
Does Neighbors have end credit scenes?


Neighbors does not have end credit scenes.




As new parents settle into suburban bliss, their world is disrupted by the arrival of a rowdy fraternity next door. Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly (Rose Byrne) strive to keep up appearances, but when noise complaints escalate into all-out warfare with frat kingpin Teddy (Zac Efron), they must choose between being cool or just keeping it real.

Runtime: 97 min

Box Office: $271M









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6.3 /10

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Check out what happened in Neighbors!

Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly (Rose Byrne) Radner's attempt at a spontaneous morning tryst is foiled by their six-month-old daughter Stella (Elise and Zoey Vargas), who seems to be fixated on observing her parents' intimate moments. The couple concedes defeat, declaring that having a baby and owning a home doesn't necessarily make them old. However, this declaration of youthfulness is put to the test when they discover a biracial gay couple with an infant taking a tour of the house next door - a development that strikes a chord with Mac's earlier fantasy about a Taco Bell opening up in their neighborhood.

Meanwhile, at work, Mac's boss Bill (Brian Huskey) assigns him a pressing deadline-driven task, only for his friend Jimmy (Ike Barinholtz) to interrupt the proceedings and concoct an excuse for the two of them to slip away and indulge in some recreational smoking. As they take a break from their duties, Jimmy shares his observations about Mac's life post-baby, remarking that Kelly's increased emphasis on modesty during intimate moments has effectively turned her into a "wife beater-wearing sexpot." Mac can't help but feel like he's lost his sense of excitement and freedom.

As the night wears on, Jimmy's recently divorced ex-wife Paula (Carla Gallo) reaches out to invite Kelly and Mac for an impromptu social outing. Despite their initial hesitation due to the lack of a babysitter, they eventually agree to bring along their daughter Stella, hoping to recapture some semblance of their pre-parenting lifestyle. The evening's chaos is palpable as they struggle to prepare all the necessary items for little Stella, ultimately collapsing in exhaustion.

The next morning, Paula gloats about her fantastic night out over the phone, leaving Kelly feeling deflated and overwhelmed.

As fate would have it, a few days following their initial introduction to the quiet neighborhood, Delta Psi, a fraternity notorious for its raucous gatherings, takes up residence next door. The brothers settle in with ease, surveying their new surroundings from the comfort of their porch. Mac's eyes widen at the sight of Teddy (Zac Efron), who effortlessly exudes an aura of effortless coolness. "That's the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on," Mac remarks, as his friend Kelly nods in agreement. The observation is short-lived, however, as the pair quickly becomes aware that their new neighbors have a penchant for hosting loud and rowdy parties.

Determined to keep the peace, Kelly and Mac hatch a plan to introduce themselves to the fraternity brothers and politely request they tone down the noise. In an effort to appear more laid-back, they also offer the brothers a chance to partake in some recreational weed use. The gesture is met with a warm reception from Teddy and Pete (Dave Franco), who warmly greet their new neighbors. As Kelly and Mac mingle with the fraternity members, Teddy can't help but flirt shamelessly with Kelly, while Stella becomes the focal point of Pete's attention.

In an effort to keep the party-going atmosphere at bay, Mac offers the brothers a joint, which they eagerly accept. However, Kelly's enthusiasm is quickly dampened when she reminds everyone to "keep it down." Teddy graciously agrees to rein in the revelry, requesting that his new friends check in with him or Pete before calling the authorities.

As the night wears on, Teddy and Pete gather their brothers in the basement of their new home to discuss their plans for the end-of-the-year party. According to them, Delta Psi has a storied history of hosting epic gatherings, from 1930s toga parties to 1970s beer pong extravaganzas. The duo is determined to add their own faces to the fraternity's Hall of Fame by throwing the most outrageous celebration the world has ever seen.

The meeting concludes with a loud and rousing chant, which echoes through the night air and eventually wakes Mac and Kelly from their slumber. As they emerge into the darkness, they're greeted by the thumping bass line of a party in full swing. Teddy answers the door, revealing a scene straight out of a wild and crazy dream – a sea of bodies dancing, laughing, and living it up to the tune of loud music.

Despite the chaos, Mac and Kelly are drawn to the infectious energy of the party, but Teddy politely tells them goodnight, leaving them to ponder their next move. However, as they reflect on the evening's events, Teddy has a change of heart and convinces Pete that inviting "the old people" to their shindig would be a brilliant move – after all, who wouldn't want to get on the right side of the neighborhood's most esteemed residents? With this new plan in place, Teddy and Pete invite Mac and Kelly to join them for a tour of their house.

As Kelly's baby monitor-equipped phone ensures that the noise level remains manageable, the pair is powerless against the allure of the party. Desperate for excitement and adventure, they make the fateful decision to step inside the fraternity, unaware of the wild ride that awaits them.

As the night wears on, Mac (actor name) indulges in a revelry of substance abuse with his companions Teddy and Pete. Meanwhile, Kelly dances the night away amidst a sea of college co-eds. The festivities eventually lead Teddy to initiate Mac into the inner sanctum of his lair, known as the Lion's Den, which dominates the top floor of the house like an omnipotent presence. A place where the trio stores their most treasured possessions: illicit substances, travel documents, and spare ping pong paddles. Mac's gaze is drawn to a staggering cache of fireworks in the corner, but Teddy swiftly dispels any notion of a repeat performance, citing a previous incident that left their abode in ashes. The tour concludes with Teddy unveiling the breaker box, its switches capable of unleashing a kaleidoscope of neon lights in the backyard. As Mac and Kelly part ways with Teddy and his girlfriend Brooke (Halston Sage), they're left to ponder the allure of this hedonistic haven. The next morning, Teddy implores them to maintain the party's decibel level, reminding them to notify him before summoning the authorities if the noise becomes too egregious.

As the days pass, Delta Psi's nocturnal escapades continue unchecked. Mac frantically dials Teddy ten times, pleading with him to keep the ruckus down, but his calls go unanswered. Kelly advises Mac to file an anonymous complaint with the police, ensuring that their fraternity won't be aware of the grievance. As they observe a patrol car pulling up outside, Teddy and Pete emerge to converse with Officer Watkins (Hannibal Buress). Panic sets in as Watkins points towards their residence, prompting all three men to converge on their doorstep. Initially, Mac feigns ignorance about the anonymous complaint, but Watkins promptly dispels this ruse by referencing caller ID. As Mac and Kelly express their discontent regarding the noise levels, Teddy protests that they were partying together the previous evening. He produces a video of Mac in a state of intoxication, prompting Mac to rescind his complaint. Officer Watkins, however, takes a dim view of Mac's actions, labeling him a "wolf cryer." In a tone dripping with disdain, he warns Mac never to contact them again.

Teddy's disillusionment is palpable as he confronts Mac and Kelly, his disappointment evident in every word. With a studied calm, he articulates his sentiments: "I'm not angry, I'm just...disappointed."

The morning after, Mac and Kelly are met with an uninvited display of chaos on their lawn: toilet paper rolls scattered like confetti and empty beer cans strewn about like discarded party favors. The pièce de résistance is the mangled remains of one of their prized bushes, which Pete has transformed into a twisted sculpture that appears to capture Mac and Kelly in an awkward tableau. As they struggle to restore order to their lawn, it becomes clear that this is not an isolated incident - Delta Psi's antics have woven themselves into the fabric of the neighborhood, with the fraternity having cultivated an unsettling charm among their seemingly oblivious neighbors. The realtor's dire warning only serves to drive home the gravity of the situation: their house is effectively unsellable, a perpetual albatross tied to the neck of anyone foolish enough to live in close proximity to these wayward Greeks.

Meanwhile, the discovery of a condom dangling from Stella's mouth like a macabre pendant sets off a chain reaction of anxiety and desperation. Mac and Kelly's attempts to seek relief at the hands of Dean Gladstone (Lisa Kudrow) are met with a dispassionate shrug - the university's three-strike policy, which has already been invoked by Delta Psi's previous transgressions, means that these rowdy fraternity brothers have effectively earned themselves a free pass. Back at their home, Mac and Kelly reach a breaking point, with Kelly declaring herself a mama bear hell-bent on protecting her cub from the machinations of this malevolent force. In a fit of pique, they hatch a plan to take matters into their own hands, deciding that the best way to bring Delta Psi to its knees is to inflict some damage on their own property - specifically, by busting pipes and flooding the basement, forcing the fraternity to foot the bill for repairs. The brothers' initial assessment of the situation is met with a mixture of indignation and opportunism, as Teddy and Pete propose a new revenue stream: Delta Psi dildos. As these novelty items take off, the fraternity's coffers swell, enabling them to not only repair their damaged home but also indulge in some conspicuous consumption - think giant hot tubs and outdoor speakers that can be heard for miles. And so, their parties become increasingly raucous, a symphony of debauchery that echoes through the night.

As Kelly's cunning plan unfolds, she capitalizes on the notion that fraternity brothers are bound by unwavering brotherhood and loyalty. She recognizes that Delta Psi's ideals can be leveraged to her advantage, enlisting Paula and Jimmy in her mission to orchestrate a pivotal moment of connection between Brooke and Pete. Kelly hypothesizes that Teddy's girlfriend and his best friend have an unspoken affinity for each other, exploiting this insight to bring the two together under the guise of a friendly dance-off. Meanwhile, Mac takes on the role of mediator, brokering a truce with Teddy as Kelly expertly manipulates the situation from behind the scenes.

As the night wears on, Kelly's plan unfolds with precision, her trio of accomplices working in tandem to create the perfect distraction. Paula keeps Scoonie occupied while Jimmy keeps Whitney (Ali Cobrin) at bay, allowing Kelly to nudge Brooke and Pete together without interruption. The inevitable result is a passionate embrace that sends the pair scurrying upstairs, with Mac's role as lookout ensuring Teddy's timely discovery of the incriminating scene.

In the aftermath, Kelly seals the deal by planting playful kisses on both Brooke and Pete, her actions precipitating their hasty departure. Mac then sets in motion a series of events designed to confirm Teddy's worst fears, using his dance moves to draw Teddy's attention to the compromising position of the star-crossed lovers. Garf (Jerrod Carmichael) intervenes just as Pete is about to consummate his affair with Brooke, delivering the devastating news that Teddy has indeed caught them in flagrante delicto.

Pete attempts to placate Teddy, but his efforts are met with a crushing blow – a brutal fistfight ensues, with both combatants grasping each other's testicles as they exchange blows. Mac cheers on the chaos, egging his friends on as they revel in their triumph. The night reaches its climax when Kelly and Mac celebrate their victory by getting drunk off their collective laurels, toasting to the success of their Machiavellian machinations.

The tranquil morning air was a welcome respite from the chaos that had unfolded the previous night. Kelly's lactating breasts, now aching with an abundance of milk, left her no choice but to solicit Mac's assistance in nursing their newborn, Stella. As she lifted her top, the darkened veins that snaked away from her nipples seemed to mock her, a reminder that even the most intimate moments can be tainted by the harsh realities of motherhood. Mac's flippant remark about Kelly's breasts resembling his grandmother's legs only added to the discomfort, but it was a necessary evil if they were to ensure Delta Psi's demise.

Meanwhile, Teddy, Scoonie, and Garf convened in Dean Gladstone's office, their somber mood palpable as they awaited her arrival. The tension was broken by Teddy's inquiry about Pete's whereabouts, with Scoonie revealing that he had abandoned them at the jobs fair. Their trepidation turned to despair when Dean Gladstone stormed into the room, berating them for their latest transgression: injuring a pedestrian on the street. This was their second strike, and they were on probation until the end of the school year. Any attempt to host another party would result in the fraternity's dissolution. As the meeting drew to a close, Teddy set out to make amends with Pete, eventually reuniting at the jobs fair.

Teddy's awkward encounter with an AT&T representative only served as a reminder that he was ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of corporate America. Kelly and Mac, however, were more concerned with exploiting Jimmy's sympathies in their bid to secure his assistance in delivering Delta Psi its final strike. Their ploy worked, as Jimmy was goaded into helping them by recalling Paula's clandestine trysts with Scoonie, whose, ahem, impressive endowment left much to be desired.

Kelly and Mac then hatched a plan to recruit one of Delta Psi's pledges, Assjuice (Craig Roberts), for their nefarious scheme. They appealed to his sense of vulnerability, reminding him of the indignities he had suffered at the hands of Teddy, Pete, Garf, and the others: the unwanted teabagging, physical intimidation, and even the traumatic experience of being startled into a pile of poop by a deer head. Assjuice's memories of these ordeals were etched in his mind like an open wound.

Despite their best efforts to manipulate him, however, Assjuice remained steadfast in his loyalty to Delta Psi, driven by the promise of infinite blowjobs once he achieved full-fledged brother status. But Kelly's counteroffer of $1000 proved too great a temptation for the pledge, ultimately buckling under the pressure.

As Jimmy discreetly bestows upon Assjuice a pair of avant-garde spectacles featuring an embedded camera, Mac, Kelly, and Jimmy curiously converge around a computer screen to witness the unfolding spectacle. The pledges, including Assjuice, are subjected to a humiliating and dehumanizing hazing ritual, compelled to crawl naked in a circular formation, their noses pressed against the rear ends of their comrades. Teddy, Pete, and the others revel in the torment, showering the pledges with venomous insults. Amidst this chaotic atmosphere, Assjuice suddenly breaks free from the ranks, his voice rising in defiance as he declares his humanity. Teddy's countenance darkens, his tone dripping with menace: "I'll haze you so brutally that your face will literally fall off." The trio of onlookers - Kelly, Mac, and Jimmy - enthusiastically applaud this declaration of war.

With this incriminating footage, it appears increasingly likely that Dean Gladstone will take swift and drastic action to shutter Delta Psi. However, Teddy's response is far from what one might expect. Instead of exacting retribution upon Assjuice, he exhibits an uncharacteristic display of concern and compassion. "In my opinion," he asserts, "you're one of our most resilient pledges." He inquires about Assjuice's well-being, expressing genuine interest in his state of being. When the pledge confesses to feeling exhausted and stressed, Teddy dispatches him upstairs to rest, his demeanor softening.

The initially jubilant atmosphere that had enveloped Mac, Kelly, and Jimmy dissipates as they realize the true extent of their cohorts' malice. Their euphoria gives way to a sense of unease when Assjuice reveals that Kelly and Mac are behind the sabotage - the busted water pipes, Pete's and Brooke's illicit trysts. Teddy seizes possession of Assjuice's glasses, gazing into the mirror as he delivers a stern rebuke: "You've crossed the line."

The morning after, Kelly discovers that the airbags in her vehicle have vanished, a stark reminder of the escalating tension between their family and the fraternity. Convinced that the frat boys are behind the theft, she reaches out to Mac at work, only to trigger a series of events that would make even the most seasoned thrill-seeker take notice. As Mac sits down in his chair, one of the airbags suddenly deploys, sending him crashing into the ceiling with a force that's nothing short of spectacular. Jimmy follows suit moments later, suffering a similar fate as he too succumbs to the whims of the wayward airbag.

Meanwhile, back at home, Kelly has had enough of Mac's reckless behavior and its consequences. "We've gone too far," she warns him, her voice laced with concern for their family's safety. But Mac is consumed by a burning desire for retribution, convinced that the fraternity must pay for their transgressions. Kelly tries to reason with him, urging him to take responsibility for his actions and acknowledge the potential danger they've put themselves in. Mac, however, remains fixated on exacting revenge, blaming Kelly for not stopping him sooner.

The atmosphere is palpably charged as Kelly and Mac engage in a heated debate, their words laced with hurt and frustration. In the end, it's Kelly who makes the decisive move, grabbing Stella and making a swift exit from the chaos that has engulfed their lives. As she disappears into the distance, Mac is left to ponder the consequences of his actions and the fragile state of their marriage.

Undeterred, Mac decides to deploy the remaining airbags, a decision that ultimately leads him on a journey to the nursery where Stella's empty crib serves as a poignant reminder of what he stands to lose. With a heavy heart, he makes his way to Paula's house, seeking solace and comfort in the arms of Kelly, who has been waiting patiently for his return. As they share a tender kiss and embracing moment, it becomes clear that their love is strong enough to withstand even the most trying of times.

As Pete approaches the revered Wall of Fame at Delta Psi's headquarters, he finds Teddy slumped in defeat, his spirit crushed by the prospect of never again hosting the legendary parties that have become a staple of their fraternity's legacy. The coveted spot on the wall, reserved for those who have left an indelible mark on the brotherhood, now seems out of reach to Teddy, and Pete senses his friend's desperation. With a dash of irreverence, Pete attempts to lift Teddy's spirits by pointing out that the storied tales of Delta Psi's brothers are little more than exaggerated myths. He reasons that if it means this much to Teddy, he should seize the opportunity to immortalize himself on the wall. But his words fall on deaf ears, as Teddy is too busy seething with indignation at Pete's cavalier dismissal of their fraternity's lore.

Pete's flippant attitude only serves to enflame Teddy's emotions further, and their heated exchange culminates in a bitter parting. As the dust settles, Teddy becomes fixated on Mac and Kelly, who have just arrived on the scene, their affectionate display a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of college life. With his heart heavy, Teddy sets off to pay them a visit at their home, only to be rebuffed by the couple, now seemingly content in their post-war existence.

Teddy's visit serves only to stir up resentment and bitterness, as he taunts Mac and Kelly with the prospect of Stella growing up amidst a sea of handsome, shirtless fraternity brothers. His words are laced with malice, rekindling the flames of anger that had been simmering beneath the surface.

Meanwhile, Kelly and Mac conspire with Jimmy to plot Delta Psi's downfall, their plan hatched over drinks and fueled by a desire for revenge. Unbeknownst to Teddy, his friends have concocted a scheme to send him a fake letter from Dean Gladstone, informing him that Delta Psi's probation has been revoked. The news sends Teddy into raptures, and he sets about planning the most epic party in fraternity history.

As Kelly, Mac, and Jimmy take turns channeling their inner celebrities, they use their newfound oratory skills to promote the impending bash on local radio stations, their voices a siren's call to the masses. The stage is set for a confrontation of monumental proportions, as Teddy and his friends prepare to throw caution – and decorum – to the wind in a desperate bid to reclaim their lost glory.

As the sun dips below the horizon, the eagerly anticipated party finally descends into chaos. Teddy and his cohorts have managed to transform the entire house into a veritable hotbed of revelry, with hundreds of guests pouring in to join the festivities. The cacophony of sounds and the kaleidoscope of colors create an electric atmosphere that is impossible to ignore. Meanwhile, next door, Mac's attempts to restore order are met with little success as he calls the authorities to report the ruckus, only to be answered by Officer Watkins, who arrives on the scene to investigate the commotion. Amidst the mayhem, Garf stumbles upon a flier promoting the party and presents it to Teddy, prompting the realization that Mac and Kelly must have had some involvement in the proceedings, as only someone out of touch with modern times would resort to such antiquated methods of promotion. As tensions rise, Teddy shares a fake letter with Garf and Pete, revealing a crucial detail: the school's insignia is adorned with Hebrew script rather than Latin, sending the trio into a panic mode. With the music screeching to an abrupt halt, the lights flickering back to life, and the partygoers streaming out of the house next door, Kelly and Mac are left to confront the harsh reality that Delta Psi has effectively shut down the celebration. In a moment of candor, Jimmy confesses his mistake in substituting Hebrew for Latin on the insignia, leading Teddy, Garf, Pete, and their cohorts to devise a plan to salvage the situation by restarting the party across the street, determined to not let this impromptu setback dampen their spirits or derail their plans.

As Officer Watkins pulls into the fraternity's parking lot, he finds Garf (Garfield) standing outside, assuring him that the raucous party is indeed winding down. Watkins' curiosity gets the better of him, and he peppers Garf with trivia about the beloved cartoon cat, Garfield. Meanwhile, Mac, Kelly, and Jimmy slip inside, making their way to the second floor. Teddy, however, remains oblivious in the Lion's Den, unaware of the impending chaos that is about to unfold.

Jimmy, ever the selfless hero, takes a drastic measure by hurling himself off the balcony, deliberately causing a diversion to draw Teddy out of his room. Though he suffers a broken leg in the process, Jimmy manages to distract Teddy long enough for Kelly and Mac to make their way upstairs. However, fate has other plans as Teddy's bedroom door - secured with a combination lock - slams shut just as the brothers are trying to gain entry.

Downstairs, Garf finishes his conversation with Watkins, who begins to depart, only to be suddenly blinded by a fireworks explosion lit by Kelly in the Lion's Den. The officer loses control of his car and frantically calls for backup, mere moments before the lights flicker back on and the music reaches a deafening crescendo.

Teddy and Mac momentarily cease their fisticuffs as chaos ensues around them, unaware of the mayhem unfolding above. As it becomes clear that Scoonie has secretly restarted the party for Paula, Jimmy, hobbling out of the house with his broken leg, confronts him about his involvement. Scoonie hastily retreats, allowing Jimmy to reclaim his wife's affections. The two share a passionate kiss, followed by a declaration: "Let's have a baby," Jimmy proposes, and Paula concurs, convinced that parenthood will solve all their problems.

Meanwhile, Teddy finds Pete and implores him to gather the other brothers and make a hasty exit, taking full responsibility for the party's mayhem. However, Pete refuses to abandon his friend, but Teddy insists he focus on his bright future, bidding him farewell with an emotional "I love you." As Teddy is subsequently arrested by Watkins, who strikes him with his baton, the officer's car speeds away into the darkness.

As Mac and Kelly settle back into their routine following their triumphant return home, a sense of serenity washes over them as they gaze upon the peacefully slumbering form of their daughter Stella. In this moment of quiet reflection, they acknowledge that their lives have undergone a profound transformation. The thought of being responsible for their child's life until they are "really fucking old" brings a mix of emotions to the surface, yet both Mac and Kelly have discovered aspects of adulthood that bring them joy. For Kelly, it's the simple pleasure of savoring the aroma of freshly ground coffee, while Mac has developed a passion for cultivating tomatoes. As they drift off to sleep amidst a sea of pizza crumbs and ranch sauce, the couple is content in the knowledge that their youthful escapades are slowly giving way to a more mature perspective.

Months later, Mac is taken aback when he spots his old acquaintance Teddy strutting his stuff outside an Abercrombie & Fitch store. Despite their past differences, the two men exchange warm greetings, with Teddy revealing that he's found a sense of fulfillment in his new role as a male model. Meanwhile, Pete has traded in his artistic pursuits for a career in architecture, and the rest of the brothers have pooled their resources to purchase a new home just off campus. Mac asks if he can join Teddy for a brief moment, and when permission is granted, he strips down to his shirtless glory, allowing him to "model" alongside his friend. Teddy reveals that having Mac by his side makes the store seem more approachable to customers.

As Mac returns home to Kelly, they're in the midst of creating a pop culture calendar featuring their daughter Stella as the star. The phone rings, and it's none other than Paula and Jimmy, who are currently basking in the sun-kissed glory of Burning Man. After being extended an invitation to join them at the festival, Mac and Kelly politely decline, opting instead to channel their creative energy into dressing Stella as Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. But that's not all - they've also got their sights set on transforming her into the suave Don Draper from Mad Men, a plan that promises to be an unforgettable adventure for this trio of pop culture enthusiasts.