Of Unknown Origin 1983

In this unsettling horror film, a high-stakes banker finds himself at odds with an unexpected foe when a colossal rodent invades his newly restored Manhattan brownstone. As the beast wreaks havoc on his domain, he must adapt to survive and confront the primal fears that lurk beneath the concrete jungle.

In this unsettling horror film, a high-stakes banker finds himself at odds with an unexpected foe when a colossal rodent invades his newly restored Manhattan brownstone. As the beast wreaks havoc on his domain, he must adapt to survive and confront the primal fears that lurk beneath the concrete jungle.

Does Of Unknown Origin have end credit scenes?


Of Unknown Origin does not have end credit scenes.






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Of Unknown Origin Quiz: Test your knowledge about the 1983 thriller 'Of Unknown Origin' and its intriguing plot twists.

What profession does Bart Hughes hold?

Plot Summary

In this pivotal moment, Bart Hughes (a mild-mannered investment banker by day) finds himself at a crossroads in his life. Having recently turned down an invitation to a family vacation in Vermont with his wife Meg and young son Peter, he’s now grappling with the unexpected news that a project that could secure him a promotion has been reassigned to another colleague, James Hall. The sting of this rejection is only amplified by his boss Eliot Riverton’s subsequent assignment: crafting a comprehensive reorganization plan for the company’s branch offices within a tight two-week deadline.

As Bart struggles to come to terms with these developments, he faces an even more pressing issue: the invasion of his home by a cunning and seemingly unstoppable force - a female rat. Initially, the leak from his dishwasher and subsequent flooding of his kitchen floor seem like mere inconveniences, but as Clete, the superintendent of a neighboring apartment building, reveals the extent of the rodent’s tenacity, Bart is forced to confront the harsh realities of urban wildlife.

With tensions running high, Bart’s attempts to capture the rat only seem to make things worse. His research at the library yields unsettling truths about the animal’s behavior, which he unwittingly shares with his dinner party guests, spoiling their appetites and leaving a lasting impression. As the days pass, Bart finds himself increasingly desperate for a solution, turning to a hardware salesman for advice on how to eradicate the pest.

Meanwhile, the rat continues its campaign of terror, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. In a heart-stopping moment, Bart awakens to find the rodent perched precariously atop the toilet bowl, prompting him to take drastic action and ultimately leading to a chilling confrontation with the mother rat herself. As the stakes grow higher, it becomes clear that this is more than just a battle against a pesky pest - it’s a struggle for control, identity, and the very fabric of Bart’s life.

As the day wears on at the office, Eliot takes a moment to acknowledge Bart’s exceptional work, but can’t help but notice the telltale signs of stress etched across his face. Bart assures Eliot that his woes are not professionally sourced, and that he expects them to be short-lived. But as the clock strikes five, Bart finds himself sharing a taxi ride with Lorrie Wells, his perceptive secretary, and invites her into his humble abode. Lorrie’s admiration for Bart’s craftsmanship is palpable, but she’s quick to shift the conversation back to the source of his troubles, hinting at marital woes. Bart seizes the opportunity to make a move, but Lorrie’s distraction is evident - courtesy of the scurrying rat that’s been plaguing him. As she makes her hasty exit, Bart takes pity on a stray cat outside and decides to take it in, hoping it will serve as an effective deterrent against the pesky rodent. However, his hopes are brutally dashed when he discovers the cat’s lifeless body just days later, a grim reminder of the creature’s unyielding presence.

Meanwhile, Bart’s attempts to hire an exterminator yield nothing but frustration, and his pleas to Meg for her return fall on deaf ears - she’s too busy enjoying her vacation. As the tension builds, Bart finds himself retreating to the depths of his home, baseball bat in hand, only to retreat again when faced with the reality of the situation. His basement excursion ends with a devastating discovery: the report he’s been working tirelessly on for weeks lies in tatters, chewed to bits by the relentless creature.

The next morning, Bart emerges from his dingy lair looking every bit the part of a man on the brink - unshaven and disheveled. He confronts Eliot in the office lobby, confessing that his personal demons have taken center stage. Eliot’s response is characteristically understated: he simply asks that Bart not subject their colleagues to his current state of disarray.

As the tranquil atmosphere of his evening was shattered, Bart’s (Bart) hand suffered a nasty injury while he was busy constructing a rattrap, a task that seemed harmless at first. Seeking solace in a whiskey-soaked bath, he slipped into a state of intoxication, only to be transported to a dreamworld where the harsh realities of his life were momentarily replaced by a fantasy of joyous reunions with his family. However, this idyllic scene was brutally interrupted by the relentless pursuit of a rat that had a taste for Meg’s (Meg) flesh and Peter’s (Peter) naivety, as they carelessly ingested poison. As Bart regained consciousness, he found himself face-to-face with the malevolent creature, which had taken on a life of its own, descending from the ceiling like a harbinger of doom. With his back against the wall, he sought refuge in a hammock suspended above the bedroom floor, as Meg and Eliot (Eliot) vainly attempted to reach out to him over the phone - their efforts foiled by the cunning rat that had severed the line.

As Bart donned a makeshift armor consisting of leg and arm pads, reinforced his trusty baseball bat with nails and the jaws of broken rattraps, he prepared for an epic showdown with his nemesis in the basement. Unleashing his pent-up fury upon the rodent, he swung wildly, causing pipes to rupture and the room to flood. Undeterred, Bart pursued the rat as it darted into a miniature replica of their home, which he proceeded to destroy with reckless abandon until the creature met its demise. Emerging from the wreckage, he walked through his ravaged living room, only to be greeted by Meg and Peter’s concerned faces as they returned home. When Meg inquired about the state of their property, Bart’s nonchalant response - “I had a party” - seemed to dismiss the chaos that had unfolded, but the truth remained hidden behind a veil of bravado.

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