
Does Men, Women & Children have end credit scenes?


Men, Women & Children does not have end credit scenes.

Men, Women & Children

Men, Women & Children


In a world where screens reign supreme, relationships are put to the test in "Men, Women & Children". A group of high schoolers and their parents must navigate the digital landscape, confronting issues like video game obsession, cyberbullying, and online infidelity. As characters face challenges, they forge new paths - sometimes tragic, often hopeful - revealing that even the most connected among us are vulnerable to the transformative power of technology.

Runtime: 119 min

Box Office: $1.7M








User Score






User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Men, Women & Children!

Set in a small town in Texas, this film follows several teens and their parents as they struggle in today's technology-obsessed world. Their communication, self-images, and relationships are all affected by the technological age, compounding the usual social difficulties people already encounter.

Donald and Helen Truby are a sexually dissatisfied married couple. Helen starts having affairs through the social media website Ashley Madison, while Donald regularly sees escorts through another site. Donald accidentally catches sight of his wife's Ashley Madison account, then shows up where she's meeting her latest affair. The next day, both admit to having lapses in judgement and agree to ignore that the affairs ever happened.

The Trubys' teenage son Chris, a football player, is addicted to porn, and has found himself only able to become aroused by material not deemed socially normal. Hoping to a achieve arousal through "traditional means", Chris tries to seduce classmate and cheerleader Hannah. However, as they start to initiate sex, he fails to become aroused. Hannah breaks up with him, subsequently telling everyone that they did in fact have sex.

Hannah longs to be famous, and her mother, Donna, aids her in this goal by running a website based around Hannah. At the mall, the two come across auditions for a television series one day; however, Hannah is disqualified due to the provocative photographs her mother had taken of her and posted to the site. Later on, Donna takes the site down, realizing how damaging it is to Hannah.

Football player Tim quits sports following his parents' divorce, preferring to spend most of his time playing a MMORPG. He later is pulled out of his depression when he begins dating the introverted Brandy Beltmeyer, whose overprotective mother Patricia obsessively monitors Brandy's online activity; Brandy has taken to expressing herself on a secret Tumblr account in retaliation. When the account and her conversations with Tim are discovered, Patricia completely revokes her daughter's internet privileges. Tim's father Kent confronts him, stating that Tim's mother abandoned both of them before deleting the game and demanding Tim continue football next year. Patricia then poses as Brandy and tells Tim that she is uninterested. Dejected, Tim overdoses on his antidepressants and nearly dies. Patricia realizes her protectiveness of her daughter has gone too far, and deactivates the surveillance devices she used to monitor Brandy.

Donna goes to content awareness meetings run by Patricia to learn about what is legally allowed on her daughter's website. There, she meets Kent and starts a relationship with him. After Donna informs him about the website, he wants to end their relationship. However, after reconciling with Tim and realizing how difficult it is to be a single parent, Kent reconnects with her.

Hannah's co-cheerleader Allison Doss has been starving herself for months over the summer, with the support of an online group. Her crush of several years, football player Brandon Lender, finally notices her. She shares her first kiss with him, and later has sex with him upon his insistence, which he treats casually and with disinterest. Allison develops an ectopic pregnancy, culminating in a miscarriage due to malnutrition. When she tells Brandon the news, his only concern is that others will discover they had sex. Realizing how selfish Brandon is, Allison throws a rock through his window in the middle of the night.

The movie ends with the narrator's message that humans should remember to be kind to one another and cherish the earth.