
Does Moana have end credit scenes?


Moana has end credit scenes.




In a world where the horizon beckons, Moana, a fearless teenager, embarks on a thrilling quest to save her island home. Joining forces with the mischievous Maui, she braves treacherous seas, mythical creatures, and ancient secrets in a heartwarming adventure of self-discovery and bravery.

Runtime: 107 min

Box Office: $687M







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7.6 /10

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Check out what happened in Moana!

In a captivating display of storytelling magic, Gramma Tala (Rachel House) weaves a spellbinding tale for a group of wide-eyed young listeners. As she animates her narrative with intricate designs on a tapa cloth, the children are transported to a world where the majestic island Te Fiti holds the secrets of life and creation. With its pulsing heart as the source of its power, Te Fiti brings forth new islands into existence. However, the cunning demigod Maui (Dwayne Johnson) sets his sights on the island's heart, using his mystical fish hook to transform into various creatures and pilfer the precious gemstone from its pedestal.

Maui's daring heist sparks a chain reaction of catastrophic consequences. Without its heart, Te Fiti's island begins to crumble, unleashing a darkness that threatens to engulf everything in its path. The mischievous Maui flees on his boat, only to be confronted by the formidable demon Te Ka, who rises from the depths like a volcanic eruption. In a thrilling display of bravery and cunning, Maui engages Te Ka in an epic battle, but ultimately meets his match, losing both his hook and Te Fiti's heart to the merciless sea.

Gramma Tala concludes her enchanting tale by warning that for centuries, monsters will continue to hunt for the stolen heart, spreading darkness throughout the land. As she finishes speaking, a collective gasp of horror and despair echoes through the room, except for one young listener who remains transfixed. Gramma Tala then hints at the possibility of a hero emerging in the future, someone who will embark on an extraordinary journey to retrieve Maui, restore Te Fiti's heart, and ultimately save their island from destruction.

Just as the children are still reeling from the tale's climax, Chief Tui (Temuera Morrison), the little girl's father, bursts into the room, assuring everyone that there is no such thing as darkness or monsters. However, his words are soon undermined when a chance discovery of hidden cloth paintings reveals a multitude of terrifying creatures lurking just beyond their island's boundaries. As panic sets in, the little girl, Moana (Louise Bush), slips away unnoticed and makes her way to the water's edge. It is here that she encounters a vulnerable baby sea turtle on the brink of being devoured by a flock of hungry frigate birds. With quick thinking and bravery, Moana shields the turtle with a large leaf and guides it safely back into the ocean.

As the turtle disappears beneath the waves, a subtle ripple effect spreads across the surface of the water, revealing a hidden trail of shimmering seashells that Moana eagerly collects in her small arms.

As the turquoise waters lapped against the shore, a mesmerizing wave materialized above Moana's (name) head, its translucent tendrils dancing with an otherworldly curiosity. With a playful splash, it tousled her hair into a makeshift topknot, as if attempting to tame the untamed spirit within. Then, like a tantalizing mirage, a glinting green stone drifted towards her, its spiral design beckoning her finger's gentle caress. But before she could fully surrender to its mystique, Moana was whisked back to solid ground on a piece of driftwood, leaving the enigmatic stone behind. Chief Tui (name) soon reclaimed his daughter, along with Sina (Nicole Scherzinger), and carried them back to their village, where the prophecy of wondrous deeds awaited Moana.

As she grew up amidst the lush island landscape of Motonui, the ocean's siren song proved an irresistible force, drawing her inexorably towards its secrets. Her parents' warnings notwithstanding – "You belong on land, not in the sea" – Moana found herself perpetually drawn to the shoreline, as if the call of the unknown was inscribed upon her very soul. Meanwhile, Tala's gentle prodding encouraged Moana to listen to the whispers within, for it was in those hidden depths that she would discover her truest self.

Years passed, and Moana matured into her role as chief-in-training, her duties taking her across the island. She mended a leaky roof, offered solace to a man receiving his tattoo, and taught the children of Motonui the ancient art of hula dancing. Amidst these responsibilities, she encountered Heihei (Alan Tudyk), an endearingly hapless rooster obsessed with devouring rocks, which led her to ponder the enigmatic phrase: "One's strength may lie hidden beneath the surface." The coconut harvest's disappointing yield further tested Moana's mettle, as did the fishermen's empty nets. Her suggestion to venture beyond the reef sparked a heated debate, culminating in Chief Tui's stormy departure.

As Sina shares the haunting tale of Tui's youthful trauma, Moana (Moana (voice of Auli'i Cravalho)) begins to grasp the depth of his trepidation towards the ocean. The tragic loss of his friend during a storm still weighs heavily on Tui's conscience, and he fears a similar fate for Moana. Sina's wise words, however, gently nudge Moana towards self-discovery: she must confront her own desires and make choices, no matter how daunting they may seem.

Moana is torn between her responsibilities to her village and the siren's call of the open sea (song: "How Far I'll Go"). Ultimately, she decides to take a canoe out beyond the reef, accompanied by her loyal pet pig, Pua. Initially, the journey seems effortless, but the ocean has other plans. A rogue wave crashes down, sending Pua tumbling into the water and leaving Moana's canoe battered and bruised. As she struggles to free herself from the coral that has ensnared her foot, Moana's world is turned upside down.

Exhausted and shaken, Moana finally reaches the shore, where she finds Pua safe but traumatized. Gramma Tala (Nicole Scherzinger) appears, nonchalantly blaming Pua for the chaos that ensued. Moana attempts to conceal her injured ankle, but Tala's keen eye detects the truth. With a knowing glance, Tala promises to keep Moana's secret from her father.

Moana comes to realize that Tui was right – she shouldn't have ventured out into the unknown. She announces her decision to add another stone to the pile, symbolizing her surrender. Tala, however, surprises Moana by not disputing her choice. Instead, she takes her granddaughter on a mystical journey, revealing a hidden passageway and imparting ancient wisdom.

As they approach the entrance to the tunnel, Tala shares a long-held secret: there is one story that has been left untold in their people's collective history. With an air of mystery, she instructs Moana to follow the path and bang the drum to uncover the answer to the question that has haunted her for so long – who is she meant to be?

As Moana ventures deeper into the mystical cavern, she discovers a fleet of vessels waiting in the shadows behind a majestic waterfall. With Tala's guidance, she approaches the largest ship and drums out a rhythm on its wooden hull. The tapa sail unfurls, revealing a mesmerizing vision of her ancestors - brave voyagers who charted new territories and settled uncharted islands. The song "We Know The Way" echoes through the cavern as Moana is transported to a bygone era where her people's spirit of exploration was at its peak.

Intrigued, she turns to Tala with queries about their sudden abandonment of the high seas. Tala reveals that Maui's heinous act of stealing Te Fiti's heart and unleashing darkness had made the oceans treacherous, causing even the hardiest of sailors to turn back. The once-proud voyagers were forced to retreat to Motonui, hiding away their ships and preserving their way of life.

As Tala leads Moana through the island's lush landscape, they come across a desolate stretch where the very essence of life appears to be being drained into the sea. It is here that Tala shares the truth with Moana - her ancestors' stories were not mere myths, but prophecies foretelling the arrival of a savior who would restore Te Fiti's heart and revive the island's vitality.

With this revelation, Tala presses a sacred green stone into Moana's palm, an heirloom she had treasured within her necklace. This artifact serves as tangible proof that Moana was chosen by the ocean itself to embark on a quest to reclaim the heart of Te Fiti. As if sensing the significance of this moment, the ocean stirs, playfully splashing Moana and awakening her to the reality that the memory she had long considered just a dream was, in fact, an omen calling her to action.

As Tala reveals a celestial map to Moana, pinpointing Maui's location beneath an enormous hook constellation, the young protagonist is struck by a sense of purpose. With her own sailing skills in shambles, Moana's gaze falls upon the wisdom of others, and she hastens to the master hut where Tui is addressing the village council, attempting to alleviate concerns about their food supply. However, Moana's sudden interruption and fervent plea to restore the heart only serve to exacerbate tensions, as Tui departs in a huff, suggesting he should have taken drastic measures to ensure the villagers' survival ages ago. In his ire, he confiscates the small stone from Moana's hand, dismissing it as mere rock, and flings it into the underbrush. Undeterred, Moana retrieves the stone, only to discover her grandmother's treasured walking stick within. Just then, a warrior summons Tui from outside their hut, where they find Tala bedridden and unwell. With a whispered instruction, Tala imparts upon Moana the sacred task of retrieving Maui's heart, entrusting her with the necklace that holds its power. As Moana prepares to depart, Tala's spirit remains steadfastly by her side, imbuing the young adventurer with unwavering resolve. Under the watchful eye of her mother, Moana sets out, claiming a small canoe adorned with a spiral design on its sail as her trusty vessel. With a deep breath, she pushes off from the cavern and onto the open waters. As she gazes back at the shore, Tala's spirit manifests as a majestic manta ray, illuminating a safe passage for Moana's journey, and guiding her toward the vast expanse of the sea.

As Moana navigates the vast expanse, her novice sailing skills leave much to be desired, with the constellations serving as a constant reminder of her wayward journey. Little does she know, an unexpected stowaway has snuck onto her vessel - none other than Heihei, her trusty rooster sidekick. The tranquility is short-lived, however, as a sudden storm brews on the horizon. Moana's canoe capsizes, sending her tumbling into the churning waters below. As she washes up on the rocky shores of a mysterious island, she can't help but feel a sense of relief that the heart of Te Fiti remains safely in her possession. Yet, her ire is piqued by the ocean's apparent lack of response to her pleas for assistance.

As she takes stock of her surroundings, Moana notices an intriguing pattern - hook-shaped marks etched into the rocks, like some sort of cryptic message from the sea itself. A sudden realization dawns on her: the ocean has deliberately deposited her at this very location, where none other than Maui awaits. With a mix of trepidation and determination, Moana readies herself for confrontation as the demigod approaches, effortlessly lifting her canoe with one hand like it's a toy.

Moana confronts Maui, but he's too busy regaling her with tales of his derring-do (song: "You're Welcome") to listen. He flaunts his Mini-Maui tattoo, a veritable scrapbook of his accomplishments, as if daring anyone to challenge his boasts. Meanwhile, Moana finds herself trapped in a cleverly constructed cave, from which Maui plots to commandeer her canoe and sail off into the sunset - much to the chagrin of his own miniature doppelganger, who's grown tired of being relegated to mere decoration.

Moana seizes the opportunity to make a break for it, slipping free from captivity and diving into the ocean. As she chases after Maui's departing vessel, the sea itself seems to conspire against her - repeatedly depositing her back onto her canoe with a gentle but firm insistence. Undeterred, Moana demands that Maui join forces with her to restore the heart of Te Fiti, refusing to be deterred by his reluctance or the capricious whims of the ocean.

As Maui's attempts to rid himself of the wayward heart are thwarted by the ocean's unyielding currents, he becomes increasingly agitated, convinced that the stone is a curse rather than a symbol of love. His frustration is short-lived, however, as the Kakamora - a motley crew of mischievous pirates - emerge from the fog, their massive ship looming large on the horizon. Moana pleads with the ocean to intervene, but Maui remains skeptical, insisting that they must rely solely on themselves for salvation.

The Kakamora, undeterred by Maui's efforts to evade them, succeed in boarding Moana's canoe and claiming Heihei as their own. In a daring rescue mission, Moana seizes the oar and navigates through a hail of blow darts and zip-lines to reclaim her loyal rooster companion. As they narrowly escape the Kakamora's chaos, Maui's hesitation to return the heart begins to wane, and he is eventually persuaded by Moana that restoring his heroic status would be a welcome consequence.

With his hook still missing, Maui agrees to help Moana retrieve it before setting a course for Te Fiti. In exchange, she asks him to teach her the ancient art of wayfinding, using celestial navigation to chart their course. As they approach a towering rock formation in the middle of the ocean, Maui is rendered powerless by a stray blow dart, forcing him to instruct Moana on the intricacies of wayfinding.

As they descend into the realm of Lalotai, Moana proves adept at evading the monstrous inhabitants, ultimately leading her and Maui to the lair of Tamatoa - a glittering hoarder of shiny treasures. According to Maui, this opulent creature has been searching for his prized hook since its loss, and it is here that their quest for redemption and retrieval will finally come to fruition.

As a strategic ploy, Maui lures Tamatoa into a trap by dispatching Moana (in her vulnerable state) into the glittering lair of the self-absorbed Tamatoa. While Maui creeps up from behind, Moana cleverly goads Tamatoa into an epic monologue about his own magnificence, and to their surprise, he obliges (with a show-stopping performance in the song "Shiny"). But just as Maui attempts to capitalize on Tamatoa's distraction, he finds that his powers of shapeshifting have grown rusty from disuse.

Tamatoa, pleased with himself, captures Moana and places her in a cage, while Maui tries to regain his footing. However, it's not until Moana uses her cunning and some bioluminescent algae to create a decoy heart resembling that of Te Fiti that Tamatoa becomes sufficiently entranced, allowing Moana and Maui to make their escape. With the help of a geyser, they're launched back onto dry land.

As they return to their canoe, Maui displays an unprecedented level of sincerity, his ego deflated by his inability to shapeshift. He confides in Moana that, even with the retrieval of his trusty hook, they have no hope of defeating Te Ka. Moana's curiosity is piqued by a mysterious tattoo on Maui's back, which he had earlier been reluctant to discuss. Despite Maui's initial resistance, Moana's persistence eventually coaxes him into sharing the story behind the tattoo.

Maui reveals that the tattoos on his body are earned through his actions and experiences, rather than being bestowed upon him by the gods. He was born to human parents but was rejected and cast adrift in the sea, only to be taken pity on and transformed into the demigod Maui by the gods themselves. However, Moana astutely points out that it's not the gods who have made Maui - it's his own agency.

With this newfound understanding and a renewed sense of purpose, Maui attempts to shapeshift once more, starting with small, incremental changes. To their delight, he finds that his powers are now under control.

As the sun rises over the horizon, Maui's patient tutelage culminates with Moana demonstrating a mastery of sailing that earns his praise as they approach the mystical shores of Te Fiti. With a sense of accomplishment and gratitude, Moana returns Maui's treasured heart, bidding him luck as he takes to the skies once more in his avian form. However, his triumph is short-lived, as Te Ka rises from the depths, determined to thwart Maui's attempts to return the heart. The demigod is knocked back down to earth, and with a broken hook and bruised ego, he retreats to the canoe, his earlier confidence replaced by frustration and resentment.

Moana, undeterred by the obstacles ahead, presses on, despite Maui's protests. Te Ka's wrath sends their vessel hurtling backward into the open sea, but Moana's determination remains unbroken. As she comes to in her canoe, she finds a somber Maui nursing his broken hook, his anger and disappointment palpable. Blaming Moana for not heeding his warnings, he abandons his mission, abandoning ship once more.

Moana's heart heavy with sadness, she turns to the sea, pleading for answers. She implores it to choose another, returning the heart to its rightful place, as tears of despair mingle with the ocean's waves. The heart sinks beneath the surface, and Moana is left alone, her spirit crushed. However, just as all hope seems lost, a gentle manta ray spirit appears, beckoning her toward a new path. Her grandmother's comforting presence offers solace, assuring her that if she wants to return home, she will not be alone.

Moana's hesitance gives way to introspection as she realizes that, in her heart, she was destined for this journey (song: "I Am Moana"). Visions of her ancestors flash before her eyes, imbuing her with their strength. With a newfound sense of purpose, Moana dives into the sea, retrieving the heart and reclaiming her place in the world. When she emerges, her grandmother's reassuring presence has vanished, but Moana remains resolute. Securing Heihei safely within the canoe, she sets sail once more for Te Fiti, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

As Moana navigates the treacherous waters of the barrier islands, she employs cunning tactics to evade Te Ka's wrath, exploiting the ocean's fury to her advantage. The formidable goddess unleashes a massive tidal wave that capsizes her canoe, leaving Moana vulnerable and on the brink of disaster. Just as Te Ka is poised to unleash a blast of fiery retribution, Maui intervenes, shielding his companion with his own body and buying her just enough time to reach the shores of Te Fiti. However, upon arrival, Moana finds herself confronted with an unsettling truth: Te Fiti's island has vanished, leaving behind only a faint outline of its former self etched into the ocean floor.

As she gazes back at the desolate landscape, Moana becomes acutely aware of the symbolic spiral marking Te Ka's chest and the profound realization dawns on her. With the heart still clutched in her hand, Moana draws attention to herself, intercepting Te Ka's impending attack before it can strike Maui, who lies helpless, his hook lost at sea. Undeterred, Moana appeals to the ocean to clear a path for Te Ka, allowing the goddess to reach out and claim her.

As the two engage in a poignant confrontation, Moana gently persuades Te Ka that this is not the true essence of her being. The goddess's fiery fury subsides as she calms, and Moana carefully replaces the heart within its spiral resting place on Te Ka's chest. As the lava rock crumbles away, the very landscape transforms, revealing the restored, lush, and verdant island of Te Fiti.

With the darkness vanquished, Moana returns to her homeland, accompanied by Maui, who is met with forgiveness for his past transgressions. The goddess bestows upon him a shiny new fishhook and presents Moana with a sturdy, seaworthy canoe, permitting her to resume her voyaging exploits. Finally, Te Fiti is able to rest in peace.

Moana implores Maui to return with her, as her people require the guidance of a master wayfinder. However, Maui demurs, citing the presence of another capable navigator and bid Moana farewell. As she sets sail once more for Motonui, the island's flora and fauna begin to flourish anew, freed from the shadows of Te Fiti's despair.

Moana is reunited with her family and community, whereupon she assumes her new role as a wayfinder and teacher, guiding her people back out onto the open waters. The ocean, now benevolent, presents her with a delicate pink seashell, which Moana reverently places upon the sacred mountain before setting sail once more. Maui flies by her side as her grandmother's wise spirit manta ray accompanies her on this new chapter of her journey.