration of a morbid tradition - the gruesome annihilation of seven lives. As they commemorate Ruth's initiation into this dark ritual, her cousin James captures the moment on film, unaware of the horrors to come. The party's tranquility is shattered when Adam, Ruth's young relative, reveals he was gifted a water gun by a mysterious woman in an RV, whose hasty departure only adds to the sense of unease. As night falls, the Wrigleys' true nature is revealed: they are a family with a history of brutal violence, and Ruth has just completed her rite of passage by slaughtering seven innocent people at a lake. The sound of police sirens pierces the air as officers surround their home, prompting the Wrigleys to arm themselves and prepare for a desperate fight.

As the authorities close in, Ruth's mother reminds her that surrendering would bring shame upon their family - a chilling warning that underscores the depths of their depravity. The ensuing chaos is marked by gunfire, screams, and the tragic loss of life. Ruth's own family members fall victim to her cold-blooded brutality, including her cousin James, who confesses his fear and is brutally silenced. In the aftermath of the carnage, Ruth is gunned down by the police, but a shocking twist awaits: as a coroner examines the bodies, Ruth revives, consumed by shock and rage. Her first act is to shoot the coroner, followed by a self-inflicted gunshot wound that leaves her alive, if not entirely unscathed.

The authorities finally take Ruth into custody, her distress palpable as she's hauled away in handcuffs. Meanwhile, a disturbing revelation emerges: Robin, one of Ruth's victims from the lakeside massacre, had secretly filled Adam's water gun with water from the lake, sowing the seeds for the devastating events that unfolded.

As the narrative unfolds, a chilling scene of brutality ensues, as an assailant invades a woman's home, binds her with unyielding ferocity, and mercilessly executes her while she desperately pleads for help on the 911 line. This gruesome tableau is eerily familiar to lead detective Wayne (actor name), who recognizes it as a replay of a previous video depicting a similar atrocity. Another tape surfaces, showcasing the killer entering another residence, engaging in a ferocious altercation with the occupant, and ultimately dispatching him with unrelenting savagery.

As the police converge on the scene, Wayne shares his earlier experience with Bobby, revealing that he had already witnessed this very murder on a tape received earlier. This development sets off a chain reaction of events as Wayne delves deeper into the mystery, uncovering the shocking truth: Gunther (actor name), Bobby's own flesh and blood, is the mastermind behind these gruesome transmissions.

Gunther claims to have foreseen these atrocities in his dreams, insisting that they were being recorded on the tapes he sent to the authorities. Though Wayne remains skeptical, Bobby offers a revealing insight into their family's peculiar psychic abilities. He explains that their lineage boasts a prophetic gift, with Gunther's cousin, Gwen, having experienced similar visions when her sibling went missing and ultimately succumbed to the crushing weight of these premonitions.

As the stakes escalate, another tape surfaces, depicting yet another murder, this time involving dismemberment and beheading. The location in the tape sparks a recognition in both Bobby and Wayne, prompting them to launch an investigation into the latest atrocity. Outside the crime scene, Wayne confronts Bobby about his connections to the previous victims, who had leveled accusations of sexual assault and stalking against him. This revelation is met with the devastating news that Bobby lost his job due to these very allegations.

As Wayne implores Bobby to reveal the truth, the latter's resolve falters, culminating in a stunning act of violence: he shoots Wayne in the head before entering the house to carry out the murder foretold by Gunther's dream. Back at the police station, Gunther stumbles upon his dream replaying on the camera in the interrogation room, precipitating a profound realization that his father is the perpetrator.

As Gunther shares his vision of this very outcome with Bobby, a tense standoff ensues. The authorities arrive to apprehend the killer, but Bobby proves too formidable, easily dispatching them before being confronted by an enlightened Gunther. In a stunning turn of events, it is Bobby who meets his demise at the hands of his own son, as Gunther's premonition comes eerily full circle.

As the days pass without any apparent response from Rory, Spratling concludes that the entity must be ill, prompting Dr. Greyson to hypothesize a far more sinister explanation - that Rory's intelligence has simply evolved to the point of manipulation. Disagreeing with Spratling's assessment, Greyson ultimately abandons the study, her concerns falling on deaf ears as her colleagues remain skeptical. The documentary's narrator then intervenes, cautioning viewers that the events unfolding at Stamer University are so disturbing and traumatic that even authorities have chosen to withhold the footage from public view.

Meanwhile, Greyson's departure prompts Spratling to take matters into his own hands, dispatching Gary to administer an adrenaline shot to Rory. However, before this can be accomplished, Rory suddenly awakens, its delicate "feeler" tendrils extending to ensnare and immobilize Gary. A desperate struggle ensues as Spratling and Porter attempt to extract Gary from the room, but Rory's unyielding grip proves too strong. The entity then extends another "feeler" to drag Gary's lifeless form into its lair, where it meets a gruesome fate at Rory's hands.

As chaos erupts in the hallway, Spratling and the cameraman flee for their lives, only to find themselves trapped when the door scanner refuses to recognize Spratling's blood-stained hand. The "feeler" tendrils of death then ensnare both men, dragging them into Rory's lair where they become the latest victims of its unrelenting brutality.

Finally, with the last remnants of life extinguished, Rory assumes a grotesque, alien-like form, manipulating the corpses to recreate the very exercise routines that had once been broadcast on the TV screen in this desolate, blood-soaked chamber.