
Does From Beyond have end credit scenes?


From Beyond does not have end credit scenes.

From Beyond

From Beyond


In this mind-bending tale, Dr. Tillinghast's obsession with unlocking the secrets of pleasure and pain takes a deadly turn when he's accused of murdering his mentor, Dr. Pretorius. As a psychiatrist and detective delve into the case, they're forced to confront the dark mysteries lurking beyond the veil of reality, leading them on a perilous journey to uncover the truth – and their own sanity.

Runtime: 85 min

Box Office: $1.3M









User Score






User Score


6.6 /10

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Check out what happened in From Beyond!

As Dr. Edward Pretorius (Ted Sorel), a brilliant yet unhinged scientist, stood triumphant in his attic laboratory, his creation, the Resonator, whirred to life, unleashing a world of unseen terrors upon the unsuspecting mind of his assistant, Dr. Crawford Tillinghast (Jeffrey Combs). The device, capable of piercing the veil of reality, revealed a realm of grotesque, winged creatures that hovered just beyond the fringes of perception. As the machines' effects ravaged Crawford's sanity, Pretorius reveled in the "orgasm of the mind" he believed his invention provided.

But when Crawford's screams turned to pleas for mercy, and the scientist's fascination with the Resonator gave way to madness, the assistant-turned-patient made a desperate bid for freedom, fleeing the attic laboratory with an axe at the ready. The authorities arrived too late to save Pretorius, only to find his lifeless head separated from its body.

Convinced of Crawford's innocence by the gruesome discovery, Dr. Katherine McMichaels (Barbara Crampton), a compassionate psychiatrist, opted to release him back into society, accompanied by Detective Bubba Brownlee (Ken Foree), the investigator tasked with unraveling the tangled threads of Pretorius' demise.

Upon returning to the accursed house, Katherine and Crawford collaborated to rebuild the Resonator, their efforts culminating in a catastrophic reactivation that summoned an army of twisted, winged beings. The reappearance of Pretorius, his body grotesquely distorted by some unseen force, served only to further entrench the trio's terror.

As Bubba readied to deliver a mercy killing to the now-mad scientist, Crawford hastily shut down the Resonator, banishing Pretorius and his minions from their reality. With the device silenced, the fragile grip on sanity was reasserted, leaving only the haunting question: what secrets lay hidden beyond the veil of normal perception, waiting to be unearthed by some future, unsuspecting mind?

As morning breaks, the trio gathers for breakfast to deliberate on their eerie encounters. Katherine, undeterred by the previous night's events, proposes reviving The Resonator, convinced that its power could cure schizophrenia. Her companions, Bubba and Crawford, remain skeptical, but Katherine's persistence ultimately prevails as she sneaks back to the machine and activates it once more. Unbeknownst to her friends, this decision will have far-reaching consequences.

As the others slumber, a now mutated Edward emerges from the shadows, his body transformed by the device's power. He confronts Katherine, who is caught off guard, and his hunger for her mind drives him to rip off her clothes. Just as all hope seems lost, Bubba bursts into the scene, followed closely by Crawford, who has been alerted to the commotion by the vibrations emanating from the machine.

In a desperate bid to contain the situation, they make their way to the basement, only to be met with a monstrous worm-like creature that threatens to consume them all. With Bubba's timely intervention, the power is shut off, and the beast retreats, leaving behind a hairless Crawford and a traumatized Katherine.

As the dust settles, Bubba proposes abandoning the house, but Katherine remains fixated on unlocking the secrets of The Resonator. Her desire to monitor the device sparks a heated debate, with Bubba refusing to compromise. Feeling thwarted, Katherine begins to explore other areas of the house, stumbling upon Edward's S&M attire and indulging in a momentary lapse of judgment.

Her flirtatious behavior towards a sleeping Crawford is interrupted by Bubba's stern warning, which snaps her back to reality. As she dons a robe to cover her provocative outfit, the power suddenly returns, reigniting The Resonator and drawing the trio into its deadly orbit once more.

In the ensuing chaos, Katherine and Crawford are attacked by swarms of flesh-ripping bee-like creatures, while Bubba valiantly shields them from harm. His ultimate sacrifice comes at a terrible cost as he is devoured to the bone, leaving behind only his skeletal remains.

Edward, now a grotesque, limbless creature, seizes Katherine and begins to drag her mangled body towards him. Crawford, fueled by rage and desperation, fights back against Edward, ultimately freeing Katherine from his grasp. As she watches in horror, Crawford's pineal gland bursts forth like an antenna, signaling the final stages of his transformation.

In a last-ditch effort to save herself and her friends, Katherine unleashes The Resonator's full fury by repeatedly dousing it with a fire extinguisher, short-circuiting its deadly energy and restoring balance to their nightmarish world.

As the night wears on, Katherine's narrative takes a dark turn when she's accused of fabricating the entire ordeal by Dr. Bloch and the authorities. The skeptical doctor orders shock treatment for Katherine, but just as the procedure is about to begin, Crawford springs back into action. With an unsettling hunger in his eyes, he targets Dr. Bloch's brain, consuming it with a gruesome efficiency. As the staff member prepares Katherine for her electroconvulsive therapy, Crawford seizes the opportunity to wreak havoc once more.

Katherine manages to escape and dons new attire before returning to the scene of the crime with a bomb in tow. The undead Crawford is hot on her heels, having commandeered an ambulance to pursue her. Upon arriving at the house, Katherine sets her device to detonate in five minutes and makes a hasty exit, only to be thwarted by Crawford's sudden appearance. He chains her up in Edward's lair of indulgence, declaring his twisted love for her. As he prepares to make a meal out of her brain, Katherine seizes the initiative, biting off his pineal gland and restoring his senses.

The newly minted Edward, however, is not one to be trifled with. His grotesque form lunges at Crawford, engulfing him in a feast of flesh and bone. Meanwhile, Katherine exploits the commotion to free herself from her restraints. She lures the leech-like creatures with her movements, allowing them to bite through the straps and release her from captivity.

The ensuing battle between Edward and Crawford results in their bodies merging into a grotesque, pulsing mass. As they fight for dominance, Katherine finally gains the upper hand, escaping through an attic window just as the laboratory explodes behind her. Her precarious landing leaves her with a broken leg, but she quickly transitions from despair to euphoria, laughing hysterically at the neighbors who have gathered around her. With a wicked glint in her eye, she exclaims, "It ATE him!"