Virus 1999

In the midst of chaos, a small team of heroes must band together to combat the ruthless spread of the Nipah virus, which ravages Kerala with devastating consequences. As panic sets in, they risk everything to contain the outbreak and save countless lives from the deadly grip of this merciless disease.

In the midst of chaos, a small team of heroes must band together to combat the ruthless spread of the Nipah virus, which ravages Kerala with devastating consequences. As panic sets in, they risk everything to contain the outbreak and save countless lives from the deadly grip of this merciless disease.

Does Virus have end credit scenes?


Virus does not have end credit scenes.






User Score


5.0 /10

IMDb Rating




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Plot Summary

The cinematic journey commences with a dramatic transmission between the Russian space station Mir and the research vessel Akademik Vladislav Volkov, situated in the midst of the South Pacific’s vast expanse. As the crews engage in conversation, an otherworldly electrical storm ravages the Mir, hijacking its electronics and broadcasting itself to Earth, crippling the station in the process. The Mir’s crew meets a seemingly inexplicable demise, while the fate of the research vessel’s personnel remains shrouded in mystery.

Seven days later, amidst the tumultuous fury of a typhoon, the tugboat Sea Star, captained by the seasoned Irish mariner Robert Everton (Donald Sutherland), finds itself struggling to stay afloat. The captain’s last hope for financial salvation lies in the uninsured cargo he carries, but fate has other plans. As the storm rages on, Kelly Foster (Jamie Lee Curtis), a skilled navigator and former naval officer, and Steve Baker (William Baldwin), a resourceful engineer, notice the tugboat taking on water in its engine room. Foster astutely suggests that they take refuge in the calm eye of the typhoon to effect repairs, an idea Everton reluctantly agrees to.

As Sea Star bides its time in the tranquil waters, Everton’s thoughts turn morose, and he contemplates a drastic decision. It is then that the radar detects the Akademik Vladislav Volkov looming on the horizon, its presence igniting Everton’s entrepreneurial spirit. He orders his crew to board the ship, enticed by the promise of a multimillion-dollar salvage opportunity.

Upon inspection, the crew discovers that all transmission equipment has been destroyed, and most wires are severed; some areas of the vessel display an eerie array of bullet holes, hinting at a violent struggle. Yet, there is no sign of life on board, much to Everton’s relief (had any survivors existed, the salvage value would be significantly diminished). He instructs Steve to accompany Squeaky and restore power to the ship, with the aim of relocating it. They succeed, but soon find themselves facing an unexpected challenge as the ship’s anchor drops seemingly autonomously, plunging the Sea Star into the depths with Hiko (Cliff Curtis) and J.W. Woods, Jr. (Marshall Bell) on board.

As Steve abandons Squeaky to guard the engine room, he is lured to his demise by a bizarre, mechanical creature resembling a spider. Meanwhile, outside, Woods prioritizes saving himself over assisting the injured Hiko, who cannot swim. Steve returns to rescue his fellow crew member, amidst the turmoil that has engulfed the Sea Star.

As Foster tends to Hiko’s wounded leg in the ship’s medical bay, a sudden burst of chaos erupts when a figure clad in a gas mask bursts forth from a storage cabinet and unleashes a barrage of gunfire with their Skorpion 61. Steve springs into action, quickly subduing the assailant and ripping off the gas mask to reveal Chief Science Officer Nadia Vinogradiya (Joanna Pacula), the sole survivor of the Russian crew. Nadia’s erratic behavior is characterized by wild-eyed outbursts about “it” needing power to traverse the ship, during which she brutally attacks Everton before attempting to wield an axe against Foster. However, Steve’s quick thinking and physical prowess ultimately allow him to gain control of the situation, permitting them to escort Nadia to the bridge.

Meanwhile, Squeaky’s failure to respond to Steve’s calls prompts him to venture into the engine room, accompanied by Woods and crewman Richie Mason (Sherman Augustus). As they make their way through the ship, they stumble upon a mysterious workshop producing an array of strange robot creatures. Upon provoking one of these machines, it promptly attacks Woods with a nail gun before the pair is ambushed by what appears to be a Russian crew member.

After reuniting with Steve, who had discovered the engine room abandoned and its door welded shut, they are suddenly beset once more by the seemingly human Russian crew member. However, this individual’s true nature is soon revealed as a cyborg. With Richie and Woods having scavenged weaponry from the ship’s munitions depot during their earlier exploration, the trio is able to engage in a fierce battle against this mechanical menace.

As Everton’s accusatory gaze bore down on Nadia at the bridge, the tension was palpable. His threat to execute her unless she revealed Squeaky’s whereabouts hung in the air like a challenge, but Nadia remained unflappable, her only concern that Everton would sever the ship’s power before she could cut it herself. Foster’s timely intervention put an end to Everton’s reckless behavior, and Woods, Steve, and Richie soon arrived with the lifeless cyborg, its presence a grim reminder of the horrors that had unfolded on board.

As Foster pieced together the events leading up to this moment, Nadia’s recounting of the Mir’s electrical energy boarding their ship eight days prior brought the crew’s collective understanding into sharp focus. It wasn’t just a simple energy transfer; it was an intelligent life-form seeking to comprehend humanity and its potential demise. This alien force had scoured the ship’s computers for information on how to eliminate humans, then set about constructing smaller robots, the “gatherers,” before proceeding to fashion cyborg bodies from the very crew members it had killed. Nadia’s captain and husband, Alexi, was one such casualty.

As the storm raged on outside, the crew confronted the harsh reality of their situation. They were no longer debating whether to destroy the creature; they were already at war. Their mission to locate and eradicate the threat led them straight into a trap set by Squeaky, now a cyborg itself, and its gargantuan robot companion, which dispatched Woods in an instant. The remaining crew members fled to the communications room, barricading themselves inside as Richie managed to send out a distress call. However, Everton’s refusal to yield control saw him shoot out the communicator, prompting Foster to take matters into his own hands by punching Everton and stripping him of command.

In the aftermath, Richie proposed an unexpected solution: use the ship’s computers to communicate with the alien life-form. The response was chilling: it declared itself “aware” and identified humanity as a harmful species, akin to a virus or germs that threatened the body of the whole. When asked what it wanted, the creature replied with unnerving candor, revealing its intention to harvest human bodies for spare parts. Richie’s descent into madness was swift and merciless; he brutally slaughtered Squeaky as it broke into the room and then escaped using a grenade launcher.

As Everton remains behind in the dimly lit communications room, a sense of trepidation settles over him as he becomes acutely aware that the extraterrestrial entity has taken a peculiar interest in his presence. Seizing the opportunity to negotiate, he commandeers the computer and boldly proclaims himself the dominant life-form on the planet. In exchange for the salvage, Everton offers to facilitate the alien’s journey to any port it desires, sensing an air of cooperation rather than confrontation. The computer’s digital voice responds by instructing him to proceed to Workroom 14 on the E Deck.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew discovers the communications room abandoned and overrun with spider robots, only to realize that the alien has relocated the computer elsewhere within the ship. Frustrated by this turn of events, they embark upon a perilous journey back to the bridge, navigating treacherous corridors and battling against the elements as they attempt to outmaneuver the tempestuous forces outside. In a desperate bid to regain control, Hiko is swept overboard in the raging typhoon.

As Everton ventures into the ship’s workshop, he is met with a gruesome sight: the alien’s mechanical minions busily dissecting and mutilating the lifeless bodies of several crew members, including the hapless Woods. The sheer brutality of this act impresses Everton, who begins to bargain with the extraterrestrial entity, offering his assistance in exchange for its survival.

Foster’s keen eye identifies Lord Howe Island as their impending destination, prompting Steve to hypothesize that the alien seeks to reach this strategic location due to the British intelligence installation situated there. This would grant it the power to teleport itself anywhere within the Southern Hemisphere, casting a shadow of concern over the remaining crew members. With time running out and the cyborg Everton suddenly materializing in the room - its torso comprising a Russian sailor’s, while Everton’s disembodied head takes up residence atop this gruesome amalgamation - the alien declares that an entire world awaits beyond the ship’s hull.

Nadia proves herself to be a beacon of hope as she manages to destroy the monstrous cyborg using a Thermite hand grenade. However, the crew soon realizes that their predicament is far from resolved, as they are now faced with the daunting prospect of sinking the ship before it’s too late. In desperation, they hatch a plan to flood the hold with fuel and detonate the vessel, sacrificing their own lives in a last-ditch effort to prevent the alien’s ultimate triumph.

As the fuel tanks are drained, a sinister plot unfolds when a bomb is discreetly placed in the hold, its presence only revealed as the crew scurries about with hasty urgency. Amidst the chaos, Foster (character) and Steve stumble upon Richie, whose earlier flight from their pursuers now seems like an eerie foreshadowing of the impending doom that awaits them all. The structure shudders and crumbles under the weight of a behemoth robot, dubbed the “Goliath,” its massive frame towering over the devastated landscape. With Richie (actor name) fatally wounded, he shares with Steve the crucial information that he had secretly prepared an escape route in the ship’s missile room, a revelation that will ultimately prove to be their only hope for survival.

As Foster is taken captive by the remorseless Goliath, subjected to its brutal torture in a desperate bid to extract the location of the bomb from her broken and battered body. Meanwhile, Nadia and Steve valiantly launch a daring rescue mission to free Foster from the metal monstrosity’s grasp. In a selfless act of sacrifice, Nadia deliberately sets off another grenade at point-blank range, destroying the Goliath but ultimately succumbing to its devastating power. Though the creature lies motionless, its impact on the ship’s structural integrity is catastrophic, prompting an explosion that sends the vessel plummeting towards the depths.

As Foster and Steve finally escape to safety, their relief is short-lived, as their hastily improvised getaway trigger an even more explosive conclusion - the sinking of the once-proud ship. Miraculously, they are plucked from the wreckage by a hovering helicopter, their battered bodies a testament to the unyielding resilience that has carried them through the infernal ordeal.

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