
Does Requiem for a Dream have end credit scenes?


Requiem for a Dream has end credit scenes.

Requiem for a Dream

Requiem for a Dream


In this poignant drama, two lives intersect in a haunting exploration of human connection and longing. As lonely widow Sara Goldfarb chases fleeting happiness through a perilous diet regime, her aimless son Harry's struggles come into stark relief. A powerful parable of love, loss, and the elusiveness of true connection unfolds in this poignant tale of two souls searching for solace.

Runtime: 102 min

Box Office: $7.4M









User Score






User Score


8.3 /10

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Check out what happened in Requiem for a Dream!

In the gritty streets of Brooklyn, New York, two friends, Harry Goldfarb (Jared Leto) and Tyrone Love (Marlon Wayans), navigate their daily lives of petty thefts to fuel their drug habits. Harry's mother, Sara Goldfarb (Ellen Burstyn), a widow living alone in Brighton Beach, finds herself repeatedly buying back her stolen TV set from pawn shop owner Abe Rabinowitz (Mark Margolis). Despite his persistent attempts to turn Harry in, Sara's maternal instincts prevail, as she clings to the hope that her son will find a way out of their desolate situation.

As the summer heats up, Harry and Tyrone concoct a plan to make a profit by reselling heroin on the streets, seeking to escape the drudgery of their lives. Their initial success allows them to dream big, discussing the acquisition of a pound of extremely pure heroin as their "big score" that will finance a legal business venture.

Harry's girlfriend, Marion Silver (Jennifer Connelly), struggles with her distant relationship with her parents, who remain unseen throughout the film. In an effort to appease them, she occasionally socializes with Arnold (Sean Gullette), her psychiatrist, while sharing the same indulgences as Harry and Tyrone - snorting and shooting heroin and cocaine, dropping speed, and fantasizing about a brighter future.

As Harry's earnings increase, he and Marion begin to envision a life beyond their troubled pasts. They discuss opening a clothing store where Marion can utilize her design skills, offering a glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

As Sara's fixation with the charismatic self-help guru Tappy Tibbons (Christopher McDonald) intensifies, she becomes obsessed with the prospect of flaunting her relationship with Harry on a national TV show. Her eyes are fixed on a specific red dress, one that holds sentimental value and reminds her of happier times, particularly Harry's high school graduation. The problem is, her recent weight gain has rendered the dress unwearable. A friend who often joins her for impromptu sit-downs outside her apartment gifts her a diet book, but the restrictive "grapefruit and coffee" regimen only leaves her perpetually famished. In a moment of desperation, Sara turns to unorthodox methods, seeking guidance from a questionable doctor who promises rapid weight loss through medication.

Meanwhile, Tyrone and Harry have amassed a considerable fortune through their illicit dealings, stashing it in a hidden shoe box within Tyrone's apartment. As they bask in the glow of their financial success, memories of happier times flood their minds. For Harry, this includes the carefree days spent running home to his mother's loving arms before sharing tender moments with his girlfriend.

As summer gives way to fall, the detrimental effects of the drugs that Sara, Marion, Tyrone, and Harry are using begin to manifest. The duo's financial reserves start to dwindle, and their reckless spending habits take a toll. Harry's generosity is put to the test when he purchases Sara a state-of-the-art TV and entertainment system. Tyrone finds himself caught in the crossfire of a brutal drug gang hit, landing him in jail and necessitating a costly bail-out. During a visit to Sara's apartment, Harry discovers her secret: she's been taking methamphetamine-based diet pills, or "speed," and warns her of the dangers involved. Yet, Sara remains resolute, convinced that her upcoming TV appearance is revitalizing her spirit and giving her life new meaning. Harry departs in a taxi, his emotions shattered by the gravity of his mother's addiction, but he chooses to do nothing to intervene, leaving Sara to continue down this treacherous path.

As the trio's fortunes continue to dwindle, Tyrone, Harry, and Marion find themselves facing an existential crisis, devoid of both their primary vices and financial security. The absence of funds renders them powerless to procure more drugs, leaving them trapped in a vicious cycle. Desperate for a solution, Harry implores Marion to solicit Arnold's assistance, offering her as collateral for a $2,000 loan that would allow them to secure a supply from a notorious underworld figure. Marion's trepidation is palpable as she reluctantly agrees to Arnold's terms, sacrificing her dignity in exchange for the means to satiate their cravings.

Meanwhile, Sara's downward spiral accelerates as she gradually sheds pounds, the zipper on her dress tantalizingly close to being fully zipped. However, this physical transformation is tempered by a growing tolerance for the pills, which she consumes in increasingly larger quantities without consulting her doctor. The cumulative effect of her reliance on these substances precipitates a slide into drug-induced psychosis, manifesting as hallucinations that grow more vivid and intense with each passing day. In these altered states, Sara finds herself transported to the set of Tappy Tibbons' infomercial, where she's treated like royalty and engages in conversation with the charismatic host himself.

As the cold winds of winter begin to howl, Harry's relationship with Marion starts to fray at the seams. The unrelenting pressure to feed their addiction takes its toll on their love for each other, as they become increasingly consumed by the very vices that once brought them together. Marion blames Harry for the botched deal with the underworld figure, and the tension between them reaches a boiling point after a brutal fight. In desperation, Harry provides her with a phone number for Big Tim (Keith David), a notorious dealer who's rumored to have connections to Tyrone.

The reality of their situation dawns on Harry when he discovers a telltale black spot on his arm, a constant reminder of the heroin that once brought him such fleeting joy. As the city becomes increasingly hostile, with drug gangs and police cracking down in equal measure, Harry and Tyrone are forced to confront the harsh reality: they can't find any heroin within their grasp. In a last-ditch effort to satiate their cravings, they decide to embark on a perilous journey to Florida, hoping to score from a reliable source.

Marion, meanwhile, finds herself at rock bottom, her withdrawal pangs so intense that she's willing to do anything to alleviate the suffering. In desperation, she turns to Angel, their regular contact, but he rebuffs her efforts, citing her financial insolvency as the reason for his indifference. As a last resort, she reaches out to Big Tim, who's more than happy to provide her with a fix – at a steep price. The lines between consent and coercion are blurred as Marion compromises her dignity in exchange for a fleeting high. Pleased with her performance, Big Tim extends an invitation to join him at an exclusive orgy event, beckoning her into the depths of his depraved world.

As Sara remains trapped in her own delusional world, the absence of the TV invitation serves as a catalyst for her downward spiral. Her fixation on the refrigerator reaches a fever pitch, and she resorts to taking increasingly large doses of medication in a desperate bid to silence its perceived torment. However, this misguided attempt only leads her down a rabbit hole of vivid hallucinations, culminating in the surreal scenario where the appliance lumbers into the kitchen, its metal jaws agape. Fleeing her apartment in a state of terror, Sara ventures out into the wintry streets sans coat, her disheveled state a testament to her deteriorating mental health. Her aimless wanderings eventually land her at a Manhattan television studio, where she begs for an answer about her impending appearance on air. The receptionist and TV executives stall, aware that Sara's mental state is precarious, and it soon becomes clear that they are merely buying time until the paramedics arrive to whisk her away to a psychiatric institution.

Meanwhile, Harry and Tyrone embark on their journey to Florida, but their plans are foiled by the ominous growth of a black spot on Harry's arm. As the pain intensifies, the duo seeks medical attention, only to find themselves in the crosshairs of law enforcement. The hospital triage doctor quickly diagnoses Harry as a drug addict and discreetly confiscates any remaining substances before calling the authorities. Tyrone and Harry are subsequently arrested and hauled off to jail, where they face harsh treatment at the hands of racist guards and grueling work detail.

As Sara's mental state continues its downward trajectory, she refuses treatment and sustains herself on a diet of denial, her psychosis deepening with each passing day. Unbeknownst to her, this same denial ultimately leads her to unwittingly authorize electro-shock therapy, further exacerbating her fragile mental state.

In the midst of this turmoil, Harry finds himself struggling in prison, his arm having become a grotesque blackened appendage that reeks of decay and pain. Confronted with the very real prospect of amputation at the shoulder, Harry is rushed to the infirmary for emergency surgery.

Amidst the chaos, Marion prepares for Big Tim's extravagant party, her preparations punctuated by an array of provocative sexual encounters, including a daring 'ass-to-ass' display with another woman.

As Harry's consciousness stirs, he finds himself drifting towards a radiant Marion, standing expectantly on the iconic Coney Island pier. The vivid dream dissolves, replaced by the stark reality of a hospital room, where a compassionate nurse (Lianna Pai) tends to his every need. Her soothing presence is tempered only by the ache in Harry's heart as he utters Marion's name, his voice heavy with resignation. The nurse's gentle promise to reach out and arrange for Marion's visit is met with Harry's quiet understanding – a tacit acknowledgment that their connection has been irreparably severed.

In a world seemingly turned upside down, Marion returns from Big Tim's party, her arms laden with the spoils of her newfound arrangement. As she settles onto her couch, a look of euphoria washes over her, her very essence infused with an air of tranquility. The stark contrast between her tranquil state and Harry's hospital room serves as a poignant reminder of the chasm that now exists between them.

Meanwhile, Tyrone and his fellow inmates are cooped up in their cramped cell, exhausted bodies crying out for rest. As he collapses onto his cot, Tyrone's thoughts turn to his childhood, and the maternal love that once brought him solace. The harsh realities of his present situation serve only to underscore the depth of his despair.

In a separate corner of this fractured world, Sara's friends visit her at the mental hospital, their faces contorted in distress as they take in the shell of a person she has become. Their anguished sobs echo through the sterile halls, a haunting reminder of the devastating toll taken by life's cruel twists and turns.

As the movie reaches its poignant conclusion, each of the four main characters finds themselves curled up in a fetal position – Harry's arm amputated, Marion's spirit crushed, Tyrone's hopes extinguished, and Sara's very essence lost to the void. The final blow is delivered as Sara succumbs to another hallucination, this time finding herself basking in the glory of Tappy Tibbons' show, her red dress radiant against a backdrop of triumph and joy. Amidst the cheering audience, Harry has transformed into a successful businessman, his arm wrapped around Marion's waist as they prepare to exchange vows – a fleeting fantasy that only serves to underscore the bleakness of their reality.