
Does Eli have end credit scenes?


Eli does not have end credit scenes.




In this chilling horror tale, a young boy with a mysterious affliction finds himself ensnared in a labyrinthine mansion, where the boundaries between reality and terror blur. As he navigates the treacherous halls, the shadows whisper secrets that threaten to consume him.

Runtime: 98 min











User Score


5.8 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in Eli!

In this isolated medical facility, Eli, a young boy crippled by an unusual affliction that renders him extremely allergic to the outside world, finally finds solace in the comforts of his "bubble suit"-free life. His parents, Rose and Paul, have brought him under the care of Dr. Isabella Horn, whose state-of-the-art facility has been meticulously designed to provide a hermetically sealed environment for Eli's treatments. Initially overjoyed at being able to shed his protective gear and indulge in previously denied comforts, Eli's elation is short-lived as he begins to experience inexplicable, otherworldly phenomena throughout the sprawling house. As the supernatural occurrences intensify, the enigmatic spirits repeatedly whisper a haunting message - "lie" - leaving Eli to wonder if they're warning him about Horn's treatments or something more sinister.

Eli finds an unlikely ally in Haley, a young girl who shares his plight and becomes his confidant through a large window on the house's lower level. She is the sole individual who believes Eli's claims of paranormal activity, as Horn has dismissed his visions as mere hallucinations brought on by the excruciatingly painful treatments. With Haley's help, Eli uncovers a hidden truth when he discovers that the mysterious word "lie" is actually the inverted numerical code 317, which grants access to Horn's office. Upon investigating the office, Eli unearths Horn's records of past patients, revealing a chilling truth: all of them met their demise at the hands of the third and final treatment.

As Eli struggles to convince his parents that they should leave the facility, his father attempts to deceive him into a false sense of security before trying to drug him into unconsciousness. Hurt and confused, Eli flees and barricades himself in Horn's office, where he stumbles upon a photograph of Horn and her assistants masquerading as nuns. He also discovers a hidden passageway leading to an underground room filled with religious artifacts and a circular stone monument. When Horn confronts him there, she locks him away, and Eli succumbs to an allergic reaction, passing out from the strain. Upon regaining consciousness, he finds that his disease was merely a fabrication, and he's able to breathe freely once more. However, his mother's guilty conscience drives her to visit Eli in the hidden room, where he feigns unconsciousness. As she approaches him, he seizes the opportunity, knocking her unconscious with a heavy crucifix removed from the wall.

As Horn and her husband recapture Eli, a sense of desperation settles over the family's dark past. Unbeknownst to them, Eli's mother is stirring, her consciousness slowly returning as she discovers the gruesome truth behind the stone monument. The crucifix that had once held a dagger now revealed its sinister purpose - a tool for Horn's twisted treatments. Her eyes blazing with anger and horror, she forces her way into the treatment room, only to be outmaneuvered by her husband, who cleverly wrestles the blade from her grasp.

The truth is finally revealed: Eli's "allergic reactions" were not symptoms of a mysterious disease, but rather the manifestation of his burgeoning powers as a child of Satan. Horn's plan to rid the world of this abomination takes shape as she prepares for the third and final "treatment": a gruesome religious ritual designed to snuff out Eli's life force.

As Horn pours holy water on Eli, temporarily disabling him, her two assistants join in the effort, brandishing the sacrificial dagger. But Eli, fueled by his growing powers, retaliates with telekinetic fury, sending Horn and her minions spinning through the air like rag dolls. The trio crashes to the floor, engulfed in flames as the house around them erupts into a blaze.

Eli's mother, finally free from the shackles of ignorance, confronts her husband about their son's true nature. Eli, now empowered by his demonic heritage, immobilizes his father and delivers a crushing blow that silences him forever.

As the inferno rages on, Eli and his mother make their escape, reunited with Haley, another child of Satan who had failed to save Eli from Horn's clutches. With her guidance, they set out to find Eli's true father, leaving the burning ruins of their former lives behind.