
Does King Kong vs. Godzilla have end credit scenes?


King Kong vs. Godzilla does not have end credit scenes.

King Kong vs. Godzilla

King Kong vs. Godzilla


In this thrilling showdown, the mighty King Kong and legendary Godzilla engage in an epic battle for supremacy atop iconic Mount Fuji. With primal fury, they clash, sending massive boulders crashing down as their titanic struggle rages on, testing the very limits of destruction.

Runtime: 97 min









User Score






User Score


5.7 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in King Kong vs. Godzilla!

In the scorching summer of 1963, United Nations reporter Eric Carter (no actor name provided) brought the world's attention to an unusual trifecta of news: the slow-motion drift of icebergs from the Bering Sea, the groundbreaking discovery of potent narcotic berries by a Japanese pharmaceutical company, and the mythical guardian deity rumored to protect them. Unbeknownst to Carter, his broadcasts would soon spark a chain reaction that would shake the very foundations of the earth.

At the forefront of this maelstrom was Tako, the cunning advertising director for the pharmaceutical firm. His eyes gleaming with innovative fervor, he conceived a plan to capture the giant god and harness its might as a publicity stunt, hoping to outdo his competitors in the cutthroat world of advertising. To aid him in his quest, he enlisted the expertise of Sakurai, his resourceful staff member, who in turn sought the assistance of Fujita, his sister's boyfriend, who possessed an arsenal of superhuman wire.

Meanwhile, Carter's newsroom was abuzz with breaking reports from the Seahawk, a UN submarine patrolling the frigid Arctic waters. As the sub delved deeper into the icy expanse, it stumbled upon an enigmatic iceberg emitting a mesmerizing glow. The captain's curiosity piqued, he ordered his vessel to submerge, hoping to unravel the mystery behind this phenomenon. However, their exploration was short-lived, as the Seahawk collided with the glowing iceberg and became hopelessly trapped.

In response to the distress signals emanating from the submarine, a helicopter was dispatched to effect a rescue. As it approached the entangled vessel, the iceberg suddenly shattered, revealing its true nature: Godzilla, the behemoth of legend, had awoken from his slumber.

As Carter continued to broadcast the unfolding chaos, Godzilla's destruction of a military base sent shockwaves around the globe. Frustrated by the incessant coverage of this monstrous menace, Tako dispatched his men to Farou Island, determined to capture their own fearsome creature to upstage Godzilla's dominance.

Upon arrival on the island, however, Tako's team found themselves captured by the native inhabitants and taken to their village. Initially forbidden from remaining on the island, they managed to persuade the chief with a generous offering of trinkets to grant them temporary reprieve.

As a thunderstorm gathered force, the natives began a mystical ritual to appease their god, their ancient traditions still resonating in harmony with the primal forces that governed their world. Little did they know that their sacred ceremony would soon be interrupted by an unexpected visitor – Godzilla's mighty roar echoed across the waters, a harbinger of the cataclysmic events yet to unfold.

As Carter ( actor name ) anchors the UN newsroom, he's joined by Dr. Arnold Johnson, who posits that the key to containing the monstrous invasion lies in harnessing electricity as a deterrent. Meanwhile, the expedition on Farou continues its perilous journey through the treacherous jungle terrain, guided by the island's native inhabitants. The sudden appearance of thunder and Godzilla's unmistakable roar sends the crew reeling into chaos. As Furue succumbs to illness, a young boy is dispatched to retrieve medicinal berry juice from a nearby hut. However, his excursion takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a gargantuan octopus, its massive tentacles writhing like snakes. The boy's frantic mother rushes in, only to find the village under attack as they're trapped within the hut. A desperate fight ensues, and the mother-child duo manages to escape just as King Kong, the island deity, materializes on the scene. With a mighty roar, Kong battles the octopus, sending it scurrying back into the depths of the sea. After quenching his thirst with the berry juice, Kong succumbs to exhaustion, allowing the expedition team to capitalize on the opportunity and capture him, hauling him back to Japan.

The news of King Kong's capture spreads like wildfire through the UN newsroom, prompting Dr. Johnson to opine that Kong's cerebral superiority over Godzilla may incite a titanic battle between the two behemoths. Meanwhile, at sea, concerns about Kong's potential threat are heightened as the authorities contemplate a plan to repel him.

Back in Japan, the military readies an assault on Godzilla by attempting to ensnare it. However, the monster continues its rampage, nearly killing Sakurai's (actor name) sister before her boyfriend intervenes. The news of this close call fuels the urgency to devise a strategy against the invading forces.

As Kong is transported back to Japan, he begins to stir, eventually freeing himself from his restraints. With no alternative, the authorities resort to explosives, only to inadvertently liberate him further. Kong soon arrives in Japan, where it confronts Godzilla in their first face-off. The ensuing battle sees Godzilla reduce King Kong to smoldering ashes.

Undeterred, Kong decides to change course and head off in a new direction, leaving Tako (actor name) and his team staring on in awe. Undaunted by this setback, the military regroups and attempts to encircle Godzilla once more. Unfortunately, their efforts prove futile as Godzilla breaks free and begins its march into Tokyo.

As tensions escalate, Dr. Johnson cautions that while an electrical blockade may deter Godzilla, it could inadvertently enhance Kong's strength. Despite these concerns, the authorities opt for a million-volt electricity barrier to contain Godzilla. Though it momentarily repels the monster, King Kong proves more resilient, breaking through the barrier and charging into Tokyo with unstoppable force.

In a stunning display of primal power, King Kong makes a dramatic intervention by halting a train in its tracks, snatching Fujita's (character) lovely companion from her grasp, and scaling the iconic Diet Building to survey his surroundings. The army readies for battle, but Sakurai and Fujita take the reins, concocting a clever plan to lull the giant ape into a peaceful slumber by releasing a wave of sweet berry juice. Their ruse succeeds, freeing Sakurai's sister from Kong's grasp as the beast succumbs to the intoxicating aroma. As the dust settles, it becomes clear that the only way to neutralize King Kong is to pit him against his arch-nemesis, Godzilla. Fujita and his cohorts spring into action, employing the ape's incredible strength to lift him aloft via a network of helium balloons anchored by super-strong wire, aiming for the majestic peak of Mount Fuji.

As they soar above the clouds, King Kong begins to stir from his slumber, just as Godzilla emerges from the depths, its piercing roar echoing through the valleys. The two titans collide in mid-air, their second epic battle unfolding with fury and ferocity. Initially, Godzilla's atomic breath and brute strength give it the upper hand, but when a tempest rolls in, King Kong is reinvigorated by the lightning strikes, channeling its raw energy to turn the tables on its foe. In the end, both monsters tumble into the ocean, only for King Kong to resurface, victorious and triumphant, as he swims away into the distance, his thunderous roar echoing across the waves. As Cater (character) concludes his report, bidding a fond farewell to the mighty ape, the world watches in awe as King Kong disappears into the horizon, its legend forever etched in the annals of history.