
Does From Dusk Till Dawn have end credit scenes?


From Dusk Till Dawn does not have end credit scenes.

From Dusk Till Dawn

From Dusk Till Dawn


In this high-octane thriller, two rogue outlaws, played by George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino, embark on a perilous crime spree. After abducting a family, they seek refuge in a lawless Mexican bar, only to find themselves trapped among a motley crew of unsavory characters. As survival becomes their top priority, the Geckos must form an unlikely alliance with their hostages to emerge victorious.

Runtime: 108 min

Box Office: $26M








User Score






User Score


7.2 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in From Dusk Till Dawn!

In a desolate stretch of Texas landscape, Sheriff Edgar McGraw (character) pulls up to Benny's World of Liquor, an isolated outpost that seems as dry as the desert surrounding it. He steps inside, where a quiet conversation with the shopkeeper is suddenly interrupted by the arrival of The Gecko Brothers - Seth and Richie, two rough-riding outlaws with a penchant for chaos. Unbeknownst to the sheriff, these ne'er-do-wells have been lying in wait, holding two hostages at gunpoint. As Edgar takes care of his business in the restroom, Seth and Richie orchestrate their heist, coldly dispatching the sheriff with a point-blank shot to the head. The shopkeeper's desperate cry for help is met with a brutal response from Richie, who claims the victim mouthed off one too many times.

The Gecko Brothers' argumentative dynamic is palpable as Seth and Richie bicker over their botched heist. As tensions simmer, the shopkeeper - now wounded - sees an opportunity to strike back, shooting Richie in the hand. The standoff erupts into a full-blown firefight, with hostages scrambling for freedom and bullets flying everywhere. Amidst the carnage, Seth tosses a lit toilet paper roll coated with light fluid at the shopkeeper, who's drenched in alcohol, effectively ending the chaos. The pair flees the scene as the liquor store explodes behind them, Seth berating Richie for his reckless behavior.

Their escape route takes them further down the highway, where an x-ray shot reveals another hostage bound and gagged in the trunk of their vehicle. They check into a seedy motel to regroup and plan their next move - fleeing to Mexico and meeting with Carlos (Cheech Marin), Seth's connection for sanctuary.

Meanwhile, news reports begin to circulate about The Gecko Brothers' latest atrocities. When Seth returns to the motel room, he's met with a gruesome reality: Richie has brutally raped and murdered the hostage they'd been holding captive. Enraged by his partner's depravity, Seth lectures Richie on the importance of staying focused - they need new hostages to make their escape to Mexico.

As the journey south continued, the brothers' path converged with that of Pastor Jake Fuller (Harvey Keitel), his two children, Kate (Juliette Lewis) and Scott (Ernest Liu). The unsuspecting family found themselves at the mercy of the outlaws, who commandeered their RV and forced them to cross into Mexico. A brief interlude at the border, where Customs Agent (Cheech Marin) conducted a thorough search of the vehicle, allowed Richie to momentarily indulge in a fantasy involving Kate. Seth's swift intervention, however, brought Richie back to reality, and they managed to talk their way past the authorities, entering Mexico unscathed.

Upon crossing into Mexican territory, Seth declared his intention to spare the family's lives, provided they maintained a calm demeanor. He instructed Jake to drive until they reached a secluded dirt road, which would lead them to an enigmatic watering hole called The Titty Twister, nestled deep in the desert. As they arrived at the establishment, Seth's impatience got the better of him, and he clashed with the head bouncer (Cheech Marin) outside the club, refusing to be deterred from entering.

Once inside, the group indulged in a few drinks and revelled in the spectacle of dancers performing on the tables. The pièce de résistance was Santanico Pandemonium's (Salma Hayek) sultry performance, which culminated in her transformation into a grotesque, beast-like vampire. As Richie lay dying from her bite, Seth intervened, shooting Santanico off his brother and attempting to stem the flow of blood.

Tragedy struck when the bouncer and bartenders rose from the dead, their bodies twisted into vampire-like forms. The undead horde, accompanied by the club's dancers-turned-vampires, locked the doors and set upon the patrons with brutal ferocity. Seth, the family, and a handful of bar patrons fought back valiantly, managing to eradicate most of the bloodthirsty creatures.

As Seth ventures forth to locate his brother's lifeless body, the lingering patrons of the bar are suddenly faced with the unsettling realization that the vampire band remains eerily present. The group, sensing impending doom, prepares to launch a fierce counterattack. However, their efforts prove futile as the vampires vanish into thin air. In a poignant farewell, Seth bids his brother Richie adieu, only to have his words cut short by Richie's horrific transformation into a vampire. As Seth narrowly escapes Richie's deadly attack, he is forced to confront the cruel reality that his brother has become one of the undead. With a heavy heart, Seth decides that Richie must be put down, and with a deep sense of sorrow, he carries out the fatal deed.

As the surviving patrons begin to comprehend the magnitude of their predicament, they are confronted by an unsettling phenomenon - the murdered bar-goers are rising from the dead as vampires. The group is compelled to defend themselves against this unholy horde, engaging in a desperate struggle to stave off the relentless onslaught. Amidst the chaos, Sex Machine (Tom Savini), one of the last remaining patrons, finds himself bitten and struggling to conceal his newfound affliction.

As the survivors regroup and formulate a plan to tackle their dire circumstances, it becomes clear that they are running out of time. Sex Machine's transformation is only the beginning, as he targets Frost (Fred Williamson) and Jake, infecting them with his vampiric curse. With Frost now in human form, a tense confrontation ensues, culminating in a brutal battle that sees Sex Machine hurled through a window, allowing the swarm of vampire bats to pour in and claim another victim.

As Seth and the children seek refuge in a back room, Jake takes it upon himself to fashion a makeshift cross from a bat and shotgun shell. With his arm bandaged and his resolve strengthened, he rejoins the group, determined to make one final stand against their vampiric foes. Before charging into battle, Jacob implores his children to swear an oath - that they will kill him should he succumb to the curse of vampirism. Though hesitant, they reluctantly agree, steeling themselves for the gruesome task ahead.

As the battle rages on, Seth (character name) faces off against Sex Machine for what will be their final confrontation. With mere seconds to spare, Kate intervenes and saves Seth from certain doom, buying him just enough time to regroup and refocus his efforts. Meanwhile, Jake takes down Frost with a decisive blast from his cross shotgun, only to succumb to the very same curse that had afflicted his foe. As Jake's vampiric transformation unfolds, he turns his attention to Scott, sinking his fangs deep into the young man's neck. In a desperate bid to reclaim his humanity, Scott retaliates by dousing his father with holy water, ultimately leading to a gruesome and tragic demise.

As the night wears on, Seth and Kate find themselves surrounded by an unholy horde of undead, their situation seeming all but hopeless. However, just as all appears lost, shafts of sunlight begin to pierce through the cracks in the ceiling, bringing with them a welcome dose of holy wrath. The vampires around them begin to disintegrate, and it soon becomes clear that Kate has heard the sounds of Carlos pounding at the door - a lifeline that will ultimately prove instrumental in their survival.

As Seth and Kate make their escape from the ravaged bar, they are met with the sight of Carlos bursting through the entrance, his arrival marking the beginning of a new chapter in their fight against the forces of darkness. As they flee into the night, the mirrored ball suspended above them sends out a blinding array of beams, incinerating any remaining vampires and reducing the bar itself to smoldering ruin.

In the aftermath of the chaos, Seth finds himself face to face with Carlos, his anger and frustration boiling over as he laments the loss of Kate's family at the hands of the bloodthirsty horde. While Carlos remains largely unfazed by Seth's ire, he does acknowledge that this was his first visit to the bar - a revelation that serves only to fuel Seth's fury further.

As tensions simmer, Seth and Carlos negotiate a pact over the spoils of war, with Seth emerging from the deal as the proud owner of a sleek new sports car. Kate, meanwhile, is generously rewarded in cash by her savior, before being urged by him to return home and bask in the afterglow of their hard-won victory. As Seth disappears into the night, driving off into the sunset, the camera's gaze slowly pulls back to reveal that the bar they had so recently battled over was merely the crowning jewel atop a massive ancient Aztec ziggurat - a structure that holds secrets and stories waiting to be unearthed.