
Does Grand Isle have end credit scenes?


Grand Isle does not have end credit scenes.

Grand Isle

Grand Isle


As a Category 5 hurricane ravages the coast, a desperate Walter and his troubled wife ensnare a unsuspecting traveler in their eerie mansion. But when the guest is accused of murder by cunning Detective Jones, he must unravel the twisted secrets within the household to clear his name and survive the night.

Runtime: 97 min

Box Office: $5.6K








User Score






User Score


4.7 /10

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Check out what happened in Grand Isle!

In the picturesque coastal town of Grand Isle, Louisiana, two Girl Scouts find themselves face-to-face with an enigmatic aristocrat named Fancy, a Southern belle known for her striking beauty and unsettling charm. Her affability is palpable as she enthusiastically purchases cookies from the scouts, but beneath her sugary sweet facade lies a sense of unease that permeates the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, in 1988, Walt's slumber is interrupted by an uninvited masked intruder. Not one to hesitate, Walt chases the burglar out of his home and fires a warning shot, sending the culprit fleeing through the broken fence.

As the investigation unfolds at the local police station, Detective George Jones takes center stage, his faith-driven interrogation tactics leaving an indelible mark on suspect Buddy. Despite Buddy's vehement denials of murder, the detective remains resolute in his pursuit of truth. The camera lingers on Detective Newton, observing from behind a one-way mirror as the drama unfolds.

In a poignant flashback, we glimpse Buddy's domestic life with his wife Lisa and their infant child. His struggles to secure an investment falter, casting doubts about his ability to provide for his family. Lisa's hesitation to engage in intimate activities only exacerbates Buddy's concerns, leading him to reassess his priorities.

The same grand estate that initially hosted the Girl Scouts now plays host to another memorable encounter between Fancy and her husband Walt. Donning a sultry outfit, Fancy attempts to reignite the spark with Walt, but his disinterest is palpable. The arrival of Buddy at their doorstep interrupts this awkward exchange, as he offers to mend the broken fence for a handsome sum. Walt's haggling over the price only adds to the tension, their conversation punctuated by brief mentions of their military service – Walt proudly served as a marine, while Buddy's navy experience is met with condescending remarks.

As the storm clouds gather outside, two pressing news stories dominate the headlines: the sudden disappearance of local teenagers and the impending hurricane. Amidst this backdrop of uncertainty, Fancy extends an invitation to Buddy, offering him a glass of iced tea – an act that both warms his heart and rankles Walt's sensibilities.

As the atmosphere thickens with unease, beer bottles begin to adorn the fence, their clinking sounds punctuating Walt's restless energy. The air is heavy with tension as these two seemingly disparate storylines converge, setting the stage for a narrative that will soon unfold in unexpected ways.

As the torrential rain pours down, Buddy's resolve begins to waver, prompting him to declare his intention to quit. Walt, meanwhile, is busily boarding up the windows, his expression a perfect reflection of his displeasure. The extra payment that had been promised to Buddy suddenly seems out of reach, as Walt refuses to budge on the issue, citing the rain-drenched circumstances as justification for his stance. With his trusty truck rendered immobile by the inclement weather, Buddy is forced to seek alternative transportation, only to be rebuffed in his request to borrow the couple's sleek Mustang.

However, Walt's reluctance to yield doesn't extend to allowing Buddy to use a phone, and so our protagonist takes advantage of the opportunity to make contact with his loved ones. Fancy, it turns out, has been waiting for this chance to reconnect with her old friend, and as they engage in a warm and convivial conversation, the pair finds themselves sharing stories and laughter like old times. Buddy's genuine interest in learning more about Walt and Fancy is palpable, even as the latter's husband seems increasingly irked by his wife's friendly demeanor.

As it happens, Walt and Fancy have been married for a remarkable 15 years, their anniversary coinciding with this fateful day. It was during Walt's post-Vietnam War homecoming that he first laid eyes on the enchanting singer, whose family had long possessed the beautiful estate where they now reside. The property's rich history is filled with memories of grand social events and lively gatherings, a far cry from the staid atmosphere that currently pervades the space.

Buddy, meanwhile, regales the couple with tales of his own youth, revealing how he met his wife Lisa in elementary school before marrying her after high school. Walt's dismissive attitude towards what appears to be an idyllic marriage is telling, his words dripping with skepticism and cynicism. Fancy, ever the gracious hostess, takes Buddy on a tour of the estate's many fine rooms, carefully avoiding the locked basement that seems to hold secrets and mysteries best left unexplored.

As the evening wears on, Fancy's warmth and hospitality are tempered by a sudden change in her demeanor, as she excuses herself to change clothes behind a screen. The space is filled with an assortment of dolls, some of which seem eerily lifelike, their presence only adding to the sense of unease that pervades the atmosphere. It is here that Fancy confides in Buddy about her own deep-seated longing for children, a desire that ultimately went unrealized.

As the night wears on and the rain shows no signs of letting up, Buddy finds himself drawn into a flirtatious game of cat and mouse with Fancy, his exhaustion eventually getting the better of him as he retires to the sofa downstairs. The hours tick by like grains of sand in an hourglass, until finally, Walt emerges from the shadows, a glass in hand, his eyes red-rimmed from the effects of too much liquor.

It is here that the two men find common ground, bonding over their shared experiences and the scars they bear as veterans. Walt's bitterness towards the treatment of those who served is palpable, his words dripping with resentment towards a system he feels has failed to honor the sacrifices made by its most noble citizens. Buddy listens intently, his own thoughts triggered by the tale of Carl, a friend whose life was cut short in the line of duty.

As the night wears on and the rain continues to fall, Walt leads Buddy up to the attic, where they engage in a cathartic conversation that strips away the veneer of civility, revealing the raw emotions and unspoken truths that lie beneath. It is here, in this hallowed space, that the masks are finally shed, allowing two wounded souls to find solace in each other's company, their words a testament to the enduring power of shared experience and the indelible mark it leaves on those who have lived through it.

As Walt implores Buddy to carry out his dark request, the latter hesitates, weighed down by the somber reality of terminal cancer afflicting Fancy (played by actress). However, Walt's offer of a substantial sum and a bottle of cyanide proves too enticing, and Buddy reluctantly descends into the depths of despair. He finds Fancy immersed in a melancholic blues melody, their conversation meandering through shared experiences of childhood trauma, culminating in a tender kiss.

Meanwhile, at the police station, Detective Jones (actor) lambasts Buddy for his moral ambiguity. In an eerie juxtaposition, Fancy and Buddy reassemble their clothes, only to discover the cyanide's sinister purpose. With Walt's deceit exposed, the couple's dynamics shift as Fancy stabs her husband, prompting a violent confrontation that culminates in Buddy subduing Walt.

As tensions escalate, power flickers out, plunging the scene into darkness. In this moment of chaos, Buddy stumbles upon a cryptic tableau: a young man hooked to an IV, clutching a vibrant piece of fabric adorned with Japanese characters. The boy's whispered plea for aid shatters the silence, revealing Walt's latest ruse. The facade crumbles further as Fancy's terminal illness is revealed to be a fabrication.

Buddy awakens in his truck, confronted by the grim reality of a lifeless body at his side. Cops arrive, leaving him speechless and unable to account for the carnage. At the police station, Detective Jones reminds Buddy that redemption is possible but warns that his innocence will eventually waver. Lisa's visit provides a fleeting respite from the chaos.

The case takes a turn as Detective Newton (actor) presents a photograph of a missing woman clad in attire eerily reminiscent of the colorful cloth clutched by the young man. The revelation sparks a chain reaction, prompting Jones to obtain a warrant and leading a team of officers to the couple's abode. As they arrive, Walt and Fancy feign innocence, their charade momentarily maintained but ultimately doomed to unravel.

As the exhaustive search yields a shocking discovery, it becomes clear that the missing woman has been imprisoned, coerced into extracting a devastating concession: the couple's children. The teenage boys are ultimately unearthed, their ordeal finally at an end. Meanwhile, Walt manages to break free from the authorities' relentless pursuit, dodging gunfire as he makes his daring escape. However, his wife Fancy is not so fortunate; she is thwarted in her desperate bid for freedom by the police, who stand firm against her frantic pleas to her husband.

In the aftermath of this chaotic episode, Jones returns to the police station and orchestrates Buddy's liberation from captivity. As the city begins to rebuild and recover from the catastrophic effects of the hurricane, which has left a trail of destruction in its wake, the media is consumed by two dominant narratives: the monumental devastation wrought by the storm and the two-week manhunt for Walt.

As tensions simmer beneath the surface, Buddy's relationship with Lisa reaches a critical juncture. Despite their best efforts to reconcile, their marriage teeters on the brink of collapse. In the midst of this turmoil, a sudden and violent outbreak erupts at the local restaurant when shots ring out, sending patrons scrambling for cover. Walt, now sporting a crisp uniform and a transformed appearance, holds Lisa hostage outside. His demands are clear: Fancy must be freed from her mental institution confines.

As Walt's resolve is worn down by Buddy's impassioned appeals, he reveals a long-held secret: his cowardly abandonment of Carl during the disaster. The weight of this revelation proves too much for Walt to bear; he succumbs to his wounds as he delivers a final, poignant speech.

Hospitalized and grappling with the aftershocks of this traumatic event, Buddy is met with Lisa's willingness to work through their issues and forge a new path forward. Meanwhile, the news media shines a spotlight on the heroic rescue efforts that have located the missing girl scouts, while the teenage boys are also found safe and sound.