
Does Spiderhead have end credit scenes?


Spiderhead does not have end credit scenes.




In a pioneering maximum-security facility, visionary Steve Abnesti (Chris Hemsworth) offers inmates a revolutionary chance at redemption: wearable devices that regulate mind-altering substances in exchange for reduced sentences. As two subjects, Jeff (Miles Teller) and Lizzy (Jurnee Smollett), form a connection, the boundaries of free will blur, threatening to upend Abnesti's carefully crafted experiment.

Runtime: 106 min









User Score






User Score


5.5 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in Spiderhead!

Deep within the confines of a futuristic penal institution, the lines between prisoner and volunteer are blurred as inmates participate in cutting-edge experiments designed to revolutionize the treatment of emotions. Under the benevolent gaze of Steve Abnesti (Steve) and his trusted assistant Mark, the subjects, including reformed drunk driver Jeff, are granted a unique opportunity to shorten their sentence by submitting to daily doses of research chemicals. These potent compounds alter the inmates' emotional states, rendering them susceptible to manipulation.

In this carefully controlled environment, Jeff's emotional landscape is significantly altered when he is administered N-40, a "love drug" that distorts his perception and drives him into intimate encounters with two fellow inmates. Steve poses an unsettling question: which of these two individuals should be subjected to Darkenfloxx, a sinister compound capable of inducing intense fear and psychological torment? Jeff's reluctance stems from the ephemeral nature of his feelings, having been previously manipulated by the love drug.

The next day, Steve invites Jeff into the observation room, revealing that the "powers that be" have decreed that Heather, one of the inmates, will receive a dose of Darkenfloxx. As the effects take hold, Heather's despairing actions culminate in a tragic and irreversible decision. This devastating event prompts Mark to question the morality of their work within the confines of Abnesti Pharmaceuticals.

As the atmosphere within the prison facility begins to unravel, Steve and Jeff share a moment of levity, bonding over their shared use of a laughing drug. In this altered state, Steve confides in Jeff about his troubled past, revealing that he was abandoned by his father as a child. Jeff, still grappling with his own demons, opens up to Lizzy (character), an inmate who has earned his trust, confessing the full extent of his tragic past: not only did he cause the fatal car accident that took the lives of his friend and girlfriend, but he also bears the weight of those culpable actions.

Steve's gaze lingers on Jeff's burgeoning feelings for Lizzy, while Mark's doubts about Steve's true motives continue to simmer. As tensions escalate, Jeff confronts Mark, who finally cracks under the pressure, exposing the inherent flaws in their sinister experimentation.

As Steve implores Jeff to administer Darkenfloxx to Lizzy, Jeff's cunning nature takes hold, and he commandeers Steve's MobiPak, exposing the shocking truth that Mark has secretly laced his own device with the potent compliance drug. The revelation shatters Steve's trust, as Jeff forces him to confess the true purpose of the program: a sinister experiment testing B-6, a drug designed to ensure obedience without fail. The inmates' seemingly voluntary participation in various tests was, in reality, a farce, orchestrated by the subtle influence of B-6.

Steve's stunned expression only adds gravity to the devastating revelation that he has completed his sentence seven months prior, while Lizzy's appeal for release had been approved just days earlier. With Jeff's demands now clear, Steve is compelled to open the main entrance, freeing Lizzy from her torment, but not before Jeff orders him to surrender his pocket knife. Steve resists, refusing to betray the project he has come to regard as the only aspect of his existence worthy of devotion.

In a desperate attempt to reclaim control, Steve activates all four vials of Darkenfloxx in Lizzy's MobiPak, plunging her into a state of hysteria and prompting a suicidal descent. The ensuing struggle between Steve and Jeff culminates with Steve's disarmed but damaged MobiPak, leaving him vulnerable and reeling.

As chaos ensues, Jeff rushes to rescue Lizzy, successfully removing the Darkenfloxx vials and confessing his love for her. However, Steve regains his composure and orders the other inmates to apprehend Jeff and Lizzy, sending them into a desperate flight from Spiderhead. With Mark and the authorities closing in, Steve seizes the opportunity to escape on his float-plane, only to crash joylessly into a mountain as he succumbs to the effects of his damaged MobiPak.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Lizzy manage to evade capture by commandeering the remaining motorboat, their freedom secured. As they sail away from Spiderhead's troubled shores, Jeff's poignant voiceover reflects on the true nature of self-forgiveness: a choice that must be worked towards, rather than bestowed upon us.