Spin the Bottle

Spin the Bottle 2024

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Plot Summary

After his rendition of “The Way We Were”, Lorne addresses an unseen lounge audience. In an attempt to restore Cordelia’s memory, Lorne obtains a bottle containing a memory-restoration spell, which Cordelia is eager to try. Wesley arrives, having been asked to help with the spell, and has an awkward meeting with Fred. She vaguely informs him that her mission was completed, as Gunn realizes that Wesley helped Fred try to kill her professor. When he confronts Wesley, he also threatens Wes to not pursue Fred, but Wes tries to dismiss the issue. Gunn asks what happened to Wesley. He reminds Gunn that “I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me.” The gang hold hands in a circle around the bottle as it starts to spin. The spell disorients everyone; Lorne passes out and the others stumble about the lobby as if very high. Cordelia accidentally smashes the bottle with her boot. All present are mentally regressed to the age of 17: Cordelia when she was the most popular girl at Sunnydale High, Wesley believes he is still a student at the Watcher’s Academy, Gunn is once again a rebellious street kid, Fred is transformed into a younger and insecure girl who likes marijuana; and Angel has reverted to his teenaged pre-vampire self — an Irishman named Liam (he was not sired until age 26). While Liam wonders what happened to his Irish accent, Gunn and Wesley butt heads on plans. When Wesley tries to demonstrate his toughness with a karate demonstration, he unintentionally activates the stake weapon up his sleeve. Gunn and Fred find Lorne passed out behind the counter, and are shocked to see a demon. Meanwhile, Connor saves a young woman from two vampires. The woman offers her body in repayment, but only if he pays.

Back at the hotel, Wesley duct tapes Lorne to the seat in the lobby while arguing with Gunn over whether to cut Lorne’s head off or torture him for information. When Cordelia asks why they’re not freaking out about wooden stakes or the sight of a green man with horns, Wesley and Gunn both reveal that vampires and demons are real and they both have experience with them. Fred examines an unconscious Lorne while Wesley shares his theory that they’re being kept in the hotel with a vampire as a test. They all start to wonder why they don’t look 17, and collectively decide to hunt for the vampire that will supposedly set them free once they kill it. Cordelia and Angel team up and go one way while the other three head in the other direction. Angel struggles to adjust to this strange world that is hundreds of years beyond his life. He and Cordelia sit on the bed, and after apologizing for acting so “womanish”, Cordelia comforts him, and, feeling his muscles, begins to flirt with him. Angel vamps out and realizes he is a vampire and he will be killed if the gang finds out.

Angel tries to leave the hotel, but panics when he spots the cars on the street and rushes back inside. As the group regathers in the lobby, Wesley introduces a new theory: the vampire may be one of them. He passes a cross around the group, but when it finally reaches Angel, he manages to hide his smoking hand until a distraction develops. Lorne wakes up, his memory unaffected, and identifies Angel as a vampire. Angel punches Lorne, knocking him out again. A fight breaks out between Angel, Wesley and Gunn, and the girls run in separate directions. Angel catches Cordelia, who screams loudly, drawing a lurking Connor out of the shadows. Angel rants to Connor about fathers as the two fight, while in the lobby, Lorne convinces Fred to release him, and he mixes together a concoction to restore their memories.

After treating the others, Lorne puts a touch of the mixture on Cordy’s tongue. She pauses and then runs off. Lorne finishes up his story at the lounge: describing what really happened was she was struck with a vision of a terrifying demon; Cordelia reveals to Angel that she remembers everything, and confirms that before she lost her memory she was in love with him. Lorne then walks off and the camera reveals an empty Lounge.


Lorne's Performance

Lorne captivates the lounge audience with his rendition of 'The Way We Were'. His performance sets the stage for the events to unfold as he addresses the crowd.


Memory Restoration Attempt

In an effort to help Cordelia regain her lost memories, Lorne acquires a memory-restoration spell. Cordelia is enthusiastic about trying it, hoping it will bring back her past.

Wesley's Awkward Encounter

Wesley arrives at the hotel to assist with the spell, leading to an awkward interaction with Fred. Fred reveals her mission is complete, leaving Wesley concerned about her past encounters.


Gunn's Confrontation with Wesley

Gunn confronts Wesley, frustrated about his involvement in Fred's past troubles. This confrontation highlights the tensions and complex relationships within the group.


The Spell Activation

The gang gathers in a circle around the spell bottle, which spins violently as they hold hands. Suddenly, the spell disorients everyone and brings chaos to the lobby.

Hotel Lobby

Return to Adolescence

The spell backfires, causing the group to regress mentally to the age of 17. Each member of the gang reverts to a younger version of themselves, bringing back vivid memories from their past.

Angel as Liam

Angel transforms into his pre-vampire self, Liam, an Irishman unaware of his dark future. Liam struggles to adapt to reality as he reminisces about his past life.

Wesley Duct Tapes Lorne

Wesley, in an attempt to control the situation, duct tapes Lorne to a seat while debating the fate of the unconscious demon. This moment highlights the group's frantic efforts to regain control.

Hotel Lobby

Realization of Danger

Cordelia questions the group's apparent calmness amidst the bizarre happenings. Both Wesley and Gunn quickly acknowledge the reality of vampires and demons, indicating their experience.


Search for the Vampire

The gang theorizes that a vampire is testing them and decides to hunt it down. This collective decision marks a shift in their focus from confusion to action.

Angel's Inner Struggle

Angel, as Liam, struggles with the realization of his vampire nature in a world that has moved on. His panic escalates when he witnesses the modern world, leading him to retreat back into the hotel.


Cross Test

Wesley conducts a test to identify the vampire among them by passing a cross. Tensions rise as Angel must conceal his true identity from the group, leading to a critical moment of suspense.

Hotel Lobby

Lorne's Awakening

Upon regaining consciousness, Lorne remembers everything and instantly identifies Angel as a vampire. This revelation sparks chaos as Angel attempts to silence Lorne.

Hotel Lobby

Confrontation with Connor

As tensions flare, Angel’s confrontation with Cordelia escalates when Connor intervenes. Their conflict highlights the complex relationships and stakes at play in the situation.

Cordelia's Revelation

After receiving a memory-restoration treatment from Lorne, Cordelia remembers her true feelings for Angel. This pivotal moment signals the unfolding of deep emotions and unresolved connections.



Sheriff Stanton (Justin Long)

Sheriff Stanton appears as a leader concerned with the safety of his community. He is portrayed with a blend of humor and authority, attempting to manage the chaos that unfolds due to the spell. His character showcases resilience and quick thinking, highlighting the challenges of leadership in supernatural contexts.

👮‍♂️ Authority 😎 Humor 🧠 Resilience

Cordelia Chase (Character played by Ali Larter)

Cordelia is depicted as a confident and once-popular high school girl, ambitious yet often oblivious to the supernatural threats around her. As she regresses to her teenage self, her vulnerability and memories of love come to the forefront, presenting a more complex, emotional side to her character.

💁‍♀️ Popularity 💔 Love 🌟 Complexity

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Character played by Tanner Stine)

Wesley initially presents himself as a competent yet insecure member of the group. His regression reveals a more adolescent side, filled with both comedic and tense moments. He struggles with his past decisions and his feelings for Fred, showcasing growth through adversity.

🎓 Intelligence 🤔 Insecurity ⚡ Growth


Time period

Contemporary, with flashbacks to youth

The movie takes place in a contemporary setting while also delving into the characters' pasts when they were teenagers. This exploration includes themes of nostalgia and identity, as the characters are mentally regressed to their youthful selves. The juxtaposition of their adult experiences with teenage memories adds complexity to the narrative.


Sunnydale, Hotel

Sunnydale is a fictional town known for its high supernatural activity and dark secrets. The hotel serves as a central hub for the main characters, providing a space for various encounters with demons and vampires. Together, these settings contribute to a tense, eerie atmosphere that underscores the film's themes.

🏙️ Urban 🏨 Hotel




The theme of identity is a central focus as the characters undergo a transformation that reverts them to their teenage selves. This regression prompts them to confront their past decisions and relationships, exploring how their identities have evolved over time. The struggle to reconcile their memories with their current selves adds depth to their character arcs.



Memory plays a crucial role in the film, as a spell intended to restore lost memories leads to unexpected consequences. The characters grapple with the implications of their pasts and what it means to forget or remember. This theme challenges the notion of identity and highlights the emotional weight of personal history.



Conflict arises both externally and internally among the characters as they navigate their changed realities. The physical struggles against supernatural forces mirror their personal battles, particularly Angel's struggle with his vampire nature. Tension escalates as the group must work together despite their differences and past grievances.

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