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Plot Summary

Faith healer Jonas Nightengale and his manager Jane Larson break down in Rustwater, Kansas, a small, rural town suffering from a long drought. Learning they will be stuck there for four days waiting for replacement parts to come in for their truck, Jonas decides to hold revival meetings to help pay for the repairs.

Jonas and his staff use various cons to make it appear as if Jonas has divine knowledge granted by God. Despite his repeated diversions whenever he is asked when the drought will end, the townspeople find Jonas’s shows to be entertaining and hope-inspiring, and eagerly give their money to Jonas as donations.

Local sheriff Will Braverman is skeptical and decides to investigate Jonas’ past. He learns that he is in fact Jack Newton, a native of New York City who lived a life of crime in his teen years. Braverman shares this information with the townspeople, who have gathered for another tent revival. Jonas storms off the stage, soon returning to successfully spin Braverman’s report, leaving the crowd more energized than ever, much to Braverman’s exasperation. Nightengale continues his dubious ministry over the next several days as Jane and Braverman find themselves falling for each other.

Nightengale attempts to begin a relationship with local diner waitress Marva, whose brother Boyd walks with crutches following an auto accident. She explains that doctors could not find anything physically wrong with him and his ailment is psychosomatic. Boyd comes to believe that Jonas can help him walk again. During a meeting, Boyd walks to the crucifix and touches the feet of Jesus. He drops his crutches and begins to walk unassisted. The awed crowd sweeps the stage. After the show, an enraged Jonas rails to Jane that he was conned and that Boyd upstaged him.

After the revival, Jonas enters the empty, darkened tent and mocks the crucifix and Christianity. Boyd walks in while he is talking and says he wants to join him on the road. Jonas agrees to meet him the following morning, implying he can come. Marva arrives and sends Boyd out of the tent. She thanks Jonas, who tells her that he will not be meeting her brother the next morning.

Jonas leaves the tent and sees the crowd that has gathered just outside it — many praying, some sleeping in groups, and others feeding the crowd that has gathered. He begins to understand that Boyd’s miracle, and the faith that enabled it, are real after all. He packs a bag and departs alone under the cover of darkness, leaving behind his entire road show and hitching a ride with a truck driver bound for Pensacola, Florida.

When the driver asks if he is in trouble, Jonas replies, “No, no, no, no. No, sir. Maybe for the first time in my life I’m not.” As they continue to ride along, the drought, threatening the crop harvest that is the centerpiece of the town’s economy, comes to a dramatic end with a miraculous downpour. Jonas laughs silently to himself as he realizes the truth, and the film ends as he rides off into the stormy evening, hanging out the truck window loudly thanking Jesus for the rain.


Jonas Breaks Down in Rustwater

Faith healer Jonas Nightengale and his manager Jane Larson find themselves stranded in Rustwater, Kansas due to truck troubles. The small town is suffering from a long drought, and they realize they will be stuck there for several days waiting for repairs.

Rustwater, Kansas

Jonas Decides to Hold Revival Meetings

To cover the costs of his truck repairs, Jonas decides to hold revival meetings in Rustwater. He sees an opportunity to capitalize on the townspeople's desperation and hope during the drought.

Rustwater, Kansas

The Revival Meetings Begin

Jonas and his staff conduct revival meetings, using various deceptive tactics to create the illusion that he possesses divine knowledge. The townspeople, drawn by their hope, are entertained and begin donating money generously.

Rustwater, Kansas

Sheriff Braverman Investigates

Local sheriff Will Braverman grows suspicious of Jonas and decides to investigate his background. He uncovers Jonas’s real identity as Jack Newton, a former criminal from New York City, and shares his findings with the townspeople.

Rustwater, Kansas

Jonas Spins the Investigation News

At another revival meeting, after Braverman reveals Jonas's past to the crowd, Jonas cleverly spins the narrative. Instead of deterring the audience, he manages to rally them even more, much to Braverman's frustration.

Rustwater, Kansas

Growing Tension and New Relationships

As Jonas continues his revival shows, Jane and Sheriff Braverman develop a romantic connection. Meanwhile, Jonas attempts to engage with Marva, a local waitress whose brother is struggling with a psychosomatic condition.

Rustwater, Kansas

Boyd Believes in a Miracle

Boyd, Marva’s brother, becomes convinced that Jonas can help him walk again. During one of the meetings, in an emotional moment, Boyd approaches the crucifix and miraculously begins to walk unassisted, stunning the audience.

Rustwater, Kansas

Jonas’ Frustration

After Boyd's miraculous healing, an enraged Jonas vents to Jane, feeling upstaged by the very miracle that was supposed to validate his ministry. He is upset that a simple act overshadowed his elaborate productions.

Revival Tent, Rustwater

Jonas's Moment of Doubt

Later that night, in the empty revival tent, Jonas mocks the notion of faith and the crucifix. However, Boyd enters the tent, expressing his desire to join Jonas on the road, adding to Jonas’s internal conflict over his beliefs.

Revival Tent, Rustwater

A Change of Heart

After encountering the devoted townspeople praying and supporting each other outside the tent, Jonas begins to reconsider his perspective. He notices the depth of faith among the townsfolk and grapples with the authenticity of the miracles.

Outside the Revival Tent, Rustwater

Departure Under the Cover of Night

Choosing to leave behind the life he has built, Jonas packs a bag and departs Rustwater alone under the cover of darkness. He decides to hitch a ride with a truck driver, turning his back on the revival circuit.

Rustwater, Kansas

Jonas Reflects on His Journey

While traveling with the truck driver, Jonas feels a rare sense of relief and freedom. He candidly admits that for the first time, he genuinely feels that he is not in trouble, hinting at a newfound sense of honesty.

On the Road

The Miracle of Rain

As Jonas travels away, the long drought in Rustwater comes to an unexpected end with a dramatic downpour. This shift not only signifies a change for the town but also underscores the authenticity of the faith that Jonas has come to acknowledge.

Rustwater, Kansas

Jonas Embraces Gratitude

As he rides away from Rustwater, Jonas can't help but laugh silently to himself about the events that unfolded. He openly thanks Jesus for the rain, signaling a transformation in his character and a genuine acceptance of faith.

On the Road


Jonas Nightengale

Jonas is a charismatic faith healer with a complicated past, masquerading as a man of God. Despite his manipulative nature, he experiences a transformation as he begins to genuinely understand the power of faith. His journey reflects a struggle between self-interest and the potential for real belief.

🎩 Charismatic 🕵️‍♂️ Deceptive 🤔 Transformative

Jane Larson

Jane is Jonas's manager and a pragmatic woman caught between skepticism and devotion. As she witnesses the impact of Jonas's revival shows, she increasingly grapples with her feelings for Sheriff Braverman. Jane represents the voice of reason amidst the chaos.

📈 Pragmatic 💕 Supportive ⚖️ Rational

Will Braverman

Sheriff Will Braverman is a skeptical yet determined figure seeking the truth behind Jonas’s façade. His investigation leads him to uncover Jonas's dark past and fosters a budding romance with Jane, providing a balance of order against the chaos brought by Jonas's ministry.

👮‍♂️ Skeptical 🔍 Investigator ❤️ Romantic


Marva is a local diner waitress who is nurturing and caring, particularly toward her brother, Boyd. She is deeply invested in his recovery and becomes a critical influence in Jonas's journey toward understanding faith's true significance.

🍽️ Caring 💖 Supportive 🌟 Optimistic


Boyd is Marva's brother who struggles with a psychosomatic condition following an accident. His journey towards recovery serves as a powerful testament to the theme of faith, as he experiences a moment of miraculous healing. Boyd represents hope in the face of despair.

🌈 Hopeful 🌟 Resilient 🙏 Believer


Time period

The story unfolds in a modern setting, as it reflects contemporary issues of faith, skepticism, and the human desire for miracles. The characters navigate through personal struggles while trying to find meaning amidst their harsh realities. The impact of the drought and financial hardship also provides a backdrop to the events.


Rustwater, Kansas

Rustwater is a small, rural town in Kansas, grappling with the hardships of a prolonged drought. Known for its tight-knit community, the town becomes the backdrop for a faith healer's revival meetings. The challenges brought on by the drought shape the lives of its residents, making their reliance on hope and belief more pronounced.

🏜️ Drought ⛪ Revival 🏙️ Rural




Faith plays a central role in the narrative, as characters seek hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. Jonas's ability to manipulate belief showcases the complexities of faith and the human condition. Ultimately, the theme illustrates that genuine faith can bring about real change, regardless of initial skepticism.



The theme of deception is prevalent through Jonas's fraudulent healing shows, raising questions about morality and the nature of belief. As he deceives the townspeople for profit, the line between truth and illusion blurs, making the audience ponder the ramifications of manipulating faith. The eventual revelation of truth challenges the characters to confront their own beliefs.



Romantic connections develop amidst the turmoil, particularly between Jane and Sheriff Braverman. Their relationship highlights the importance of support and companionship in difficult times. As they navigate their feelings, love serves as a counterbalance to the deception and conflict surrounding them.

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