
Does Blade: Trinity have end credit scenes?


Blade: Trinity has end credit scenes.

Blade: Trinity

Blade: Trinity


In a world torn apart by eternal conflict, the legendary hybrid warrior Blade finds himself falsely accused and hunted by both humans and vampires. With humanity's fate hanging in the balance, Blade must join forces with an unlikely band of vampire slayers to clear his name, restore justice, and vanquish the forces of darkness once and for all.

Runtime: 113 min

Box Office: $132M








User Score






User Score


5.8 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Blade: Trinity!

As the sun dips below the horizon, a coterie of vampires embarks on a perilous quest to locate Drake, the enigmatic and ancient patriarch known as Dracula. Their journey culminates at an Iraqi Ziggurat tomb, where they finally uncover his resting place, but not before Drake's bloodlust gets the better of him, resulting in the senseless slaughter of one of their own kin. The vampires seize upon the legend of Blade (Wesley Snipes), a notorious serial vampire killer, and manipulate events to frame him for the cold-blooded murder of a human. As the manhunt ensues, the FBI closes in on Blade's latest hideout, and during the ensuing siege, Abraham Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) makes the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life to protect his research and data. With his mentor gone and surrounded by human authorities, Blade allows himself to be captured and arrested, a move that seems almost deliberate in its surrender.

As both medical and interrogative sessions prove futile, the police prepare to hand Blade over to a team of medics, unwittingly oblivious to their true nature as vampires (comprising Danica Talos, Asher, her brother, and Jake Grimwood, the formidable strong-arm). However, before they can get their hands on him, Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds) and Abigail Whistler (Jessica Biel), Abraham's daughter and a member of the Nightstalkers, a group of vampire hunters, swoop in to rescue Blade from his precarious situation.

King and Abigail reveal that Danica Talos, who once briefly turned King into a vampire, has located Drake. This development is significant, as Drake, being the first of their kind, possesses an unparalleled ability - he is invulnerable to sunlight. Talos hopes that Drake's powers will be sufficient to eliminate Blade and render the rest of the vampires into Daywalkers as well.

The Nightstalkers are convinced that the vampires have grown too numerous to eradicate individually; each year, they manage to kill a few hundred, but the vampire population is multiplying at an alarming rate. In response, Sommerfield (Natasha Lyonne), their resident chemical specialist, has concocted an experimental bio-weapon dubbed Daystar, an airborne virus capable of selectively targeting and annihilating every single vampire on the planet on a molecular level.

As their initial showdown unfolds, Drake masterfully severs Blade from King and Abigail, rendering the latter helpless as Drake's chaos ensues. Though physically imposing, Drake reveals an unexpected affinity with Blade, sharing a common bond as unique and "honorable warriors" by choice. As they converse, Drake employs a hostage - a defenseless baby - to exert leverage over Blade. The vampire dismisses all humans as unworthy of his notice and holds his own followers in contempt, revealing a cold calculating nature. Meanwhile, Blade and Abigail uncover the vampires' sinister plan: blood farms where brain-dead humans are harvested for their blood, their life support systems mere afterthoughts. In an act of mercy, Blade decides to euthanize the victims by shutting down their life support.

Upon returning to the Nightstalkers' stronghold, Blade and Abigail find the majority of their comrades brutally slaughtered; only King and Zoe (Haili Page) remain alive, thanks to Drake's manipulation. A posthumous message from Sommerfield reveals that she had successfully created a small quantity of the Daystar virus, but it requires the blood of both Drake and may prove fatal for Blade himself. Meanwhile, King is subjected to gruesome torture by Jarko Grimwood (Triple H) and Asher Talos (Callum Keith Rennie), in an attempt to extract information about Daystar from his broken body. When this fails, Danica Talos resorts to sadistic measures, pressing her high heel against King's wounded flesh and threatening to re-vampirize him, forcing him to feed on Zoe.

As Blade and Abigail arrive at the scene of chaos, they engage in a fierce battle against the Talos' minions and the building's security forces. After liberating both King and Zoe, Abigail exacts her vengeance upon Asher, while King dispatches Jarko. Meanwhile, Blade faces off against Drake in an intense sword duel, their blades clashing with deadly precision. In the end, it is Blade who emerges victorious, impaling Drake with Abigail's Daystar arrow, releasing the virus into the air and killing the nearby vampires, including Danica. As Drake succumbs to his fate, he praises Blade for fighting with honor and prophesies that through Blade, the vampire race will survive. With his final breath, he offers Blade a parting gift - his own blood - and warns him that ultimately, "the Thirst always wins".

Here's my rephrased version:

The theatrical finale unfolds with Blade engaging in a valiant struggle against formidable foes. As he fights honorably, Drake bestows upon him a poignant parting gift - transforming his lifeless form into a replica of Blade's very own. The FBI, unaware of the true nature of the deceased, retrieve what they believe to be Blade's body and subsequently call off their relentless pursuit. Meanwhile, as the autopsy commences, Blade's cadaver unexpectedly reverts back to its original state - Drake's dying form. As the curtain closes on this dramatic chapter, Hannibal's somber voiceover underscores the ongoing struggle that lies ahead for our hero, emphasizing that his war against the forces of darkness will never truly cease.

In a twist that leaves viewers guessing, the unrated conclusion sees Blade's body indeed retrieved by the authorities, but with a crucial difference - he is not, in fact, deceased. The whereabouts of Drake's remains remain shrouded in mystery, hinting at his possible survival. As the story reaches its climax, Blade emerges from his supposed demise, only to lash out at FBI agents and demonstrate an insatiable thirst for human blood - a development that raises grave questions about his ultimate fate and the future of humanity.

In the werewolf variant, the Daystar virus spreads globally, decimating the vampire population. With his arduous crusade against these creatures finally at an end, Blade walks off into the golden light of sunset, symbolizing the dawn of a new era. As the camera pans out, we are left with the haunting image of the Nightstalkers gearing up to face their next great challenge: a battle against the very beasts that once threatened humanity's very survival - the werewolves.