Glass 2019

In a gritty, suspenseful thriller, vigilante David Dunn must outwit authorities as he seeks justice in Philadelphia's streets. His unique gifts propel him into a high-stakes confrontation with the Beast, a monstrous figure with superhuman strength and a fractured psyche. As their epic battle unfolds, they cross paths with Elijah Price, a cunning mastermind hiding secrets that could shatter both men's worlds.

In a gritty, suspenseful thriller, vigilante David Dunn must outwit authorities as he seeks justice in Philadelphia's streets. His unique gifts propel him into a high-stakes confrontation with the Beast, a monstrous figure with superhuman strength and a fractured psyche. As their epic battle unfolds, they cross paths with Elijah Price, a cunning mastermind hiding secrets that could shatter both men's worlds.

Does Glass have end credit scenes?


Glass does not have end credit scenes.






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Plot Summary

As the dust settles on nearly two decades since David Dunn’s fateful encounter with Elijah Price, our erstwhile vigilante has evolved into the imposing figure known as “The Overseer”. Now aided by his grown son Joseph, Dunn continues to stalk the shadows, ever-vigilant for signs of malevolent intent. His latest quarry is none other than Kevin Wendell Crumb/The Horde/The Beast, whose three-week-old exploits have left a trail of terror in their wake. The memory of those events still fresh in his mind, Dunn returns to his day job at “Dunn Home Security”, but the truth remains that his true calling lies elsewhere - watching over the unsuspecting masses.

Meanwhile, The Horde has taken it upon himself to kidnap a coterie of cheerleaders, holding them hostage in an abandoned factory as he readies to satiate the insatiable hunger of his alter ego, the Beast. As Dunn navigates the bustling streets the following morning, he employs his unique ability to brush against passersby, delving into their pasts and homing in on The Beast’s true identity. It is through this extraordinary means that he uncovers a fragment of Kevin’s psyche, revealing a flashback of the nine-year-old boy speaking to the lifeless bodies of young women - innocent victims of the Beast’s brutal carnage.

That night, as The Horde transforms into his monstrous alter ego and sets upon a group of homeless individuals, Dunn dons the rain-slicker overcoat of the Overseer and descends upon the abandoned factory. With the girls freed from their ordeal, he confronts The Beast in a battle that sees both combatants trading blows. While the Beast may possess speed and agility, The Overseer boasts an unmatched strength, which he leverages to send them both crashing through the factory’s windows, landing with a thud on the rain-soaked streets below.

As the standoff between David Dunn (played by) and Kevin Wendell Crumb comes to an abrupt halt, a phalanx of police officers, led by the enigmatic Dr. Ellie Staple, intervenes, urging Dunn to surrender without resorting to violence against the law. The Beast, now reduced to its true form as Kevin, is disoriented by the blinding lights of the police cruisers, while Dunn’s attempts at resistance are foiled by the flashing lights that signal his capture.

The two prisoners are subsequently taken into custody and brought to Raven Hill Memorial Institution, where Joseph Creed watches in helpless frustration as his father and Kevin are relegated to holding cells. The facility, a place where the boundaries between reality and delusion are constantly blurred, houses an array of intriguing characters, including Elijah Price, still serving time for his heinous crimes.

As Dr. Staple begins her psychological evaluation of Dunn and Kevin, she tries to convince them that their extraordinary abilities are mere products of their overactive imaginations. Her efforts, however, are met with failure, as both men stubbornly cling to the notion that they possess superhuman qualities. Undeterred, Staple turns her attention to Joseph Dunn’s son, Elijah Price’s mother, and Casey Cooke, Kevin’s former victim-turned-friend, in a bid to reach their inner selves.

With three days given to each man to come to terms with their perceived delusions or face trial for their crimes, Dr. Staple sets out to probe the depths of their psyches. The seemingly dormant Elijah Price, still confined to his wheelchair after the devastating spinal injury that left him crippled, is wheeled into the room where Dunn and Kevin are seated.

As Dr. Staple engages the men in a series of recollections designed to test their mental fortitude, she delves into the dark recesses of their pasts, recalling the traumatic experiences that have shaped them. For Kevin, this means confronting the painful memories of his mother’s abuse, while for Dunn, it involves reliving the terrifying near-drowning incident that revealed water as his kryptonite.

The stakes are heightened when Dr. Staple turns her attention to Elijah Price, using a seemingly innocuous recollection about his childhood to unearth the deep-seated insecurities and fragilities that lie beneath his imposing presence. As the psychological games unfold, it becomes clear that Dr. Staple’s ultimate goal is not merely to convince the men of their delusions but to unravel the very fabric of their identities.

As the night wears on, Elijah Price, the cunning and intelligent mastermind, orchestrates his escape from confinement by cleverly hiding his sedative medication within his wheelchair. He meets with Kevin, now embracing his “Patricia” persona, for a stimulating conversation that ultimately reveals Price’s plan to maintain his mental acuity. With calculated precision, he convinces Kevin/Patricia to meet him the following night, promising to unveil the enigmatic “Beast.” As their discussion draws to a close, Price discloses his first name - Mister - and his last name - Glass, leaving an indelible mark on the unsuspecting Patricia.

Undeterred by his captivity, Price is subsequently captured by Staple, who proceeds to perform a pre-frontal lobotomy, aiming to cripple Price’s remarkable intellect. However, this attempt at mental muzzling proves futile, as Price had earlier sabotaged the machine, ensuring his own survival. With his caretaker brutally murdered using a shard of shattered glass, Price makes his daring escape and sets his sights on Kevin’s cell.

As the unlikely duo converges, Price deactivates the hypnotic lights that had once controlled Kevin, allowing him to transform into the imposing Beast. As the two gaze upon each other, it becomes apparent that Price has been deliberately broken by Staple’s procedure. The Beast, intrigued by Price’s resilience, agrees to collaborate with him in his grand plan: a battle royale between the Beast and the Overseer atop the newly erected skyscraper in Philadelphia, where the entire world will bear witness to the existence of superheroes.

Price then makes contact with David, sharing crucial information about the water sprinkler system. He implores David to seize the opportunity for escape, warning that should he refuse, Price would detonate a chemical plant, claiming countless lives. With no other choice, David hesitantly bursts out of his cell, donning his raincoat as he makes a desperate bid for freedom.

Here’s my rephrased version:

As a vengeful reckoning, Price and the Beast embark on a brutal campaign to confront an orderly who had mercilessly tormented Price in his past. The Beast, fueled by unyielding fury, crushes the helpless orderly beneath its mighty strength, forcing him to submit to Price’s dominance before delivering a merciless beating that ultimately claims his life. The Beast then proceeds to rampage through the institution’s corridors, brutally subduing every security force that dares to intervene, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Two nurses are taken hostage and confined to a van, while two police officers who attempt to intervene are swiftly dispatched.

Meanwhile, Joseph and Casey arrive just as the Beast detects the approach of the Overseer, prompting Price to sit back in his wheelchair with an air of excitement, anticipating the impending confrontation. The Beast charges headlong into battle, engaging the Overseer in a ferocious fight that leaves both combatants evenly matched. As the chaos erupts, Casey rushes out in a bid to calm Kevin down, but he is too consumed by the thrill of battle to be swayed.

Price’s eyes light up with fascination as he recognizes Casey as “the one the Beast let go,” and he can’t help but smile at her presence. The arrival of armed police only serves to further escalate the violence, as the Overseer manages to outmaneuver them and trap his attackers in a secured enclosure before being set upon by the Beast. In a stunning display of savagery, the Beast kills and devours some of its assailants.

The Overseer subsequently frees the two nurses he had held captive earlier and turns his attention back to the Beast. Price, meanwhile, has been quietly guiding the Beast’s actions, having informed it that the Overseer’s Achilles’ heel lies in water - a weakness that can be exploited by targeting the institution’s water tank.

As Joseph intervenes to clarify the nature of Kevin’s connection to the Beast, Price is overcome with delight and amazement at the realization that he has unwittingly created both a superhero and a supervillain. Declaring himself a mastermind, Price revels in his own cleverness. The Beast, however, takes a different view, explaining that its sole purpose is to protect Kevin at all costs - even if it means putting an end to Price’s life.

In a brutal display of power, the Beast delivers a crushing blow to Price’s collarbone, followed by a devastating punch that shatters his ribs and punctures his lungs, ultimately proving mortal. As Price succumbs to his injuries, he can only muster a weak exclamation of pain before slipping into unconsciousness, and eventually, death.

As the Beast’s relentless assault on Overseer/David Dunn (now drained of his superhuman strength) subsides, the two adversaries splash out onto the institution’s lawn, the water tank’s contents flooding a nearby pothole. The Beast, now unencumbered by Dunn’s extraordinary abilities, taunts him about their unfinished battle, setting his sights on the skyscraper’s pinnacle. Meanwhile, Staple successfully calms the Beast, coaxing him back into his vulnerable persona as Kevin. However, this brief respite is short-lived, as a sniper’s deadly bullet finds its mark in Kevin’s stomach, exploiting the weakness that lies beneath his beastly armor. As life drains from his body, Joseph frantically implores nearby police forces to intervene and save his dying father.

Joseph’s desperate pleas are met with brutal indifference, as a merciless security guard drags David to the water-filled pothole, forcing him to confront his own mortality in a gruesome display of helplessness. It is only when Staple intervenes that David is momentarily spared from this cruel fate, treated to a poignant flashback that reveals her true nature: a member of a secretive organization dedicated to monitoring and containing superhuman entities like the Beast, ensuring a world where humans remain the dominant force.

As David’s vision fades, he realizes the crushing weight of his own insignificance in the face of such overwhelming forces. The guard’s relentless assault on David’s prone body serves as a poignant reminder of this harsh reality. In a nearby parking lot, Elijah Price’s life is slipping away, his once-proud form now reduced to a pitiful, broken shell. Staple’s solemn words serve as a stark contrast to the brutal efficiency with which she and her cohorts have suppressed superhuman threats throughout history.

In the end, it is not David’s fate that is sealed, but rather Elijah’s, as his mother kneels beside him, her eyes filled with an otherworldly sense of pride. “You were spectacular,” she whispers, her words a cruel solace to her dying son, whose wry smile belies the pain and despair that has consumed his final moments. As the darkness closes in, Elijah’s life slips away, leaving behind only the faintest glimmer of peace.

As Staple (character name) thought she had successfully erased the evidence of Overseer’s fateful showdown with Beast, a nagging sense of unease crept over her. Her meticulous deletion of security footage was no match for Price’s cunning digital expertise. It soon became apparent that he had covertly hacked into the facility’s system, broadcasting the electrifying battle to a private network. This revelation shattered Staple’s perception of Price’s motives, rendering his plan to orchestrate a daring escape and spark a confrontation between Overseer and Beast as nothing more than a clever ruse.

The true extent of Price’s stratagem was now laid bare: he had meticulously crafted an intricate scheme to ensure the success of his ultimate goal. His triumph was complete, and Staple’s frustration boiled over into a cacophony of anguish as she left the security room in disarray. Meanwhile, Price’s mother, Joseph, and Casey basked in the glow of their accomplishment, sharing copies of the incriminating footage with the world.

As the videos of Overseer and Beast’s awe-inspiring feats were uploaded to the public sphere, the Philadelphia skyscraper became a hub of activity, with news outlets scrambling to break the story. The curtain closed on Glass as the credits rolled, accompanied by shards of glass that wove together scenes from Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016), seamlessly connecting the narrative threads of the trilogy.

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