Aloha 2015

Box Office



105 min




In Hawaii's sun-kissed paradise, contractor Brian Gilcrest's reunion with former flame Tracy sparks a tangled web of emotions. As he navigates this complicated terrain, he forms an unlikely bond with Allison Ng, a fiery pilot who keeps him on his toes. Amid lush landscapes and unexpected revelations, Brian must confront his feelings for both women and reconcile his past.

In Hawaii's sun-kissed paradise, contractor Brian Gilcrest's reunion with former flame Tracy sparks a tangled web of emotions. As he navigates this complicated terrain, he forms an unlikely bond with Allison Ng, a fiery pilot who keeps him on his toes. Amid lush landscapes and unexpected revelations, Brian must confront his feelings for both women and reconcile his past.

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Aloha does not have end credit scenes.






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Plot Summary

As Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) reflects on his childhood, he wistfully gazes up at the future, his youthful optimism tempered by the harsh realities of adulthood. His thoughts are interrupted by a flashback to his military days, where he donned a uniform and served with honor. However, the 2008 financial crisis brought about a seismic shift, and Brian found himself leaving the military to take on a new role as a contractor for billionaire Carson Welch (Bill Murray). With his past mistakes in Kabul lingering like an open wound, Brian seizes the opportunity to return to Hawaii, viewing it as a chance to redeem himself.

As he embarks on this journey, Brian is accompanied by his pilot, John ‘Woody’ Woodside (John Krasinski), and introduced to a cast of colorful characters, including Colonel ‘Fingers’ Lacy (Danny McBride) and Captain Allison Ng (Emma Stone). Upon landing in Hawaii, Brian reunites with Tracy (Rachel McAdams), Woody’s wife, who now handles ceremonies for the deceased. Tracy’s children, Gracie (Danielle Rose Russell), a 13-year-old girl, and Mitch (Jaeden Lieberher), a curious young boy fascinated by his video camera and Hawaiian mythology, bring a sense of warmth and normalcy to Brian’s life.

As Brian navigates this new environment, he crosses paths with Carson, who reveals that their parting was not abandonment, but rather a calculated decision aimed at salvaging Brian’s future. With this revelation, Brian is tasked with starting anew, beginning with the blessing that will set him on a path towards redemption.

Throughout his journey, Captain Ng serves as Brian’s Air Force liaison, a no-nonsense professional with a wealth of experience and a hint of vulnerability beneath her tough exterior. As they prepare for a meeting with the king of the Hawaiian nation, Ng shares her own connection to the island, revealing that she is one-quarter Hawaiian. This moment of introspection humanizes Ng and adds depth to their relationship.

As night falls, Brian finds himself sipping peppermint tea with Ng, engaged in conversation about everything from politics to personal struggles. However, he remains guarded, hesitant to open up or engage in small talk. With a curt goodnight, the evening comes to a close, leaving Brian to ponder his place in this new world and the path that lies ahead.

As Brian (pours over) his morning coffee, he becomes aware of Ng’s hushed conversations about him to her mother over the phone, a mix of gossip and prophetic insight. She paints a picture of a man teetering on the brink of greatness, yet simultaneously crippled by his own demons. This candid assessment seems to have struck a chord with Brian, as he modifies his coffee order from a double espresso to a triple shot, fuel for what promises to be an intense encounter with Ng.

Their paths crossing again, Ng peppers Brian with questions, but he remains tight-lipped, instead opting to let out a primal howl, reminiscent of the coyote she had described him as the night before. It’s clear that he’s been listening in on her conversation, and Ng is both fascinated and unsettled by this development.

Meanwhile, Gracie (her mother) probes for answers about her father’s frequent appearances at sites supposedly freed from conflict, while Tracy (barks orders) at Mitch to cease fiddling with the camera. Gracie senses a shift in her mother’s demeanor, as if she’s not quite herself.

As Brian and Ng navigate their way through a padlocked gate, they’re met with an impassable barrier - or so it seems. Brian reveals a shortcut, one that involves navigating treacherous terrain. The two engage in a lighthearted exchange about which of them might need assistance.

Their banter is short-lived, as Ng segues into stories about her past, revealing a passion for dance that was ultimately derailed by a broken bone and a subsequent decision to join the Air Force. Brian, too, has a secret love affair with dance - one he indulges in solitude. Ng playfully labels him cynical, prompting Brian to unleash a torrent of emotions about his own failed marriage, which was brought to an abrupt end when his ex-wife left him for someone who shared her enthusiasm for comic books.

The trio soon finds themselves standing before an inverted flag, a symbol of distress and chaos, but also of the nation’s resilience. Ng explains that they have entered the sovereign territory of Hawaii, where the enigmatic king awaits. The monarch’s warm demeanor towards Brian suggests a familiarity that borders on camaraderie.

As they sit in the king’s office, surrounded by the trappings of power, Ng is visibly awed to be in this exalted setting. Brian, however, is driven by a sense of urgency and impatience, seeking a mere 20 minutes of blessing and approval for a pedestrian gate that will revolutionize Air Force operations. The king listens intently before delivering a scathing assessment: his people are nothing but thieves. Brian counters that this is indeed his nation, but one that finds itself occupied by foreign forces in the heart of America - a reality that the king views as an affront to his sovereignty.

As the night wears on, the trio - joined by a multitude of others - gather outside beneath the star-studded sky, their conversation meandering through topics both profound and mundane. Ng’s impassioned arguments in favor of the celestial expanse’s sacredness are met with Brian’s pragmatic skepticism, as he asserts that everything, including the heavens themselves, is ultimately for sale. The king’s demands for two mountains back and free cell phone service are met with resistance from Brian, who eventually finds common ground with Ng’s promise to keep weapons out of the sky. As a symbol of their newfound accord, the king bestows upon Brian a flag.

Ng’s mystical connection to the universe is palpable as she claims to hear the sky speaking to them, but Brian remains steadfast in his dismissal of such notions as mere metaphor. The air is thick with tension as Ng’s fervor gives way to quiet contemplation. A sudden detour into personal anecdotes follows, with Bradley Cooper sharing a nostalgic tale of a childhood telescope request from 1983. Ng’s curiosity piqued, she queries about the whereabouts of this mysterious individual.

As night deepens, the group is startled by the appearance of shadowy figures roaming the street below. Ng urges caution, warning that lifting one’s gaze may invite curses upon their heads. Mitch’s nostalgia for his father is momentarily interrupted by Tracy’s reassurances that he’ll be reunited with him tomorrow. Meanwhile, Brian drops in unannounced, bearing a poinsettia and a soda, which serves as an awkward icebreaker amidst the evening’s convivial atmosphere.

In this tableau of interconnected lives, Ng’s effusive personality shines bright, her Hawaiian heritage woven into the fabric of conversation. As the night wears on, Tracy and Brian engage in stilted small talk, their words veiled with unspoken desires and unrequited longings. The air is alive with the promise of new connections and the whispers of secrets yet to be revealed.

As Ng instructs a group of children in the adjacent room to render the proper salute, Brian finds himself alone with Tracy in the kitchen. His gaze falls upon a photograph frame, which he opens to reveal a snapshot of Tracy and himself. The picture serves as a poignant reminder of their past together.

Tracy reveals to Brian that Woody’s silence is not indicative of his parenting skills, but rather a testament to his dedication as a father. She confides in him about the challenges she faces while caring for their home, feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of managing their household amidst Woody’s prolonged absences. Tracy implores Brian to let go of any regrets and acknowledges that her words are tinged with a hint of intimacy, betraying her desire to reconnect with him on a deeper level.

As they revisit the events leading up to their breakup, Tracy recounts how Brian’s failure to show up for their planned vacation was perceived as an ultimatum, which he refused to accept. She describes him as a workaholic, and he concedes that he is still struggling with this aspect of his personality. Tracy reveals her deep-seated love for Brian, expressing sorrow over the shattered plans they once shared.

Just as she appears poised to share a crucial revelation, Woody suddenly materializes, placing a gentle hand on Brian’s shoulder before disappearing once more. This fleeting gesture leaves Brian perplexed, prompting him to muse that perhaps Woody’s nonverbal cues hold secrets of their own.

Meanwhile, Gracie enters the kitchen, proudly displaying her choice for the winter formal and bidding Tracy farewell. As she exits, Brian remarks on the uncanny resemblance between Gracie and her mother.

Brian then makes his way to Mitch’s room, where he is struck by the young boy’s collection of space-themed memorabilia. When Mitch asks about his impending nuptials, Brian deflects the question, instead drawing attention to a book on arrival that has caught his eye.

Mitch inquires whether Brian is indeed that god and shares the myth surrounding him. Brian responds by suggesting that Mitch address him by his first name, prompting Mitch to conclude that Brian is, in fact, the deity he claims to be.

As Ng and Gracie engage in a lively hula dance, Woody watches with a silent “beautiful” mouthed expression. Later, as they step outside onto the Woodside’s lawn, which has been transformed into a dazzling winter wonderland, Woody expresses his unbridled enthusiasm for their festive decorations, pronouncing them “almost tacky.”

As the holiday festivities unfolded, Brian found himself surrounded by familiar faces - Tracy, Woody, and the enigmatic Ng, whose presence seemed to draw him in like a magnet. Amidst the merriment, General Dixon (Alec Baldwin), a man of immense importance, cut a striking figure, his irascible demeanor casting a palpable shadow over the proceedings. Meanwhile, Carson engaged in a candid conversation with his biographer, their discussion revolving around the future and its uncertain trajectory.

As Brian watched Ng glide effortlessly across the room, he couldn’t help but be drawn to her solitary nature, and his curiosity got the better of him. “Why the solo act on holidays?” he asked, his tone laced with concern. Ng’s response was a deftly delivered retort, one that left Brian feeling like an amateur in the art of seduction. Undeterred, he attempted to reprise his role as wingman, this time coaxing Ng into embracing her inner fighter pilot.

Just then, General Dixon descended upon Brian like a storm cloud, dispensing a stern warning not to botch the deal with the Hawaiians. The general’s parting shot, “You’re a bottom feeder,” stung, but Brian refused to let it linger. Instead, he found himself entangled in a conversation with Bob Largent, who claimed that General Dixon held him in high esteem - a notion that was swiftly dispelled when Largent discreetly deposited something into his pocket.

As the night wore on, Carson emerged from the shadows, his eyes aglow with an intensity that bordered on fanatical fervor. “We’re taking control,” he declared, his words dripping with conviction. The memory of Kabul still lingered, a festering wound that Carson seemed determined to cauterize with Brian’s supposed redemption.

The music pulsed through the air as Ng and Carson took to the dance floor, their movements a testament to the joy that could be found in the simplest of moments. Colonel Lacy, the DJ, watched with a knowing glint in his eye, while Brian observed the scene unfold with an amused detachment. However, his respite was short-lived, for he soon found himself withdrawing from the festivities, his mind consumed by the secrets that lay hidden within the hotel’s labyrinthine corridors.

Back in his room, Brian inserted the flash drive, and the contents unfolded before him like a top-secret tapestry. A sudden sneeze shattered the silence, and Ng’s ears picked up the disturbance, drawing her to Brian’s door. As they stepped outside into the cool night air, Ng’s peppermint tea and laptop in tow, she revealed that she’d had a blast. Brian countered with a wry observation: “Nothing beats fun.” However, Ng was undeterred, positing that perhaps purpose held a similar allure.

As they stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the hotel’s lights, Ng’s eyes locked onto the stickers adorning Brian’s laptop - tokens from each of his adventures. Her gaze lingered, and Brian sensed a connection forming between them, one that was tempered by his own self-doubt. The memory of Kabul’s mistakes threatened to derail their budding rapport, but for now, they simply stood there, lost in the momentary beauty of their shared experience.

As the sun sets over Kabul, Brian’s carefree attitude is momentarily shattered by a missile whizzing by his head. He nonchalantly shrugs off the near-miss, revealing an undercurrent of apathy that seems to have been suffocating him until now. For the first time tonight, he confesses to feeling truly alive, and Ng (played by) is more than happy to reciprocate his emotions with a passionate kiss. As they wrap each other in a warm embrace, the camera pans out to reveal the tender intimacy of their midnight tryst.

The next morning finds Ng and Brian enjoying a romantic escapade, free from the constraints of their military uniforms. Ng even dons a dress, her usually stoic demeanor replaced by a radiant smile as she basks in the warmth of their budding relationship. However, this idyllic atmosphere is short-lived, as Ng’s usual exuberance gives way to concern and curiosity during a morning jog with Brian. Her attention is piqued when Mitch (played by) shows her footage he’s shot, which appears to be an oversized load, sparking speculation about its purpose. Ng’s expression turns increasingly troubled as she begins to piece together the truth.

In a surprising turn of events, Ng pays a visit to Colonel Lacy (played by), who’s engaged in a bizarre stroller exercise routine. Seeking answers, Ng demands to know what’s going on, but the Colonel is evasive, claiming he’s only privy to limited information about the operation. His enigmatic response only fuels Ng’s growing unease, as she begins to suspect that the program might be stockpiling weapons in the sky. As her concerns escalate, Ng presses the Colonel for more information, and his cryptic reply leaves her wondering what Brian knows – or rather, what he doesn’t know – about the clandestine operation.

As Brian ( actor name ) carefully selects a peculiar hat adorned with sunglasses for Ng, it becomes clear that this thoughtful gesture is an attempt to compensate for her lost shades. The whimsical accessory conceals her eyes as they share lunch at a quaint eatery, complete with soothing peppermint tea. This poignant moment of vulnerability reveals Brian’s genuine desire to connect on a deeper level with Ng, having experienced the pain of detachment in his past. His eagerness to form a connection is palpable, yet Ng’s emotional turmoil beneath the hat suggests a more complex dynamic at play.

Ng’s words are laced with subtle sarcasm and hurt as she accuses Brian of playing games, knowing that he’s aware of her trust issues. Her frustration stems from his earlier warnings not to get too close, which ultimately led to feelings of betrayal. The revelation that Brian was privy to information about the oversized load, a supposed distraction for the Hawaiians, only adds fuel to Ng’s fiery anger.

As she departs, still wearing the hat, Ng conveys a sense of resignation and disappointment, acknowledging that Brian has squandered his last chance at genuine connection. The parting shot of her driving away, hat securely in place, underscores the fragility of their bond.

Meanwhile, Woody returns home to find his family engrossed in writing thank-you cards, prompting him to maintain a stoic silence when Tracy attempts to draw him out about his work struggles. Her persistence eventually yields a candid admission from Woody, who blames Brian for the couple’s woes. However, Tracy astutely points out that their problems predated Brian’s arrival, and her inability to bear the silence any longer leads her to offer Woody a chance to stay or leave.

In a poignant display of emotional release, Woody subsequently destroys the once-cherished Christmas display, symbolizing his disintegration of the festive atmosphere he had previously cherished.

As the morning sun rises over the hotel, Tracy arrives at Brian’s doorstep, her expression a mix of determination and concern. She believes there’s more to his trip than just a casual visit, and she’s eager to discuss the matter with him before he departs. With a subtle nod, Brian confirms that Gracie is indeed his daughter, bringing relief to Tracy’s anxious face. Together, they gaze down at the playful duo of Mitch and Gracie below, their laughter and shouts a stark contrast to the weighty conversation unfolding above. Tracy shares her revelation with Brian: Gracie bears an uncanny resemblance to him, a trait that Woody remains blissfully unaware of, his silence a testament to the secrecy surrounding this hidden truth.

The tranquil atmosphere is disrupted by Bob Largent’s sudden arrival, hastily whisking Brian and Ng away amidst whispers of compromised rocket launches and Chinese hacking threats. Ng’s reluctance to participate is palpable as she finds herself trapped in the car with her colleagues. With the launch clock ticking ahead of schedule, the trio must scramble to ensure a successful outcome. Colonel Lacy joins the fray, his presence a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos.

As Brian frantically works to communicate with Roy and the launch team, Ng’s distress grows exponentially. Her pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears as Brian takes matters into his own hands, determined to stop the hacker in its tracks. The tension builds as the rocket soars into orbit, Carson’s triumphant cry momentarily drowning out Ng’s anguished sobs.

However, Brian’s euphoria is short-lived, as he soon finds himself grappling with Ng’s devastation. Her tears fall like a rainstorm, washing away the celebratory atmosphere. In a flash of inspiration, Brian conjures an audacious plan, enlisting Roy’s reluctant assistance to send a sonic boom into space. When released, this cacophony will destroy the rocket, ensuring its radioactive remnants do not contaminate the cosmos.

As the ill-fated mission unfolds, Brian and Ng join hands, their bond strengthened by the shared knowledge of their impending doom. With the rocket’s ruinous fate sealed, Carson’s wrath is palpable as he surveys the smoldering wreckage. Brian’s parting words to Ng are laced with resignation: “Stay away from me. I’m radioactive now.” Despite her protests, Brian remains resolute, his decision final. As the king gazes up at the desolate sky, the once-promising launch is reduced to a distant memory, its consequences etched indelibly on the faces of those involved.

As Carson (actor’s name) continues his impromptu rendition of “The Wheels on the Bus” outside, he reveals to Brian that this is his moment of reckoning, a calculated revenge for leaving Brian for dead in the treacherous landscape of Kabul. Brian attempts to reason with him, cautioning that one cannot buy the sky or halt the inexorable march of time through desperate means. Carson dismisses Brian’s concerns, predicting that he will simply acquire another rocket and continue his cycle of destructive behavior. He warns Brian that his life will be a complex tapestry of consequences.

Meanwhile, Colonel Lacy (actor’s name) and Brian await their meeting with General Dixon, during which the general lambasts Brian for Carson’s withdrawal, claiming that it has set back their Pacific footprint by an entire decade. Brian protests, insisting that he witnessed weapons being deployed, but the general is unmoved, attributing Carson’s actions to a philanthropic endeavor. The general then turns his attention to Colonel Lacy, remarking that he had foreseen Brian’s limitations and warning him to keep his distance from Ng.

As Tracy (actor’s name) prepares to depart, she shares her concerns with Brian, lamenting the fact that he has sacrificed his own well-being in pursuit of a woman who ultimately proved elusive. She observes wryly that it is almost sweet how Brian went out of his way to procure a new Santa Claus for their community. Tracy then reads aloud from a letter penned by Woody (actor’s name), which counsels her not to fault him for his emotional reserve, as this would only serve to harm his mental health. Woody acknowledges that he may not have been the original owner of Tracy’s heart, but he is committed to being its better guardian.

As Gracie makes a brief appearance to remark on the new Santa, she takes note of Brian’s presence before disappearing once more. It is then that Tracy shares with Brian the contents of Woody’s letter, including his admission that she possessed the power to calm his deepest fears whenever he returned home. Brian confesses to finding Woody’s words charming and remarks that he lacks the romantic spark, advising Tracy to reunite with her husband. In a poignant twist, Tracy counters by urging Brian to rekindle his connection with Ng, the woman who had lit up his world.

As Brian assists Mitch in displaying his flag, a subtle turning point unfolds. The scene shifts as Woody walks into the kitchen, his silent demeanor momentarily broken by subtitles revealing his profound understanding of Brian’s connection to Gracie. With tender affection, they share a heartfelt hug, and Brian reiterates that Woody’s family has always been intertwined with their own, united in love. This emotional exchange is followed by Woody’s inquiry about Brian’s relationship with Ng, which he promptly denies while acknowledging his past intimacy with her. Woody’s response is one of unbridled enthusiasm as they share a second, exuberant embrace.

As the scene unfolds, Tracy and Woody share a tender moment, their faces etched with tears of joy, while Gracie and Mitch enter to greet their guest. Outside, Mitch bids Brian farewell, marking the end of this poignant chapter in their lives.

Meanwhile, General Dixon and Colonel Lacey deliver news that absolves Brian of his worries, revealing that Carson’s arsenal was indeed real. The general, however, is intent on claiming credit for the discovery, while Carson faces consequences in Japan. With a nod from the authorities, Brian is instructed to release Ng, who is imminent, and to disappear.

As Ng stands outside the hotel, poised to depart in her uniform, Brian appears, seeking answers about her life and intentions. She queries his presence, to which he responds by urging her to return wherever she’s headed, as he’ll be waiting. This declaration is accompanied by a tender confession of love, as he addresses her by her true name, Allison. Their kiss is a poignant testament to their deep connection.

As the moments pass, Brian notes that Ng still clings to her iconic hat, but his mind is elsewhere, driven by an unfulfilled obligation. That night, he finds himself drawn to Gracie’s hula class, where he observes her dancing with a quiet intensity. She eventually notices him, and though initially perplexed, she begins to piece together the truth – that he is, in fact, her father. With tears streaming down her face, she continues her dance before rushing outside to embrace Brian, ultimately returning to complete her routine.

As the credits roll, we find Brian engaging in a quiet act of introspection, planting along the Hawaiian nation’s lush terrain, his journey marked by moments of tenderness, revelation, and growth.

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