
Does Surf's Up have end credit scenes?


Surf's Up has end credit scenes.

Surf's Up

Surf's Up


In the sun-kissed waves of Pen Gu Island, a young penguin named Cody Maverick pursues his dream to ride the surf and earn respect among peers. Documenting his journey, Cody faces off against legendary riders at the Big Z Memorial Surf Off, only to discover that true triumph lies in unexpected friendships and learning what really matters beneath the surface.

Runtime: 85 min

Box Office: $152M







User Score






User Score


6.7 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Surf's Up!

Here's my rephrased version of the section:

In the picturesque fishing village of Shiverpool, Antarctica, home to a colony of rockhopper penguins, two unassuming filmmakers (Ash Brannon and Chris Buck) quietly arrive on the scene. Their mission is to chronicle the life of Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf), a young surfer with a passion that sets him apart from his peers. As the only surfer in his community, Cody often finds himself at odds with the other penguins, including his big brother Glen (Brian Posehn) who frequently belittles his endeavors. Despite her son's dreams, Cody's mother Edna (Dana Belben) remains impartial, consumed by her own concerns and preoccupied with the harsh realities of life in Shiverpool.

Cody's story begins to take shape as he shares with the filmmakers the origin of his love for surfing. It was Big Z, a legendary penguin surfer, who first ignited Cody's passion when he visited Shiverpool on tour. The young penguin was mesmerized by Big Z's skills and received a one-of-a-kind shell necklace from him, which has become a symbol of Cody's aspirations to follow in his idol's footsteps. With dreams of leaving Shiverpool and becoming a surfer like Big Z, Cody's desire for adventure and recognition becomes an all-consuming force.

Enter Mikey (Mario Cantone), a surfer scout sandpiper who arrives in Shiverpool via whale, accompanied by a group of talented young surfers from around the globe. As Mikey searches for his next big discovery, he stumbles upon Cody sorting fish and asks him to demonstrate his skills. Unfortunately, the waves are uncooperative that day, and Mikey departs without giving Cody a second chance. Undeterred, Cody decides to take matters into his own flippers and sets out to prove himself, with the help of an unlikely ally - Joe (Jon Heder), a laid-back chicken from Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

Together, Cody and Joe join forces to chase after Mikey's whale, determined to make it to the prestigious 10th Annual Big Z Memorial Surfing Competition on Pengu Island. As they mingle with fellow surfers, including pros Rob Machado and Kelly Slater, Cody can't help but be captivated by the charming lifeguard Lani (Zooey Deschanel), who saves a young penguin named Arnold (Reed Buck) from drowning. With Joe's encouragement, Cody musters up the courage to approach Lani, and the two quickly become fast friends. Little do they know, their lives are about to take a dramatic turn as the competition heats up and the stakes grow higher.

As Cody and Joe gaze upon the revered shrine to Big Z, a poignant flashback unfolds, transporting them to a fateful day 10 years prior. Big Z, a legendary surfer, had vanished while paddling into a massive swell during a contest on Pengu Island, leaving behind only shattered remnants of his iconic surfboard. The nostalgic reverie is abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Tank "The Shredder" Evans (Diedrich Bader), a nine-time Big Z competition champion, who proceeds to vandalize the sacred board with rocks. Cody intervenes, and their heated exchange attracts the attention of Reggie Belafonte (James Woods), the charismatic promoter and face of the competition. In an attempt to diffuse the situation, Reggie proposes a one-on-one surf-off between Cody and Tank to settle the dispute, gifting Cody a high-performance board in the process.

As the two penguins venture into the turbulent waves, Cody's earlier vow that his first big ride would be the best he'd ever had is echoed through the air. However, Cody's dream quickly turns into a nightmare as he wipes out, while Tank effortlessly rides the wave to victory. Cody's subsequent tumble leaves him battered and bruised on a rocky reef. Lani rushes in to rescue him, reviving his comatose form before he succumbs to vivid hallucinations and eventually falls unconscious once more. Squeamish Joe, meanwhile, faints on the beach as Lani seeks medical assistance from a higher authority.

Her search leads her to a mystical treehouse nestled deep within the forest, where she awakens Geek (Jeff Bridges) from his slumber, having him examine Cody's battered form. The medicine man discovers a sea urchin needle lodged in Cody's foot and deftly extracts it, only to realize that this act of kindness has inadvertently unleashed the poison coursing through Cody's veins. In a bold move, Geek employs a trick learned from a wise medicine man, drinking rainwater and then urinating on Cody's afflicted foot. Cody's horrified reaction forces Lani to render him unconscious once again.

Back on the beach, Reggie remains apathetic towards Cody's plight, his attention consumed by the fleeting nature of fame and fortune. Mikey, sensing his friend's distress, attempts to intervene, but Reggie's concerns are solely centered around his own reputation in the cutthroat world of show business.

As Lani departs to leave Cody in the capable hands of Geek, she confesses to the filmmakers her deep-seated discomfort with seeing Geek isolated all the time, finding solace in knowing that some camaraderie will keep him occupied for a while. The following morning, Geek awakens Cody and escorts him to the woods' winding path, which promises to lead back to North Beach. However, when Cody discovers he's lost his treasured Big Z necklace, his distress turns to despair as he recounts the sentimental value it holds - having been given to him personally by Z, who taught him the importance of perseverance and never giving up, as that's what winners do. Geek offers sage advice, cautioning Cody not to leave without finding his own way forward. Dejected by his failure at the beach and unsure of his next move, Cody sulkily perches himself on a log near the path, lost in thought.

Meanwhile, back in North Beach, Z stumbles upon the very same necklace that had slipped from Cody's grasp and decides to return it to its rightful owner. Upon doing so, he pauses to notice the peculiar log Cody is sitting on - a rare Koa wood, renowned for its exceptional quality as a material for crafting surfboards. With an idea brewing in his mind, Z proposes creating a custom board for Cody, who, after some prodding, agrees to the venture.

As Chicken Joe stirs to life on the beach, he finds himself the unwitting recipient of a sandcastle constructed atop his prone form and is left scrambling to locate Cody, whose absence has left him feeling uneasy. Joe's search yields nothing but echoes of their shared struggles and a poignant image of an elder Chicken Joe sitting alone with a bucket of nuggets. In a separate corner of the woods, Geek and Cody are laboriously dragging the Koa log towards its destination - only for it to careen out of control down a hillside before crashing onto the shores of a secluded cove, hidden from view.

Cody's curiosity gets the better of him as he ventures into the mysterious surf shack stocked with boards that eerily resemble those owned by Big Z. His query is met with Geek's silence, which only serves to further pique Cody's interest. In a stunning revelation, Cody discovers that Geek is none other than Big Z himself, who has been hiding away in his shack, refusing to discuss the circumstances surrounding his supposed demise. As Cody presses Z for answers, Zeke remains evasive, insisting he's still very much deceased - trapped within the confines of his own mind.

As Cody ventures onto the beach with one of Z's boards, the enigmatic surf instructor appears, his eyes narrowing as he observes Cody's ineptitude. Z astutely predicts that Cody's lack of focus will lead to a wipeout, and indeed, a wave promptly sweeps Cody ashore. Undeterred, Cody approaches Z, begging for guidance on how to master the art of surfing. Z remains unyielding, instead offering cryptic advice: if Cody wants to truly learn how to surf, he must create his own board from scratch.

Meanwhile, a filmmaker captures the thoughts and dreams of the island's youth, including Arnold, Kate (Reese Elowe), and Smudge (Jack P. Ranjo), who share their visions of surfing as an art form. Tank, however, presents a stark contrast; consumed by his competitive drive to win, he flaunts his impressive trophy collection, each one bearing a unique name, a testament to his relentless pursuit of victory.

As Z tutors Cody in the ancient art of board-making, the young surfer's initial attempts are hasty and misguided, resulting in a rough-hewn plank that fails to impress. His frustration boils over when the makeshift board disintegrates upon entering the water. Disheartened and enraged, Cody storms off, claiming he lacks the time to follow Z's unconventional methods before the upcoming contest. Z watches him depart with a mixture of amusement and concern.

Cody's encounter with Lani, who is on her way to deliver fresh clams to Z, serves as a welcome distraction from his surfing woes. As she leads Cody to her childhood sledding grounds within the island's labyrinthine lava tubes, he finds solace in the thrill of discovery. Later that night, Lani reveals the astonishing truth: Z is actually her uncle, and it's clear that he sees something special in Cody, or he wouldn't have taken an interest in mentoring him.

As the waves of melancholy recede, Cody returns to the beach where he finds Z slumbering, and commences work on the other half of the koa log, this time dedicating himself to mastering Z's meticulous methods. With a discerning eye, Z observes Cody as he labors away, and the next morning, decides to put the board to the test by executing a series of jumps; the result is a resounding success, with the board emerging unscathed from the ordeal.

As the sun dips below the horizon, Z shares his profound wisdom with Cody, revealing that nothing compares to riding the tube of a wave in surfing - an addiction that even professional surfers can't help but succumb to. When Cody inquires about the points earned for riding the tube, he's met with a scathing rebuke from Z, who refuses to view it through such a mercenary lens.

Meanwhile, Reggie lounges about, content in his own company, as Mikey prepares for the impending surfing competition throughout the day. Joe, ever the intrepid explorer, recounts his thrilling tale of how he encountered the native Pengu-ins the previous evening - or rather, was captured by them and placed in a cooking pot, what he thought was a 'hot tub' at first. His captors' hapless nature ultimately allows him to make a calm exit from the camp, continuing his quest to track down Cody.

Cody, now eager to hit the waves, pesters Z to get moving and share his expertise, but Z remains steadfast in his refusal to begin surfing lessons in the water. Instead, he subjects Cody to a series of 'tests' designed to gauge balance and patience - although most of them are cleverly disguised pranks. After a brief period of payback from Cody, they finally venture into the surf, where they catch their first waves together.

As the sun sets on this idyllic scene, Lani arrives at the beach, her eyes widening in surprise to find Z back in his element. She joins the pair and they spend hours surfing together, eventually retiring to a campfire where they feast on shrimp and enjoy a few musical selections from Z's ukulele. As the stars begin to twinkle overhead, Cody asks Z if he'll be attending the upcoming surf contest, only to be met with a resolute refusal. The tension is palpable as Cody demands to know why Z never returned after that 'one wave', his words hanging in the air like an unspoken challenge.

As Z's competitive fervor reached its zenith, the thrill of victory had become an all-consuming force in his life. The prospect of surrendering to the rising star that was Tank Evans (his surfing prowess leaving Z's outdated techniques in the dust) was too daunting to contemplate. In a desperate bid to salvage his reputation and avoid the ignominy of defeat, Z concocted a ruse of monumental proportions: he staged his own demise, plunging his surfboard into the waves and allowing the world to believe that he'd met a gruesome end in the unforgiving boneyards – a treacherous stretch of rocks and coral that seemed to defy even the bravest of surfers. As news of his passing spread like ripples on the water's surface, Z retreated to the solitude of his shack, only to be confronted by Cody's persistence and Lani's well-intentioned attempts at consolation.

The next morning, Cody reunited with Joe, whose unlikely friendship with a group of Pengu-ins had been forged over plates of squid-on-a-stick – a culinary oddity that bore an uncanny resemblance to the birds' other favorite snack: chicken. As they arrived on the beach mere moments before the contest was set to begin, Selema Masekela's voice boomed out across the waves, guiding competitors through the eliminations as one by one they fell from the ranks until only three surfers remained: Joe, Tank, and Cody himself.

As the competition reached its climax, Z watched from the shadows, his eyes fixed intently on the action unfolding before him. When Cody sensed Tank's intentions to take out Joe – a move that would have all but assured victory for the up-and-coming surfer – he seized the initiative, hurtling towards the wave and positioning himself for a tube ride of a lifetime. In a selfless act that would leave onlookers agog, Cody deliberately redirected his momentum, shoving Tank aside to allow Joe to complete his ride. The consequences of this bold move were immediate: both Cody and Tank found themselves navigating the treacherous boneyards, where Tank delivered a crushing blow that sent Cody tumbling from his board.

As Lani rushed in to rescue Tank, Cody's fate remained uncertain – until the camera panned out to reveal him clinging tenaciously to the jagged rocks, his determination to ride the waves as unbroken as the surf itself.

As Z materializes above Cody, grasping the rock where his shrine stands, he issues a cryptic instruction: Cody must surrender to the approaching wave's currents, allowing himself to be swept into Z's awaiting arms. The plan unfolds with precision, though the sheer force of the water sends them tumbling off the rocky outcropping. As they resurface, Z reveals that he had become disoriented, but Cody's aid helped him find his bearings once more. With this revelation, Lani warmly greets Cody, and the group celebrates as Joe is declared the winner of the contest. Z then extends an invitation to everyone to join him at his beach in the cove for a surfing extravaganza, leaving Reggie fuming with frustration. As Cody bids farewell to the filmmakers for the final time, he confesses that he's grown weary of being the center of attention, before riding off into the sunset with Z, ready to catch some waves.

Meanwhile, back at Shiverpool, the filmmakers regale Edna and Glen with tales of Cody's escapades, despite his lack of a trophy. Glen can't help but chuckle at the absurdity, but when Edna suggests he emulate Cody's carefree spirit, Glen responds with a deadpan expression, bringing the interview to an abrupt close.