
Does Warlock have end credit scenes?


Warlock does not have end credit scenes.




In 17th-century New England, Giles Redferne's pursuit of an evil warlock is foiled by supernatural intervention, propelling the conjurer forward in time to wreak havoc on the 1980s. As Redferne chases his nemesis into the modern era, he must adapt to unfamiliar surroundings and team up with a resourceful ally (Lori Singer) to prevent global catastrophe and vanquish the warlock's dark magic.

Runtime: 103 min








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6.2 /10

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Check out what happened in Warlock!

In the midst of 17th-century Boston, Massachusetts, the somber atmosphere is palpable as a peculiar contraption stands tall - a gruesome fusion of gallows and pyre, poised to exact punishment on those deemed worthy of condemnation. Amidst this bleak backdrop, a lone figure (Julian Sands) is seen hastily loading feral cats into a wicker basket, an act that seems almost ritualistic in its solemnity. As the village elders make their way towards the small tower prison, adorned with a mysterious hex mark on its door, the air thickens with anticipation.

The tower's uppermost level holds the condemned man, secured by an unsettling shackle that binds his thumbs to his big toes. His crime? 'Trafficking with the Devil' - a transgression that will soon be meted out in the form of punishment by burning and hanging. Yet, as the elders depart, leaving the warlock to his fate, he refuses to utter a word of contrition, steadfastly maintaining his silence.

The arrival of Giles Redferne (Richard E. Grant), a stoic witch hunter who played a crucial role in the warlock's capture, brings a sense of grim satisfaction. As he taunts the warlock, gloating over his impending demise, the imprisoned sorcerer slyly hints that Satan might yet intervene on their behalf. Giles' retort is swift and brutal - a kick to the face that sends the warlock crashing onto the cold stone floor.

The warlock's parting words are laced with an air of mystery: 'Believe it... tomorrow.' As Giles exits the tower, he issues a warning to the jailer regarding the thumb locks, emphasizing their importance even after the execution. However, his words are soon drowned out by the ominous rumble of a storm gathering on the horizon. The storm's center is fixed squarely over the warlock's prison tower, an unsettling omen that sends Giles rushing back into the cell.

It is here that he discovers the warlock freed from his shackles, channeling a potent spell that seems to defy explanation. As the sorcerer vanishes into the tempest, Giles follows hot on his heels, drawn into a maelstrom of supernatural forces that threaten to upend the very fabric of reality.

As the modern-day metropolis of Los Angeles, California, awakens to the ominous sounds of "The Devil's Wind" storm warning broadcast on the radio, a subtle shift in the atmosphere takes place. The gentle stirrings of Kassandra (Lori Singer), a blonde woman, are interrupted by the shattering of glass as she sleeps in her rented room within a suburban house. She is joined by Chas (Kevin O'Brien), the property's owner, who rushes to investigate alongside her. Together, they discover the unexpected arrival of a warlock lying unconscious on the living room floor.

As the storm subsides, Chas hastens to call for medical assistance, but finds that the winds have decimated the phone lines, rendering his efforts futile. He and Kassandra reluctantly decide to half-carry, half-pull the limp figure into her bedroom, where they hope to provide some semblance of aid.

The next morning brings a sense of normalcy as Kassandra prepares for work, carefully administering insulin injections to manage her diabetes. Her gaze falls upon the warlock, who has miraculously regained consciousness and offers a sly suggestion to quit drinking. As she inquires about possible contacts for him, the warlock's gaze becomes fixated on a dated newspaper on her desk, emblazoned with the date March 4-10, 1988. His query seems almost rhetorical, as if he is conversing with himself as much as Kassandra. The latter can't help but chuckle at his peculiar inflections, remarking that he speaks "English English."

As Kassandra departs for work, her driving habits reveal a mix of carelessness and vanity, with an inner monologue that includes the hope of never growing old. Meanwhile, back in the house, Chas busies himself preparing a meal while Kassandra is out. In a moment of distraction, he picks up a fallen knife, only to momentarily see the warlock's reflection staring back at him. The latter simply offers a polite smile and remains silent as Chas converses with him.

As Chas begins to notice the warlock gazing at his finger, adorned with a ring symbolizing Scorpio, he remarks on the waning popularity of astrology. This unexpected revelation seems to pique the warlock's interest, prompting him to suddenly grab a nearby knife and hack off Chas's finger, claiming the ring as his own. The kitchen door slams shut, trapping Chas inside as the warlock bites off his tongue and spits it into the sizzling skillet.

In the quiet confines of a small coffee shop, Kassandra (no actor name provided) goes about her duties as a waitress, unaware that her life is about to take a dark and sinister turn. The arrival of a police cruiser and a detective (no actor name provided) brings an air of unease to the atmosphere. As they begin questioning Kassandra about Chas, she reveals his true nature: a gay man whose passing has sparked a chain reaction of events that will have far-reaching consequences.

Meanwhile, in a nearby bookstore specializing in metaphysical texts, a group of enthusiasts has just concluded a spiritual channeling session with a charismatic medium, The Channeler (Mary Woronov). As the group departs, they are unaware of the ominous presence lurking in the shadows. A warlock, driven by an insatiable hunger for power and knowledge, enters the store, seeking to exploit The Channeler's abilities.

The warlock requests that The Channeler perform a private channeling ritual, claiming that he has a special connection to the spirit world. Initially hesitant, The Channeler is eventually won over by the warlock's persuasive nature and agrees to facilitate his request. As they begin the summoning process, it becomes clear that The Channeler is in way over her head.

The warlock, aware of the ritual's potential flaws, nonetheless proceeds with caution, sensing that he is on the cusp of a discovery that will grant him unimaginable power. The Channeler, however, begins to falter, her body wracked by an unseen force. In a shocking turn of events, she transforms into a demonic entity, her face contorted in a grotesque manner.

As the warlock watches in awe, Zamiel, the summoned spirit, speaks through The Channeler's lips, issuing a cryptic command: "Bring together your 'Bible,' which has been divided into three parts." Intrigued by this revelation, the warlock learns that his Grand Grimoire is somehow connected to this ancient tome. Zamiel's promise of a reward for completing this task is nothing short of tantalizing: if he succeeds, he will become Satan's only begotten son, with the devil's eyes guiding him.

In the aftermath of The Channeler's untimely demise, the warlock seizes upon her lifeless form, using a shard from the broken crystal to claim her eyes. As they begin to stir, it becomes clear that these orbs will serve as his guide in this perilous journey.

As Kassandra (Kassandra) steps into her now foreboding home, the shadows that danced across the walls seemed to grow longer and darker, as if sensing the weight of Chas's untimely demise. With each creaky step, she felt a sense of unease creeping over her like a slow-moving mist. Her eyes darted about the room, searching for any sign of comfort, but it was nowhere to be found. The sound of a door closing behind her seemed to echo through the silence, and as she turned away from the darkness, a fleeting glimpse of shadow appeared, its presence vanishing as quickly as it had emerged.

Her thoughts were elsewhere as she made her way to her room, gathering her belongings with a sense of purpose. She was determined to leave this place behind, to escape the memories that lingered like a bad omen. But before she could make her departure, the shattering of glass interrupted her reverie. Kassandra's attention snapped back into focus as she strode towards the sound.

Her relief was short-lived, however, for it was quickly replaced by fear and dread. A feline figure darted across the hallway, its sudden appearance sending her heart racing once more. Composing herself, Kassandra returned to packing, but her peace was short-lived. The unexpected appearance of Giles Redferne (Giles Redferne) in the doorway sent her screaming in terror.

Giles's prompt response was to cover her mouth with his hand, holding up a small device that seemed to hold the key to unlocking a dark and sinister truth. His eyes bore into hers with an unyielding intensity as he demanded to know if the one who had worn those devices had bled anywhere at all. Kassandra's screams were met with another blow, this time in the form of a slap across her face. Her attempts to strike back were quickly subdued by Giles's iron grip, and she was dragged kicking and screaming into the kitchen.

The cold, unforgiving tiles seemed to mock her as Giles led her to the spot where Chas's life had been brutally cut short. The faint outline of police chalk still lingered on the floor, a grim reminder of the violence that had taken place. It was then that Giles revealed his true purpose – to find the warlock responsible for the carnage.

With Kassandra finally comprehending the gravity of Giles's words, she confessed that the warlock had indeed been cut during their struggle. The revelation seemed to galvanize Giles, and he urged Kassandra to show him where the blood had been spilled. Her gaze drifted to the vacuum cleaner, its dusty bag now empty and waiting to be filled once more.

With a sense of morbid fascination, Giles watched as Kassandra emptied the dust from the bag onto the kitchen counter. The fine powder seemed to swirl in the fading light, like the whispers of the dead. His eyes scanned the powdery surface with an intensity that bordered on obsession, until finally, his gaze settled upon a small shard of broken glass. The dried blood that clung to it seemed to mock her, a grim reminder of the violence that had taken place.

Giles's fingers closed around the shard like a vice, as if he held the very key to unlocking the secrets of the past. His dagger glinted in the faint light, its blade whispering sweet nothings as he scraped the dried blood from the glass into a small vial. The ritual seemed almost ceremonial, as if Giles was performing some ancient rite aimed at conjuring forth the truth.

As Kassandra discreetly makes a call to the authorities from an adjacent room, she confides in the operator that a mysterious individual has taken up residence within the property's confines, harboring a peculiar affinity for blood - a telltale sign of their dark proclivities. The dispatcher swiftly dispatches a response unit to her location, while Kassandra, anticipating the imminent arrival of police reinforcements, begins to make her own hasty exit from the premises. However, Giles intercepts her, his curiosity piqued by her frantic departure, and demands to know the whereabouts of the property's water well.

Though initially discomfited by his query, Kassandra takes a momentary reprieve from her fear to find amusement in Giles' innocence regarding the most basic aspects of modern life. She obligingly guides him through the simple process of utilizing the bathroom sink, and watches with a mix of fascination and trepidation as he incorporates a small amount of water into the vial containing the blood. As he sets up an unusual device, Kassandra's curiosity is piqued by his explanation that it serves as a witch compass, leading her to realize that Giles is actively hunting the fair-haired individual who had previously trespassed upon their property.

As she inquires about the purpose of this contraption, Giles reveals that the individual in question was, in fact, a warlock, and that the blood they had obtained would guide him toward his target. Kassandra's interest is piqued by the prospect of uncovering the identity of this mysterious figure, but her amusement is short-lived as she hears the arrival of the police response team outside. Informed of their presence, Giles hastens to the door, only to be taken aback by the unfamiliar sight of automobiles and subsequently fails to comprehend the intentions of the officers who have arrived.

The police order him to freeze, prompting Giles to misconstrue their actions as an attack and respond with his whip, only for one officer to subdue him using a taser gun. As he is placed in restraints and loaded into the police squad car, Giles continues to spout warnings about the warlock's malevolent nature. The lead officer advises Kassandra to vacate the premises, and she readily agrees, hastening to resume her packing efforts as the authorities depart with their captive.

As Kassandra hastily gathered belongings and made a frantic dash between her home and car, she couldn't help but pause to grab a few essentials from the bathroom. It was then, as her hands moved with urgency, that Giles' witch compass on the countertop suddenly stirred, its needle quivering like a divining rod seeking hidden truths. Her attention caught by this eerie phenomenon, Kassandra's eyes widened in alarm as she approached the door. And there, just beyond the threshold, stood the warlock, his hands grasping an unsettling pair of disembodied eyes that seemed to possess a life of their own.

Frozen in terror, Kassandra fumbled for the lock and slammed the door shut behind her, only to rush back to her phone and try calling the authorities once more. This time, however, she was met with the impersonal beep of an automated hold system, leaving her feeling disoriented and helpless. As the witch compass needle began its maddening spin, Kassandra's fear turned to panic as she frantically secured every door and window in a desperate bid to fortify her home against the unknown threat.

But it was too late. The warlock had already breached her defenses, appearing suddenly behind her like a dark specter. With a cruel hand on her hair, he dragged Kassandra into the living room, where the disembodied eyes seemed to guide him toward an antique coffee table. With ruthless efficiency, the warlock cleared the surface of its contents, sending Kassandra running for the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind her.

Trapped and helpless, she listened in horror as the warlock smashed the table apart, his search yielding a hidden cache of papers adorned with strange symbols and arcane drawings. As the room fell silent once more, Kassandra's thoughts turned to escape, her desperate fingers working to open the shutters and slip through the window. But it was not to be.

The warlock's hand burst through the glass, grasping for her wrist like a dark, unyielding force. Kassandra struggled to break free, but ultimately lost her balance, crashing to the floor with a blow that left her dazed and unconscious. As she fell, the warlock claimed the charm bracelet from her wrist, his malevolent gaze lingering on it before he vanished into the night.

When morning finally broke, Kassandra slowly regained consciousness, her senses reeling as she struggled to reconcile the state of her hair – now grown long and unkempt – with the mirror's unflinching reflection. And then, with a jolt of terror, she realized that time itself seemed to have been warped: her appearance had transformed, bearing the lines and wrinkles of a woman twenty years her senior.

As Kassandra ( actress name ) leaves the police station alongside Giles, the gravity of their situation begins to sink in. The warlock's spell has taken a profound toll on her, accelerating her aging process by two decades, leaving her now a middle-aged woman at just forty years old. Desperate for a solution, she turns to Giles, who seems privy to the mystical forces that govern this realm. As they navigate the modern world, Giles' eyes widen in wonder, his mind struggling to comprehend the unfamiliar surroundings. He recounts their shared history, revealing that they originated in 1691 and were transported through a time portal 300 years into the future without explanation.

Back at their humble abode, Giles becomes fixated on repairing the broken table, while Kassandra implores him to reveal how they can reverse her aging curse. Giles' inquiry about whether the warlock had taken a personal item from her sparks a memory: he had pilfered her treasured charm bracelet. With this revelation, Giles explains that reclaiming the bracelet is their only hope for breaking the hex and restoring Kassandra's youth. However, she's too terrified to confront the warlock alone, instead urging Giles to take matters into his own hands. Giles warns her that the curse is far from complete, progressing daily at an alarming rate – a mere two days will see her succumb to the ravages of old age.

As they prepare to track down the warlock, Kassandra makes it clear that she's only motivated by a desire to reclaim her bracelet, leaving Giles' personal vendetta against the warlock entirely between them. Giles nods curtly in understanding, and together they set out on their perilous quest.

Meanwhile, the warlock strides across the mesa, pouring over the papers he'd pilfered from the broken table, while Giles busies himself coating his whip with salt harvested from their home. He enlightens Kassandra about the sacred nature of salt to witches – a potent symbol of protection and purification. As they navigate the road, Kassandra's driving habits prove reckless once more, prompting Giles to take control of the wheel, narrowly avoiding a catastrophic collision with an oncoming truck.

In a small trailer park, a young boy's carefree afternoon is interrupted by an unexpected encounter with a warlock, who catches the boy's thrown football with ease. As they bond over a hand-held video game, the warlock's attention is piqued by the enchanting sounds of music and singing drifting from the nearby church. The boy shares his skepticism towards Jesus Christ and the apostles, stemming from his father's disdain for all things Christian. Meanwhile, the warlock reveals that witches are forbidden from setting foot on church grounds, a notion that perplexes the young boy, who had previously assumed witches were exclusively female.

As Kassandra and Giles arrive at a roadside gas station to refuel their vehicle, they notice the witch compass needle pointing towards the trailer park. Their visit is interrupted by the sounds of gunfire in the distance, and the attendant's somber report that a local boy has fallen victim to a coyote attack. The gruesome details of the boy's death leave no doubt about the ferocity of these predators.

As Kassandra and Giles head to the trailer park, they find hunters disposing of a freshly killed coyote, its lifeless body now nothing more than a gruesome spectacle. Amidst the somber atmosphere, Giles notices one woman's reaction stand out from the rest - her face etched with anguish as she walks away from the gathering crowd. He gives chase, inquiring if she is the boy's mother, and upon receiving a confirmation, offers his condolences. When he asks about the boy's baptismal status, the woman's response - "No, his father wouldn't allow it" - only serves to deepen Giles' solemn expression.

As Giles's suspicions crystallized into a stark reality, he revealed to Kassandra that the most valuable reagents in the witches' arsenal are derived from human fat - and when extracted from an unbaptized male child, it serves one sinister purpose: concocting a flying potion. The warlock's nocturnal ritual unfolded with eerie precision as he heated the ghastly substance over a flame that burned with an otherworldly blue hue. As the brew took effect, a patrolling police officer was left agape at the sight of a strange figure hurtling through the air with impossible velocity.

Meanwhile, Kassandra attempted to fill the silence between them by engaging Giles in small talk as they traversed the darkened road. Her attempt at conversation was abruptly cut short when Giles posed an unexpected question about her makeup, prompting her to explain that such practices were commonplace in modern society. However, Giles's response betrayed a deep-seated discomfort, as he revealed that in his time, women only wore cosmetics if they practiced witchcraft - inadvertently exposing the fact that he had been married to a woman named Marion. Kassandra seized upon this slip of the tongue, sensing that Giles was hiding a painful secret. As she pressed him for more information, Giles abruptly halted their journey, insisting they stop to reorient themselves using the compass.

As Kassandra berated herself for prying too far into Giles's personal life, he set up the compass on the deserted road - only to notice her stumbling out of the car, her condition rapidly deteriorating. Her voice, once smooth and youthful, had transformed into a raspy, aged tone, as if the very fabric of time itself was unraveling before their eyes. Midnight had passed, leaving Kassandra an ancient 60 years old, with Giles offering what little comfort he could to the stricken woman.

As dawn breaks, the warlock retreats to the rustic attic of a farmhouse, where he becomes enthralled by ancient texts and the newfound power to conjure and control witch-fire. Though sequestered, his mere presence has an unsettling effect on the surroundings - the farmer's patriarch notes that the cream has inexplicably gone bad, despite being freshly acquired just yesterday. This peculiarity prompts the elder to request one of their horses be brought forth, only to find it agitated and drenched in sweat. As he observes his grandkids frolicking carefree outside, the Mennonite patriarch takes up his paints and begins to inscribe an enigmatic symbol on the barn's wooden slats.

Meanwhile, Kassandra and Redferne traverse the Colorado border, their journey marked by Kassandra's persistent curiosity about Marion. Giles finally opens up, revealing a tragic past: Marion was his wife, brutally taken from him by the warlock. The duo happens upon the same farm, where Giles is jolted to see a mysterious hex mark emblazoned on the barn. The witch compass's needle quivers, pointing accusatorily toward the mark, prompting Giles to urge Kassandra to halt and make haste for the farmhouse.

Upon arrival, they burst into the abode, accusing the farmer of being under a spell. Initially startled by their sudden intrusion, the farmer becomes increasingly perplexed as his father enters the room, confessing to painting the hex sign himself. The two men exchange a fraternal handshake, and the Mennonite patriarch invites Giles to inspect the partially open attic door. With an air of solemnity, Giles requests that nails and a hammer be procured, which he uses to secure the door shut.

As the farmer and his wife marvel at their father's extraordinary trust in Giles, the warlock hunter advises them to remove any children from the premises. The Mennonite patriarch agrees, urging his son and daughter-in-law to take the youngsters away. In this rustic setting, even the farmer's modern sensibilities have led him to recognize the ominous signs that his father has long believed in: a horse drenched in sweat at dawn, cream gone bad overnight - portents of darkness that only the most attuned can decipher.

As the farmer and his wife depart with their children, Giles prepares to embark on a perilous mission. With an air of solemnity, he instructs Kassandra and the Mennonite to safeguard the entrance to the attic by closing the retractable staircase and bracing the door shut, only reopening it when given the word. This precautionary measure is designed to prevent any malevolent forces from infiltrating their sanctum.

Donning his trusty whip and bodkin knife, Giles ascends into the attic, his senses heightened as he navigates the dimly lit space. His calm demeanor is disrupted by a sudden aerial attack from a bat, which he promptly dispatches with ease. The brief commotion subsides, revealing a small window slightly ajar, a telltale sign that the warlock had recently been present – or still lingered.

As Giles surveys his surroundings, his gaze falls upon a broken piece of furniture and a fragment of paper nestled within its recesses. The sheet is adorned with cryptic drawings and writing, which he carefully peruses before tearing it in two and depositing the halves on the floor. However, as the torn pieces begin to converge and reassemble into a single, intact page, Giles's expression contorts in horror. He has stumbled upon a page from the infamous Grand Grimoire, an indestructible tome of dark magic said to be authored by Satan himself – a book revered as his sacred scripture.

Giles hastens to convey this unsettling discovery to Kassandra and the Mennonite, only to be interrupted by the latter's inquiry regarding the whereabouts of their quarry. Giles responds that the warlock has fled, but Kassandra's perceptive query pierces the veil of his certainty: if the Grimoire was so coveted by witches, why would the warlock abandon even a single page behind? The weight of her words strikes home, and Giles barks an order for them to swiftly close the stairs, as if heeding some primal warning that danger lurks just beyond their threshold.

As Giles bursts back into the attic, his determination and readiness for battle palpable, the warlock materializes before him, their confrontation imminent. Giles' frantic cry to the Mennonite elicits a dismissive snort from the warlock, who taunts Giles about his futile attempt to secure the room, pointing out his newfound ability to defy gravity. Undeterred, Giles springs into action, whipping out the small wooden brace in the window and using it to seal the opening with a swift motion. With the attic now secure, Giles advances on the warlock, his bodkin at the ready. He plunges the sharp instrument deep into the warlock's torso, only to discover that the Grimoire pages hidden beneath his shirt have transformed into an impenetrable shield, the tears in the parchment miraculously mending themselves. The warlock marvels at the remarkable resilience of even a partial Grimoire, his gaze flicking between Giles and the ancient tome.

Seizing the opportunity to counterattack, the warlock unleashes a blast of witch fire, sending Giles tumbling through the nailed attic door and crashing onto the ground below. As the warlock claims the page left behind, he steps out onto the rooftop, his magic animating the weather vane, which hurtles towards Giles like a deadly spear. The Mennonite and Kassandra rush to retrieve the vane, now grasped firmly by Giles as he prepares to face his adversary once more.

The warlock, still in possession of the Grimoire page, drags Giles across the farm, finally landing in the barn where Giles collides with the wall, losing his grip. Kassandra and the Mennonite regroup with him, their combined strength allowing them to pin the warlock down as Giles scrambles to secure the thumb-toe locks. Meanwhile, Kassandra frantically searches for her lost bracelet, only to find it replaced by the Channeler's eerie gaze, which she discards in disgust.

As the Mennonite struggles beneath the weight of their combined bodies, Giles' attention is drawn to the warlock's unsettling stare, which seems to hold an otherworldly power. Too late, Giles realizes that the warlock has placed a dark hex upon the Mennonite, causing his eyes to begin bleeding profusely. Moved by the warlock's latest atrocity, Giles releases his grip, opting instead to tend to the wounded Mennonite as the warlock slips away, his ankle still bound by Giles' whip. The locks, though not yet fully secured, remain a testament to Giles' determination to thwart the warlock's escape.

As Giles imparts his wisdom, he instructs Kassandra to summon the ancient powers by driving brass keys into the earth. He also entrusts her with the mighty hammer and remaining nails, cautioning her that if she encounters the warlock's footprints, she must use the tool to nail them firmly into the ground. The mere thought of confronting the warlock with a simple nail sparks Kassandra's ire, but Giles remains steadfast in his conviction, assuring her that this unorthodox approach can indeed cripple their adversary.

With determination etched on her face, Kassandra sets off towards the distant railway station near the farmhouse. Upon arriving at the station, she discovers a trail of footprints leading from the warlock's bare feet, and with resolute purpose, hammers the nails into the dirt. The warlock's anguished cries echo through the air as he clutches his mangled feet within a railway car, his agony palpable.

Kassandra's next discovery is a set of prints, this time accompanied by an eerie silence. It becomes clear that the warlock had ripped a plank from the train and held it against his seared feet like a makeshift shield. Undeterred, Kassandra locates another indentation in a small mound of dirt, created by the warlock's own stumble as he attempted to remove the thumb-lock device. With unyielding determination, she drives a nail into the earth, rendering the warlock unconscious.

As the railway car begins its movement, Kassandra's aged body struggles mightily to keep pace. She finally manages to grasp the warlock's wrist, only for him to awaken and seize her own wrist in response. A fierce hammer blow forces the warlock's grip to falter, allowing Kassandra to fall to the ground as the train carries their adversary away.

As she gazes upon the receding train, a glimmer of disappointment settles over her. However, her attention is soon drawn back to the fallen hammer and charm bracelet lying just inches from her grasp, freed from the warlock's wrist by the very same instrument that had once held it captive.

As Giles completes his meticulous treatment on the Mennonite's eyes, he carefully places the brass keys above his head, instructing Kassandra ( silhouette only visible from the darkened bedroom entrance) that they must be spun clockwise once per hour to dispel the warlock's hex. Come morning, the Mennonite's vision will be restored, a small mercy amidst the chaos of their world. Unfazed by Giles' absence, Kassandra steps into the light, her youthful appearance at twenty years of age now fully restored following the lifting of the hex that had ravaged her body.

As they exit the bedroom, Giles reveals his plan to rebuild the compass, gathering essential materials like brass, copper, and glass. However, he emphasizes the crucial importance of obtaining the weather vane, which has been replenished with the warlock's blood. Kassandra, though grateful for her restored youth, is adamant that she wishes no further involvement in the witch hunt. She hands Giles her car keys and credit card, bidding him farewell. He seizes her hand, protesting that their deal was only until she regained her bracelet. Still unaware of her name, he asks, and as Kassandra hesitates, Giles delivers a dire warning: Kassandra's life remains precarious, and with the warlock's continued pursuit, all life is now imperiled.

The warlock's insidious plan has been revealed – he seeks to complete the Grand Grimoire by acquiring its third and final part. Should he succeed, he will unlock the ultimate secret: the lost true name of God. This sacred moniker was invoked during Creation itself, and according to ancient lore, if pronounced in reverse and spoken backward, it would have catastrophic consequences – reversing all of Creation, destroying Earth and the universe. Kassandra's terror is palpable as she contemplates the warlock's malevolent intentions. She fears that their next encounter will be her last, with no spells or hexes to protect her from the warlock's deadly wrath.

Giles' promise to shield Kassandra serves as a beacon of hope as he holds out her car keys, his determination to safeguard her life evident in his unwavering resolve.

As Kassandra navigates the open road once again, her mind is racing with a plan to stay one step ahead of the cunning warlock. She reveals her strategy to Giles, proposing that instead of playing cat and mouse, they engage in a game of "leap frog" - outmaneuvering their opponent by reaching Boston's West End Church before he does, ensuring the safety of the coveted Grimoire within its hallowed walls. The pair sets off for the airport, where Kassandra swiftly secures the ticket agent's attention while simultaneously disabling the credit card reader with stealthy precision.

Meanwhile, Giles' unease grows as he gazes upon the aircraft that will carry them to their destination. His trepidation is rooted in his conviction that these "flying machines" are an abomination, a form of dark magic defying the laws of nature. Kassandra's sharp eyes, however, remain fixed on her companion, spotting the lingering weather vane attached to Giles' back. She makes a swift grab for it, insisting that this arcane token would be unacceptable to the airline staff.

Just as she succeeds in reclaiming the vane, her gaze shifts to their surroundings, and she detects the warlock lurking unseen amidst the airport's bustle. Her instincts on high alert, Kassandra swiftly ushers Giles onto the plane, where an evening of tension and unease awaits. As they settle into their seats, Kassandra attempts to soothe Giles' jangled nerves, only for him to spot a series of seemingly innocuous occurrences: a passenger adding an unusual amount of cream to his coffee, another lighting a cigarette with a peculiarly vibrant blue flame. Convinced that these anomalies are harbingers of dark magic, Giles implores Kassandra to join him in a search for the warlock's presence on board.

Despite her efforts to reassure him, it becomes clear that she has indeed spotted their enemy in the airport and deliberately withheld this information from Giles. As the hours tick by, the pair remains vigilant, unaware that their adversary has cleverly concealed himself within the plane's belly, hiding in plain sight amidst the luggage and cargo.

As the plane touches down in Boston, a sudden and inexplicable sight greets the airport agents: a man seemingly defying gravity as he emerges from the baggage hold. Meanwhile, Kassandra (actress) and Giles (actor), navigating the unfamiliar landscape of modern-day Boston, hail a taxi in search of the church that holds the secrets they so desperately need to uncover. The city's transformation over the past 300 years is staggering, leaving Giles struggling to recall the location of the church he once knew. With the aid of his keen observational skills and the cabbie's expertise, they finally arrive at their destination just as the Pastor (actor) is closing up shop.

As Giles explains his urgent need to speak about the Grand Grimoire, the Pastor's initial reluctance gives way to a surprising willingness to listen. However, before any meaningful conversation can ensue, an unsettling gust of wind blows open the doors, sending a shiver down Giles' spine as he senses the warlock's malevolent presence lurking nearby.

The Pastor, now thoroughly unnerved, regales Kassandra and Giles with the church's history, revealing that the Grand Grimoire was once divided into three parts. The first portion was discreetly placed within the hollow of a communion table, while the second was entrusted to a vicar who founded a ministry in the American colonies. As the centuries passed, these artifacts changed hands multiple times, ultimately finding their way into the possession of Chas (actor) and the Mennonite community.

Intrigued by Giles' account, Kassandra and he set out to locate the final piece of the Grand Grimoire puzzle. Led by his keen instincts and a deep understanding of Boston's shifting topography, they navigate the city's transformed landscape until finally arriving at an old graveyard that still bears a faint resemblance to its 18th-century counterpart.

Giles' eyes gleam with determination as he reveals that if this consecrated ground remains intact, the warlock will be forever barred from setting foot within its hallowed borders, ensuring the safety of the Grand Grimoire's last remaining pages.

As the Pastor returns home, his wife's keen ear picks up on a faint but unmistakable sound - the creaking and groaning of their house, as if it were alive and in agony. The crucifix on the wall trembles ominously, its sacred presence seeming to hold back the very fabric of reality. As the rumbling intensifies, the door's hinges begin to slip, and with a final, desperate lurch, they give way. The warlock, his eyes blazing with an unholy hunger, pushes open the creaking door from the hinged side, his presence radiating an aura of dark malevolence.

The Pastor and his wife are forced into chairs, their eyes fixed on the warlock's face as he reaches out to touch his wife's breast. The revelation is swift and brutal: she is pregnant with twins, a burden that will soon be snatched from her very womb in exchange for the secrets of the Pastor's forbidden conversations with Kassandra and Giles. The terms are stark and unforgiving, leaving no room for negotiation or escape.

Meanwhile, Kassandra and Giles venture into the cemetery, their footsteps echoing through the silence like a death knell. Giles drives the weather vane deep into the earth, its sharp barb now smeared with the warlock's blood - a grim token of consecration that bars the warlock's dark presence from this hallowed ground.

As they search for the grave bearing the hex mark, Kassandra's keen eyesight spots the inscription on the tombstone. Her instinctive desire to shield Giles from the truth is matched only by his own revulsion at discovering his own name etched onto the stone - a chilling reminder that death itself can be cheated, yet its secrets remain forever bound.

Kassandra lingers behind, her attention drawn to the telltale signs of recent excavation and construction. Amidst the half-obscured bushes, she uncovers a notice warning of impending changes: the cemetery is to be remodeled, with graves relocated to accommodate an ambitious building project for new condominiums. Her mind racing with dire possibilities, Kassandra grasps the full import of her discovery - the ground where Giles' grave now lies may not be sacred, and therefore vulnerable to the warlock's malevolent designs.

With the weather vane serving as a makeshift divining rod, Kassandra senses the desecrated earth beneath their feet. The revelation sends shivers down her spine: Giles' grave has been relocated, its original sanctity compromised by human meddling. And now, the very thought of opening that grave fills the warlock's face with an expression of unspeakable dread - a terror that transcends even his own malevolent nature.

As Kassandra ventures into the tomb, she confronts her worst fears by opening Giles' coffin herself. Inside, she finds a skeletal remains clutching a precious relic - a collection of papers that seem to hold the key to their survival. The bony fingers grasp the final remnants of the Grimoire with an unsettling tenacity, forcing Kassandra to resort to breaking them off in order to claim the papers. Her sudden movement startles Giles, who turns around in horror as if he's witnessed a gruesome awakening.

Their hasty departure from the cemetery is interrupted by an otherworldly visitor - the Warlock, who descends upon them with malevolent intent. Giles attempts to defend himself and Kassandra by hurling the weather vane like a makeshift spear, but the Warlock proves too cunning, dodging the projectile and sending it crashing into the underbrush.

As they flee, Giles takes possession of the papers, dividing them into two stacks and assigning one to Kassandra. He advises her to split up, hoping to prevent the Warlock from reclaiming the entire Grimoire. However, the malevolent sorcerer is too clever, cornering Kassandra and exacting a gruesome revenge. With sadistic glee, he begins to extract a painful toll from Kassandra's body, slowly driving a nail into her foot as she screams in agony.

The Warlock taunts Giles with a chilling warning: unless he surrenders the last pages of the Grimoire, Kassandra will suffer far worse than Marion ever did. As if to underscore his threat, he digs the nail deeper, his malevolent presence suffocating any glimmer of hope. In a desperate bid to stall for time, Giles points out that their lives are not the only ones at stake - the fate of the world hangs precariously in balance. But the Warlock scoffs at this notion, dismissing it as mere fantasy. He issues one final ultimatum: surrender the pages, or face the consequences.

As Giles sets aside the ancient pages, he deliberately weighs them down with a small stone and issues a bold challenge to the Warlock: a brutal, spell-free battle for dominance. The Warlock retaliates with a caustic remark, but Giles responds by revealing his own arsenal, scattering his weapons to either side. The air is charged with anticipation as the Warlock unleashes wispy tendrils of witch fire that dance between his hands like ethereal serpents. Giles, meanwhile, exploits the Warlock's momentary vulnerability by slyly suggesting that his opponent's lack of magic makes him a formidable foe. Undaunted, the Warlock takes a step forward, and the two engage in a fierce hand-to-hand combat. As the fight rages on, Giles gains the upper hand when he forces the Warlock's head onto the consecrated ground, unleashing a burst of holy energy that scorches his opponent.

But the Warlock is far from defeated. He retaliates by channeling a blast of witch fire directly into Giles' mouth, sending him reeling in agony. As Giles struggles to regain his footing, Kassandra seizes the opportunity to intervene, grabbing his whip and attempting to strangle the Warlock with it. However, her opponent proves too powerful, delivering a crushing blow that sends her tumbling into the nearby river. Giles makes a desperate lunge forward, only to be repelled by the Warlock's magic, which sends him crashing onto his own coffin. The sight of his own decaying remains sends Giles shrieking in horror.

Meanwhile, Kassandra begins to climb out of the river, but her attention is diverted by an unusual sensation on her tongue. Fumbling for her insulin needles and purse, she descends back into the water, her thoughts consumed by her urgent medical needs. The Warlock, meanwhile, stands triumphant, gathering up the final pages and reciting a dark incantation that reunites the scattered Grimoire pages to form a complete tome. As he commands the ancient book to reveal its secrets, the air is charged with electricity as lightning strikes the Grimoire, unveiling hidden markings that twist and turn into lines forming a mysterious name: Rokisha or Roaisha. The storm brewing on the horizon seems to echo the Warlock's dark triumph, as if the very heavens themselves are conspiring against Giles' desperate plight.

As the thunderstorm intensifies, the Warlock's triumphant cry echoes through the air, a declaration of his newfound understanding of God's true name - the key to undoing all that has transpired. However, Kassandra (interrupts) the Warlock's momentary victory, leaping onto his back and silencing him with a swift hand over his mouth. With her insulin needles lodged in his neck, she goads him into attempting saltwater therapy, a desperate ploy to counteract the impending doom that is slowly ravaging his very essence.

As the saltwater injects its corrosive properties, the Warlock's agony reaches a fever pitch, rendering him incapable of shouting out God's name in reverse. His body begins to smolder, engulfed by flames that seem to defy gravity as he burns alive mid-air before finally collapsing onto the ground as a charred, lifeless corpse. Giles then approaches the Warlock's remains, only to have the skull suddenly twitch and writhe as if making one final attempt at achieving its dark purpose. However, Giles' timely intervention crushes the skull beneath his foot.

As Kassandra stands over the Warlock's grave, Giles offers a heartfelt expression of gratitude for her bravery, leaning in as if to bestow a kiss upon her lips. Closing her eyes, Kassandra slightly puckers her mouth, anticipating the gesture. But just as their lips are about to meet, Giles vanishes into thin air, leaving behind a trail of swirling wind that slowly converges with the existing inscription on his tombstone: "I will remember you always 'til time and times are done." Moved by this poignant new addition, Kassandra's eyes well up with emotion before she turns her attention to the Grand Grimoire lying nearby.

With the Warlock vanquished and his dark secrets buried, Kassandra sets about interring the ancient tome in a seemingly snowy expanse. However, as the camera pans out, it becomes clear that the environment is actually warm and balmy, with Kassandra clad only in a light tank-top shirt and no jacket. She completes her task, places her shovel back into her car, and then drives off into the distance, her laughter echoing through the stillness.

As she disappears from view, the camera pans out further to reveal the stunning landscape that has become the resting place of the Grand Grimoire - the Bonneville Salt Flats in northwestern Utah, a vast deposit of natural salt stretching as far as the eye can see.