
Does The Invitation have end credit scenes?


The Invitation does not have end credit scenes.

The Invitation

The Invitation


As Will returns to the dinner party hosted by his enigmatic ex-wife Eden, he's ensnared in a web of unease. Her new husband David's affable facade belies a sinister undercurrent, while her erratic behavior and an unsettling array of guests leave Will convinced that his invitation was laced with a dark ulterior motive, threatening to unravel the very fabric of their tragic past.

Runtime: 100 min

Box Office: $355K









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6.6 /10

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Check out what happened in The Invitation!

As Will (Logan Marshall-Green) navigates the winding roads of the Hollywood Hills alongside his girlfriend, Kira, they're bound for a dinner party at an address that holds sentimental value - the same place where he once shared a life with his ex-wife, Eden (Tammy Blanchard). The evening's invitation is only the latest development in a chain of events that began when Eden met her new husband, David, during the darkest moments following their divorce. But before they arrive at their destination, Will's encounter with a coyote on the deserted highway takes an unexpected turn. With a heavy heart, he chooses to end the animal's suffering, striking it down with a tire iron.

Upon arriving at the sprawling estate perched atop the canyons of Los Angeles, Will is greeted by a familiar faces - Tommy and Miguel, Gina, Claire, and Ben - all of whom have been absent from his life for two years. As they mingle and toast to the evening's festivities, Eden and her husband, David, make their entrance, bringing with them an air of celebration. Amidst the laughter and conversation, Will's attention is drawn to a half-naked woman emerging from the bedroom - Sadie, a mysterious presence who has clearly caught his eye.

As the night wears on, Will finds himself drawn into a series of flashbacks, each one transporting him back to a pivotal moment in his past. He relives the pain-stricken moments when Eden's life hung precariously in the balance, her desperation for escape culminating in a harrowing scene at the same kitchen sink where they now stand together.

Eden, too, is haunted by memories of her time alone in that very home, the scars of which still linger. Her husband, David, attempts to steer the conversation toward more pleasant topics, but Eden's words are laced with an undercurrent of desperation and a hint of the philosophical musings that have consumed her since her trip to Mexico.

The evening takes a dramatic turn when Ben, ever the provocateur, pushes Eden too far. Her response is swift and decisive - a stinging slap that leaves its mark on his cheek. As she exits the kitchen, the tension between them hangs heavy in the air.

Will's somber mood is palpable as Ben turns to him with an inquiry about how he's been coping in the wake of their own shared traumas. The question hangs like a challenge, one that Will seems ill-equipped to answer.

As the evening wears on, Eden's contrition towards Ben is palpable as they reemerge from the kitchen, offering him a drink that he can't refuse. Meanwhile, Claire seizes the opportunity to reconnect with Will, whisking him away to catch up on years of lost time. The pair's reunion is warm and familiar, a respite from the tension building around them. Across the room, Sadie, Eden, and David welcome a mysterious stranger, Pruitt (John Carroll Lynch), who exudes an air of quiet authority and shared history with the group.

Gina's frustration simmers just below the surface as she vents about Choi's tardiness and the lack of cell service in the remote hills. Her complaints are met with knowing glances from the others, who seem to share her sense of unease. David, sensing the growing unease, locks the doors behind them, his eyes locking onto Will's as he does so. The tension is palpable, and it's clear that something is amiss.

As the night wears on, Eden asks Will to venture out into the darkness to gather more firewood. He obliges, pausing briefly outside a bedroom before continuing on to the backyard. As he works, his mind begins to wander back to happier times, conjuring up vivid memories of a children's birthday party. The flashback is fleeting, but its impact lingers.

From his vantage point in the yard, Will notices Eden slipping into her bedroom and hastily shoving something into a nightstand drawer. His curiosity piqued, Will returns inside with the firewood and begins to make his way back to the living room. But he can't shake the feeling that something is off, and his gaze drifts towards Eden's room once more.

This time, Will sneaks in to investigate further. He finds himself face-to-face with a cache of pills stashed away in an unmarked container. Without hesitation, he pockets a few, his mind racing with questions and theories. As he searches the room, another flashback washes over him – this one featuring Eden, their young son, and a tender moment shared in the master bathroom.

The memories swirl around Will, threatening to overwhelm him as he stands there, frozen in time. The secrets he's uncovering are just beginning to unravel the tangled threads of this mysterious evening, and he can't help but wonder what other surprises lie in store for him and those around him.

As the evening wears on in the living room, the conversation turns to the enigmatic Eden, David, Sadie, and Pruitt, who have returned from their mysterious sojourn in Mexico, shrouded in an aura of mystique. The others, oblivious to the weighty significance of this revelation, tease them good-naturedly about their involvement with a group known as The Invitation. David, ever the enthusiastic advocate, describes it as a collective endeavor aimed at helping individuals cope with their grief, now boasting thousands of members worldwide. As his friends press for more information, he announces his intention to share a recruitment video that showcases the group's philosophy.

The video, hosted by a charismatic leader, is an impassioned plea to viewers to harness the power of their minds to overcome even the most traumatic experiences. But just as it seems like a straightforward exercise in self-help, the scene shifts to a somber tableau: a woman lying in bed, surrounded by members of The Invitation, who are guiding her through the process of... assisted suicide. This jarring turn of events sends a shiver down the spines of those not yet initiated into the group's inner workings.

Eden attempts to reassure her friends that the woman was terminally ill and had requested that her passing be filmed as a testament to the group's message: that death, in this context, is nothing to fear. David chimes in, sharing his own personal transformation from cocaine-fueled despair to centered calm since joining The Invitation. Eden, meanwhile, reveals that she has finally found happiness, despite the lingering shadows of her grief.

Just as the evening is settling into a comfortable groove, the doorbell rings, and Pruitt and David step out to converse with their unseen neighbors. In the midst of this distraction, Gina makes her way over to Will, apologizing for keeping her distance all these years. She explains that she was giving him space to process his grief, but Will's attention is drawn back to the front door, where David is regaling him with tales of the neighbors' quest for a party.

Meanwhile, Will has been quietly sharing his concerns with Miguel, a doctor who happens to be in attendance. He reveals that he found pills in Eden's bedroom and is seeking guidance on their potential dangers. Miguel reassures him that they are merely barbiturates, non-threatening unless taken in excess. As the group raises their glasses in a toast, Will can't help but feel a sense of unease, which Tommy attributes to the night's unusual atmosphere being nothing more than a harmless reunion.

As a gesture of goodwill for forcing everyone to endure a collective video experience, David proposes an unconventional icebreaker game inspired by The Invitation's "I Want" exercise. This involves each participant sharing their deepest desires aloud, unfiltered and uncensored. Sadie takes the first step, proclaiming her longing to express her love for every individual present, naming them specifically, and then extending her affection to those who often struggle to confess their fears. With a bold display of vulnerability, she seals her sentiment with a passionate kiss planted firmly on Gina's lips.

Gina responds by requesting some of David's previously enjoyed substance, only to retract her statement, revealing it was all just a ploy to keep the game going. The group continues, with Pruitt sharing his tale of loss and redemption. He recounts the tragic passing of his wife, Margaret, during a heated altercation that ended in his imprisonment for assault. However, it was not until he joined The Invitation that he began his journey towards personal growth and self-improvement.

As Pruitt's story concludes, Claire's unease becomes palpable, sensing that they're being subtly manipulated into embracing the principles of this enigmatic group. Sadie intervenes, demanding a kiss from Ben, which he obligingly bestows upon her lips, only to have her return the favor with an uninvited and passionate display. Tommy then takes his turn, requesting a specific sexual favor, prompting Claire to express her discomfort and desire to depart.

David attempts to persuade her to stay, but Will's counsel prevails, urging him to respect Claire's wishes and allow her to leave. As she departs, Pruitt moves his vehicle to accommodate her exit, only to halt her in her tracks as she's about to drive away. David intervenes, convincing Will to engage in a private conversation.

In this solo discussion, David inquires about Will's lingering unease, attributing it to the latter's distant demeanor and concerns over the locking of doors or Pruitt's suspicious behavior. Will apologizes, acknowledging that his unpreparedness to revisit the familiar surroundings where he once lived with Eden and their son may have contributed to his feelings of disconnection.

As the evening unfolds, Will's mind remains elsewhere, haunted by the ghosts of his past. His thoughts are consumed by a traumatic event - the birthday party where his son met an untimely demise, the details of which remain shrouded in mystery. Seeking solace, Will steps out into the backyard, his phone his only lifeline to the outside world. He tries to conjure up a signal, his fingers flying across the keypad as he attempts to connect with Choi, whose tardiness has left him feeling uneasy.

Returning to the house, Will is greeted by the unsettling sight of Sadie admiring her reflection in the mirror, her face contorted into grotesque grimaces. His unease grows, and he seeks fresh air once more, only to find Sadie lingering behind him. She begins to flirt shamelessly, sensing Will's emotional turmoil and exploiting his vulnerability. Her words are laced with a seductive intensity, as she regales him with tales of spontaneous desire in Mexico, where the boundaries between pleasure and passion were blurred.

Will's resolve remains firm, however, and he rejects her advances, urging Sadie to retreat back inside. As the tension dissipates, Tommy emerges from the shadows, his arrival a welcome respite from the awkwardness that has descended upon the group. Will confides in him about his concerns, but Tommy offers little reassurance, attributing Claire's departure to her own insecurities and Choi's tardiness to mere forgetfulness.

As the night wears on, Will's phone finally yields to his persistence, and he listens intently as Choi's voicemail plays out. The revelation that Choi has arrived ahead of schedule, only to be forgotten by the dessert he promised, serves as a welcome distraction from the turmoil that has beset Will.

As the dinner table's soft glow gave way to darkness, Will joined the assembly, his presence marked by an air of unease. The sudden illumination of Eden's beaming smile, accompanied by a birthday cake for Miguel, was met with puzzled expressions from the group. But it wasn't until Will broached the subject of Choi's absence that the atmosphere began to shift. Eden and David offered hasty reassurances, attempting to placate Will's growing unease, but he remained steadfast in his inquiry.

As the tension mounted, Will's ire turned on The Invitation itself, decrying its tactics as a veiled attempt at brainwashing. He accused the group of erasing their collective grief, rather than confronting it head-on. His words dripped with desperation as he implored Eden to reveal Choi's whereabouts and David to explain the inexplicable: the bars on the windows, the locked doors, and the presence of two strangers from the cult.

Kira's gentle attempts to soothe Will only seemed to fuel his frustration, her concerns about his well-being drowned out by his anguished pleas. And then, as if summoned by the darkness itself, the doorbell rang, its chime piercing the air like a harbinger of truth. Choi's arrival, though delayed by a work-related call, was met with an uncomfortable silence from the assembled guests.

Will retreated to the bathroom, seeking solace in the cool, dark water that washed away his tears and the memories they brought. In the backyard, Kira awaited him, her eyes filled with concern as Will revealed the depth of his emotional turmoil. The weight of his son's passing still lingered, a constant ache that no amount of time could alleviate.

As he shared his pain with Kira, his words were laced with self-doubt and resignation. He acknowledged that she might not be equipped to help him navigate his grief, and the hurt in her eyes seemed to confirm this notion. With a heavy heart, Will let her return inside, left alone to grapple with the shadows that haunted him.

As Will (actor name) steps into the warmly lit room, Eden's tranquil atmosphere is disrupted by the sound of cake being sliced. Will's curiosity gets the better of him as he asks to see their sons' bedroom, transporting himself back in time with a nostalgic flashback of his child slumbering peacefully within those walls. His gaze then shifts to the window, where David (actor name) can be seen kindling a crimson lantern on the periphery of the backyard, its gentle glow an eerie harbinger of the unsettling events that unfold.

As Will's thoughts drift back to the recruitment video, he retrieves the laptop and replays the leader's words of encouragement, urging followers not to fear and reminding them of the promised reward for their unwavering dedication. The door creaks open, and Pruitt (actor name) announces Will's presence is required upstairs, where the cult members are gathered, each with a glass of wine at the ready.

The atmosphere is electric as David suggests they take a moment to gaze upon one another, then raise their glasses in a toast to a better world and peace. Gina (actor name) downs her drink with haste, while Will's instincts scream warning signs. He frantically orders everyone to refrain from drinking, declaring they're leaving. Sadie's outburst sparks chaos as she charges at Will, only to be pushed away and sent crashing into a dresser.

The room falls silent as the group surges around Sadie, worried that her lifeless body signals a fatal blow. Kira's panicked words reveal that it's Gina who's foaming at the mouth, her breathing stilled. Miguel's desperate attempt to revive her with CPR is cruelly interrupted when David (actor name) pulls out a gun and takes aim.

Pruitt intervenes, wrestling the firearm from David's grasp as Will, Kira, Ben, and Pruitt back away in unison. The tension escalates as Pruitt shoots Choi dead before moving on to another part of the house. In their bid for escape, the non-members – Will, Kira, and Ben – grab hold of Tommy, but his anguish over the loss of his boyfriend drives him to charge at Eden, who responds with a deadly slash from her knife.

As Kira and Will distanced themselves from Ben's gruesome fate, Sadie's sudden onslaught sent them scrambling for cover. With no escape route forthcoming, they fortified their position within the room, only to be confronted by the harsh reality of David's brutal murder spree unfolding in the backyard. As Ben's lifeless body slumped to the ground, Will struggled to reassure Kira that survival was a matter of doing whatever it took to outwit these ruthless adversaries. The pair retreated back into the house, where Will caught sight of David attempting to soothe Eden, now wracked by grief and despair. David calmly reminded her that they had been chosen for this fate, a chance to leave the Earth behind, along with all its accumulated pain. As soon as their conversation drew to a close, Kira and Will seized the opportunity to escape, making their way upstairs in search of an exit leading to the garage.

Their progress was momentarily halted by the gruesome discovery of Sadie's lifeless form on the couch, her body impaled by a fireplace poker. With a heavy heart, Will claimed the weapon as she succumbed to her injuries. As they continued their ascent, Will discovered that the door to the garage had been removed over the years, rendering their original plan obsolete.

It was then that Pruitt emerged from the shadows, gun in hand. Will countered by knocking the firearm from his grasp, and a brief scuffle ensued. Kira soon joined the fray, striking Pruitt with Sadie's fireplace poker until he lay motionless on the floor. Their path crossed once more with Eden, who, brandishing her weapon, struck Will in the shoulder before turning the gun on herself. Kira promptly claimed the firearm.

Meanwhile, David stood alone, still clutching his butcher knife as he called out for Eden. Will intervened, informing him of her self-inflicted wounds and David's subsequent relief, believing that she had finally joined them in death. It was then that Kira realized their gun was empty. As the situation unfolded, Will cautioned David against approaching, warning that they still possessed a weapon, but David remained unfazed, convinced that his time on this earth was drawing to a close.

Just as all hope seemed lost, Tommy suddenly materialized, having miraculously survived his own gruesome fate. With unyielding determination, he pounced on David, wrestling him to the ground and plunging the knife into his stomach.

As the desolate landscape surrounding them bears testament to the devastation, Eden's tears fall like autumn rain as she confesses to Will (actor name) her longing for their son. Her voice cracking with despair, she implores him to escort her outside, where she can meet her maker under a twilight sky. With heavy hearts, Will, Kira, and Tommy bear witness to Eden's final moments, the air thickening with an eerie sense of desolation as distant sirens wail, dogs howl in chorus, and helicopters churn above like mechanical predators.

Meanwhile, Tommy retreats indoors to retrieve the lifeless form of his beloved boyfriend, leaving Will and Kira to venture forth to the hillside. As they gaze out upon the crimson-drenched landscape, their eyes widen in horror as they behold a seemingly endless expanse of red lanterns, each one a beacon of mortality. The reality dawns on them that theirs was not an isolated tragedy; thousands of devotees from the cult had also embarked on a similar odyssey into oblivion under the cover of night, their collective fate inextricably linked to the very darkness they sought to transcend.