
Does ATM have end credit scenes?


ATM does not have end credit scenes.




In the dead of night, a routine ATM trip turns into a desperate fight for survival as David and Emily find themselves trapped in a deadly game with a mysterious stranger. With temperatures plummeting and dawn hours away, they must outsmart their assailant in this chilling thrill ride that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Runtime: 90 min

Box Office: $922K









User Score


4.7 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in ATM!

As the film commences, an enigmatic figure is seen meticulously crafting diagrams to the haunting melody of Silent Night, before departing clad in a parka coat. The scene then shifts to an office Christmas party, where David Hargrove (Brian Geraghty) offers to chauffeur his colleague Emily Brandt (Alice Eve) home, reluctantly acquiescing to her request that his laid-back friend Corey Thompson (Josh Peck) join them for the ride.

As they navigate the deserted streets, Corey's sudden detour to a 24-hour ATM kiosk catches David off guard. The trio enters the kiosk to withdraw some cash, with Emily eventually joining them to troubleshoot a malfunctioning car lock. It is at this point that their tranquility is shattered by the sudden appearance of a hooded figure, known only as THE MAN (Mike O'Brian). As Corey suggests they retreat to their vehicle, Emily and David remain skeptical, believing The Man to be merely a common thief.

Their reverie is brutally disrupted when Robert (Robert Huculak), a hapless dog walker, stumbles into the parking lot, only to be mercilessly beaten to death by The Man. The trio watches in frozen horror as their world descends into chaos. Panic sets in as they realize that they are unable to summon help, Corey having lost his phone at the party, David's battery being dead, and Emily's phone being inaccessible due to its location in her purse back in the car.

As the situation spirals out of control, The Man becomes increasingly agitated, his eyes fixed on the trio. He then stalks over to their vehicle, opens the door, and begins removing various items from the trunk - a folding lawn chair, a tire iron, and a toolbox - before departing to cut off the kiosk's heat and lights.

As desperation seeps in, David takes a calculated risk by attempting to reason with the enigmatic figure known only as The Man. With a solemn determination, he exits the car and approaches the hooded stranger, offering an envelope filled with 500 dollars and other valuables in exchange for their safety. As they engage in this precarious negotiation, David's instincts prompt him to retrieve Emily's purse from the passenger seat, snatch her phone, and begin dialing 911. But before he can complete the call, The Man's gloved hand bursts through the window like a dark specter, shattering the glass and snatching David away. Just as all hope seems lost, Corey's panicked scream echoes from the nearby kiosk, momentarily distracting The Man long enough for David to break free.

As David frantically tries to reclaim Emily's phone, now displaying the 911 screen, The Man closes in, forcing him to abandon his efforts and scramble back into the car. The Man then proceeds to claim the envelope and phone as trophies, carelessly tossing them into David's trunk like an executioner discarding a worthless relic. Meanwhile, Emily seizes her lipstick and etches a desperate plea for help onto the ATM window, a futile cry that falls on deaf ears in the howling wind.

Just as the trio's spirits are crushed by their dire circumstances, a Security Guard (Ernesto Griffith) appears, responding to an unknown distress signal. He parks his vehicle at a distance from the ATM and exits, oblivious to the chaos unfolding before him. The three survivors shout for help, but the howling wind silences their cries, leaving them powerless against The Man's brutal assault. As Robert's lifeless body lies at his feet, the Guard valiantly attempts to call for assistance on his radio, only to be brutally slaughtered by The Man wielding a tire iron.

As the survivors' hope dwindles, Emily begins to succumb to the creeping effects of hypothermia. In a desperate bid to turn their fortunes, David and Corey concoct a plan to eliminate their latest adversary, a man clad in a coat eerily similar to The Man's. With a makeshift garrote fashioned from a pen on a wire, they strangle this unfortunate soul, later learning that his name was Harold (Glen Thompson). As the duo searches Harold's lifeless body for a phone, they come up empty-handed. Corey's frustration and exhaustion boil over, prompting him to don Harold's coat and make a break for it.

However, The Man has anticipated this move, setting in motion a deadly trap involving a wire stretched across the car and an overhead light pole. As Corey stumbles into this snare, The Man delivers a fatal blow with a screwdriver, his malevolent presence lingering like a dark specter as he reclaims his domain.

As the desolate hours tick by, the temperature drops to an icy chill. David and Emily are shocked into action as they discover Corey, their friend, still clinging to life. With a shared sense of urgency, they rush to his side and carry him back to the ATM kiosk, narrowly escaping The Man's grasp. Desperate to alert authorities, David attempts to trigger the alarm once more, breaking the camera in the process. As Emily and David struggle to stem Corey's bleeding, The Man proves relentless, blocking their escape route by parking his car across the door. In a desperate bid for help, the ATM kiosk begins to fill with frigid water seeping through its heating vents. Ultimately, Corey succumbs to his injuries, his life extinguished by hypothermia and blood loss.

David's anguish turns to desperation as he rummages through Harold's pockets, finding a lighter that would become their last lifeline. With the flames dancing in the wastebasket, David carefully coaxes the fire close enough to ignite the alarm. Emily climbs onto his shoulders, her determination driving her to trigger the alarm with precision. However, in a heart-wrenching moment, David's footing gives way, and Emily falls, striking her head on a nearby shelf and succumbing to her injuries.

The chaos that follows is a stark reminder of the desperation that has consumed them. The security guards' vehicle crashes into David's car, sending it crashing through the wall. In the aftermath, David finds solace in Corey's tequila, transforming it into a Molotov Cocktail. With a heavy heart, he hurls the flaming projectile at a hooded figure, only to realize with horror that it is the lifeless form of the security guard.

As the flames die out, The Man vanishes into thin air, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair. The authorities arrive on the scene, arresting David and uncovering the gruesome reality: five bodies, a bank envelope overflowing with cash and valuables in the trunk, and Emily's phone still clutched in her lifeless hand, the 911 call never completed.

In a final twist of irony, the ATM video reveals no evidence of The Man, despite David, Corey, and Emily's desperate attempts to flee. It seems that their tormentor was as cunning as they were ruthless, carefully avoiding the camera's range by remaining at least 25 feet away from the ATM booth. As the authorities review the footage, David is left to face the brutal consequences of his actions, forever trapped in a cycle of fear and despair.

As the curtain closes on this gripping thriller, the enigmatic hooded parka figure reappears, his masked visage still shrouded in mystery, as he retreats to a labyrinthine lair hidden within a storage facility's depths. Here, amidst the sterile hum of fluorescent lights and the metallic tang of industrial air, he meticulously prepares for future strikes by poring over an extensive archive of maps, blueprints, and detailed schematics of ATM booths, surrounding buildings, and crucial infrastructure like security cameras and power outlets. It becomes increasingly apparent that this calculating and ruthless serial killer has been stalking unsuspecting victims who venture to ATM machines during the dead of night, exploiting their vulnerability with calculated precision, and leaving a trail of terror in his wake. The sheer scope of his malevolent endeavors is staggering, with Corey and Emily, along with countless other innocent bystanders, serving as mere pawns in his twisted game of cat and mouse. And yet, amidst this carnage, David unwittingly becomes the fall guy, bearing the weight of blame for crimes he did not commit, while the true architect of horror remains shrouded in anonymity, waiting to strike again.