
Does Running for Grace have end credit scenes?


Running for Grace does not have end credit scenes.

Running for Grace

Running for Grace


In the lush mountains of Hawaii, an orphan's remarkable speed becomes his lifeblood as he outruns time to bring vital medicine to coffee pickers. Amidst this rugged backdrop, he sparks a whirlwind romance with the plantation owner's daughter, defying social norms and racing against the clock to seize their fleeting love.

Runtime: 110 min

Box Office: $91K





6.1 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in Running for Grace!

In the lush and vibrant Kona Coffee Belt of Hawaii during the 1920s, a rigid social hierarchy governed the lives of Japanese immigrant laborers and the white upperclass. Amidst this stratified society, Jo, an orphan of mixed-race heritage, found himself shunned by both groups until Doc, a white physician from the mainland, arrived to tend to the workers on the plantation owned by the affluent Mr. Danielson. As part of his duties, Doc entrusted Jo with the responsibility of overseeing medical matters and serving as his interpreter on the island.

A decade passed, and Jo's life took a dramatic turn when he fell deeply in love with Grace, the enchanting daughter of Mr. Danielson. Their clandestine meetings occurred under the guise of treating her ankle injury at the Danielson estate, where they would steal glances at one another amidst the lush greenery. Meanwhile, Doc was secretly making trips to Hilo to consult with a lawyer about formally adopting Jo, an act that was illegal at the time due to Hawaii's racial laws.

As fate would have it, Mr. Danielson brought in a new doctor, Dr. Reyes, who was tasked with tending to the white upperclass residents of the island, even as his employer's company teetered on the brink of bankruptcy. Jo, initially impressed by Dr. Reyes' sleek Ford Model T and his charisma, asked to be taken on as his assistant. However, when they visited Mr. Danielson's accountant, who had attempted suicide by poisoning himself, Jo discovered that Dr. Reyes was a charlatan, lacking the medical expertise he claimed.

Dr. Reyes later revealed a romantic interest in Grace, which her father, desperate to save his plantation and way of life, encouraged as an opportunity for financial salvation. Mr. Danielson set out on a journey to Hilo to discuss his impending bankruptcy with the bank, intending to announce that Grace would soon marry into a wealthy family. His trip was marked by misfortune when he accidentally fell into a ditch and struck his head. Doc and Jo were the first to arrive at the scene and, upon inspecting Mr. Danielson's injury, Doc feared it was severe enough to be life-threatening.

He instructed Jo to find Dr. Reyes so that they could utilize his motorcar to transport their ailing employer back to the plantation. At Mr. Danielson's home, he and his mother insisted that Dr. Reyes treat his head wound and demanded that Doc and Jo leave. Just moments later, Grace emerged from the house in tears, announcing her father's passing. As she and Jo shared an emotional moment, they were interrupted by Grace's grandmother and Dr. Reyes, who watched over them with a mixture of curiosity and disapproval.

As the sun dips below the horizon, Doc (actor name) and Jo make their way back to their humble abode, unaware of the sinister forces lurking in the shadows. Dr. Reyes, with malice in his heart, deliberately sets out to run them down in his vehicle, his intentions as dark as the night itself. In a desperate bid to save Jo's life, Doc pushes his friend out of harm's way, but ultimately pays the ultimate price, succumbing to his injuries mere moments later. As Dr. Reyes unleashes a chilling threat against Jo, demanding he leave town or face dire consequences, our protagonist is left reeling from the sudden loss of his closest ally.

In the aftermath of this traumatic event, Jo finds himself seeking solace in the comforting arms of his mother's house. There, he's greeted by the unexpected presence of a Hilo lawyer, who reveals the astonishing truth that Doc's adoption has finally come to fruition. This newfound knowledge serves as a catalyst for Jo, who feels compelled to interrupt the scheduled nuptials between Dr. Reyes and Grace (character name). With an air of determination, Jo asks for Grace's hand in marriage, much to the surprise of all in attendance. As the stunned assembly struggles to process this unexpected twist, Miss Hanabusa, a loyal caretaker to Grace for many years, sheds light on a previously unknown truth: Mr. Danielson, the man who'd once seemed so affluent and secure, was actually bankrupt - his financial woes a secret known only to a select few.