A Quiet Place 2018

Box Office



90 min




In a terrifying future where sound means death, a family struggles to survive against relentless alien invaders who hunt by listening.  Forced into silence, they must navigate a world transformed into a deadly game of hide-and-seek.

In a terrifying future where sound means death, a family struggles to survive against relentless alien invaders who hunt by listening. Forced into silence, they must navigate a world transformed into a deadly game of hide-and-seek.

Does A Quiet Place have end credit scenes?


A Quiet Place does not have end credit scenes.






User Score


7.5 /10

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Plot Summary

As the dusty, desolate landscape stretches out like a barren canvas, the Abbott family navigates through the crumbling remains of a once-thriving town. Evelyn Abbott (Emily Blunt), her eyes scanning the dusty shelves with a mixture of desperation and concern, searches for medication to alleviate her eldest son Marcus’ (Noah Jupe) illness. Her hands move deftly as she signs reassurances to her Deaf daughter Regan (Millicent Simmonds), who watches over her younger brother Beau (Cade Woodward) with a protective gaze. The latter’s fingers dance across the floor, crafting an intricate drawing of a rocket that seems to pulse with a sense of escape and freedom. As Evelyn tends to Marcus’ needs, Lee Abbott (John Krasinski) quietly gathers a stash of salvaged electronics, his hands moving with purpose as he constructs a makeshift radio and secures cutting pliers for Regan’s use.

The family’s hushed tones are punctuated by Evelyn’s ominous warning: “It’ll be dark soon.” As the sun begins its precipitous descent, the Abbotts prepare to depart their temporary sanctuary, their footsteps echoing through the empty store. But just as they’re about to step out into the unforgiving landscape, a collective horror washes over them. Beau, oblivious to the impending danger, has conjured up an electronic space shuttle toy, its tinny sounds drawing Lee’s attention like a siren’s call. The father’s hands move with urgency as he tries to silence the toy, but it’s too late. As the family departs, Regan secretly retrieves the toy from Beau, who then snatches its precious batteries on his way out. The Abbotts tread in silence across their carefully crafted path of sand, a stark reminder of their fragility and the unforgiving environment that surrounds them.

As they approach a rickety walking bridge, the air is suddenly filled with the faint hum of Beau’s electronic toy, like a harbinger of doom. Lee’s eyes widen in terror as he realizes his youngest son has triggered the device, drawing an otherworldly creature to their position. The Abbotts’ silence is shattered by the sound of screams and chaos, as they’re left reeling from the devastating loss of their young brother Beau.

As the Abbott family settles back into their rustic homestead, Lee retreats to the basement, where he has meticulously assembled a comprehensive surveillance system, comprising cameras, monitors, radios, and electronics. His mission is to establish contact with any other survivors of the apocalyptic alien invasion, as documented in stacks of news clippings that chronicle the devastating events. Amidst this setup, Lee’s notes are filled with cryptic messages: “blind”, “attack sound”, and “armour” - hints at his desperate attempts to adapt and defend himself against an extraterrestrial threat.

Meanwhile, Evelyn, carrying her pregnancy, finds solace in the cellar, where she tends to a handmade mobile that dangles delicately above her. With an oxygen tank nearby, connected to an infant breathing mask, it’s clear that she’s preparing for the arrival of their child. The sound-proof baby crib, covered and ready, serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life amidst chaos.

As dinner approaches, Evelyn asks Regan to convey the message to Lee that it’s time to eat. Regan reluctantly obliges, and after a moment of silent prayer, the family gathers for a meal on leaves instead of plates - a quiet, understated ritual in the face of uncertainty.

Post-dinner, Regan and Marcus engage in a game of Monopoly, which takes an unexpected turn when Marcus accidentally knocks over a lantern, setting the rug ablaze. Lee swiftly extinguishes the flames, and they wait anxiously for any consequences to unfold. Miraculously, it seems that they’ve dodged a bullet - but their respite is short-lived, as a sudden loud noise echoes from the roof above.

Lee rushes to the window, his initial startle giving way to relief when he spots a raccoon tumbling from the rooftop. With this unexpected reprieve, Lee descends into the basement to work on a cochlear implant processor designed to help Regan hear once more. Evelyn joins him, and as they slow dance to Neil Young’s haunting ballad “Harvest Moon,” their shared earbuds become an intimate connection amidst the desolate landscape - a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and human connection in the face of catastrophic upheaval.

As Lee meticulously sculpts his sandy pathways, Evelyn retreats to the cellar to monitor her vital signs, mere weeks away from the arrival of their new addition. With stethoscope in hand, she listens intently to the robust heartbeat within, a reassuring sign of a healthy pregnancy. Meanwhile, Regan enters the scene, navigating the carefully marked routes on the floor with deliberate caution, mindful not to disturb the creaky boards. Her curiosity piqued, she yearns to venture into the basement, but her father intervenes, eager to test his latest innovation - small amplifiers for her cochlear implant processor. Regan, however, is unconvinced and politely declines, prompting Lee to relinquish the devices to Evelyn.

Undeterred, Lee sets out on an expedition, inviting Marcus to join him, but the boy’s trepidation prevails. It is Regan who surprises them by volunteering for the adventure, only to be firmly instructed by her father to remain behind and care for their expectant mother. Crushed, she retreats to her room, where she attempts to activate the new cochlear implant processor, only to experience devastating disappointment. Seething with frustration, Regan hastily assembles a travel bag, stashing her trusty cutting pliers and the enigmatic object from her dresser before departing the farm.

Lee, meanwhile, embarks on a bonding experience with Marcus at the river, teaching him that soft sounds are permissible as long as louder ones serve as a buffer. By the waterfall’s soothing melody, they converse freely, unencumbered by the fear of being overheard. As they open up to each other, Marcus poses probing questions about Regan and the fates that befell Beau, wondering if his father still harbors affection for her. Lee’s candor is straightforward: no one is at fault, but Marcus implores him to reconcile with Regan, should he truly harbor feelings for her.

As this heart-to-heart unfolds, Regan arrives at the walking bridge, where a makeshift memorial has been erected in tribute to Beau. With the space shuttle toy from her dresser now unwrapped, she employs the pliers to liberate its inner light, bathing the surroundings in an ethereal glow without generating any sonic disturbance.

Back on the farm, Evelyn is burdened by the laundry bag as it becomes entangled on the stairs, prompting her to struggle free and exposing a treacherous nail protruding from the step.

As Lee and Marcus make their way back home from the woods, they’re suddenly confronted by an eerie encounter - an elderly stranger emerging from the treeline, followed by the chilling discovery of his wife’s lifeless body on the ground. Lee’s urgent whispers to the old man fall on deaf ears as he lets out a blood-curdling scream, prompting Lee to hastily grab Marcus and flee as the stranger is brutally taken down by an extraterrestrial visitor.

Meanwhile, back at their home, Evelyn’s labor pains intensify, prompting her to make a hasty descent into the basement. As she struggles to free herself from the exposed nail that has impaled her foot, she manages to stifle her cries of pain and instead drops the precious photo frames she was clutching, inadvertently drawing an alien entity into their home. With her life hanging in the balance, Evelyn valiantly extracts her foot from the nail, flips on the warning signals - a series of red lights that span their property - and begins a desperate search for a mechanical timer to distract the extraterrestrial visitor.

The alien’s slow descent down the stairs is met with an eerie silence, its ears attuned to the faintest hint of life. When the timer finally sounds, the creature launches into attack mode as Evelyn makes a break for the upper floors. Just as she reaches the safety of their bathroom, another extraterrestrial invades their front yard.

Lee’s frantic return home finds him met with an ominous sight: the red lights that usually signal peace and tranquility now blaze like a warning beacon, signaling the very real danger lurking within. With a heavy heart, Lee pens a desperate message to his son - “rocket” - before urging him to unleash a sonic boom of sound to distract their unwanted visitors.

As Marcus obliges, lighting the fuse for a dazzling display of fireworks that echoes across the night sky, Lee takes up his trusty shotgun and begins a thorough sweep of their home. It’s then that he’s met with a grim discovery - a bathtub stained crimson with Evelyn’s blood, leaving him convinced she’s lost her life in childbirth.

But just as despair threatens to consume him, Lee stumbles upon the truth: his wife is alive, sheltered by the shower curtain alongside their newborn son. Marcus, meanwhile, has become oblivious to the danger lurking mere yards away. His frantic dash into the nearby cornfield ends with a sickening thud - his body crushed beneath the tractor’s wheel, rendering him unconscious.

As the night wears on, Lee and Evelyn must confront the very real terror that has invaded their home, all while shielding their newborn from the horrors that lurk in every corner.

As Regan returns home, she’s startled by the beam of Marcus’ flashlight emerging from the cornfield, but her inability to hear the approaching alien behind her remains eerily unacknowledged. However, as the extraterrestrial draws closer, Regan’s cochlear implant processor begins to generate a maddening high-pitched feedback that sends the alien fleeing in distress. Unbeknownst to Regan, Marcus is already retreating to the top of the grain silo, where he joins her moments later.

Meanwhile, Lee has taken Evelyn and their newborn son to the cellar, carefully placing the infant into his soundproof crib. As Evelyn drifts off to sleep, she’s beset by regret over not carrying their child to term on that fateful day, and she extracts a promise from Lee to protect their children at all costs. Lee departs to search for Regan and Marcus, leaving Evelyn to her slumber.

But as the cellar begins to flood with water, Evelyn awakens to find herself surrounded by an alien invasion. The creature has climbed down into the room, its attention drawn by the sounds of the flooding. With the soundproof crib lying open, Evelyn carefully scoops up her baby and retreats behind the waterfall, narrowly avoiding detection.

Above them, Marcus is signing a reassuring message - “Don’t worry, he’ll come for us” - but Regan’s skepticism is palpable as she responds with a shake of her head: “He’ll come for you.” Just then, the hatch on top of the silo gives way, sending Marcus tumbling into its depths. As he struggles to stay afloat in the grain, the alien in the cellar is drawn out by the commotion.

The hatch breaks away completely, falling just short of Marcus as he clings to it for dear life. Regan, undeterred by her own peril, leaps into the silo and manages to push the hatch towards her brother, allowing him to grab hold and pull himself to safety. Though she herself sinks beneath the grain, Marcus climbs back up the hatch and pulls out his sister, depositing her safely beside him.

Together, they sit atop the silo door, momentarily triumphant, but their victory is short-lived as a crash echoes from above. The alien that had invaded the cellar has jumped into the silo, its attention fixed on the siblings. As Regan and Marcus cover themselves with the hatch door, it seems all hope is lost - until Regan’s cochlear implant processor once again generates that piercing feedback, forcing the alien to flee in disarray, and allowing the siblings to escape their precarious predicament.

As Regan and Marcus emerge from the silo, they stumble into a pickup truck, only to be confronted with chaos as Lee arrives on the scene, armed with an ax. However, before he can take action, a ferocious alien attack sends Marcus into a panicked scream, prompting the extraterrestrial to redirect its attention towards the truck. Regan’s processor begins emitting piercing feedback, but this time she wisely decides to shut it off, allowing the alien to resume its destructive assault on the vehicle. In a valiant effort to protect his daughter and her friend, Lee, badly injured, makes a poignant last gesture by signing “I love you” before sacrificing himself to save the kids.

As the truck rolls back into the house, Regan, Marcus, and Evelyn reunite with their mother, only to be confronted once again by the alien menace. This time, they retreat to the basement, where Regan is finally allowed to explore the very space that held secrets about her father’s tireless work on her cochlear implant processor. The sight of his handiwork leaves her overcome with emotion just as the lights begin to flicker ominously.

The alien descends into the basement, cornering the trio, but Regan’s sharp mind quickly scans her father’s cryptic message scrawled on a piece of paper: “What is their weakness?” Her gaze then falls upon the hearing aids on his workbench, and in a flash of inspiration, she activates her cochlear implant processor, unleashing a cacophony of feedback that sends the alien stumbling back. Regan amplifies the effect by positioning the processor near a microphone, causing the extraterrestrial to collapse and slowly rise again, only to be met with a devastating blast from Evelyn’s shotgun.

As they survey the carnage on their surveillance monitors, Regan cranks up the speakers while Evelyn loads the shotgun with a wry grin, prepared for the impending arrival of every alien in the county. The stage is set for an epic showdown.

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