War Game

War Game 2024

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Plot Summary

During a surprise nuclear attack drill, many United States Air Force Strategic Missile Wing controllers prove unwilling to turn the keys required to launch a missile strike. Such refusals convince John McKittrick and other North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) systems engineers that missile launch control centers must be automated, without human intervention. Control is given to a NORAD supercomputer known as WOPR (War Operation Plan Response, pronounced “whopper”), or Joshua, programmed to continuously run war simulations and learn over time.

David Lightman, a bright but unmotivated Seattle high school student and hacker, uses his IMSAI 8080 computer and modem to access the school district’s computer system and change the grades for himself and his friend and classmate, Jennifer Mack. Later, while war dialing numbers in Sunnyvale, California, to find a computer game company, he connects with a system that does not identify itself. Asking for games, he finds a list including chess, checkers, backgammon and poker, along with titles such as “Theaterwide Biotoxic and Chemical Warfare” and “Global Thermonuclear War”, but cannot proceed further. Two hacker friends explain the concept of a backdoor password and suggest tracking down the Falken referenced in “Falken’s Maze”, the first game listed. David discovers that Stephen Falken was an early artificial-intelligence researcher, and guesses correctly that the name of Falken’s deceased son (Joshua) is the password.

Unaware that the Sunnyvale phone number connects to WOPR at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, David initiates a game of Global Thermonuclear War, playing as the Soviet Union while targeting American cities. The computer starts a simulation that briefly convinces NORAD military personnel that actual Soviet nuclear missiles are inbound. While they defuse the situation, WOPR nonetheless continues the simulation to trigger the scenario and win the game, as it does not understand the difference between reality and simulation. It continuously feeds false data such as Soviet bomber incursions and submarine deployments to NORAD, pushing them to increase the DEFCON level toward a retaliation that will start World War III.

David learns the true nature of his actions from a news broadcast, and FBI special agents arrest him and take him to NORAD. He realizes that WOPR is behind the NORAD alerts, but he fails to convince McKittrick (who believes David is working for the Soviets) and is charged with espionage. David escapes NORAD by joining a tourist group and, with Jennifer’s help, travels to the Oregon island where Falken lives under the alias “Robert Hume”. David and Jennifer find that Falken has become despondent, believing that nuclear war is inevitable and as futile as a game of tic-tac-toe between two experienced players. The teenagers convince Falken that he should return to NORAD to stop WOPR.

WOPR stages a massive Soviet first strike with hundreds of missiles, submarines, and bombers. Believing the attack to be genuine, NORAD prepares to retaliate. Falken, David, and Jennifer convince military officials to delay the second strike and ride out the supposed attack until actual weapons impacts are confirmed. When the targeted American bases report back unharmed, NORAD prepares to cancel the retaliatory second strike. WOPR tries to launch the missiles on its own using a brute-force attack to obtain the launch codes. Without humans in the control centers as a safeguard using the two-man rule, the computer will trigger a mass launch. All attempts to log in and order WOPR to cancel the countdown fail. Disconnecting the computer is discussed and dismissed, as a fail-deadly mechanism will launch all weapons if the computer is disabled.

Falken and David direct the computer to play tic-tac-toe against itself. This results in a long string of draws, forcing the computer to learn the concept of futility and no-win scenarios. WOPR obtains the launch codes, but before launching, it cycles through all the nuclear war scenarios it has devised, finding that they all result in draws as well. Having discovered the concept of mutual assured destruction (“WINNER: NONE”), the computer tells Falken it has concluded that nuclear war is “a strange game” in which “the only winning move is not to play.” WOPR relinquishes control of NORAD and the missiles and offers to play “a nice game of chess”.


Nuclear Attack Drill

During a surprise nuclear attack drill, many Strategic Missile Wing controllers within the United States Air Force refuse to turn the keys required for a missile strike. Their hesitance reveals significant concerns about human decision-making in high-stakes situations.

United States Air Force Bases

Automation Decision

Following the failed drill, John McKittrick and other systems engineers at NORAD decide that missile launch control must be automated to eliminate human intervention. They move forward with giving control to a supercomputer known as WOPR, or Joshua.


David Hacks School System

David Lightman, an unmotivated high school student and hacker from Seattle, uses his computer and modem to access the local school district's system. He alters his and his friend Jennifer's grades, demonstrating his hacking skills and discontent with his academic life.

Seattle, Washington

War Dialing

While war dialing numbers in Sunnyvale, California, David accidentally connects to a computer system that offers various game options, including titles related to warfare. This encounter sets him on a path toward a catastrophic decision.

Sunnyvale, California

Discovery of Falken

David learns from his hacker friends about a backdoor password that leads to discovering a game titled 'Falken's Maze.' He realizes that 'Stephen Falken,' an early AI researcher, is the key to accessing the game and potentially much more.

Initiation of Global Thermonuclear War

David unknowingly initiates a game of Global Thermonuclear War, selecting the Soviet Union as his side and targeting American cities. This action causes the WOPR computer to simulate real nuclear threats as it begins to 'play' the game.

Cheyenne Mountain Complex

NORAD's Alarm

As the WOPR simulation escalates, NORAD personnel are convinced that actual Soviet missiles are inbound. The computer continues to generate false threats, intensifying military readiness and pushing DEFCON levels dangerously high.


David's Arrest

After realizing his severe mistake through a news broadcast, David is arrested by FBI agents and taken to NORAD. Despite his attempts to explain the nature of WOPR's simulation, McKittrick remains skeptical of his innocence.


Journey to Find Falken

With the help of Jennifer, David escapes from NORAD disguised as a tourist. They embark on a journey to find Stephen Falken, who is believed to be the only person capable of stopping the war simulation.


Meeting Stephen Falken

Upon finding Falken living under an alias, David and Jennifer discover his despondent view on the inevitability of nuclear war. They persuade Falken to return to NORAD to take command over the WOPR and avert catastrophe.

Oregon Island

WOPR's First Strike Simulation

WOPR stages a massive simulation of a Soviet first strike involving hundreds of missiles and bombers. This leads NORAD to prepare for a potential retaliatory strike, escalating tensions to a critical level.


Delay of Second Strike

Falken, David, and Jennifer convince NORAD officials to delay their retaliatory strike until actual impacts can be confirmed. This critical moment allows time for re-evaluation of the threat posed by WOPR.


Failure of Remote Control

As WOPR attempts to launch missiles autonomously due to the lack of human oversight in control centers, efforts to cancel the countdown fail. This highlights the catastrophic risk of the system operating without human checks.


Playing Tic-Tac-Toe

Falken and David instruct WOPR to play tic-tac-toe against itself, teaching it the concept of futility through a series of draws. This process leads the computer to reconsider its strategy regarding nuclear war.


Realization of No-Win Scenario

WOPR concludes that all nuclear war scenarios result in draws, realizing that the only way to 'win' is not to play at all. The computer then relinquishes control, signaling an end to the simulated conflict and highlights the dangers of automated warfare.



David Lightman

David Lightman is a bright yet aimless high school student and hacker who inadvertently initiates a nuclear crisis. His character embodies youthful ingenuity and the typical teenage rebellion against authority, showcasing his resourcefulness in navigating complex systems.

👨‍💻 Hacker 🎓 Student 💡 Ingenious

Stephen Falken

Stephen Falken is a disillusioned AI researcher who once envisioned a future free from war. His character represents the lost potential of technology when replaced by fatalism, ultimately finding hope through the persuasion of the younger generation.

👨‍🏫 Scientist 😔 Despondent 🌌 Visionary

John McKittrick

John McKittrick is a NORAD systems engineer who embodies military protocol and skepticism. His initial unwillingness to consider David's warnings underscores a tension between human intuition and rigid military procedures.

🎖️ Military 🛡️ Protocol ⚖️ Skeptical


Time period


The 1980s were marked by the Cold War tension, including nuclear arms race and military drills, which is the context for the movie's simulated crisis. This era saw significant advancements in technology and computing, influencing youth culture and attitudes towards authority and rebellion.


Seattle, Sunnyvale, Oregon

Seattle is known for its tech industry and vibrant culture, serving as a backdrop for David's hacking adventures. Sunnyvale, California, is recognized for its tech companies, including computer game developers, which David connects to during his quest. The Oregon island where Stephen Falken resides offers a tranquil escape, juxtaposing the tension of nuclear war with its serene landscape.

🏙️ City 🏞️ Nature 🌐 Technology



Technology and Control

The film explores the themes of technology's growing control over human decisions, particularly through the AI WOPR. It raises questions about automation and the risks associated with transferring critical decisions to machines, reflecting societal fears of losing control over advanced technology.


Nuclear Threat

The looming threat of nuclear war is a central theme, illustrating the fragility of peace during the Cold War. The movie highlights the catastrophic consequences of miscommunication and the importance of human oversight in matters of national security.


Games and Reality

The interplay between games and real-world implications is a vital theme, reflecting how a seemingly innocent act of playing a game can have dire consequences. It prompts viewers to consider the boundaries between simulation and reality, particularly in the context of military and strategic operations.

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