
Does Ransom have end credit scenes?


Ransom does not have end credit scenes.




In this high-stakes thriller, airline magnate Tom Mullen's life is turned upside down when his son is kidnapped for a $2 million ransom. As desperation sets in, Tom's wife and an FBI agent urge caution, but instead, he seizes the initiative by putting a price on the kidnappers' heads, broadcasting the bounty on national television in a daring game of cat-and-mouse.

Runtime: 121 min

Box Office: $309M








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6.7 /10

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Check out what happened in Ransom!

The curtain opens on a lavish New York City soiree, hosted by Tom Mullen (Mel Gibson), a self-made millionaire airline entrepreneur, as he unveils his latest commercial to an assembled gathering of friends and acquaintances. Meanwhile, a parallel narrative unfolds in the shadows, as a group of cunning kidnappers meticulously prepare their lair, designed to conceal their nefarious scheme.

As the night wears on, Tom and his wife Kate (Rene Russo) along with their son Sean (Brawley Nolte), attend a science fair in Central Park, where Kate is serving as a judge. It's here that Sean becomes distracted and disappears from view, only to be snatched by a group of ruthless criminals, comprising Maris Conner (Lili Taylor), Clark Barnes (Liev Schreiber) and Cubby Barnes (Donnie Wahlberg), with tech expert Miles Roberts (Evan Handler) providing the necessary expertise. The kidnappers swiftly whisk Sean away in a white van, leaving his frantic parents Tom and Kate in a state of panic.

As the Mullens' world begins to unravel, they receive a chilling video message from their son's captors. The footage shows Sean, blindfolded and shackled, with an electronically disguised voice demanding a hefty $2 million ransom and issuing a dire warning: should the authorities or media become involved, Sean will pay the ultimate price.

Despite the explicit instructions to remain silent, Tom and Kate decide to take matters into their own hands. They discreetly notify the FBI, who arrive at their penthouse in the guise of a team of carpenters, led by agent Lonnie Hawkins (Delroy Lindo). As the agents survey the scene, they discover that Tom and Kate have already prepared two suitcases for the ransom hand-off, awaiting further instructions from the kidnappers.

In a separate thread, Cubby's conscience begins to stir as he takes pity on his captive Sean. He decides to slip away and acquire some videotapes and cereal for the young boy. This impromptu excursion inadvertently leads him into the orbit of the NYPD, who are investigating a detained thief at a nearby bodega. Detective Jimmy Shaker (Gary Sinise) and his partner scrutinize the suspect's alibi, while Cubby's presence raises suspicions, setting the stage for a tense confrontation.

As Jimmy (played by ...) disappears into the shadows, his true intentions are revealed. Having successfully manipulated Cubby into leading him to the kidnappers' hideout, he effortlessly takes control, reprimanding his unwitting accomplice for his rash actions. It emerges that Jimmy is none other than the mastermind behind the dastardly plot, his criminal past now serving as a clever disguise.

Meanwhile, Tom's (played by ...) penthouse provides the setting for a tense confession to Hawkins. The distressed father reveals that he believes a former union leader, with whom he has a murky past, might be involved in his son's disappearance. Tom confesses to having bribed the union president to call off a strike, only for the president to be imprisoned while Tom himself escaped prosecution. Hawkins arranges a clandestine meeting between Tom and the now-incarcerated union leader, but it becomes clear that this individual has no connection to the kidnapping.

As Jimmy's cunning plan unfolds, he makes contact with Tom, his voice distorted by a scrambler device. He provides instructions for the ransom drop-off, while the FBI struggles to pinpoint their target due to Jimmy's clever technical manipulation. The agency suggests that Tom's decoy take the money, but Tom insists on making the drop himself, opting to wear a wire to capture any incriminating conversations.

Tom arrives at a designated location, only to be directed to a local gym by his phone. Jimmy instructs him to take the cash and dive into the pool to retrieve a locker key, effectively disabling the FBI's planted mechanism. Tom then finds the locker containing a radio, which issues further instructions: he must change into the clothes provided, stash the money in large duffel bags, and head outside to a parked car to drive to the drop-off point. This calculated move leaves the suitcases safely out of the FBI's reach, allowing Jimmy's sinister scheme to continue unchecked.

As dusk settles on the horizon, Tom's vehicle continues its steady pace, unaware of the stealthy pursuit unfolding mere yards behind him. The low hum of a radio crackles with malice as Jimmy taunts Tom over the airwaves, his words laced with disdain for his adversary's ability to grease the wheels of justice. But Tom's obliviousness is short-lived; he finally pulls over at the side of the road, only to realize that Jimmy has vanished into thin air. The radio signal grows fainter still, and it isn't until Tom hits the highway once more that the voice on the other end re-emerges, its tone now laced with urgency. With an address to be delivered and a price to pay, Jimmy instructs Tom to veer off at the next rock quarry, where Cubby awaits, perched atop an all-terrain vehicle.

As Tom arrives at the quarry, Cubby materializes, his eyes fixed greedily on the promised payout. However, when Tom requests the much-needed address, Cubby proves as slippery as a snake, refusing to budge until he's satisfied with the payment. But before he can even get his hands on the cash, the skies darken and two helicopters swoop in, their FBI SWAT teams prepared to pounce on the unsuspecting Cubby. The ensuing chaos is marked by gunfire and desperate attempts to flee, with Cubby managing to wound one of his pursuers before a well-placed sniper shot sends him tumbling to the ground. As Tom approaches the dying Cubby, he's met with a mixture of anger and resignation.

With Cubby's passing, Tom's ire turns squarely on the FBI, whom he blames for silencing the only lead they had to his son. However, Hawkins' calm demeanor and reassuring words soon soothe Tom's rage, as the agent reveals that identifying the drop man has yielded a crucial breakthrough. It transpires that Cubby was little more than a small-time thief, with ties to a far more formidable figure in the criminal underworld – his brother Clark, a player of considerable influence. The prospect of tracking down this slippery character and following the trail he may lead to Sean offers Tom a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

Back at the hideout, Clark's anger is palpable as he mourns the loss of his younger brother. Maris shares his outrage, but Jimmy remains resolute, insisting that their plan for ransom remains intact despite Cubby's demise. As tensions simmer just below the surface, it becomes clear that the stakes are higher than ever before, and that the path ahead will be marked by treachery, violence, and ultimately, a desperate bid to reclaim what's been lost.

As news of the daring drop-off and Sean's abduction spreads like wildfire through the media landscape, Tom's penthouse becomes a hotbed of activity. Jimmy makes another clandestine call to Tom, issuing new instructions on where to deposit the ransom money this time around. With the FBI's decoy in place to throw off the scent of prying eyes, Tom sets out to follow Jimmy's directives. However, after carefully considering his next move, Tom decides to abandon Jimmy's plan and instead takes a bold step: he commandeers Channel 5 news for a special report.

Seated behind a desk, flanked by the $2 million ransom laid out before him like a tempting siren's song, Tom delivers a stark message to the kidnappers. He will not be swayed by their demands; instead, he proposes using the ransom money as a reward for information leading to the capture or demise of the kidnapper. Tom asserts that his son's life is in grave danger, and that the only way to ensure Sean's safe return is to render the ransom useless.

Back at the penthouse, Tom's wife and Hawkins are left stunned by this unprecedented strategy. However, Tom's conviction that the kidnappers plan to kill Sean if they get their way eventually wins over his wife's doubts. Convinced that Cubby's behavior during the initial drop-off was a harbinger of doom for his son, Tom is resolute in his decision.

Meanwhile, Jimmy's grip on his crew begins to slip as they become increasingly desperate and belligerent. Desperate to regain control, he concocts a new plan designed to counter Tom's bold move. He sends Kate a chilling note, instructing her to appear at a renovated church at 2am without her husband's knowledge. Donning a ski mask, Jimmy ambushes Kate and brutally threatens to gut Sean unless his ransom demands are met. The aftermath leaves Kate shaken, her faith in Tom's plan wavering, as well as Sean's shirt soaked with bloodstains.

Upon returning home, Kate is visibly distraught, her confidence in Tom's strategy beginning to crumble. Hawkins senses an opportunity to exploit this doubt and sets out to create a rift between Tom and his wife, advocating for the ransom payment as the most probable means of securing Sean's safe recovery.

As Tom's resolve hardens, he makes a bold move by stepping out into the sea of media waiting outside his doorstep, announcing that the reward has doubled to $4 million. The sudden development prompts Jimmy to call back, with Sean's voice momentarily audible before demanding that Tom pay the ransom. However, both men refuse to yield, and their verbal sparring match escalates until Jimmy threatens to kill Sean on the spot, firing a shot at a nearby wall to bluff Tom and Kate into thinking the worst has occurred.

Meanwhile, chaos ensues at Jimmy's location, where his plan appears to be unraveling. Desperate to salvage the situation, Jimmy retreats to a nearby laundromat to regroup, as Clark and Miles prepare to leave in their white van. Back at the house, Maris begins to consider alternative plans.

Jimmy eventually formulates a new strategy, using his radio to make a distress call to his dispatcher before emerging onto the street, flashing his badge, and attempting to "arrest" Miles and Clark. Realizing they've been betrayed, the pair attempts to flee, but not before Jimmy eliminates them. In a subsequent move, he plants a fired revolver on Miles' body before being caught off guard by Maris, who emerges from the house, shooting him in the shoulder. Although pained by the necessity of doing so, Jimmy ultimately takes down Maris as well.

As police units converge on the scene, Jimmy staggers back into the house and positions himself beside Sean's bedside, radioing in to report that he has located the kidnappers' hideout and the boy. He remains in this precarious position until the Emergency Service Unit breaches the location and discovers him.

Tom and Kate are subsequently informed of the breakthrough and are reunited with their son. As Jimmy is transported away on an ambulance, Tom offers his gratitude for having saved Sean's life.

In the days that follow, Jimmy is lauded as a hero by both his peers and the public. Meanwhile, at the Mullens', Sean struggles to adjust to his new reality, still fearful of being left in the dark and haunted by the prolonged periods of blindness during his kidnapping.

As Jimmy arrives at Tom's opulent penthouse apartment, a mere couple of days after the ordeal, he is met with an air of tension and foreboding. The wealthy businessman complies with Jimmy's request for the $4 million reward, leading them to his study where Tom begins scribbling out a check. However, their cordial conversation is soon disrupted by Jimmy's probing inquiry: Why didn't you simply pay the ransom? Tom's response, though calm and collected, reveals a glimpse into his psyche, as he explains that the kidnapper in question was nothing more than "human garbage." He confesses that had push come to shove, he would have paid ten times the reward to secure his son's safe return.

As they continue to converse, Tom's peripheral vision picks up on a familiar figure lingering just off-center: Sean. Upon catching sight of Jimmy's face and hearing his distinctive voice, Sean freezes in place, his eyes wide with fear. A moment later, he is seen to urinate down the side of his pants, a telltale sign of sheer terror. Tom, ever vigilant, recalls news reports suggesting that Maris may not have been the primary kidnapper, but rather an accomplice who managed to escape detection.

The tension in the air becomes palpable as Sean quietly exits the scene, leaving Tom and Jimmy alone once more. The businessman then presents Jimmy with the check, but the latter's eyes betray a growing unease. Having noticed Tom's hesitation, Jimmy now suspects that his host may be plotting against him. He demands that Tom call his bank and wire the $4 million directly to his account, producing a gun to drive home his threat.

Tom, ever the cunning strategist, counters with an offer: he will take Jimmy to his bank and facilitate the transfer in person, after which he will arrange for Jimmy's safe transportation to anywhere. Jimmy reluctantly accepts this arrangement but cannot shake off the feeling that Tom is trying to double-cross him. He warns Tom that one day, he may well return to exact a brutal revenge upon Sean.

As they depart the apartment, Tom makes a call on his car phone, feigning an interest in making travel arrangements for Jimmy. In reality, he is secretly contacting Hawkins and the FBI investigators, informing them that their next stop will be at his bank before heading to the airport. Jimmy's suspicions are piqued, sensing that Tom may be attempting to outmaneuver him. However, before he can activate the speakerphone, Tom brings the call to a close, leaving Jimmy to wonder what game is afoot.

As they exited the bank, Tom (actor's name) and Jimmy (actor's name) were treated like dignitaries by the police officers stationed outside, their pleasant banter a mere facade for the high-stakes game unfolding. The real objective was to stall for time, as the FBI had discreetly alerted the NYPD about Jimmy's true nature. Unbeknownst to Tom, this brief respite would soon give way to chaos.

As they stepped out into the bright lights of the city, Jimmy's instincts proved eerily accurate. The very police officers who had offered them a warm smile mere minutes prior now moved to apprehend him, their hands grasping for handcuffs. In a flash, Jimmy's gun appeared, and with calculated precision, he took down both officers. As they lay motionless on the pavement, Jimmy vanished into the swirling traffic, leaving Tom in hot pursuit.

Their desperate struggle spilled out onto the sidewalk, eventually drawing to a halt outside a storefront where Tom managed to wrestle Jimmy's weapon from his grasp, holding it menacingly inches from Jimmy's face. Just as the standoff reached its climax, sirens wailed, and police cruisers converged on the scene, demanding Jimmy's surrender. Despite being gravely wounded, Jimmy still clung to hope, reaching for a backup gun stashed in an ankle holster.

Tom remained one step ahead, anticipating Jimmy's move and firing once, followed by Hawkins' three swift shots that struck their target with deadly precision. As Jimmy slumped lifelessly to the ground, the scene was bathed in an eerie silence.

Kate soon emerged from the shadows, her eyes locking onto Tom as they walked away from the carnage, leaving the police to secure the area. The credits rolled as the once-turbulent street corner gradually returned to its tranquil state, the evening sun casting a warm glow over the now-quiet scene.