
Does American Sniper have end credit scenes?


American Sniper has end credit scenes.

American Sniper

American Sniper


As a U.S. Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle's sole mission in Iraq is to safeguard his comrades' lives. His remarkable marksmanship earns him the nickname "Legend," but also makes him a high-priority target for insurgents. Meanwhile, he faces a personal struggle balancing duty with family life from afar.

Runtime: 132 min

Box Office: $547M







User Score






User Score


7.3 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in American Sniper!

As the camera pans across the desolate rooftop landscape, US Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) assumes a calculated vigilance, his trained eyes fixed on the trajectory of a US military convoy through his rifle's scope. His gaze is drawn to a lone figure on a distant rooftop, cell phone in hand, seemingly monitoring the convoy's movement. With protocol-driven precision, Kyle transmits his findings via headset, prompting a green light to take out the perceived threat - but a nagging doubt creeps in as his marine backup cautions that this might be an innocent phone call to a loved one. The mystery man vanishes from sight, only to be replaced by a woman and child emerging from the same building, their gentle approach belied by Kyle's trained instincts: something is amiss. He reports the pair, noting the woman's stiff gait and the boy's unusual burden - a grenade, revealed as she hands it over to him with calculated precision. The order to take out the target hangs precariously in balance, tempered by the harsh reality that a child might be involved.

The narrative jumps back in time, transporting us to Chris Kyle's childhood, where we find him embarking on a hunting excursion with his father (no actor credited). With rifle in hand, Chris takes down a majestic deer, his triumphant grin mirroring his father's pride. However, this exuberance is swiftly curtailed as his father chides him for mishandling his firearm.

As we delve further into Chris' formative years, we witness the Kyle family attending church services, where young Chris quietly palms a well-worn New Testament. Later, on a playground, we see Jeff, Chris' younger brother, get mercilessly bullied by a larger kid - until Chris intervenes, brutally dispatching his tormentor with unbridled ferocity. In the aftermath of this violent outburst, seated around the family dinner table, Chris' father delivers a profound speech that will forever shape his worldview: there exist three kinds of people in this world - sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. Sheep naively believe evil doesn't lurk, wolves actively perpetuate it, while sheepdogs are blessed with the courage to protect humanity from malevolent forces. This life-altering epiphany leaves an indelible mark on Chris' psyche.

As Chris (played by) settles back into his rural roots, he finds himself torn between his passion for rodeos and the tumultuous relationship with his girlfriend, whose infidelity serves as a jarring wake-up call. The evening's drama is momentarily interrupted by the devastating news of the 1998 terrorist attacks on US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, which sparks Chris's patriotism and sense of duty to protect his country.

Seeking a meaningful outlet for his newfound fervor, Chris pays a visit to a local Navy office, where he strikes up a conversation with a recruiter. The latter suggests that Chris's younger brother, Kyle (played by), might possess the necessary grit to thrive in the elite SEAL program, and hands him a pamphlet to peruse. However, Kyle is quick to dispel any doubts about his aquatic aptitude, noting that age is just a number, and he's not one to be deterred by conventional limitations.

As Kyle embarks on the grueling training process, he finds himself subjected to a series of intense physical and mental challenges. His instructors blast him with icy hoses while he exercises, subject him to verbal abuse, and test his mettle in sniper training, where he draws upon his hunting expertise to excel. During one particularly poignant session, an instructor cautions Kyle to focus solely on the target, warning that aiming for a button might result in a two-inch miss, whereas aiming for the shirt itself could lead to a two-foot deviation. Undeterred, Kyle retorts that keeping both eyes open is crucial for detecting potential threats, prompting his instructor to reprimand him with 50 push-ups.

In a stunning display of resourcefulness, Kyle proves his doubters wrong by targeting and dispatching a hidden snake on the shooting range, defying the notion that there's nothing else "out there" to consider.

As Kyle's nights out become a regular occurrence, he meets Taya (Sienna Miller) at a bar, where she regales him with tales of her sister's ill-fated marriage to a SEAL. Taya's candidness about the perils of marrying into that world is tempered only by her own bravado, as she dares Kyle to keep pace with her in a drinking contest. Despite initially holding their own, however, Taya ultimately succumbs to the effects of the liquor and stumbles outside, where Kyle shows his compassionate side by kindly attending to her needs. His persistence eventually pays off, and they begin dating. As their relationship deepens, Taya poses an existential question: "Do you ever think about who's at the end of your gun?" Kyle's response is telling – he merely wants to protect his country, revealing a sense of duty that supersedes personal motivations.

Fast-forward to their wedding day, and the couple is beset by the unexpected news that Kyle and his fellow SEALs are being deployed to Iraq. The announcement serves as a stark reminder of the harsh realities they will face in the months ahead.

The film then rewinds to its opening scene, where we see Taya handing a grenade to a young boy, who sets off towards the convoy with the explosive device clutched tightly in his hand. As Kyle's finger tightens around the trigger, he takes out the boy, sending his body crashing to the ground. The woman's anguished wail as she rushes towards her fallen child is met with a mixture of pity and detachment from Kyle.

But Taya refuses to be deterred, retrieving the grenade from the boy's lifeless hand and continuing her deadly charge towards the convoy. Just as all hope seems lost, Kyle intervenes once more, ending her threat to the troops by taking out the would-be suicide bomber. As the dust settles, a fellow SEAL congratulates Kyle on his first kill, eliciting a telling lack of remorse from the soldier. Though he may not regret the necessity of his actions, it's clear that the harsh realities of war are beginning to seep into his psyche, casting doubt on whether this is truly what he signed up for in the name of protecting his country.

As Kyle continues to provide steadfast overwatch for marine units executing a meticulous door-to-door search in an evacuated city, his unwavering dedication to his mission becomes palpable. His unyielding vigilance is matched only by his uncanny ability to neutralize would-be threats, dispatching numerous attackers armed with guns and explosives with precision and ease. Despite the grueling nature of his duties, Kyle remains resolute in his commitment, even going so far as to relieve himself in his post rather than abandon his watch. His impressive tally of kills - a staggering six during one particularly eventful shift - earns him the nickname The Legend among his fellow troops.

Meanwhile, rumors begin circulating about an elusive al Qaeda sniper known as Mustafa, a formidable marksman who has earned a gold medal for his exceptional shooting skills in the Olympics. As Kyle patrols the rooftops, he finds solace in regular phone calls with his pregnant wife, sharing moments of levity and tenderness amidst the chaos. Though she presses him to open up about the realities of his deployment, Kyle remains tight-lipped, preferring instead to focus on the joys of their impending parenthood.

However, Kyle's frustration with being relegated to overwatch duty grows as he yearns to join the Marines on the ground, convinced that his unique training makes him better equipped to protect them during door-to-door operations. His desire to be part of the action finally gets the better of him, and he abandons his post to link up with the troops, who welcome The Legend into their ranks.

As they continue their search-and-destroy mission, the team comes across a family who has refused to evacuate, their home standing defiantly amidst the devastation. Kyle engages the family's patriarch in conversation, utilizing an interpreter to convey his questions and concerns. When he produces a photograph of Zarqawi, the man reveals that the terrorist leader's second-in-command is known as the Butcher - a figure whose capture would undoubtedly yield valuable intelligence. In exchange for this crucial information, the man demands $100,000, and Kyle agrees to facilitate the transaction. The subsequent verification of the intel proves invaluable, paving the way for a potential breakthrough in their mission to root out al Qaeda's leadership.

As Kyle and his comrades drive back to the man's home, a beaming Kyle shares the ecstatic news with Taya that their baby is on its way - a little boy! The elation is short-lived as their vehicle comes under sudden attack. In the chaos, Kyle drops his phone, still connected to Taya, who listens in horror to the cacophony of gunfire and screams. Meanwhile, Mustafa unleashes a hail of bullets, pinning Kyle down and leaving him helpless to take out their assailant.

The Butcher's cruel machinations are revealed as he exacts a gruesome revenge on the man for allegedly betraying information to US troops. The young son is brutally executed with a handheld power drill, while the father meets a similar fate. A chilling warning is issued to anyone who dares cooperate with American forces: "You will be dealt with." Mustafa and his accomplice escape unscathed, leaving Kyle's team to regroup and extract themselves from the deadly situation.

In the aftermath, Taya tearfully reunites with Kyle, her relief tempered by the trauma she's witnessed. As they return home, Kyle struggles to reconcile his wartime experiences with civilian life. His attempt to shield Taya from the atrocities he's witnessed is foiled when she catches him watching a disturbing video featuring Mustafa's handiwork. The gruesome footage showcases the sniper's deadly prowess, as well as his sinister practice of recording and selling his kills.

As Kyle tries to navigate this new reality, his wife takes him for a routine check-up at the obstetrician's office. However, the doctor's probing questions about his mental state are met with evasive responses from Kyle. His high blood pressure - an alarming 170/110 - serves as a stark reminder of the emotional toll war has taken on him.

Taya's concerns for her husband's well-being fall on deaf ears as Kyle insists he's fine, dismissing their worries and growing increasingly agitated. It's not until they rush to the hospital, where Taya goes into labor, that Kyle's defenses begin to crack. As they await the arrival of their son, the weight of his experiences finally begins to bear down on him.

As Kyle arrives in Iraq, he's met with a heartwarming reunion with his younger brother Jeff (character), who's struggling to come to terms with the harsh realities of war. Despite Jeff's visible fatigue and turmoil, Kyle greets him with a beaming smile, eager to catch up on their sibling bond. However, Jeff's response is laced with disillusionment, as he utters a bitter refrain: "fuck this country." The weight of his words hangs in the air, a poignant reminder that war can exact a heavy toll even from those who are meant to serve and protect.

As Kyle redeploys for multiple tours, his unwavering dedication to hunting down the elusive Butcher only intensifies. With his reputation growing, he jests that even his wife might take up the bounty on the Butcher's head, underscoring the gravity of their pursuit. Backed by a trusted team of seasoned SEALs, including comrades with whom he's shared countless battles, Kyle leads the charge in search of their elusive quarry. Among this close-knit brotherhood, Mark begins to exhibit signs of war-weariness, voicing doubts about the conflict. However, Kyle's unshakeable conviction as a patriot and protector of his loved ones serves as a powerful antidote, reminding his teammate that they are, indeed, serving their country and safeguarding their families' well-being.

As the team zeroes in on their target, they receive intel suggesting the elusive Butcher might be hiding out in a particular structure. With their sights set on the building across from their potential hideout, the SEALs infiltrate a neighboring residence, where a unsuspecting family greets them with warm hospitality. The patriarch of the household, eager to extend an invitation, welcomes the team into his home for a festive meal, oblivious to the covert operation unfolding before him. As they break bread and share laughter, Kyle's trained eyes remain vigilant, taking in every detail. His gaze settles on the host's elbows, weathered from years of constant vigilance - a telltale sign of snipers' calloused skin, hinting at a potential connection to the Butcher.

Seizing the opportunity, Kyle excuses himself under the guise of using the restroom and conducts a thorough sweep of the apartment, uncovering a hidden compartment overflowing with weapons. Returning to the dining table, he confronts the host with his findings, offering an ultimatum: assist the SEALs in gaining access to the Butcher's suspected hideout or face the consequences. The reluctant informant is forced at gunpoint to knock on the door of the designated building, allowing him entry as a familiar face among the occupants.

As he steps inside, a sniper waiting in ambush takes out the door opener, leaving the host to grab the fallen gun and engage the SEALs in a desperate bid for survival. The team methodically clears each room, hot on the trail of their quarry, but the Butcher manages to escape through hidden tunnels.

Meanwhile, at an auto body shop, a young Marine approaches Kyle, bearing gratitude for a life-saving intervention years prior. He asks Kyle if he would consider visiting a veterans' hospital to share his experiences with those who have served. The young man also takes the opportunity to praise Kyle's son, allowing him to return home to his own daughter - a gesture that stirs a mix of emotions in Kyle, leaving him feeling both humbled and uncomfortable under the weight of such reverence.

As Kyle navigates the arduous process of reintegration into civilian life following his deployments, the cacophony of sounds in his new environment proves jarring. The once-familiar rhythms of war now replaced with the mundane din of daily life, he finds himself startled by even the most innocuous noises. Meanwhile, Taya gives birth to their second child, a daughter, and Kyle's visits to the hospital are marked by moments of tenderness, as well as frustration. A chance encounter in the nursery, where his daughter wails uncontrollably while the nurse is distracted with another infant, sparks a flashpoint of anxiety within him. As he screams at the nurse, Taya's biting remark cuts deep: "You're missing their childhoods." Kyle's defenses are breached, and he realizes that his wife has been shouldering the burden of creating memories without him.

In a lighthearted moment between deployments, Biggles shares with the team that he's opted to purchase an engagement ring locally, citing thriftiness as his motivator. The men poke fun at the potential quality and supposed "blood origins" of the ring, but Biggles takes it in stride, insisting he'll tell his girlfriend it's from Zales. Tragedy strikes when Biggles is gravely injured during a subsequent mission, leaving him clinging to life. As he undergoes surgery, he implores Kyle to promise to deliver the engagement ring to his intended back home, no matter what the future holds. In the chaos that ensues, Mark meets his demise, and the troops are left reeling.

When Kyle's third tour comes to a close, he finds himself struggling to reconnect with his family and the comforts of home life. A hospital visit yields a poignant encounter with Biggles, who has emerged from his ordeal with a newfound appreciation for life. His friend reveals that he's since become engaged, having purchased a Zales ring as promised – a testament to his resilience in the face of adversity. Kyle's obtuse response, suggesting that his fiancée is fortunate to be marrying a patriot, only underscores his own disconnection from the realities of war.

As Kyle grapples with the decision to re-enter the fray, he finds himself at odds with Taya, who implores him to confront the futility of his actions. "Do you have a death wish?" she asks, her frustration boiling over as she warns him that if he deploys again, she and their children will not be waiting for his return. Kyle's attempts to placate her fall on deaf ears, and he ultimately chooses to ignore her pleas, opting instead to succumb to the siren call of war once more.

As Kyle's desperate attempt to reach Taya (via voicemail) falls flat, he's confronted with a harsh reality when informed that Biggles has succumbed to complications following his stateside surgery. Meanwhile, during an overwatch assignment, Kyle's sharp instincts kick in as he takes down a would-be assassin brandishing a grenade launcher. The situation becomes increasingly precarious when a young boy, oblivious to the danger, stumbles upon the abandoned weapon and struggles to secure it on his shoulder - prompting Kyle to prepare for the worst-case scenario. A collective sigh of relief resonates through the team as the child finally abandons the launcher and flees.

The SEALs are subsequently briefed that engineers are attempting to construct a barrier around the city, only to be thwarted by an elusive sniper operating from a distance exceeding 1,000 yards - leading them to suspect Mustafa's involvement. Despite the impending sandstorm, Kyle and his team are dispatched to neutralize the threat and protect their comrades constructing the wall. They take up positions on a rooftop, training their sights on the suspected sniper's location. However, Mustafa proves adept at adapting, quickly shifting his position to claim another casualty among the engineers.

As Kyle becomes convinced he has pinpointed Mustafa through his scope - despite his teammates' skepticism regarding the extraordinary distance - they're confronted with a daunting prospect: taking out the sniper would alert the insurgents to their presence, rendering them vastly outnumbered. The team leader wisely calls in backup from the base, emphasizing that Kyle should refrain from taking aim until reinforcements arrive. One of the SEALs, however, urges Kyle to seize the opportunity if he believes he can successfully take out Mustafa without compromising their position.

As Mustafa falls to the ground, courtesy of Kyle's precise shot, the insurgents on the rooftop spring into action, overwhelming the four SEALs with sheer numbers. The Americans find themselves in a desperate bid to conserve their dwindling ammo and take out the terrorists one by one, all while waiting for backup that seems stuck in neutral. Amidst the chaos, Kyle takes a moment to reach out to Taya (Taya), pouring out his emotions as he reveals his readiness to return home. The SEALs continue to fight off the insurgents, only to be joined by the roar of the approaching sandstorm and the welcome relief of backup finally arriving on the scene.

As they make their escape, the team's visibility is severely impaired by the churning sand, making every step a treacherous gamble against time. Kyle falls behind, his progress hindered by a sniper's bullet, but he refuses to leave his comrades in the lurch, and they slow down to allow him to catch up. With seconds to spare, he scrambles aboard the vehicle, battered but not defeated.

Back home, Kyle struggles to reconnect with his civilian life. At a family barbecue, Taya (Taya) catches him staring intently at the TV screen, only to realize it's been shut off. She tries to coax him into joining the festivities, and they watch as children playfully chase each other, their laughter and shouts momentarily piercing the veil of Kyle's inner turmoil.

However, his composure is shattered when a rambunctious dog gets its jaws tangled around a young boy's collar, prompting Kyle to lash out with an uncharacteristic ferocity. Taya's horrified cry serves as a stark reminder that Kyle's warrior psyche still lurks beneath the surface.

Kyle's introspection deepens when he visits a doctor who reveals his impressive military record, boasting an astonishing 160 kills – more than anyone else in US history. The doctor asks if this weight of war has left any lasting regrets, and Kyle's response is telling: he doesn't regret taking lives, but rather wishes he could have saved more American troops from harm.

The doctor's words resonate with Kyle, and he begins to see a new purpose in his life. He visits a support group for disabled veterans, where he meets men who've lost limbs in combat. The camaraderie is palpable as the vets share their stories of struggle and resilience. Moved by their experiences, Kyle decides to take a few of these brave souls to a shooting range, teaching them the art of marksmanship and finding solace in the familiar rhythm of his rifle's report.

For one veteran in particular, this newfound skill brings a sense of redemption – the first time he's felt truly alive since being injured on the battlefield. As Kyle watches, a spark is reignited within these men, a testament to the transformative power of shared experiences and the human spirit's capacity for healing and rebirth.

As Kyle's equilibrium is restored, he embarks on a journey of rediscovery, rekindling his connection with loved ones and dedicating himself to a new chapter in life. With a paternal instinct stirring, he takes his young son under his wing, imparting valuable lessons about the gravity of taking a life. The weight of this responsibility resonates deeply, as Kyle's experiences as a warrior continue to shape his actions. His tireless efforts on behalf of fellow veterans remain unwavering, driven by a deep-seated sense of duty and compassion.

Taya's admiration for her husband knows no bounds as she witnesses the transformation taking place within him. Her pride is palpable as Kyle finds solace in their family life, his relationships with his children and wife blossoming like a well-tended garden. The seeds of renewal are sown, and Kyle's path forward becomes increasingly clear.

It is during this period of introspection and growth that an unexpected request arrives at Kyle's doorstep. A Marine's mother reaches out, beseeching him to lend a helping hand to her troubled son, who has been grappling with the demons of war since his return. The gravity of this plea hangs in the air like a challenge, as Kyle is forced to confront the harsh realities faced by those he has sworn to serve and protect.

As the door opens, an uneasy young veteran stands patiently by Kyle's truck, awaiting guidance and support. Taya watches with a knowing gaze, her heart heavy with the weight of the moment. The door closes, sealing the fate of a man whose life would forever be entwined with that of Chris Kyle - the legendary warrior who ultimately fell victim to the very demons he had sought to vanquish.