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Plot Summary

As a kitten, Beckett is adopted by Rose, a student specialised in bees. Later, Rose receives the visit of Larry, her ex-boyfriend, who helps her find a solution to the problem of the recent death of numerous bees. Beckett is jealous and tries to make Larry leave the house but the cat loses his ninth life. Beckett pleads Grace, responsible for the afterlife of animals, to be allowed to return to his former life: the Gatekeeper allows him to return to earth with a new set of lives, but in a variety of different forms: badger, rat, cockroach, parrot, fish, dog and horse.

Meanwhile, Professor Craven, Grace’s lab director, tries to sabotage her studies so that he can sell his drone-bees universally. He repeatedly sends two thugs to destroy her bees and replace her vaccine samples. Eventually he sets a public presentation, during which he hopes Rose will prove her research was led in vain. But, this time as a bee, and subsequently as himself, Beckett manages to make Craven’s evil intentions clear and save the bees. He saves Rose, attacked by drone-bees, from drowning but looses his last life and is sent to Heaven.

Years pass and Beckett appears to eventually come back as a kitten, to be adopted by Larry and Rose’s young daughter named Beatrice.


Beckett's Adoption

A young kitten named Beckett is adopted by Rose, who is a dedicated student specializing in bee studies. This moment marks the beginning of a unique bond between Rose and Beckett as they navigate life together.

Larry's Visit

Larry, Rose's ex-boyfriend, visits her to offer assistance with her troubling research on the recent death of numerous bees. His visit sparks feelings of jealousy in Beckett, who is protective of Rose.

Beckett's Jealousy

In an attempt to drive Larry away, Beckett causes chaos and mischief around the house. However, in this scuffle, Beckett loses one of his nine lives, leading to unexpected consequences.

Pleading with Grace

After losing his life, Beckett finds himself in the afterlife and approaches Grace, the guardian responsible for the souls of animals. He pleads for a second chance at life, hoping to return to Rose.


Return to Earth

Beckett is granted a new opportunity to return to Earth but in various animal forms. He is sent back as a badger, rat, cockroach, parrot, fish, dog, and finally a horse, each form providing unique challenges.

Craven's Sabotage

Back in the real world, Professor Craven, aiming to profit from his drone-bees, plots to undermine Rose's research. He orders thug interventions to destroy her bee populations and tamper with her vaccine samples.

Craven's Public Presentation

Craven organizes a public demonstration designed to showcase the futility of Rose's research. He hopes to discredit her findings and divert attention away from his own unethical endeavors.

Beckett as a Bee

During Craven's presentation, Beckett, now transformed into a bee, uses his insight to expose Craven's malicious intentions. His actions shed light on the truth behind the sabotage aimed at Rose's work.

Saving Rose

Beckett, in one of his various forms, heroically intervenes when Craven's drone-bees attack Rose. He valiantly rescues her from drowning in the chaos, demonstrating his unwavering loyalty.

Losing the Last Life

Despite saving Rose, Beckett sacrifices his last life in the process. He is sent to Heaven once again, leaving behind the challenges he faced in his attempts to protect those he cares about.


The Passage of Time

Years go by after Beckett's final sacrifice, with his legacy lingering on in the hearts of Rose and her family. The impact of his actions continues to resonate in their lives.

Years later

Beckett's Rebirth

In a surprising twist, Beckett returns to life as a kitten once again. He is adopted by Rose and Larry's young daughter named Beatrice, creating a new chapter in their family story.



Beckett is a kitten who experiences a tumultuous journey filled with jealousy and self-discovery. Initially focused on his rivalry with Larry, he grows through his transformations into various animals, ultimately learning about sacrifice and responsibility. This evolution reveals his deep care for Rose and the environment.

🐾 Kitten πŸ”„ Transformation πŸ’” Jealousy


Rose is a dedicated student of bees whose passion drives the narrative forward. She represents resilience and ecological awareness, countering Professor Craven's threats while navigating her past relationship with Larry. Her growth reflects the importance of pursuing one's goals despite challenges.

🌸 Student 🐝 Environmentalist πŸ’– Love

Professor Craven

Professor Craven is the antagonist, motivated by profit and ego. His unscrupulous tactics to undermine Rose's research highlight the darker side of ambition. He represents the conflict between ambition unmoored by ethics and the genuine pursuit of knowledge.

πŸ“‰ Antagonist πŸ¦Ήβ€β™‚οΈ Saboteur πŸ’° Greed


Grace is the benevolent keeper of the afterlife for animals, helping Beckett navigate his new journey. She symbolizes compassion and understanding, guiding lost souls while balancing the weight of her responsibilities. Her character reinforces the ideas of redemption and forgiveness.

☁️ Afterlife 🌟 Compassion πŸ’– Guidance


Larry is Rose's ex-boyfriend whose return complicates Beckett's life. He evokes feelings of jealousy in Beckett, but ultimately he represents a past that Rose must reconcile with. His character exploration delves into themes of love, loss, and acceptance.

πŸ’” Ex-Boyfriend 🀝 Support πŸ”„ Reconciliation


Time period

The narrative spans a duration that includes both the present and future, showing immediate events and a significant passage of time leading to Beckett's eventual return as a kitten. Themes of change and growth are evident as characters evolve and new lives emerge.


Rose's house, Heaven

The movie takes place primarily in Rose's house, where she lives and studies bees. It becomes a battleground for the conflict between her research on bees and Professor Craven's nefarious plans. Heaven serves as a mystical backdrop where Beckett seeks redemption and a second chance at life.

🏑 Home ☁️ Afterlife




Rebirth is central to Beckett's journey as he navigates life after death in various animal forms. Each transformation signifies a new opportunity to correct past mistakes and make meaningful contributions. The theme underscores the importance of second chances and personal growth.



Environmentalism is poignantly depicted through Rose's bee research, highlighting the crucial role bees play in our ecosystem. The antagonism from Professor Craven serves to stress the conflict between commercial interests and ecological preservation. The film emphasizes the need to protect nature and sustain biodiversity.



Jealousy is illustrated through Beckett's feelings towards Larry, indicating how love and insecurity can complicate relationships. This emotional struggle is a driving force for Beckett's actions, ultimately leading to significant lessons about trust and vulnerability.

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